mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 07:51:43 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into adelaett-withoutexceptionsfix
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ buildDunePackage {
@ -452,36 +452,37 @@ let call_unstyled f =
style_flag := prev;
let time_marker () =
let time_marker ppf () =
let new_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let old_time = !time in
time := new_time;
let delta = (new_time -. old_time) *. 1000. in
if delta > 50. then
Printf.printf "%s"
[ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.black]
"[TIME] %.0f ms\n" delta)
[ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.black]
(Printf.sprintf "[TIME] %.0fms@\n" delta)
(** Prints [\[DEBUG\]] in purple on the terminal standard output *)
let debug_marker () =
time_marker ();
with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.magenta] "[DEBUG] "
let debug_marker ppf () =
time_marker ppf ();
format_with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.magenta] ppf "[DEBUG] "
(** Prints [\[ERROR\]] in red on the terminal error output *)
let error_marker () =
with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.red] "[ERROR] "
let error_marker ppf () =
format_with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.red] ppf "[ERROR] "
(** Prints [\[WARNING\]] in yellow on the terminal standard output *)
let warning_marker () =
with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.yellow] "[WARNING] "
let warning_marker ppf () =
format_with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.yellow] ppf "[WARNING] "
(** Prints [\[RESULT\]] in green on the terminal standard output *)
let result_marker () =
with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.green] "[RESULT] "
let result_marker ppf () =
format_with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.green] ppf "[RESULT] "
(** Prints [\[LOG\]] in red on the terminal error output *)
let log_marker () = with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.black] "[LOG] "
let log_marker ppf () =
format_with_style [ANSITerminal.Bold; ANSITerminal.black] ppf "[LOG] "
(**{2 Printers}*)
@ -509,36 +510,35 @@ let add_prefix_to_each_line (s : string) (prefix : int -> string) =
(fun _ -> "\n")
(String.split_on_char '\n' s)
let debug_print (format : ('a, out_channel, unit) format) =
if !debug_flag then Printf.printf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (debug_marker ())
else Printf.ifprintf stdout format
let debug_print format =
if !debug_flag then Format.printf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") debug_marker ()
else Format.ifprintf Format.std_formatter format
let debug_format (format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format) =
if !debug_flag then
Format.printf ("%s@[<hov>" ^^ format ^^ "@]@.") (debug_marker ())
Format.printf ("%a@[<hov>" ^^ format ^^ "@]@.") debug_marker ()
else Format.ifprintf Format.std_formatter format
let error_print (format : ('a, out_channel, unit) format) =
Printf.eprintf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (error_marker ())
let error_print format =
Format.eprintf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "@\n") error_marker ()
let error_format (format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format) =
Format.eprintf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (error_marker ())
let warning_print (format : ('a, out_channel, unit) format) =
if !disable_warnings_flag then Printf.ifprintf stdout format
else Printf.printf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (warning_marker ())
let warning_print format =
if !disable_warnings_flag then Format.ifprintf Format.std_formatter format
else Format.printf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "@\n") warning_marker ()
let warning_format (format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format) =
Format.printf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (warning_marker ())
let warning_format format =
Format.printf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") warning_marker ()
let result_print (format : ('a, out_channel, unit) format) =
Printf.printf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (result_marker ())
let result_print format =
Format.printf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") result_marker ()
let result_format (format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format) =
Format.printf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (result_marker ())
let result_format format =
Format.printf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") result_marker ()
let log_print (format : ('a, out_channel, unit) format) =
Printf.printf ("%s" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") (log_marker ())
let log_print format = Format.printf ("%a" ^^ format ^^ "\n%!") log_marker ()
let log_format (format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format) =
Format.printf ("%s@[<hov>" ^^ format ^^ "@]@.") (log_marker ())
let log_format format =
Format.printf ("%a@[<hov>" ^^ format ^^ "@]@.") log_marker ()
@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ val call_unstyled : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
(** [call_unstyled f] calls the function [f] with the [style_flag] set to false
during the execution. *)
val debug_marker : unit -> string
val error_marker : unit -> string
val warning_marker : unit -> string
val result_marker : unit -> string
val log_marker : unit -> string
val debug_marker : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val error_marker : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val warning_marker : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val result_marker : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
val log_marker : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
(**{2 Printers}*)
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ val concat_with_line_depending_prefix_and_suffix :
val add_prefix_to_each_line : string -> (int -> string) -> string
(** The int argument of the prefix corresponds to the line number, starting at 0 *)
val debug_print : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val debug_format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val debug_print : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val error_print : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val error_format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val error_print : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val warning_print : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val warning_print : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val warning_format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val result_print : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val result_print : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val result_format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val log_print : ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
val log_print : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val log_format : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
@ -85,15 +85,20 @@ let rec typ (ctx : decl_ctx option) (fmt : Format.formatter) (ty : typ) : unit =
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ %a@ " op_style "*")
| TStruct s ->
(* match ctx with | None -> *)
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@]" StructName.format_t s
(* | Some ctx -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2> %a%a%a%a@]" punctuation "{"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ "
punctuation ";") (fun fmt (field, mty) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@
%a" punctuation "\"" StructField.format_t field punctuation "\""
punctuation ":" typ mty)) (StructField.Map.bindings (StructName.Map.find
s ctx.ctx_structs)) punctuation "}_" StructName.format_t s *)
| TStruct s -> (
match ctx with
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@]" StructName.format_t s
| Some ctx ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" StructName.format_t s
punctuation "{"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " punctuation ";")
(fun fmt (field, mty) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@ %a" punctuation "\""
StructField.format_t field punctuation "\"" punctuation ":" typ
(StructField.Map.bindings (StructName.Map.find s ctx.ctx_structs))
punctuation "}")
| TEnum e -> (
match ctx with
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@]" EnumName.format_t e
@ -107,9 +112,7 @@ let rec typ (ctx : decl_ctx option) (fmt : Format.formatter) (ty : typ) : unit =
typ mty))
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings (EnumName.Map.find e ctx.ctx_enums))
punctuation "]")
| TOption t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" base_type "option" punctuation
"(" typ t punctuation ")"
| TOption t -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" base_type "option" typ t
| TArrow ([t1], t2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" typ_with_parens t1 op_style "→"
typ t2
@ -246,11 +249,17 @@ let operator : type a. Format.formatter -> a Op.t -> unit =
let open Op in
match op with
| Log (entry, infos) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@[<hov 2>[%a|%a]@]" op_style "log" log_entry entry
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a"
(Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.blue])
"#{" log_entry entry
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ".")
(fun fmt info -> Uid.MarkedString.format fmt info))
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> punctuation fmt ".")
(fun fmt info ->
Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.blue] fmt
(Uid.MarkedString.to_string info)))
(Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.blue])
| op -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" op_style (operator_to_string op)
let except (fmt : Format.formatter) (exn : except) : unit =
@ -266,8 +275,107 @@ let var_debug fmt v =
let var fmt v = Format.pp_print_string fmt (Bindlib.name_of v)
let needs_parens (type a) (e : (a, _) gexpr) : bool =
match Marked.unmark e with EAbs _ | EStruct _ -> true | _ -> false
(* Define precedence levels for auto parentheses *)
module Precedence = struct
type op = Xor | And | Or | Comp | Mul | Div | Add | Sub
type t =
| Contained
(* No parens needed, the term has unambiguous beginning and end *)
| Op of op
| App (* Function application, right-associative *)
| Abs (* lambda, *)
| Dot (* *)
let expr : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> t =
fun e ->
match Marked.unmark e with
| ELit _ -> Contained (* Todo: unop if < 0 *)
| EApp { f = EOp { op; _ }, _; _ } -> (
match op with
| Not | GetDay | GetMonth | GetYear | FirstDayOfMonth | LastDayOfMonth
| Length | Log _ | Minus | Minus_int | Minus_rat | Minus_mon | Minus_dur
| ToRat | ToRat_int | ToRat_mon | ToMoney | ToMoney_rat | Round
| Round_rat | Round_mon ->
| And -> Op And
| Or -> Op Or
| Xor -> Op Xor
| Eq | Eq_int_int | Eq_rat_rat | Eq_mon_mon | Eq_dur_dur | Eq_dat_dat ->
Op Comp
| Lt | Lt_int_int | Lt_rat_rat | Lt_mon_mon | Lt_dat_dat | Lt_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Lte | Lte_int_int | Lte_rat_rat | Lte_mon_mon | Lte_dat_dat
| Lte_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Gt | Gt_int_int | Gt_rat_rat | Gt_mon_mon | Gt_dat_dat | Gt_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Gte | Gte_int_int | Gte_rat_rat | Gte_mon_mon | Gte_dat_dat
| Gte_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Add | Add_int_int | Add_rat_rat | Add_mon_mon | Add_dat_dur _
| Add_dur_dur ->
Op Add
| Sub | Sub_int_int | Sub_rat_rat | Sub_mon_mon | Sub_dat_dat
| Sub_dat_dur | Sub_dur_dur ->
Op Sub
| Mult | Mult_int_int | Mult_rat_rat | Mult_mon_rat | Mult_dur_int ->
Op Mul
| Div | Div_int_int | Div_rat_rat | Div_mon_rat | Div_mon_mon
| Div_dur_dur ->
Op Div
| HandleDefault | HandleDefaultOpt | Map | Concat | Filter | Reduce | Fold
| EApp _ -> App
| EOp _ -> Contained
| EArray _ -> Contained
| EVar _ -> Contained
| EAbs _ -> Abs
| EIfThenElse _ -> Contained
| EStruct _ -> Contained
| EInj _ -> App
| EMatch _ -> App
| ETuple _ -> Contained
| ETupleAccess _ -> Dot
| ELocation _ -> Contained
| EScopeCall _ -> App
| EDStructAccess _ | EStructAccess _ -> Dot
| EAssert _ -> App
| EDefault _ -> Contained
| EEmptyError -> Contained
| EErrorOnEmpty _ -> App
| ERaise _ -> App
| ECatch _ -> App
let needs_parens ~context ?(rhs = false) e =
match expr context, expr e with
| _, Contained -> false
| Dot, Dot -> not rhs
| _, Dot -> false
| Dot, _ -> true
| App, App -> not rhs
| App, Op _ -> true
| App, Abs -> true
| Abs, _ -> false
| Op a, Op b -> (
match a, b with
| _, Xor -> true
| And, And | Or, Or -> false
| And, Or | Or, And -> true
| (And | Or | Xor), _ -> false
| _, (And | Or | Comp) -> true
| Comp, _ -> false
| Add, (Add | Sub) -> false
| Sub, (Add | Sub) -> rhs
| (Add | Sub), (Mul | Div) -> false
| (Mul | Div), (Add | Sub) -> true
| Mul, (Mul | Div) -> false
| Div, (Mul | Div) -> rhs)
| Op _, App -> false
| Op _, _ -> true
| Contained, _ -> false
let rec expr_aux :
type a.
@ -281,9 +389,16 @@ let rec expr_aux :
let exprb bnd_ctx e = expr_aux ~debug ctx bnd_ctx e in
let expr e = exprb bnd_ctx e in
let var = if debug then var_debug else var in
let rainbow =
let rec skip_log : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr = function
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [e] }, _ when not debug ->
skip_log e
| e -> e
let e = skip_log e in
let paren_depth = ref 0 in
let colors =
(* ANSITerminal.white; *)
@ -292,38 +407,35 @@ let rec expr_aux :
let rainbow_state = ref 0 in
let with_parens fmt e =
if needs_parens e then (
let floyd =
incr rainbow_state;
(* ANSITerminal.Blink; *)
List.nth rainbow (!rainbow_state mod List.length rainbow);
Cli.format_with_style floyd fmt "(";
expr fmt e;
Cli.format_with_style floyd fmt ")")
else expr fmt e
let paren ~rhs expr fmt e1 =
if Precedence.needs_parens ~rhs ~context:e (skip_log e1) then (
let current_depth = !paren_depth mod List.length colors in
incr paren_depth;
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 1;
Cli.format_with_style [List.nth colors current_depth] fmt "(";
expr fmt e1;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
Cli.format_with_style [List.nth colors current_depth] fmt ")")
else expr fmt e1
let lhs ex = paren ~rhs:false ex in
let rhs ex = paren ~rhs:true ex in
match Marked.unmark e with
| EVar v -> var fmt v
| ETuple es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]" punctuation "("
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ")
(fun fmt e -> expr fmt e))
(fun fmt e -> lhs expr fmt e))
es punctuation ")"
| EArray es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]" punctuation "["
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a %a@] %a" punctuation "["
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ";@ ")
(fun fmt e -> expr fmt e))
(fun fmt e -> lhs expr fmt e))
es punctuation "]"
| ETupleAccess { e; index; _ } ->
expr fmt e;
lhs expr fmt e;
punctuation fmt ".";
Format.pp_print_int fmt index
| ELit l -> lit fmt l
@ -332,14 +444,15 @@ let rec expr_aux :
let expr = exprb bnd_ctx in
let xs_tau = List.mapi (fun i tau -> xs.(i), tau) tys in
let xs_tau_arg = List.map2 (fun (x, tau) arg -> x, tau, arg) xs_tau args in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a"
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>%a%a@]"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "")
(fun fmt (x, tau, arg) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]@\n" keyword
"let" var x punctuation ":" (typ ctx) tau punctuation "=" expr arg
keyword "in"))
xs_tau_arg expr body
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 0>@[<hv 2>@[<hov 4>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]@ %a@]@ %a@]@\n"
keyword "let" var x punctuation ":" (typ ctx) tau punctuation "="
expr arg keyword "in"))
xs_tau_arg (rhs expr) body
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let xs, body, bnd_ctx = Bindlib.unmbind_in bnd_ctx binder in
let expr = exprb bnd_ctx in
@ -350,98 +463,80 @@ let rec expr_aux :
(fun fmt (x, tau) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a %a%a" punctuation "(" var x punctuation
":" (typ ctx) tau punctuation ")"))
xs_tau punctuation "→" expr body
xs_tau punctuation "→" (rhs expr) body
| EApp { f = EOp { op = (Map | Filter) as op; _ }, _; args = [arg1; arg2] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" operator op with_parens arg1
with_parens arg2
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" operator op (lhs expr) arg1
(rhs expr) arg2
| EApp { f = EOp { op = (And | Or) as op; _ }, _; args = [arg1; arg2] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ %a %a" (lhs expr) arg1 operator op (rhs expr) arg2
| EApp { f = EOp { op; _ }, _; args = [arg1; arg2] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" with_parens arg1 operator op
with_parens arg2
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [arg1] } when not debug ->
expr fmt arg1
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>%a@ %a %a@]" (lhs expr) arg1 operator op
(rhs expr) arg2
| EApp { f = EOp { op; _ }, _; args = [arg1] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" operator op with_parens arg1
Format.fprintf fmt "%a %a" operator op (rhs expr) arg1
| EApp { f; args } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" expr f
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]" (lhs expr) f
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ ")
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ")
(rhs expr))
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]" keyword "if" expr
cond keyword "then" expr etrue keyword "else" expr efalse
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 0>@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]@ @[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]@ @[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]@]" keyword
"if" expr cond keyword "then" expr etrue keyword "else" (rhs expr) efalse
| EOp { op; _ } -> operator fmt op
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
if List.length excepts = 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a@ %a@ %a%a@]" punctuation "⟨" expr just
punctuation "⊢" expr cons punctuation "⟩"
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a%a@]" punctuation "⟨"
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 0>@[<hov 2>%a %a@]@ @[<hov 2>%a %a@ %a %a@] %a@]" punctuation "⟨"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " punctuation ",")
(lhs expr))
excepts punctuation "|" expr just punctuation "⊢" expr cons punctuation
| EEmptyError -> lit_style fmt "∅ "
| EEmptyError -> lit_style fmt "∅"
| EErrorOnEmpty e' ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ %a" op_style "error_empty" with_parens e'
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" op_style "error_empty" (rhs expr) e'
| EAssert e' ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" keyword "assert" punctuation "("
expr e' punctuation ")"
(rhs expr) e' punctuation ")"
| ECatch { body; exn; handler } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a ->@ %a@]" keyword "try"
with_parens body keyword "with" except exn with_parens handler
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]@ @[<hov 2>%a@ %a ->@ %a@]@]"
keyword "try" expr body keyword "with" except exn (rhs expr) handler
| ERaise exn ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" keyword "raise" except exn
| ELocation loc -> location fmt loc
| EDStructAccess { e; field; _ } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" expr e punctuation "." punctuation "\""
IdentName.format_t field punctuation "\""
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" (lhs expr) e punctuation "." punctuation
"\"" IdentName.format_t field punctuation "\""
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a%a@]" punctuation "{"
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>@[<hv 2>%a%a@,@[<hv 0>%a@]@]@,%a@]" punctuation
"{" StructName.format_t name
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " punctuation ";")
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> punctuation fmt ";")
(fun fmt (field_name, field_expr) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@ %a" punctuation "\""
Format.fprintf fmt "@ @[<hov 2>%a%a%a %a@ %a@]" punctuation "\""
StructField.format_t field_name punctuation "\"" punctuation "="
expr field_expr))
(lhs expr) field_expr))
(StructField.Map.bindings fields)
punctuation "}_" StructName.format_t name
punctuation "}"
| EStructAccess { e; field; _ } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" expr e punctuation "." punctuation "\""
StructField.format_t field punctuation "\""
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" (lhs expr) e punctuation "." punctuation
"\"" StructField.format_t field punctuation "\""
| EInj { e; cons; _ } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ %a" EnumConstructor.format_t cons with_parens e
| EMatch { e; cases; name }
when name = Definitions.option_enum
match EnumConstructor.Map.find_opt Definitions.none_constr cases with
| Some (EAbs { binder; _ }, _) -> (
let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
match body with
| EInj { name; cons; _ }, _ ->
EnumName.equal name Definitions.option_enum
&& EnumConstructor.equal cons Definitions.none_constr
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false -> (
match EnumConstructor.Map.find Definitions.some_constr cases with
| EAbs { binder; tys = [tau] }, _ ->
let[@warning "-8"] [| x |], body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]@\n%a" keyword
"let*" var x punctuation ":" (typ ctx) tau punctuation "=" expr e
keyword "in" expr body
| _ -> assert false)
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ %a" EnumConstructor.format_t cons (rhs expr) e
| EMatch { e; cases; _ } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]@ %a@ %a@ %a@]" keyword "match"
expr e keyword "with"
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]@ %a@ %a@]" keyword "match"
(lhs expr) e keyword "with"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun fmt (cons_name, case_expr) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a@ %a@ %a@]" punctuation "|"
enum_constructor cons_name punctuation "→" expr case_expr))
enum_constructor cons_name punctuation "→" (rhs expr) case_expr))
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings cases)
keyword "end"
| EScopeCall { scope; args } ->
Format.pp_open_hovbox fmt 2;
ScopeName.format_t fmt scope;
@ -454,7 +549,7 @@ let rec expr_aux :
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " punctuation ";")
(fun fmt (field_name, field_expr) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@ %a" punctuation "\"" ScopeVar.format_t
field_name punctuation "\"" punctuation "=" expr field_expr)
field_name punctuation "\"" punctuation "=" (rhs expr) field_expr)
(ScopeVar.Map.bindings args);
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ scope B:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] x = [$0.00; $9.00; $5.20]
[RESULT] x = [ $0.00; $9.00; $5.20 ]
@ -33,13 +33,14 @@ scope B:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] x =
[S { "id"= 0; "income"= $0.00 }; S { "id"= 1; "income"= $9.00 };
S { "id"= 2; "income"= $5.20 }]
[ {S "id" = 0; "income" = $0.00};
{S "id" = 1; "income" = $9.00};
{S "id" = 2; "income" = $5.20} ]
$ catala Interpret -s B
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] argmax = S { "id"= 1; "income"= $9.00 }
[RESULT] argmin = S { "id"= 0; "income"= $0.00 }
[RESULT] argmax = {S "id" = 1; "income" = $9.00}
[RESULT] argmin = {S "id" = 0; "income" = $0.00}
@ -39,27 +39,43 @@ let scope S (x: integer|internal|output) =
(λ (i_1: integer) (i_2: integer) →
let i : integer = i_1 in
to_rat_int 2 -! i *! 2 -! i <.
let i : integer = i_2 in
to_rat_int 2 -! i *! 2 -! i then i_1 else i_2) 42 [1; 2; 3]
= 2;
to_rat_int ((2 -! i) *! (2 -! i))
<. let i : integer = i_2 in
to_rat_int ((2 -! i) *! (2 -! i))
then i_1
else i_2),
[ 1; 2; 3 ]
= 2;
assert reduce
(λ (max1: decimal) (max2: decimal) →
if max1 >. max2 then max1 else max2) 10.
map (λ (i: integer) → to_rat_int i) [1; 2; 3] = 3.;
if max1 >. max2 then max1 else max2),
map (λ (i: integer) → to_rat_int i) [ 1; 2; 3 ]
= 3.;
assert reduce
(λ (max1: integer) (max2: integer) →
if max1 >! max2 then max1 else max2) 10 [1; 2; 3] = 3;
assert length filter (λ (i: integer) → i >=! 2) [1; 2; 3] = 2;
assert length [1; 2; 3] = 3;
assert reduce (λ (sum1: integer) (sum2: integer) → sum1 +! sum2) 0
map (λ (i: integer) → i +! 2) [1; 2; 3] = 12;
assert reduce (λ (sum1: integer) (sum2: integer) → sum1 +! sum2) 0
[1; 2; 3] = 6;
if max1 >! max2 then max1 else max2),
[ 1; 2; 3 ]
= 3;
assert length filter (λ (i: integer) → i >=! 2) [ 1; 2; 3 ] = 2;
assert length [ 1; 2; 3 ] = 3;
assert reduce
(λ (sum1: integer) (sum2: integer) → sum1 +! sum2),
map (λ (i: integer) → i +! 2) [ 1; 2; 3 ]
= 12;
assert reduce
(λ (sum1: integer) (sum2: integer) → sum1 +! sum2),
[ 1; 2; 3 ]
= 6;
assert map (λ (i: integer) → i +! 2)
filter (λ (i: integer) → i >! 2) [1; 2; 3] = [5];
assert filter (λ (i: integer) → i >=! 2) [1; 2; 3] = [2; 3];
assert map (λ (i: integer) → i +! 2) [1; 2; 3] = [3; 4; 5]
filter (λ (i: integer) → i >! 2) [ 1; 2; 3 ]
= [ 5 ];
assert filter (λ (i: integer) → i >=! 2) [ 1; 2; 3 ] = [ 2; 3 ];
assert map (λ (i: integer) → i +! 2) [ 1; 2; 3 ] = [ 3; 4; 5 ]
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ scope A:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] x = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
[RESULT] y = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
[RESULT] x = [ 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 ]
[RESULT] y = [ 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 ]
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ scope B:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] x = [$0.00; $9.00; $5.20]
[RESULT] x = [ $0.00; $9.00; $5.20 ]
$ catala Interpret -s B
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] y = [$9.00; $5.20]
[RESULT] z = [false; true; true]
[RESULT] y = [ $9.00; $5.20 ]
[RESULT] z = [ false; true; true ]
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ scope B:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] x = [0; 9; 64]
[RESULT] x = [ 0; 9; 64 ]
@ -14,19 +14,24 @@ scope TestBool:
$ catala Dcalc
let TestBool :
TestBool_in {"foo_in": unit → bool; "bar_in": unit → integer} →
TestBool {"foo": bool; "bar": integer} =
TestBool_in {"foo_in": unit → bool; "bar_in": unit → integer} →
TestBool {"foo": bool; "bar": integer} =
λ (TestBool_in: TestBool_in {"foo_in": unit → bool; "bar_in":
unit → integer}) →
let foo : unit → bool = TestBool_in."foo_in" in
let bar : unit → integer = TestBool_in."bar_in" in
let bar1 : integer = error_empty ⟨bar () | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ 1⟩⟩
let foo1 : bool = error_empty
⟨foo () | true ⊢
⟨⟨bar1 >=! 0 ⊢ true⟩, ⟨bar1 <! 0 ⊢ false⟩ | false ⊢
∅ ⟩⟩ in
TestBool { "foo"= foo1; "bar"= bar1 } in
let bar1 : integer =
error_empty ⟨ bar () | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ 1⟩ ⟩
let foo1 : bool =
⟨ foo ()
| true
⊢ ⟨ ⟨bar1 >=! 0 ⊢ true⟩, ⟨bar1 <! 0 ⊢ false⟩
| false ⊢ ∅ ⟩ ⟩
{TestBool "foo" = foo1; "bar" = bar1}
@ -47,5 +52,6 @@ struct TestBool = {
let scope TestBool (foo: bool|context|output) (bar: integer|context|output) =
let bar : integer = reentrant or by default ⟨true ⊢ 1⟩;
let foo : bool = reentrant or by default
⟨⟨bar >=! 0 ⊢ true⟩, ⟨bar <! 0 ⊢ false⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩
⟨ ⟨bar >=! 0 ⊢ true⟩, ⟨bar <! 0 ⊢ false⟩
| false ⊢ ∅ ⟩
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ scope Test:
$ catala Interpret -s Test
catala: internal error, uncaught exception:
[WARNING] In scope "Test", the variable "ambiguous" is never used anywhere; maybe it's unnecessary?
┌─⯈ tests/test_date/bad/rounding_option.catala_en:5.10-19:
@ -19,8 +22,5 @@ $ catala Interpret -s Test
5 │ context ambiguous content boolean
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
catala: internal error, uncaught exception:
#return code 125#
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ champ d'application Test:
$ catala Interpret -s Test
catala: internal error, uncaught exception:
[WARNING] In scope "Test", the variable "ambiguité" is never used anywhere; maybe it's unnecessary?
┌─⯈ tests/test_date/bad/rounding_option.catala_fr:5.11-20:
@ -19,8 +22,5 @@ $ catala Interpret -s Test
5 │ contexte ambiguité contenu booléen
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
catala: internal error, uncaught exception:
#return code 125#
@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ scope Benefit:
$ catala Interpret -s Benefit
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] benefit = $2000.00
[RESULT] person = Person { "age"= 26; "disabled"= true }
[RESULT] person = {Person "age" = 26; "disabled" = true}
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ struct Foo = {
let scope Foo (y: integer|input) (x: integer|internal|output) =
let x : integer =
⟨⟨⟨⟨y = 4 ⊢ 4⟩, ⟨y = 5 ⊢ 5⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩ | true
⊢ ⟨⟨y = 2 ⊢ 2⟩, ⟨y = 3 ⊢ 3⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩⟩ |
true ⊢ ⟨⟨y = 0 ⊢ 0⟩, ⟨y = 1 ⊢ 1⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩⟩
⟨ ⟨ ⟨ ⟨y = 4 ⊢ 4⟩, ⟨y = 5 ⊢ 5⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩
| true
⊢ ⟨ ⟨y = 2 ⊢ 2⟩, ⟨y = 3 ⊢ 3⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩ ⟩
| true ⊢ ⟨ ⟨y = 0 ⊢ 0⟩, ⟨y = 1 ⊢ 1⟩ | false ⊢ ∅ ⟩ ⟩
@ -20,12 +20,15 @@ let S =
let f1 : ((bool), integer) → integer =
λ (env: (bool)) (y: integer) →
let x1 : bool = env.0 in
if x1 then y else -! y in
(f1, (x)) in
if x1 then y else -! y
(f1, (x))
let z : integer =
let code_and_env : (((bool), integer) → integer * (bool)) = f in
let code : ((bool), integer) → integer = code_and_env.0 in
let env : (bool) = code_and_env.1 in
code env -1 in
S { "z"= z }
code env, -1
{S "z" = z}
@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ let A =
λ (A_in: A_in {"f_in": integer → integer}) →
let f : integer → integer = A_in."f_in" in
let f1 : integer → integer =
λ (x: integer) → error_empty
⟨f x | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ x +! 1⟩⟩ in
A { }
λ (x: integer) →
error_empty ⟨ f x | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ x +! 1⟩ ⟩
@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ let B =
λ (B_in: B_in {"b_in": bool}) →
let b : bool = B_in."b_in" in
let a.f : integer → integer =
λ (x: integer) → ⟨b && x >! 0 ⊢ x -! 1⟩ in
let result : A {} = A (A_in { "f_in"= a.f }) in
B { }
λ (x: integer) → ⟨b && x >! 0 ⊢ x -! 1⟩
let result : A {} = A {A_in "f_in" = a.f} in
@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ let A =
let f : unit → integer = A_in."f_in" in
let a : integer = error_empty ⟨true ⊢ 0⟩ in
let b : integer = error_empty ⟨true ⊢ a +! 1⟩ in
let e1 : integer = error_empty
⟨e () | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ b +! c +! d +! 1⟩⟩ in
let f1 : integer = error_empty
⟨f () | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ e1 +! 1⟩⟩ in
A { "b"= b; "d"= d; "f"= f1 }
let e1 : integer =
error_empty ⟨ e () | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ b +! c +! d +! 1⟩ ⟩
let f1 : integer =
error_empty ⟨ f () | true ⊢ ⟨true ⊢ e1 +! 1⟩ ⟩
{A "b" = b; "d" = d; "f" = f1}
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ $ catala Dcalc -s B
let B =
λ (B_in: B_in {}) →
let a.x : bool = error_empty ⟨true ⊢ false⟩ in
let result : A {"y": integer} = A (A_in { "x_in"= a.x }) in
let result : A {"y": integer} = A {A_in "x_in" = a.x} in
let a.y : integer = result."y" in
let _ : unit = assert (error_empty a.y = 1) in
B { }
let _ : unit = assert (error_empty (a.y = 1)) in
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ scope B:
$ catala Dcalc -s B
let B =
λ (B_in: B_in {}) →
let a.a : unit → integer = λ (_: unit) → ∅ in
let a.a : unit → integer = λ (_: unit) → ∅ in
let a.b : integer = error_empty ⟨true ⊢ 2⟩ in
let result : A {"c": integer} = A (A_in { "a_in"= a.a; "b_in"= a.b }) in
let result : A {"c": integer} = A {A_in "a_in" = a.a; "b_in" = a.b} in
let a.c : integer = result."c" in
let _ : unit = assert (error_empty a.c = 1) in
B { }
let _ : unit = assert (error_empty (a.c = 1)) in
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ scope S:
$ catala Interpret -s S
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] a = A { "x"= -2.; "y"= B { "y"= false; "z"= -1. } }
[RESULT] b = B { "y"= true; "z"= 42. }
[RESULT] a = {A "x" = -2.; "y" = {B "y" = false; "z" = -1.}}
[RESULT] b = {B "y" = true; "z" = 42.}
## Check scope of let-in vs scope variable
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ scope S:
$ catala Interpret -s S
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] a = A { "x"= 0; "y"= B { "y"= true; "z"= 0. } }
[RESULT] b = B { "y"= true; "z"= 0. }
[RESULT] a = {A "x" = 0; "y" = {B "y" = true; "z" = 0.}}
[RESULT] b = {B "y" = true; "z" = 0.}
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ scope S:
$ catala Interpret -s S
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] a = 1946.5744
[RESULT] b = A { "y"= true; "z"= 2091. }
[RESULT] b = {A "y" = true; "z" = 2091.}
## Test toplevel function defs
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ scope Titi:
$ catala Interpret -s Titi
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] fizz = Toto { "foo"= 1213 }
[RESULT] fuzz = Toto { "foo"= 1323 }
[RESULT] fizz = {Toto "foo" = 1213}
[RESULT] fuzz = {Toto "foo" = 1323}
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $ catala Interpret -t -s HousingComputation
│ ‾
[LOG] → RentComputation.direct
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.direct.input: RentComputation_in { }
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.direct.input: {RentComputation_in}
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.g: <function>
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.f: <function>
[LOG] ☛ Definition applied:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $ catala Interpret -t -s HousingComputation
7 │ definition f of x equals (output of RentComputation).f of x
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.direct.output: RentComputation { "f"= λ (param0: integer) → RentComputation { "f"= λ (x: integer) → error_empty ⟨true ⊢ λ (x1: integer) → error_empty ⟨true ⊢ x1 +! 1⟩ x +! 1⟩ }."f" param0 }
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.direct.output: {RentComputation "f" = λ (param0: integer) → {RentComputation "f" = λ (x: integer) → error_empty ⟨true ⊢ (λ (x1: integer) → error_empty ⟨true ⊢ x1 +! 1⟩) (x +! 1)⟩ }."f" param0 }
[LOG] ← RentComputation.direct
[LOG] → RentComputation.f
[LOG] ≔ RentComputation.f.input0: 1
@ -70,20 +70,30 @@ $ catala Interpret -t -s HousingComputation
[LOG] ≔ HousingComputation.result: 3
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] f =
λ (x: integer) → error_empty
⟨true ⊢
let result : RentComputation {"f": integer → integer} =
λ (RentComputation_in: RentComputation_in {}) →
let g : integer → integer = error_empty
(λ (x1: integer) → error_empty ⟨true ⊢ x1 +! 1⟩)
let f : integer → integer = error_empty
(λ (x1: integer) → error_empty
⟨true ⊢ g x1 +! 1⟩) in
RentComputation { "f"= f } RentComputation_in { } in
let result1 : RentComputation {"f": integer → integer} =
RentComputation { "f"=
λ (param0: integer) → result."f" param0 } in
if true then result1 else result1."f" x⟩
λ (x: integer) →
⟨true ⊢
(let result : RentComputation {"f": integer → integer} =
(λ (RentComputation_in: RentComputation_in {}) →
let g : integer → integer =
(λ (x1: integer) →
error_empty ⟨true ⊢ x1 +! 1⟩)
let f : integer → integer =
(λ (x1: integer) →
error_empty ⟨true ⊢ g (x1 +! 1)⟩)
{RentComputation "f" = f})
let result1 : RentComputation {"f": integer → integer} =
"f" = λ (param0: integer) → result."f" param0
if true then result1 else result1)."f"
[RESULT] result = 3
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ $ catala Lcalc -s Foo
let Foo =
λ (Foo_in: Foo_in {}) →
let bar : integer =
try handle_default [] (λ (_: unit) → true) (λ (_: unit) → 0) with
EmptyError -> raise NoValueProvided in
Foo { "bar"= bar }
try handle_default [ ], (λ (_: unit) → true), (λ (_: unit) → 0)
with EmptyError -> raise NoValueProvided
{Foo "bar" = bar}
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ scope B:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] t =
T { "a"= S { "x"= 0; "y"= false }; "b"= S { "x"= 1; "y"= true } }
{T "a" = {S "x" = 0; "y" = false}; "b" = {S "x" = 1; "y" = true}}
@ -46,5 +46,5 @@ $ catala Interpret -s B
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] out = 1
[RESULT] t =
T { "a"= S { "x"= 0; "y"= false }; "b"= S { "x"= 1; "y"= true } }
{T "a" = {S "x" = 0; "y" = false}; "b" = {S "x" = 1; "y" = true}}
@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ $ catala Interpret -s A
│ ‾‾‾
└─ Article
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] x = Foo { "f"= 1 }
[RESULT] x = {Foo "f" = 1}
[RESULT] y = 1
@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ scope A:
$ catala Interpret -s A
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] s = S { "x"= 1; "y"= 2 }
[RESULT] s = {S "x" = 1; "y" = 2}
[RESULT] z = 3
Reference in New Issue
Block a user