Working partial evaluation for Dcalc using ugly but correct style

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Denis Merigoux 2022-01-09 19:16:34 +01:00
parent 743a1b74c9
commit ad4218285d
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@ -14,144 +14,99 @@
open Utils
open Ast
let ( let+ ) x f = Bindlib.box_apply f x
type partial_evaluation_ctx = expr Pos.marked Ast.VarMap.t
let ( and+ ) x y = Bindlib.box_pair x y
let visitor_map (t : 'a -> expr Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked (ctx : 'a)
(e : expr Pos.marked) : expr Pos.marked =
(* calls [t ctx] on every direct childs of [e], then rebuild an abstract syntax tree modified.
Used in other transformations. *)
let default_mark e' = Pos.same_pos_as e' e in
let rec partial_evaluation (ctx : partial_evaluation_ctx) (e : expr Pos.marked) :
expr Pos.marked =
let pos = Pos.get_position e in
let rec_helper = partial_evaluation ctx in
match Pos.unmark e with
| EVar (v, pos) ->
let+ v = Bindlib.box_var v in
(v, pos)
| ETuple (args, n) ->
let+ args = args |> (t ctx) |> Bindlib.box_list in
default_mark @@ ETuple (args, n)
| ETupleAccess (e1, i, n, ts) ->
let+ e1 = t ctx e1 in
default_mark @@ ETupleAccess (e1, i, n, ts)
| EInj (e1, i, n, ts) ->
let+ e1 = t ctx e1 in
default_mark @@ EInj (e1, i, n, ts)
| EMatch (arg, cases, n) ->
let+ arg = t ctx arg and+ cases = cases |> (t ctx) |> Bindlib.box_list in
default_mark @@ EMatch (arg, cases, n)
| EArray args ->
let+ args = args |> (t ctx) |> Bindlib.box_list in
default_mark @@ EArray args
| EAbs ((binder, pos_binder), ts) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let body = t ctx body in
let+ binder = Bindlib.bind_mvar vars body in
default_mark @@ EAbs ((binder, pos_binder), ts)
| EApp (e1, args) ->
let+ e1 = t ctx e1 and+ args = args |> (t ctx) |> Bindlib.box_list in
default_mark @@ EApp (e1, args)
| EAssert e1 ->
let+ e1 = t ctx e1 in
default_mark @@ EAssert e1
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
let+ e1 = t ctx e1 and+ e2 = t ctx e2 and+ e3 = t ctx e3 in
default_mark @@ EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3)
| ErrorOnEmpty e1 ->
let+ e1 = t ctx e1 in
default_mark @@ ErrorOnEmpty e1
| EDefault (exceptions, just, cons) ->
let+ exceptions = exceptions |> (t ctx) |> Bindlib.box_list
and+ just = t ctx just
and+ cons = t ctx cons in
default_mark @@ EDefault (exceptions, just, cons)
| ELit _ | EOp _ -> e
let rec iota_expr (_ : unit) (e : expr Pos.marked) : expr Pos.marked =
let default_mark e' = Pos.same_pos_as e' e in
match Pos.unmark e with
| EMatch ((EInj (e1, i, n', _ts), _), cases, n) when n n' = 0 ->
let+ e1 = visitor_map iota_expr () e1
and+ case = visitor_map iota_expr () (List.nth cases i) in
default_mark @@ EApp (case, [ e1 ])
| EMatch (e', cases, n)
when begin
|> List.mapi (fun i (case, _pos) ->
match case with
| EInj (_ei, i', n', _ts') -> i = i' && (* n = n' *) n n' = 0
| _ -> false)
|> List.for_all
end ->
visitor_map iota_expr () e'
| _ -> visitor_map iota_expr () e
let rec beta_expr (_ : unit) (e : expr Pos.marked) : expr Pos.marked =
let default_mark e' = Pos.same_pos_as e' e in
match Pos.unmark e with
| EApp (e1, args) -> (
let+ e1 = visitor_map beta_expr () e1
and+ args = (visitor_map beta_expr ()) args |> Bindlib.box_list in
match Pos.unmark e1 with
| EAbs ((binder, _pos_binder), _ts) ->
let (_ : (_, _) Bindlib.mbinder) = binder in
Bindlib.msubst binder ( fst args |> Array.of_list)
| _ -> default_mark @@ EApp (e1, args))
| _ -> visitor_map beta_expr () e
(**TODO: refactor this using plain recursion because this new visitor paradigm does not perform the
optimizations after that the children of an AST node have been optimized, see for instance
|| false) || e1]. *)
let rec peephole_expr (ctx : decl_ctx) (e : expr Pos.marked) : expr Pos.marked =
let default_mark e' = Pos.same_pos_as e' e in
match Pos.unmark e with
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) -> (
let+ new_e1 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e1
and+ new_e2 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e2
and+ new_e3 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e3 in
match (Pos.unmark new_e1, Pos.unmark new_e2, Pos.unmark new_e3) with
| ELit (LBool true), _, _ | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool true), _) ]), _, _
| ELit (LBool false), _, _ | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool false), _) ]), _, _
| ( _,
(ELit (LBool true) | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool true), _) ])),
(ELit (LBool false) | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool false), _) ])) ) ->
| _ -> default_mark @@ EIfThenElse (new_e1, new_e2, new_e3))
| EApp
( ((EOp (Binop Or), _ | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (EOp (Binop Or), _) ]), _) as op),
[ e1; e2 ] ) -> (
let+ new_e1 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e1
and+ new_e2 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e2 in
match (Pos.unmark new_e1, Pos.unmark new_e2) with
| ELit (LBool false), new_e1 | new_e1, ELit (LBool false) -> default_mark @@ new_e1
| ELit (LBool true), _ | _, ELit (LBool true) -> default_mark @@ ELit (LBool true)
| _ -> default_mark @@ EApp (op, [ new_e1; new_e2 ]))
| EApp (((EOp (Binop And), _) as op), [ e1; e2 ]) -> (
let+ new_e1 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e1
and+ new_e2 = visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e2 in
match (new_e1, new_e2) with
| (ELit (LBool true), _), new_e1 | new_e1, (ELit (LBool true), _) -> new_e1
| (ELit (LBool false), _), _ | _, (ELit (LBool false), _) ->
default_mark @@ ELit (LBool false)
| _ -> default_mark @@ EApp (op, [ new_e1; new_e2 ]))
| _ -> visitor_map peephole_expr ctx e
[ e1; e2 ] ) ->
(* reduction of logical or *)
(Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e1 e2 ->
match (e1, e2) with
| (ELit (LBool false), _), new_e | new_e, (ELit (LBool false), _) -> new_e
| (ELit (LBool true), _), _ | _, (ELit (LBool true), _) -> (ELit (LBool true), pos)
| _ -> (EApp (op, [ e1; e2 ]), pos)))
(rec_helper e1) (rec_helper e2)
| EApp
( ((EOp (Binop And), _ | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (EOp (Binop And), _) ]), _) as op),
[ e1; e2 ] ) ->
(* reduction of logical and *)
(Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e1 e2 ->
match (e1, e2) with
| (ELit (LBool true), _), new_e | new_e, (ELit (LBool true), _) -> new_e
| (ELit (LBool false), _), _ | _, (ELit (LBool false), _) -> (ELit (LBool false), pos)
| _ -> (EApp (op, [ e1; e2 ]), pos)))
(rec_helper e1) (rec_helper e2)
| EVar (x, _) -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun x -> (x, pos)) (Bindlib.box_var x)
| ETuple (args, s_name) ->
(fun args -> (ETuple (args, s_name), pos))
( rec_helper args |> Bindlib.box_list)
| ETupleAccess (arg, i, s_name, typs) ->
Bindlib.box_apply (fun arg -> (ETupleAccess (arg, i, s_name, typs), pos)) (rec_helper arg)
| EInj (arg, i, e_name, typs) ->
Bindlib.box_apply (fun arg -> (EInj (arg, i, e_name, typs), pos)) (rec_helper arg)
| EMatch (arg, arms, e_name) ->
(fun arg arms ->
match (arg, arms) with
| (EInj (e1, i, e_name', _ts), _), _ when e_name e_name' = 0 ->
(* iota reduction *)
(EApp (List.nth arms i, [ e1 ]), pos)
| _ -> (EMatch (arg, arms, e_name), pos))
(rec_helper arg)
( rec_helper arms |> Bindlib.box_list)
| EArray args ->
(fun args -> (EArray args, pos))
( rec_helper args |> Bindlib.box_list)
| ELit l -> (ELit l, pos)
| EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), typs) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let new_body = partial_evaluation ctx body in
let new_binder = Bindlib.bind_mvar vars new_body in
Bindlib.box_apply (fun binder -> (EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), typs), pos)) new_binder
| EApp (f, args) ->
(fun f args ->
match Pos.unmark f with
| EAbs ((binder, _pos_binder), _ts) ->
(* beta reduction *)
Bindlib.msubst binder ( fst args |> Array.of_list)
| _ -> (EApp (f, args), pos))
(rec_helper f)
( rec_helper args |> Bindlib.box_list)
| EAssert e1 -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun e1 -> (EAssert e1, pos)) (rec_helper e1)
| EOp op -> (EOp op, pos)
| EDefault (exceptions, just, cons) ->
(fun exceptions just cons -> (EDefault (exceptions, just, cons), pos))
( rec_helper exceptions |> Bindlib.box_list)
(rec_helper just) (rec_helper cons)
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
(fun e1 e2 e3 ->
match (Pos.unmark e1, Pos.unmark e2, Pos.unmark e3) with
| ELit (LBool true), _, _
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool true), _) ]), _, _ ->
| ELit (LBool false), _, _
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool false), _) ]), _, _ ->
| ( _,
(ELit (LBool true) | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool true), _) ])),
(ELit (LBool false) | EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ELit (LBool false), _) ])) )
| _ -> (EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3), pos))
(rec_helper e1) (rec_helper e2) (rec_helper e3)
| ErrorOnEmpty e1 -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun e1 -> (ErrorOnEmpty e1, pos)) (rec_helper e1)
let optimize_expr (ctx : decl_ctx) (e : expr Pos.marked) : expr Pos.marked =
let e = ref e in
let continue = ref true in
while !continue do
let new_e =
!e |> peephole_expr ctx |> Bindlib.unbox |> beta_expr () |> Bindlib.unbox |> iota_expr ()
|> Bindlib.unbox
if not (expr_size new_e < expr_size !e) then continue := false;
e := new_e
let optimize_expr = partial_evaluation VarMap.empty
let program_map (t : 'a -> expr Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked (ctx : 'a) (p : program)
: program =
@ -178,10 +133,4 @@ let program_map (t : 'a -> expr Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked (ctx
let iota_optimizations (p : program) : program = program_map iota_expr () p
let beta_optimizations (p : program) : program = program_map beta_expr () p
let peephole_optimizations (p : program) : program = program_map peephole_expr p.decl_ctx p
let optimize_program (p : program) : program = p |> iota_optimizations |> peephole_optimizations
let optimize_program (p : program) : program = program_map partial_evaluation VarMap.empty p

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@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let generate_verification_conditions (p : program) : expr Pos.marked list =
let e = Bindlib.unbox s_let.scope_let_expr in
let vc = generate_vc_must_not_return_empty ctx e in
let vc =
if !Cli.optimize_flag then Optimizations.optimize_expr p.decl_ctx vc else vc
if !Cli.optimize_flag then Bindlib.unbox (Optimizations.optimize_expr vc) else vc
(* TODO: drop logs for Aymeric *)
(Pos.same_pos_as (Pos.unmark vc) e :: acc, ctx)

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@ -1077,12 +1077,8 @@ let enfant_le_plus_age (enfant_le_plus_age_in : enfant_le_plus_age_in) =
(fun (_ : _) ->
let predicate_ : _ =
fun (potentiel_plus_age_ : _) -> potentiel_plus_age_.age
(fun (acc_ : _) (item_ : _) ->
if predicate_ acc_ >! predicate_ item_ then acc_ else item_)
(fun (acc_ : _) (item_ : _) -> if acc_.age >! item_.age then acc_ else item_)
identifiant = ~-!(integer_of_string "1");
obligation_scolaire = Pendant ();

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