Remove logging calls for vc generation

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2022-04-12 11:14:39 +02:00
parent 48dda14dcd
commit b24dbc8360
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 55 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -580,3 +580,43 @@ let rec expr_size (e : expr Pos.marked) : int =
(fun acc except -> acc + expr_size except)
(1 + expr_size just + expr_size cons)
let rec remove_logging_calls (e : expr Pos.marked) : expr Pos.marked
match Pos.unmark e with
| EVar (v, _pos) -> evar v (Pos.get_position e)
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ arg ]) -> remove_logging_calls arg
| EApp (f, args) ->
eapp (remove_logging_calls f)
( remove_logging_calls args)
(Pos.get_position e)
| EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), typs) ->
(Bindlib.box_mbinder remove_logging_calls binder)
binder_pos typs (Pos.get_position e)
| ETuple (args, s) ->
etuple ( remove_logging_calls args) s (Pos.get_position e)
| ETupleAccess (e1, n, s_name, typs) ->
etupleaccess (remove_logging_calls e1) n s_name typs (Pos.get_position e)
| EInj (e1, i, e_name, typs) ->
einj (remove_logging_calls e1) i e_name typs (Pos.get_position e)
| EMatch (arg, arms, e_name) ->
ematch (remove_logging_calls arg)
( remove_logging_calls arms)
e_name (Pos.get_position e)
| EArray args ->
earray ( remove_logging_calls args) (Pos.get_position e)
| ELit l -> elit l (Pos.get_position e)
| EAssert e1 -> eassert (remove_logging_calls e1) (Pos.get_position e)
| EOp op -> (EOp op, Pos.get_position e)
| EDefault (excepts, just, cons) ->
( remove_logging_calls excepts)
(remove_logging_calls just)
(remove_logging_calls cons)
(Pos.get_position e)
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
eifthenelse (remove_logging_calls e1) (remove_logging_calls e2)
(remove_logging_calls e3) (Pos.get_position e)
| ErrorOnEmpty e1 ->
eerroronempty (remove_logging_calls e1) (Pos.get_position e)

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@ -336,3 +336,7 @@ val build_whole_program_expr :
val expr_size : expr Pos.marked -> int
(** Used by the optimizer to know when to stop *)
val remove_logging_calls : expr Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked
(** Removes all calls to [Log] unary operators in the AST, replacing them by
their argument. *)

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@ -76,34 +76,20 @@ let half_product (l1 : 'a list) (l2 : 'b list) : ('a * 'b) list =
let match_and_ignore_outer_reentrant_default (ctx : ctx) (e : expr Pos.marked) :
expr Pos.marked =
match Pos.unmark e with
| EApp
( (EOp (Unop (Log _)), _),
( ErrorOnEmpty
( EDefault
( [ (EApp ((EVar (x, _), _), [ (ELit LUnit, _) ]), _) ],
(ELit (LBool true), _),
cons ),
_ ),
_ );
] )
| ErrorOnEmpty
( EDefault
( [ (EApp ((EVar (x, _), _), [ (ELit LUnit, _) ]), _) ],
(ELit (LBool true), _),
cons ),
_ )
when List.exists (fun x' -> Bindlib.eq_vars x x') ctx.input_vars ->
(* scope variables*)
| EAbs ((binder, _), [ (TLit TUnit, _) ]) -> (
| EAbs ((binder, _), [ (TLit TUnit, _) ]) ->
(* context sub-scope variables *)
let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
match Pos.unmark body with
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ arg ]) -> arg
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Pos.get_position e)
"Internal error: this expression does not have the structure \
expected by the VC generator:\n\
(Print.format_expr ~debug:true ctx.decl)
| ErrorOnEmpty (EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ d ]), _)
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [ (ErrorOnEmpty d, _) ]) ->
| ErrorOnEmpty d ->
d (* input subscope variables and non-input scope variable *)
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Pos.get_position e)
@ -323,9 +309,9 @@ let rec generate_verification_conditions_scope_body_expr
exceptions to something defined in the subscope so we just ought
to verify only that the exceptions overlap. *)
let e =
match_and_ignore_outer_reentrant_default ctx
Bindlib.unbox (remove_logging_calls scope_let.scope_let_expr)
let e = match_and_ignore_outer_reentrant_default ctx e in
let vc_confl, vc_confl_typs =
generate_vs_must_not_return_confict ctx e