Clerk: clean up CATALA_* variables on tests

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-04-19 16:34:53 +02:00
parent 623d2ef03d
commit 96ea034839
2 changed files with 39 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ module Cli = struct
let makeflags_to_ninja_flags (makeflags : string option) =
match makeflags with
| None -> ""
| None -> ["-k0"]
| Some makeflags ->
let ignore_rex = Re.(compile @@ word (char 'i')) in
let has_ignore = Re.execp ignore_rex makeflags in
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ module Cli = struct
try ["-j" ^ Re.Group.get (Re.exec jobs_rex makeflags) 1]
with _ -> []
String.concat " " ((if has_ignore then ["-k0"] else []) @ number_of_jobs)
(if has_ignore then ["-k0"] else []) @ number_of_jobs
Term.(const makeflags_to_ninja_flags $ makeflags)
@ -907,21 +907,36 @@ let ninja_init
Nj.format nin_ppf ninja_contents);
k nin_file
let cleaned_up_env () =
let passthrough_vars =
Unix.environment ()
|> Array.to_seq
|> Seq.filter (fun s ->
(not (String.starts_with ~prefix:"CATALA_" s))
|| List.exists
(fun prefix -> String.starts_with ~prefix s)
(Message.warning "Ignoring environment variable %s" s;
|> Array.of_seq
let ninja_cmdline ninja_flags nin_file targets =
String.concat " "
:: "-k"
:: "0"
:: "-f"
:: nin_file
:: (if ninja_flags = "" then [] else [ninja_flags])
@ (if Catala_utils.Global.options.debug then ["-v"] else [])
@ targets)
("ninja" :: "-f" :: nin_file :: ninja_flags)
@ (if Catala_utils.Global.options.debug then ["-v"] else [])
@ targets
let run_ninja ~clean_up_env cmdline =
let cmd = List.hd cmdline in
let env = if clean_up_env then cleaned_up_env () else Unix.environment () in
Unix.execvpe cmd (Array.of_list cmdline) env
open Cmdliner
let build_cmd =
let run ninja_init (targets : string list) (ninja_flags : string) =
let run ninja_init (targets : string list) (ninja_flags : string list) =
ninja_init ~extra:Seq.empty ~test_flags:[]
@@ fun nin_file ->
let targets =
@ -933,8 +948,8 @@ let build_cmd =
let ninja_cmd = ninja_cmdline ninja_flags nin_file targets in
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." ninja_cmd;
Sys.command ninja_cmd
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." (String.concat " " ninja_cmd);
run_ninja ~clean_up_env:false ninja_cmd
let doc =
"Low-level build command: can be used to forward build targets or options \
@ -950,7 +965,7 @@ let test_cmd =
(files_or_folders : string list)
(reset_test_outputs : bool)
(test_flags : string list)
(ninja_flags : string) =
(ninja_flags : string list) =
let targets =
let fs = if files_or_folders = [] then ["."] else files_or_folders in (fun f -> fix_path f ^ "@test") fs
@ -973,8 +988,8 @@ let test_cmd =
ninja_init ~extra ~test_flags
@@ fun nin_file ->
let ninja_cmd = ninja_cmdline ninja_flags nin_file targets in
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." ninja_cmd;
Sys.command ninja_cmd
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." (String.concat " " ninja_cmd);
run_ninja ~clean_up_env:true ninja_cmd
let doc =
"Scan the given files or directories for catala tests, build their \
@ -996,7 +1011,7 @@ let run_cmd =
(files_or_folders : string list)
(scope : string)
(ninja_flags : string) =
(ninja_flags : string list) =
let extra =
(Nj.binding Var.scope [scope])
@ -1007,8 +1022,8 @@ let run_cmd =
ninja_init ~extra ~test_flags:[]
@@ fun nin_file ->
let ninja_cmd = ninja_cmdline ninja_flags nin_file [] in
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." ninja_cmd;
Sys.command ninja_cmd
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." (String.concat " " ninja_cmd);
run_ninja ~clean_up_env:false ninja_cmd
let doc =
"Runs the Catala interpreter on the given files, after building their \

View File

@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ let run_catala_test test_flags catala_exe catala_opts file program args oc =
let env =
Unix.environment ()
|> Array.to_seq
|> Seq.filter (fun s -> not (String.starts_with ~prefix:"OCAMLRUNPARAM=" s))
|> Seq.filter (fun s ->
(String.starts_with ~prefix:"OCAMLRUNPARAM=" s
|| String.starts_with ~prefix:"CATALA_" s))
|> Seq.cons "CATALA_OUT=-"
(* |> Seq.cons "CATALA_COLOR=never" *)
|> Seq.cons "CATALA_PLUGINS="