Adding typing for closure env

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2023-06-15 11:11:56 +02:00
parent 571c7c5d89
commit a3087ee163
5 changed files with 17 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ let rec get_structs_or_enums_in_type (t : typ) : TVertexSet.t =
|> get_structs_or_enums_in_type
|> List.fold_left TVertexSet.union TVertexSet.empty)
(get_structs_or_enums_in_type t2)
| TLit _ | TAny -> TVertexSet.empty
| TClosureEnv | TLit _ | TAny -> TVertexSet.empty
| TOption t1 | TArray t1 -> get_structs_or_enums_in_type t1
| TTuple ts ->

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@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ and naked_typ =
| TArrow of typ list * typ
| TArray of typ
| TAny
| TClosureEnv (** Hides an existential type needed for closure conversion *)
(** {2 Constants and operators} *)

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@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ let rec typ
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" base_type "collection" (typ ~colors)
| TAny -> base_type fmt "any"
| TClosureEnv -> base_type fmt "closure_env"
let lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : lit) : unit =
match l with

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@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ let rec equal ty1 ty2 =
| TOption t1, TOption t2 -> equal t1 t2
| TArrow (t1, t1'), TArrow (t2, t2') -> equal_list t1 t2 && equal t1' t2'
| TArray t1, TArray t2 -> equal t1 t2
| TAny, TAny -> true
| TClosureEnv, TClosureEnv | TAny, TAny -> true
| ( ( TLit _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _ | TArrow _
| TArray _ | TAny ),
| TArray _ | TAny | TClosureEnv ),
_ ) ->
@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ let rec unifiable ty1 ty2 =
| TArrow (t1, t1'), TArrow (t2, t2') ->
unifiable_list t1 t2 && unifiable t1' t2'
| TArray t1, TArray t2 -> unifiable t1 t2
| ( (TLit _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _ | TArrow _ | TArray _),
| TClosureEnv, TClosureEnv -> true
| ( ( TLit _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _ | TArrow _
| TArray _ | TClosureEnv ),
_ ) ->
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ let rec compare ty1 ty2 =
| TArrow (a1, b1), TArrow (a2, b2) -> (
match compare a1 a2 with 0 -> compare b1 b2 | n -> n)
| TArray t1, TArray t2 -> compare t1 t2
| TAny, TAny -> 0
| TAny, TAny | TClosureEnv, TClosureEnv -> 0
| TLit _, _ -> -1
| _, TLit _ -> 1
| TTuple _, _ -> -1
@ -84,5 +86,7 @@ let rec compare ty1 ty2 =
| _, TArrow _ -> 1
| TArray _, _ -> -1
| _, TArray _ -> 1
| TClosureEnv, _ -> -1
| _, TClosureEnv -> 1
let rec arrow_return = function TArrow (_, b), _ -> arrow_return b | t -> t

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ and naked_typ =
| TOption of unionfind_typ
| TArray of unionfind_typ
| TAny of Any.t
| TClosureEnv
let rec typ_to_ast ~leave_unresolved (ty : unionfind_typ) : A.typ =
let typ_to_ast = typ_to_ast ~leave_unresolved in
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ let rec typ_to_ast ~leave_unresolved (ty : unionfind_typ) : A.typ =
typing. *)
Messages.raise_spanned_error pos
"Internal error: typing at this point could not be resolved"
| TClosureEnv -> TClosureEnv, pos
let rec ast_to_typ (ty : A.typ) : unionfind_typ =
let ty' =
@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ let rec ast_to_typ (ty : A.typ) : unionfind_typ =
| A.TOption t -> TOption (ast_to_typ t)
| A.TArray t -> TArray (ast_to_typ t)
| A.TAny -> TAny (Any.fresh ())
| A.TClosureEnv -> TClosureEnv
UnionFind.make (Mark.copy ty ty')
@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ let rec format_typ
| TAny v ->
if !Cli.debug_flag then Format.fprintf fmt "<a%d>" (Any.hash v)
else Format.pp_print_string fmt "<any>"
| TClosureEnv -> Format.fprintf fmt "closure_env"
let rec colors =
let open Ocolor_types in
@ -192,9 +196,10 @@ let rec unify
if not (A.EnumName.equal e1 e2) then raise_type_error ()
| TOption t1, TOption t2 -> unify e t1 t2
| TArray t1', TArray t2' -> unify e t1' t2'
| TClosureEnv, TClosureEnv -> ()
| TAny _, _ | _, TAny _ -> ()
| ( ( TLit _ | TArrow _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _
| TArray _ ),
| TArray _ | TClosureEnv ),
_ ) ->
raise_type_error ()