Add multiple typing errors using delayed errors

This commit is contained in:
vbot 2024-06-17 15:57:47 +02:00
parent e96a72f6e3
commit b2449f7b4c
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GPG Key ID: A102739F983C6C72
3 changed files with 56 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -112,3 +112,5 @@ let program prg = (scope prg.program_ctx env) prg.program_root.module_scopes
{ prg with program_root = { module_topdefs; module_scopes } }
let program prg = Message.with_delayed_errors (fun () -> program prg)

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@ -145,3 +145,5 @@ let type_program (type m) (prg : m program) : typed program =
{ prg with program_topdefs; program_scopes }
let type_program prg = Message.with_delayed_errors (fun () -> type_program prg)

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@ -177,51 +177,7 @@ let rec colors =
let format_typ ctx fmt naked_typ = format_typ ctx ~colors fmt naked_typ
exception Type_error of A.any_expr * unionfind_typ * unionfind_typ
(** Raises an error if unification cannot be performed. The position annotation
of the second [unionfind_typ] argument is propagated (unless it is [TAny]). *)
let rec unify
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(e : ('a, 'm) A.gexpr) (* used for error context *)
(t1 : unionfind_typ)
(t2 : unionfind_typ) : unit =
let unify = unify ctx in
(* Message.debug "Unifying %a and %a" (format_typ ctx) t1 (format_typ ctx)
t2; *)
let t1_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t1) in
let t2_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t2) in
let raise_type_error () = raise (Type_error (A.AnyExpr e, t1, t2)) in
let () =
match Mark.remove t1_repr, Mark.remove t2_repr with
| TLit tl1, TLit tl2 -> if tl1 <> tl2 then raise_type_error ()
| TArrow (t11, t12), TArrow (t21, t22) -> (
unify e t12 t22;
try List.iter2 (unify e) t11 t21
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise_type_error ())
| TTuple ts1, TTuple ts2 -> (
try List.iter2 (unify e) ts1 ts2
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise_type_error ())
| TStruct s1, TStruct s2 ->
if not (A.StructName.equal s1 s2) then raise_type_error ()
| TEnum e1, TEnum e2 ->
if not (A.EnumName.equal e1 e2) then raise_type_error ()
| TOption t1, TOption t2 -> unify e t1 t2
| TArray t1', TArray t2' -> unify e t1' t2'
| TDefault t1', TDefault t2' -> unify e t1' t2'
| TClosureEnv, TClosureEnv -> ()
| TAny _, _ | _, TAny _ -> ()
| ( ( TLit _ | TArrow _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _
| TArray _ | TDefault _ | TClosureEnv ),
_ ) ->
raise_type_error ()
@@ UnionFind.merge
(fun t1 t2 -> match Mark.remove t2 with TAny _ -> t1 | _ -> t2)
t1 t2
let handle_type_error ctx (A.AnyExpr e) t1 t2 =
let record_type_error ctx (A.AnyExpr e) t1 t2 =
(* TODO: if we get weird error messages, then it means that we should use the
persistent version of the union-find data structure. *)
let t1_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t1) in
@ -264,12 +220,54 @@ let handle_type_error ctx (A.AnyExpr e) t1 t2 =
t2_pos );
Message.error ~fmt_pos
Message.delayed_error () ~fmt_pos
"Error during typechecking, incompatible types:@\n\
@[<v>@{<blue>@<2>%s@} @[<hov>%a@]@,\
@{<blue>@<2>%s@} @[<hov>%a@]@]" "" (format_typ ctx) t1 ""
(format_typ ctx) t2
(** Raises an error if unification cannot be performed. The position annotation
of the second [unionfind_typ] argument is propagated (unless it is [TAny]). *)
let rec unify
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(e : ('a, 'm) A.gexpr) (* used for error context *)
(t1 : unionfind_typ)
(t2 : unionfind_typ) : unit =
let unify = unify ctx in
(* Message.debug "Unifying %a and %a" (format_typ ctx) t1 (format_typ ctx)
t2; *)
let t1_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t1) in
let t2_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t2) in
let record_type_error () = record_type_error ctx (A.AnyExpr e) t1 t2 in
let () =
match Mark.remove t1_repr, Mark.remove t2_repr with
| TLit tl1, TLit tl2 -> if tl1 <> tl2 then record_type_error ()
| TArrow (t11, t12), TArrow (t21, t22) -> (
unify e t12 t22;
try List.iter2 (unify e) t11 t21
with Invalid_argument _ -> record_type_error ())
| TTuple ts1, TTuple ts2 -> (
try List.iter2 (unify e) ts1 ts2
with Invalid_argument _ -> record_type_error ())
| TStruct s1, TStruct s2 ->
if not (A.StructName.equal s1 s2) then record_type_error ()
| TEnum e1, TEnum e2 ->
if not (A.EnumName.equal e1 e2) then record_type_error ()
| TOption t1, TOption t2 -> unify e t1 t2
| TArray t1', TArray t2' -> unify e t1' t2'
| TDefault t1', TDefault t2' -> unify e t1' t2'
| TClosureEnv, TClosureEnv -> ()
| TAny _, _ | _, TAny _ -> ()
| ( ( TLit _ | TArrow _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _
| TArray _ | TDefault _ | TClosureEnv ),
_ ) ->
record_type_error ()
@@ UnionFind.merge
(fun t1 t2 -> match Mark.remove t2 with TAny _ -> t1 | _ -> t2)
t1 t2
let lit_type (lit : A.lit) : naked_typ =
match lit with
| LBool _ -> TLit TBool
@ -959,18 +957,6 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down :
Expr.ecustom obj targs tret mark
let wrap ctx f e =
try f e
with Type_error (e, ty1, ty2) -> (
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
try handle_type_error ctx e ty1 ty2
with e -> Printexc.raise_with_backtrace e bt)
let wrap_expr ctx f e =
(* We need to unbox here, because the typing may otherwise be stored in
Bindlib closures and not yet applied, and would escape the `try..with` *)
wrap ctx (fun e -> Expr.unbox (f e)) e
(** {1 API} *)
let get_ty_mark ~flags (A.Custom { A.custom = uf; pos }) =
@ -987,7 +973,7 @@ let expr_raw
| None -> typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx env
| Some typ -> typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (ast_to_typ typ)
wrap_expr ctx fty e
Expr.unbox (fty e)
let check_expr ctx ?env ?typ e =
@ -1002,14 +988,14 @@ let scope_body_expr ctx env ty_out body_expr =
let _env, ret =
BoundList.fold_map body_expr ~init:env
~last:(fun env e ->
let e' = wrap_expr ctx (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env ty_out) e in
let e' = Expr.unbox (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env ty_out e) in
let e' = Expr.map_marks ~f:(get_ty_mark ~flags:env.flags) e' in
env, Expr.Box.lift e')
~f:(fun env var scope ->
let e0 = scope.A.scope_let_expr in
let ty_e = ast_to_typ scope.A.scope_let_typ in
let e = wrap_expr ctx (typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx env) e0 in
wrap ctx (fun t -> unify ctx e0 (ty e) t) ty_e;
let e = Expr.unbox (typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx env e0) in
unify ctx e0 (ty e) ty_e;
(* We could use [typecheck_expr_top_down] rather than this manual
unification, but we get better messages with this order of the
[unify] parameters, which keeps location of the type as defined
@ -1107,3 +1093,7 @@ let program ?fail_on_any ?assume_op_types prg =
let program ?fail_on_any ?assume_op_types prg =
Message.with_delayed_errors (fun () ->
program ?fail_on_any ?assume_op_types prg)