[skip ci] Z3 encoding: Better split output between debug and non-debug information

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Aymeric Fromherz 2022-01-12 14:43:10 +01:00
parent 3c6f9d9174
commit 8bb8053580

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@ -166,19 +166,45 @@ and translate_expr (ctx : context) (vc : expr Pos.marked) : Expr.expr =
type vc_encoding_result = Success of Expr.expr | Fail of string
let print_positive_result (kind : Conditions.verification_condition_kind) : string =
match kind with
| Conditions.NoEmptyError -> "The variable definition never returns an empty error\n"
| Conditions.NoOverlappingExceptions -> "No two exceptions to ever overlap for this variable\n"
let print_negative_result (kind : Conditions.verification_condition_kind) : string =
match kind with
| Conditions.NoEmptyError -> "The variable definition might return an empty error\n"
| Conditions.NoOverlappingExceptions -> "Two exceptions overlap for this variable\n"
(** [encode_and_check_vc] spawns a new Z3 solver and tries to solve the expression [vc] **)
let encode_and_check_vc (z3_ctx : Z3.context) (vc : Conditions.verification_condition * Expr.expr) :
unit =
let _, z3_vc = vc in
let encode_and_check_vc (decl_ctx : decl_ctx) (z3_ctx : Z3.context)
(vc : Conditions.verification_condition * Expr.expr) : unit =
let vc, z3_vc = vc in
(Format.asprintf "For this variable:\n%s\n"
(Pos.retrieve_loc_text (Pos.get_position vc.Conditions.vc_guard)));
(Format.asprintf "This verification condition was generated for %s:@\n%a"
(Cli.print_with_style [ ANSITerminal.yellow ] "%s"
(match vc.vc_kind with
| Conditions.NoEmptyError -> "the variable definition never to return an empty error"
| NoOverlappingExceptions -> "no two exceptions to ever overlap"))
(Dcalc.Print.format_expr decl_ctx)
(Format.asprintf "The translation to Z3 is the following:@\n%s" (Expr.to_string z3_vc));
let solver = Solver.mk_solver z3_ctx None in
Solver.add solver [ Boolean.mk_not z3_ctx z3_vc ];
if Solver.check solver [] = UNSATISFIABLE then Cli.result_print "Success: Empty unreachable"
if Solver.check solver [] = UNSATISFIABLE then Cli.result_print (print_positive_result vc.vc_kind)
(* TODO: Print model as error message for Catala debugging purposes *)
Cli.error_print "Failure: Empty reachable"
Cli.error_print (print_negative_result vc.vc_kind)
(** [solve_vc] is the main entry point of this module. It takes a list of expressions [vcs]
corresponding to verification conditions that must be discharged by Z3, and attempts to solve
@ -204,22 +230,9 @@ let solve_vc (prgm : program) (decl_ctx : decl_ctx) (vcs : Conditions.verificati
(fun (vc, z3_vc) ->
"For this variable:\n%s\nThis verification condition was generated for %s:@\n%a"
(Pos.retrieve_loc_text (Pos.get_position vc.Conditions.vc_guard))
(Cli.print_with_style [ ANSITerminal.yellow ] "%s"
(match vc.vc_kind with
| Conditions.NoEmptyError -> "the variable definition never to return an empty error"
| NoOverlappingExceptions -> "no two exceptions to ever overlap"))
(Dcalc.Print.format_expr decl_ctx)
(fun (_vc, z3_vc) ->
match z3_vc with
| Success z3_vc ->
let z3_vc_string = Expr.to_string z3_vc in
(Format.asprintf "The translation to Z3 is the following:@\n%s" z3_vc_string)
| Success _ -> ()
| Fail msg -> Cli.error_print (Format.asprintf "The translation to Z3 failed:@\n%s" msg))
@ -229,4 +242,4 @@ let solve_vc (prgm : program) (decl_ctx : decl_ctx) (vcs : Conditions.verificati
List.iter (encode_and_check_vc z3_ctx) z3_vcs
List.iter (encode_and_check_vc decl_ctx z3_ctx) z3_vcs