Implement safe renaming of idents for backend printing

Previously we had some heuristics in the backends trying to achieve this with a
lot of holes ; this should be much more solid, relying on `Bindlib` to do the
correct renamings.

**Note1**: it's not plugged into the backends other than OCaml at the moment.

**Note2**: the related, obsolete heuristics haven't been cleaned out yet

**Note3**: we conservatively suppose a single namespace at the moment. This is
required for e.g. Python, but it forces vars named like struct fields to be
renamed, which is more verbose in e.g. OCaml. The renaming engine could be
improved to support different namespaces, with a way to select how to route the
different kinds of identifiers into them.

Similarly, customisation for what needs to be uppercase or lowercase is not
available yet.

**Note4**: besides excluding keywords, we should also be careful to exclude (or
- the idents used in the runtime (e.g. `o_add_int_int`)
- the dynamically generated idents (e.g. `embed_*`)

**Note5**: module names themselves aren't handled yet. The reason is that they
must be discoverable by the user, and even need to match the filenames, etc. In
other words, imagine that `Mod` is a keyword in the target language. You can't
rename a module called `Mod` to `Mod1` without knowing the whole module context,
because that would destroy the mapping for a module already called `Mod1`.

A reliable solution would be to translate all module names to e.g.
`CatalaModule_*`, which we can assume will never conflict with any built-in, and
forbid idents starting with that prefix. We may also want to restrict their
names to ASCII ? Currently we use a projection, but what if I have two modules
called `Là` and `La` ?
This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-08-05 17:08:36 +02:00
parent e83103ecf7
commit b9156bb60e
26 changed files with 679 additions and 287 deletions

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@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ module Gen_qualified (_ : Style) () : sig
val fresh : Path.t -> -> t
val path : t -> Path.t
val get_info : t ->
val hash : strip:Path.t -> t -> Hash.t
(* [strip] strips that prefix from the start of the path before hashing *)
(** [strip] strips that prefix from the start of the path before hashing *)

View File

@ -941,8 +941,11 @@ let translate_program (prgm : 'm S.program) : 'm Ast.program =
(* the resulting expression is the list of definitions of all the scopes,
ending with the top-level scope. The decl_ctx is filled in left-to-right
order, then the chained scopes aggregated from the right. *)
let rec translate_defs = function
| [] -> (Last ())
let rec translate_defs vlist = function
| [] ->
(fun vl -> Last vl)
(Bindlib.box_rev_list ( Bindlib.box_var vlist))
| def :: next ->
let dvar, def =
match def with
@ -971,13 +974,13 @@ let translate_program (prgm : 'm S.program) : 'm Ast.program =
(fun body -> ScopeDef (scope_name, body))
scope_body )
let scope_next = translate_defs next in
let scope_next = translate_defs (dvar :: vlist) next in
let next_bind = Bindlib.bind_var dvar scope_next in
(fun item next_bind -> Cons (item, next_bind))
def next_bind
let items = translate_defs defs_ordering in
let items = translate_defs [] defs_ordering in
Expr.Box.assert_closed items;
code_items = Bindlib.unbox items;

View File

@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ let transform_closures_program (p : 'm program) : 'm program =
(fun e -> Topdef (name, (TAny, Mark.get ty), e))
(Expr.Box.lift new_expr) ))
~last:(fun _ () -> (), ())
~last:(fun _ vlist -> (), Scope.map_last_item vlist)
~init:Var.Map.empty p.code_items
(* Now we need to further tweak [decl_ctx] because some of the user-defined
@ -612,7 +612,8 @@ let rec hoist_closures_code_item_list
(code_items : (lcalc, 'm) gexpr code_item_list) :
(lcalc, 'm) gexpr code_item_list =
match code_items with
| Last () -> (Last ())
| Last vlist ->
Bindlib.box_apply (fun l -> Last l) (Scope.map_last_item vlist)
| Cons (code_item, next_code_items) ->
let code_item_var, next_code_items = Bindlib.unbind next_code_items in
let hoisted_closures, new_code_item =

View File

@ -130,38 +130,23 @@ let ocaml_keywords =
let ocaml_keywords_set = String.Set.of_list ocaml_keywords
let avoid_keywords (s : string) : string =
if String.Set.mem s ocaml_keywords_set then s ^ "_user" else s
(* Fixme: this could cause clashes if the user program contains both e.g. [new]
and [new_user] *)
let ppclean fmt str =
str |> String.to_ascii |> avoid_keywords |> Format.pp_print_string fmt
let ppsnake fmt str =
|> String.to_ascii
|> String.to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
|> Format.pp_print_string fmt
let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : StructName.t) : unit =
(match StructName.path v with
| [] -> ()
| path ->
ppclean fmt (Uid.Path.to_string path);
Uid.Path.format fmt path;
Format.pp_print_char fmt '.');
ppsnake fmt (Mark.remove (StructName.get_info v))
assert (
let n = Mark.remove (StructName.get_info v) in
n = String.capitalize_ascii n);
Format.pp_print_string fmt (Mark.remove (StructName.get_info v))
let format_to_module_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(name : [< `Ename of EnumName.t | `Sname of StructName.t ]) =
ppclean fmt
(match name with
| `Ename v -> EnumName.to_string v
| `Sname v -> StructName.to_string v)
match name with
| `Ename v -> EnumName.format fmt v
| `Sname v -> StructName.format fmt v
let format_struct_field_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
@ -171,20 +156,16 @@ let format_struct_field_name
format_to_module_name fmt (`Sname sname);
Format.pp_print_char fmt '.')
ppclean fmt (StructField.to_string v)
StructField.format fmt v
let format_enum_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : EnumName.t) : unit =
(match EnumName.path v with
| [] -> ()
| path ->
ppclean fmt (Uid.Path.to_string path);
Format.pp_print_char fmt '.');
ppsnake fmt (Mark.remove (EnumName.get_info v))
EnumName.format fmt v
let format_enum_cons_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : EnumConstructor.t) :
unit =
ppclean fmt (EnumConstructor.to_string v)
EnumConstructor.format fmt v
(* TODO: these names should be properly registered before renaming *)
let rec typ_embedding_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (ty : typ) : unit =
match Mark.remove ty with
| TLit TUnit -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "embed_unit"
@ -195,16 +176,12 @@ let rec typ_embedding_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (ty : typ) : unit =
| TLit TDate -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "embed_date"
| TLit TDuration -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "embed_duration"
| TStruct s_name ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%sembed_%a" ppclean
(Uid.Path.to_string (StructName.path s_name))
(if StructName.path s_name = [] then "" else ".")
Format.fprintf fmt "%aembed_%a" Uid.Path.format (StructName.path s_name)
(Uid.MarkedString.to_string (StructName.get_info s_name))
| TEnum e_name ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%sembed_%a" ppclean
(Uid.Path.to_string (EnumName.path e_name))
(if EnumName.path e_name = [] then "" else ".")
Format.fprintf fmt "%aembed_%a" Uid.Path.format (EnumName.path e_name)
(Uid.MarkedString.to_string (EnumName.get_info e_name))
| TArray ty -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_array (%a)" typ_embedding_name ty
| _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "unembeddable"
@ -243,20 +220,7 @@ let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ) : unit =
| TClosureEnv -> Format.fprintf fmt "Obj.t"
let format_var_str (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : string) : unit =
let lowercase_name = String.to_snake_case (String.to_ascii v) in
let lowercase_name =
Re.Pcre.substitute ~rex:(Re.Pcre.regexp "\\.")
~subst:(fun _ -> "_dot_")
let lowercase_name = String.to_ascii lowercase_name in
List.mem lowercase_name ["handle_default"; "handle_default_opt"]
(* O_O *)
|| String.begins_with_uppercase v
then Format.pp_print_string fmt lowercase_name
else if lowercase_name = "_" then Format.pp_print_string fmt lowercase_name
else Format.fprintf fmt "%s_" lowercase_name
Format.pp_print_string fmt v
let format_var (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : 'm Var.t) : unit =
format_var_str fmt (Bindlib.name_of v)
@ -561,15 +525,9 @@ let format_ctx
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" format_enum_decl (e, def))
(type_ordering @ scope_structs)
let rename_vars e =
(rename_vars ~exclude:ocaml_keywords ~reset_context_for_closed_terms:true
~skip_constant_binders:true ~constant_binder_name:(Some "_") e))
let format_expr ctx fmt e =
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
format_expr ctx fmt (rename_vars e);
format_expr ctx fmt e;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
let format_scope_body_expr
@ -594,7 +552,7 @@ let format_code_items
(code_items : 'm Ast.expr code_item_list) :
('m Ast.expr Var.t * 'm Ast.expr code_item) String.Map.t =
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
let var_bindings, () =
let var_bindings, _ =
~f:(fun bnd item var ->
match item with
@ -761,14 +719,9 @@ let format_module_registration
Format.pp_print_newline fmt ()
let header =
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
[@@@ocaml.warning "-4-26-27-32-41-42"]
"(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)\n\n\
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime\n\n\
[@@@ocaml.warning \"-4-26-27-32-41-42\"]\n\n"
let format_program
(fmt : Format.formatter)
@ -777,6 +730,22 @@ let format_program
~(hashf : Hash.t -> Hash.full)
(p : 'm Ast.program)
(type_ordering : Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list) : unit =
let p, ren_ctx =
Program.rename_ids p
(* TODO: add catala runtime built-ins as reserved as well ? *)
~reset_context_for_closed_terms:true ~skip_constant_binders:true
~constant_binder_name:(Some "_")
let type_ordering =
let open Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex in
| Struct s -> Struct (Expr.Renaming.struct_name ren_ctx s)
| Enum e -> Enum (Expr.Renaming.enum_name ren_ctx e))
(* Print.program fmt p; *)
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
Format.pp_print_string fmt header;
check_and_reexport_used_modules fmt ~hashf

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ open Shared_ast
(** Formats a lambda calculus program into a valid OCaml program *)
val avoid_keywords : string -> string
val typ_needs_parens : typ -> bool
(* val needs_parens : 'm expr -> bool *)

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
StructField.to_string v
|> String.to_camel_case
|> String.uncapitalize_ascii
|> avoid_keywords
|> Format.pp_print_string ppf
(* Supersedes [To_ocaml.format_struct_name], which can refer to enums from
@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
StructName.to_string name
|> (function '.' -> '_' | c -> c)
|> String.to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
|> Format.pp_print_string ppf
(* Supersedes [To_ocaml.format_enum_name], which can refer to enums from other
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
EnumName.to_string name
|> (function '.' -> '_' | c -> c)
|> String.to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
|> Format.pp_print_string ppf
let format_tlit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : typ_lit) : unit =
@ -160,7 +157,6 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
|> Re.Pcre.substitute ~rex:(Re.Pcre.regexp "\\.") ~subst:(fun _ ->
|> String.uncapitalize_ascii
|> avoid_keywords
List.mem lowercase_name ["handle_default"; "handle_default_opt"]
@ -388,41 +384,43 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
(_ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scopes : 'e code_item_list) =
~f:(fun var code_item ->
match code_item with
| Topdef _ -> ()
| ScopeDef (_name, body) ->
let fmt_fun_call fmt _ =
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv>@[<hv 2>execute_or_throw_error@ (@[<hv 2>fun () ->@ %a@ \
|> %a_of_js@ |> %a@ |> %a_to_js@])@]@]"
fmt_input_struct_name body fmt_input_struct_name body format_var
var fmt_output_struct_name body
Format.fprintf fmt
"@\n@\n@[<hov 2>let %a@ (%a : %a Js.t)@ : %a Js.t =@\n%a@]@\n"
format_var var fmt_input_struct_name body fmt_input_struct_name body
fmt_output_struct_name body fmt_fun_call ())
@@ BoundList.iter
~f:(fun var code_item ->
match code_item with
| Topdef _ -> ()
| ScopeDef (_name, body) ->
let fmt_fun_call fmt _ =
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv>@[<hv 2>execute_or_throw_error@ (@[<hv 2>fun () ->@ \
%a@ |> %a_of_js@ |> %a@ |> %a_to_js@])@]@]"
fmt_input_struct_name body fmt_input_struct_name body
format_var var fmt_output_struct_name body
Format.fprintf fmt
"@\n@\n@[<hov 2>let %a@ (%a : %a Js.t)@ : %a Js.t =@\n%a@]@\n"
format_var var fmt_input_struct_name body fmt_input_struct_name
body fmt_output_struct_name body fmt_fun_call ())
let format_scopes_to_callbacks
(_ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scopes : 'e code_item_list) : unit =
~f:(fun var code_item ->
match code_item with
| Topdef _ -> ()
| ScopeDef (_name, body) ->
let fmt_meth_name fmt _ =
Format.fprintf fmt "method %a : (%a Js.t -> %a Js.t) Js.callback"
format_var_camel_case var fmt_input_struct_name body
fmt_output_struct_name body
Format.fprintf fmt "@,@[<hov 2>%a =@ Js.wrap_callback@ %a@]@,"
fmt_meth_name () format_var var)
@@ BoundList.iter
~f:(fun var code_item ->
match code_item with
| Topdef _ -> ()
| ScopeDef (_name, body) ->
let fmt_meth_name fmt _ =
Format.fprintf fmt "method %a : (%a Js.t -> %a Js.t) Js.callback"
format_var_camel_case var fmt_input_struct_name body
fmt_output_struct_name body
Format.fprintf fmt "@,@[<hov 2>%a =@ Js.wrap_callback@ %a@]@,"
fmt_meth_name () format_var var)
let format_program
(fmt : Format.formatter)

View File

@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ let result_level base_vars =
let interpret_program (prg : ('dcalc, 'm) gexpr program) (scope : ScopeName.t) :
('t, 'm) gexpr * Env.t =
let ctx = prg.decl_ctx in
let (all_env, scopes), () =
let (all_env, scopes), _ =
BoundList.fold_left prg.code_items ~init:(Env.empty, ScopeName.Map.empty)
~f:(fun (env, scopes) item v ->
match item with
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ let program_to_graph
Expr.map_marks ~f:(fun m ->
Custom { pos = Expr.mark_pos m; custom = { conditions = [] } })
let (all_env, scopes), () =
let (all_env, scopes), _ =
BoundList.fold_left prg.code_items ~init:(Env.empty, ScopeName.Map.empty)
~f:(fun (env, scopes) item v ->
match item with
@ -619,7 +619,17 @@ let program_to_graph
let e = Scope.to_expr ctx body in
let e = customize (Expr.unbox e) in
let e = Expr.remove_logging_calls (Expr.unbox e) in
let e = Expr.rename_vars (Expr.unbox e) in
let e =
Expr.Renaming.reserved = [];
reset_context_for_closed_terms = false;
skip_constant_binders = false;
constant_binder_name = None;
(Expr.unbox e)
( Env.add (Var.translate v) (Expr.unbox e) env env,
ScopeName.Map.add name (v, body.scope_body_input_struct) scopes )
| Topdef (_, _, e) ->

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ module To_json = struct
Format.asprintf "%a" StructField.format v
|> String.to_ascii
|> String.to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
|> to_camel_case
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s

View File

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ let rec lazy_eval :
let interpret_program (prg : ('dcalc, 'm) gexpr program) (scope : ScopeName.t) :
('t, 'm) gexpr * 'm Env.t =
let ctx = prg.decl_ctx in
let (all_env, scopes), () =
let (all_env, scopes), _ =
BoundList.fold_left prg.code_items ~init:(Env.empty, ScopeName.Map.empty)
~f:(fun (env, scopes) item v ->
match item with

View File

@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ let translate_program ~(config : translation_config) (p : 'm L.program) :
(Program.modules_to_list p.decl_ctx.ctx_modules)
let ctx = { A.decl_ctx = p.decl_ctx; A.modules } in
let (_, _, rev_items), () =
let (_, _, rev_items), _vlist =
~f:(fun (func_dict, var_dict, rev_items) code_item var ->
match code_item with

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type ('e, 'elt, 'last) t = ('e, 'elt, 'last) bound_list =
| Cons of 'elt * ('e, ('e, 'elt, 'last) t) binder
let rec to_seq = function
| Last () -> Seq.empty
| Last _ -> Seq.empty
| Cons (item, next_bind) ->
fun () ->
let v, next = Bindlib.unbind next_bind in

View File

@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ type ('e, 'elt, 'last) t = ('e, 'elt, 'last) bound_list =
| Last of 'last
| Cons of 'elt * ('e, ('e, 'elt, 'last) t) binder
val to_seq : (((_, _) gexpr as 'e), 'elt, unit) t -> ('e Var.t * 'elt) Seq.t
val to_seq : (((_, _) gexpr as 'e), 'elt, _) t -> ('e Var.t * 'elt) Seq.t
(** Note that the boundlist terminator is ignored in the resulting sequence *)
val last : (_, _, 'a) t -> 'a
val iter : f:('e Var.t -> 'elt -> unit) -> ('e, 'elt, 'last) t -> 'last
val find : f:('elt -> 'a option) -> (_, 'elt, _) t -> 'a

View File

@ -645,7 +645,12 @@ type 'e code_item =
| ScopeDef of ScopeName.t * 'e scope_body
| Topdef of TopdefName.t * typ * 'e
type 'e code_item_list = ('e, 'e code_item, unit) bound_list
type 'e code_item_list = ('e, 'e code_item, 'naked_e list) bound_list
constraint 'e = ('naked_e, _) Mark.ed
(* The bound_list terminator is a naked expression list that is not part of the
program: it contains the list of exported variables, so that Bindlib
correctly understands these variables as being used *)
type struct_ctx = typ StructField.Map.t StructName.Map.t
type enum_ctx = typ EnumConstructor.Map.t EnumName.Map.t

View File

@ -72,39 +72,26 @@ module Box = struct
let lift_scope_vars = LiftScopeVars.lift_box
module Ren = struct
module Set = Set.Make (String)
type ctxt = Set.t
let skip_constant_binders = true
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = true
let constant_binder_name = None
let empty_ctxt = Set.empty
let reserve_name n s = Set.add n s
let new_name n s = n, Set.add n s
module Ctx = Bindlib.Ctxt (Ren)
let fv b = Ren.Set.elements (Ctx.free_vars b)
let assert_closed b =
match fv b with
| [] -> ()
| [h] ->
if not (Bindlib.is_closed b) then
(* This is a bit convoluted, but we just want to extract the free
variables names for debug *)
let module Ctx = Bindlib.Ctxt (struct
type ctxt = String.Set.t
let skip_constant_binders = true
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = true
let constant_binder_name = None
let empty_ctxt = String.Set.empty
let reserve_name n s = String.Set.add n s
let new_name n s = n, String.Set.add n s
end) in
Message.error ~internal:true
"The boxed term is not closed the variable %s is free in the global \
| l ->
Message.error ~internal:true
"The boxed term is not closed the variables %a is free in the global \
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "; ")
"The boxed term is not closed, these variables are free in it:@ \
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space
(String.Set.elements (Ctx.free_vars b))
let bind vars e = Bindlib.bind_mvar vars (Box.lift e)
@ -828,84 +815,194 @@ let remove_logging_calls e =
f e
module DefaultBindlibCtxRename = struct
(* This code is a copy-paste from Bindlib, they forgot to expose the default
implementation ! *)
type ctxt = int String.Map.t
module Renaming = struct
module DefaultBindlibCtxRename : Bindlib.Renaming = struct
(* This code is a copy-paste from Bindlib, they forgot to expose the default
implementation ! *)
type ctxt = int String.Map.t
let empty_ctxt = String.Map.empty
let empty_ctxt = String.Map.empty
let split_name : string -> string * int =
fun name ->
let len = String.length name in
(* [i] is the index of the first first character of the suffix. *)
let i =
let is_digit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9' in
let first_digit = ref len in
let first_non_0 = ref len in
while !first_digit > 0 && is_digit name.[!first_digit - 1] do
decr first_digit;
if name.[!first_digit] <> '0' then first_non_0 := !first_digit
let split_name : string -> string * int =
fun name ->
let len = String.length name in
(* [i] is the index of the first first character of the suffix. *)
let i =
let is_digit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9' in
let first_digit = ref len in
let first_non_0 = ref len in
while !first_digit > 0 && is_digit name.[!first_digit - 1] do
decr first_digit;
if name.[!first_digit] <> '0' then first_non_0 := !first_digit
if i = len then name, 0
else String.sub name 0 i, int_of_string (String.sub name i (len - i))
let get_suffix : string -> int -> ctxt -> int * ctxt =
fun name suffix ctxt ->
let n =
try String.Map.find name ctxt with String.Map.Not_found _ -> -1
let suffix = if suffix > n then suffix else n + 1 in
suffix, String.Map.add name suffix ctxt
let merge_name : string -> int -> string =
fun prefix suffix ->
if suffix > 0 then prefix ^ string_of_int suffix else prefix
let new_name : string -> ctxt -> string * ctxt =
fun name ctxt ->
let prefix, suffix = split_name name in
let suffix, ctxt = get_suffix prefix suffix ctxt in
merge_name prefix suffix, ctxt
let reserve_name : string -> ctxt -> ctxt =
fun name ctxt ->
let prefix, suffix = split_name name in
let n = String.Map.find prefix ctxt in
if suffix <= n then ctxt else String.Map.add prefix suffix ctxt
with String.Map.Not_found _ -> String.Map.add prefix suffix ctxt
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = false
let skip_constant_binders = false
let constant_binder_name = None
module type BindlibCtxt = module type of Bindlib.Ctxt (DefaultBindlibCtxRename)
type config = {
reserved : string list;
reset_context_for_closed_terms : bool;
skip_constant_binders : bool;
constant_binder_name : string option;
type context = {
bindCtx : (module BindlibCtxt);
bcontext : DefaultBindlibCtxRename.ctxt;
scopes : ScopeName.t -> ScopeName.t;
topdefs : TopdefName.t -> TopdefName.t;
structs : StructName.t -> StructName.t;
fields : StructField.t -> StructField.t;
enums : EnumName.t -> EnumName.t;
constrs : EnumConstructor.t -> EnumConstructor.t;
let unbind_in ctx ?fname b =
let module BindCtx = (val ctx.bindCtx) in
match fname with
| Some fn ->
let name = fn (Bindlib.binder_name b) in
let v, bcontext =
BindCtx.new_var_in ctx.bcontext (fun v -> EVar v) name
let e = Bindlib.subst b (EVar v) in
v, e, { ctx with bcontext }
| None ->
let v, e, bcontext = BindCtx.unbind_in ctx.bcontext b in
v, e, { ctx with bcontext }
let unmbind_in ctx ?fname b =
let module BindCtx = (val ctx.bindCtx) in
match fname with
| Some fn ->
let names = fn (Bindlib.mbinder_names b) in
let rvs, bcontext =
(fun (rvs, bcontext) n ->
let v, bcontext = BindCtx.new_var_in bcontext (fun v -> EVar v) n in
v :: rvs, bcontext)
([], ctx.bcontext) names
let vs = Array.of_list (List.rev rvs) in
let e = Bindlib.msubst b ( (fun v -> EVar v) vs) in
vs, e, { ctx with bcontext }
| None ->
let vs, e, bcontext = BindCtx.unmbind_in ctx.bcontext b in
vs, e, { ctx with bcontext }
let set_rewriters ?scopes ?topdefs ?structs ?fields ?enums ?constrs ctx =
(fun ?(scopes = ctx.scopes) ?(topdefs = ctx.topdefs)
?(structs = ctx.structs) ?(fields = ctx.fields) ?(enums = ctx.enums)
?(constrs = ctx.constrs) () ->
{ ctx with scopes; topdefs; structs; fields; enums; constrs })
?scopes ?topdefs ?structs ?fields ?enums ?constrs ()
let new_id ctx name =
let module BindCtx = (val ctx.bindCtx) in
let var, bcontext =
BindCtx.new_var_in ctx.bcontext (fun _ -> assert false) name
if i = len then name, 0
else String.sub name 0 i, int_of_string (String.sub name i (len - i))
Bindlib.name_of var, { ctx with bcontext }
let get_suffix : string -> int -> ctxt -> int * ctxt =
fun name suffix ctxt ->
let n = try String.Map.find name ctxt with String.Map.Not_found _ -> -1 in
let suffix = if suffix > n then suffix else n + 1 in
suffix, String.Map.add name suffix ctxt
let get_ctx cfg =
let module BindCtx = Bindlib.Ctxt (struct
include DefaultBindlibCtxRename
let merge_name : string -> int -> string =
fun prefix suffix ->
if suffix > 0 then prefix ^ string_of_int suffix else prefix
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = cfg.reset_context_for_closed_terms
let skip_constant_binders = cfg.skip_constant_binders
let constant_binder_name = cfg.constant_binder_name
end) in
bindCtx = (module BindCtx);
bcontext =
(fun ctx name -> DefaultBindlibCtxRename.reserve_name name ctx)
BindCtx.empty_ctxt cfg.reserved;
scopes =;
topdefs =;
structs =;
fields =;
enums =;
constrs =;
let new_name : string -> ctxt -> string * ctxt =
fun name ctxt ->
let prefix, suffix = split_name name in
let suffix, ctxt = get_suffix prefix suffix ctxt in
merge_name prefix suffix, ctxt
let rec typ ctx = function
| TStruct n, m -> TStruct (ctx.structs n), m
| TEnum n, m -> TEnum (ctx.enums n), m
| ty -> (typ ctx) ty
let reserve_name : string -> ctxt -> ctxt =
fun name ctxt ->
let prefix, suffix = split_name name in
let n = String.Map.find prefix ctxt in
if suffix <= n then ctxt else String.Map.add prefix suffix ctxt
with String.Map.Not_found _ -> String.Map.add prefix suffix ctxt
let rename_vars
?(exclude = ([] : string list))
?(reset_context_for_closed_terms = false)
?(skip_constant_binders = false)
?(constant_binder_name = None)
e =
let module BindCtx = Bindlib.Ctxt (struct
include DefaultBindlibCtxRename
let reset_context_for_closed_terms = reset_context_for_closed_terms
let skip_constant_binders = skip_constant_binders
let constant_binder_name = constant_binder_name
end) in
let rec aux : type a. BindCtx.ctxt -> (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr boxed =
fun ctx e ->
match e with
let rec expr : type k. context -> (k, 'm) gexpr -> (k, 'm) gexpr boxed =
fun ctx -> function
| EExternal { name = External_scope s, pos }, m ->
eexternal ~name:(External_scope (ctx.scopes s), pos) m
| EExternal { name = External_value d, pos }, m ->
eexternal ~name:(External_value (ctx.topdefs d), pos) m
| EAbs { binder; tys }, m ->
let vars, body, ctx = BindCtx.unmbind_in ctx binder in
let body = aux ctx body in
let vars, body, ctx = unmbind_in ctx ~fname:String.to_snake_case binder in
let body = expr ctx body in
let binder = bind vars body in
eabs binder tys m
| e -> map ~f:(aux ctx) e
let ctx =
(fun ctx name -> DefaultBindlibCtxRename.reserve_name name ctx)
BindCtx.empty_ctxt exclude
aux ctx e
eabs binder ( (typ ctx) tys) m
| EStruct { name; fields }, m ->
estruct ~name:(ctx.structs name)
(fun fld e -> StructField.Map.add (ctx.fields fld) (expr ctx e))
fields StructField.Map.empty)
| EStructAccess { name; field; e }, m ->
estructaccess ~name:(ctx.structs name) ~field:(ctx.fields field)
~e:(expr ctx e) m
| EInj { name; e; cons }, m ->
einj ~name:(ctx.enums name) ~cons:(ctx.constrs cons) ~e:(expr ctx e) m
| EMatch { name; e; cases }, m ->
ematch ~name:(ctx.enums name)
(fun cons e ->
EnumConstructor.Map.add (ctx.constrs cons) (expr ctx e))
cases EnumConstructor.Map.empty)
~e:(expr ctx e) m
| e -> map ~typ:(typ ctx) ~f:(expr ctx) e
let scope_name ctx s = ctx.scopes s
let topdef_name ctx s = ctx.topdefs s
let struct_name ctx s = ctx.structs s
let enum_name ctx e = ctx.enums e
let format ppf e = Print.expr ~debug:false () ppf e

View File

@ -393,16 +393,52 @@ val remove_logging_calls :
(** Removes all calls to [Log] unary operators in the AST, replacing them by
their argument. *)
val rename_vars :
?exclude:string list ->
?reset_context_for_closed_terms:bool ->
?skip_constant_binders:bool ->
?constant_binder_name:string option ->
('a, 'm) gexpr ->
('a, 'm) boxed_gexpr
(** Disambiguates all variable names in [e]. [exclude] will blacklist the given
names (useful for keywords or built-in names) ; the other flags behave as
defined in the bindlib documentation for module type [Rename] *)
(** {2 Renamings and formatting} *)
module Renaming : sig
type config = {
reserved : string list; (** Use for keywords and built-ins *)
reset_context_for_closed_terms : bool; (** See [Bindlib.Rename] *)
skip_constant_binders : bool; (** See [Bindlib.Rename] *)
constant_binder_name : string option; (** See [Bindlib.Rename] *)
type context
val get_ctx : config -> context
val unbind_in :
context ->
?fname:(string -> string) ->
('e, 'b) Bindlib.binder ->
('e, _) Mark.ed Var.t * 'b * context
(* [fname] applies a transformation on the variable name (typically something
like [String.to_snake_case]). The result is advisory and a numerical suffix
may be appended or modified *)
val new_id : context -> string -> string * context
val set_rewriters :
?scopes:(ScopeName.t -> ScopeName.t) ->
?topdefs:(TopdefName.t -> TopdefName.t) ->
?structs:(StructName.t -> StructName.t) ->
?fields:(StructField.t -> StructField.t) ->
?enums:(EnumName.t -> EnumName.t) ->
?constrs:(EnumConstructor.t -> EnumConstructor.t) ->
context ->
val typ : context -> typ -> typ
val expr : context -> ('a any, 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) boxed_gexpr
(** Disambiguates all variable names in [e], and renames structs, fields,
enums and constrs according to the given context configuration *)
val scope_name : context -> ScopeName.t -> ScopeName.t
val topdef_name : context -> TopdefName.t -> TopdefName.t
val struct_name : context -> StructName.t -> StructName.t
val enum_name : context -> EnumName.t -> EnumName.t
val format : Format.formatter -> ('a, 'm) gexpr -> unit
(** Simple printing without debug, use [Print.expr ()] instead to follow the
@ -496,9 +532,6 @@ module Box : sig
'm mark ->
('a, 'm) boxed_gexpr
val fv : 'b -> string list
(** [fv] return the list of free variables from a boxed term. *)
val assert_closed : 'b -> unit
(** [assert_closed b] check there is no free variables in then [b] boxed term.
It raises an internal error if it not the case, printing all free

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
open Definitions
let map_decl_ctx ~f ctx =
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ let map_exprs ?typ ~f ~varf { code_items; decl_ctx; lang; module_name } =
{ code_items; decl_ctx; lang; module_name })
(Scope.map_exprs ?typ ~f ~varf code_items)
assert (Bindlib.is_closed boxed_prg);
Expr.Box.assert_closed boxed_prg;
Bindlib.unbox boxed_prg
let fold_left ~f ~init { code_items; _ } =
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ let fold_exprs ~f ~init prg = Scope.fold_exprs ~f ~init prg.code_items
let fold_right ~f ~init { code_items; _ } =
~f:(fun e _ acc -> f e acc)
~init:(fun () -> init)
~init:(fun _vlist -> init)
let empty_ctx =
@ -95,3 +96,170 @@ let modules_to_list (mt : module_tree) =
mtree acc
List.rev (aux [] mt)
(* Todo? - add handling for specific naming constraints (automatically convert
to camel/snake-case, etc.) - register module names as reserved names *)
let rename_ids
p =
let cap s = String.to_camel_case s in
let uncap s = String.to_snake_case s in
let cfg =
let ctx = Expr.Renaming.get_ctx cfg in
(* Each module needs its separate ctx since resolution is qualified ; and name
resolution in a given module must be processed consistently independently
on the current context. *)
let module PathMap = Map.Make (Uid.Path) in
let pctxmap = PathMap.singleton [] ctx in
let pctxmap, structs_map, fields_map, ctx_structs =
(fun name fields (pctxmap, structs_map, fields_map, ctx_structs) ->
let path = StructName.path name in
let str, pos = StructName.get_info name in
let pctxmap, ctx =
try pctxmap, PathMap.find path pctxmap
with PathMap.Not_found _ -> PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap, ctx
let id, ctx = Expr.Renaming.new_id ctx (cap str) in
let new_name = StructName.fresh path (id, pos) in
let ctx, fields_map, ctx_fields =
(fun name ty (ctx, fields_map, ctx_fields) ->
let str, pos = StructField.get_info name in
let id, ctx = Expr.Renaming.new_id ctx (uncap str) in
let new_name = StructField.fresh (id, pos) in
( ctx,
StructField.Map.add name new_name fields_map,
StructField.Map.add new_name ty ctx_fields ))
(ctx, fields_map, StructField.Map.empty)
( PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap,
StructName.Map.add name new_name structs_map,
StructName.Map.add new_name ctx_fields ctx_structs ))
( pctxmap,
StructName.Map.empty )
let pctxmap, enums_map, constrs_map, ctx_enums =
(fun name constrs (pctxmap, enums_map, constrs_map, ctx_enums) ->
let path = EnumName.path name in
let str, pos = EnumName.get_info name in
let pctxmap, ctx =
try pctxmap, PathMap.find path pctxmap
with Not_found -> PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap, ctx
let id, ctx = Expr.Renaming.new_id ctx (cap str) in
let new_name = EnumName.fresh path (id, pos) in
let ctx, constrs_map, ctx_constrs =
(fun name ty (ctx, constrs_map, ctx_constrs) ->
let str, pos = EnumConstructor.get_info name in
let id, ctx = Expr.Renaming.new_id ctx (cap str) in
let new_name = EnumConstructor.fresh (id, pos) in
( ctx,
EnumConstructor.Map.add name new_name constrs_map,
EnumConstructor.Map.add new_name ty ctx_constrs ))
(ctx, constrs_map, EnumConstructor.Map.empty)
( PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap,
EnumName.Map.add name new_name enums_map,
EnumName.Map.add new_name ctx_constrs ctx_enums ))
( pctxmap,
EnumName.Map.empty )
let pctxmap, scopes_map, ctx_scopes =
(fun name info (pctxmap, scopes_map, ctx_scopes) ->
let info =
in_struct_name = StructName.Map.find info.in_struct_name structs_map;
out_struct_name =
StructName.Map.find info.out_struct_name structs_map;
out_struct_fields =
(fun fld -> StructField.Map.find fld fields_map)
let path = ScopeName.path name in
if path = [] then
(* Scopes / topdefs in the root module will be renamed through the
variables binding them in the code_items *)
( pctxmap,
ScopeName.Map.add name name scopes_map,
ScopeName.Map.add name info ctx_scopes )
let str, pos = ScopeName.get_info name in
let pctxmap, ctx =
try pctxmap, PathMap.find path pctxmap
with Not_found -> PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap, ctx
let id, ctx = Expr.Renaming.new_id ctx (uncap str) in
let new_name = ScopeName.fresh path (id, pos) in
( PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap,
ScopeName.Map.add name new_name scopes_map,
ScopeName.Map.add new_name info ctx_scopes ))
(pctxmap, ScopeName.Map.empty, ScopeName.Map.empty)
let pctxmap, topdefs_map, ctx_topdefs =
(fun name typ (pctxmap, topdefs_map, ctx_topdefs) ->
let path = TopdefName.path name in
if path = [] then
(* Topdefs / topdefs in the root module will be renamed through the
variables binding them in the code_items *)
( pctxmap,
TopdefName.Map.add name name topdefs_map,
TopdefName.Map.add name typ ctx_topdefs )
(* [typ] is rewritten later on *)
let str, pos = TopdefName.get_info name in
let pctxmap, ctx =
try pctxmap, PathMap.find path pctxmap
with Not_found -> PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap, ctx
let id, ctx = Expr.Renaming.new_id ctx (uncap str) in
let new_name = TopdefName.fresh path (id, pos) in
( PathMap.add path ctx pctxmap,
TopdefName.Map.add name new_name topdefs_map,
TopdefName.Map.add new_name typ ctx_topdefs ))
(pctxmap, TopdefName.Map.empty, TopdefName.Map.empty)
let ctx = PathMap.find [] pctxmap in
let ctx =
Expr.Renaming.set_rewriters ctx
~scopes:(fun n -> ScopeName.Map.find n scopes_map)
~topdefs:(fun n -> TopdefName.Map.find n topdefs_map)
~structs:(fun n -> StructName.Map.find n structs_map)
~fields:(fun n -> StructField.Map.find n fields_map)
~enums:(fun n -> EnumName.Map.find n enums_map)
~constrs:(fun n -> EnumConstructor.Map.find n constrs_map)
let decl_ctx =
{ p.decl_ctx with ctx_enums; ctx_structs; ctx_scopes; ctx_topdefs }
let decl_ctx = map_decl_ctx ~f:(Expr.Renaming.typ ctx) decl_ctx in
let code_items = Scope.rename_ids ctx p.code_items in
{ p with decl_ctx; code_items }, ctx

View File

@ -56,3 +56,18 @@ val find_scope : ScopeName.t -> 'e code_item_list -> 'e scope_body
val modules_to_list : module_tree -> (ModuleName.t * module_intf_id) list
(** Returns a list of used modules, in topological order ; the boolean indicates
if the module is external *)
val rename_ids :
reserved:string list ->
reset_context_for_closed_terms:bool ->
skip_constant_binders:bool ->
constant_binder_name:string option ->
('a, 't) gexpr program ->
('a, 't) gexpr program * Expr.Renaming.context
(** Renames all idents (variables, types, struct and enum names, fields and
constructors) to dispel ambiguities in the target language. Names in
[reserved], typically keywords and built-ins, will be avoided ; the meaning
of the flags is described in [Bindlib.Renaming].
In the returned program, it is safe to directly use `Bindlib.name_of` on
variables for printing. The same is true for `StructName.get_info` etc. *)

View File

@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ let map_exprs_in_lets :
(f scope_let.scope_let_expr) ))
let map_last_item ~varf last =
(function EVar v -> Bindlib.box_var (varf v) | _ -> assert false)
let map_exprs ?(typ = ~f ~varf scopes =
let f v = function
| ScopeDef (name, body) ->
@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ let map_exprs ?(typ = ~f ~varf scopes =
(fun e -> Topdef (name, typ ty, e))
(Expr.Box.lift (f expr)) )
in ~f scopes ~f ~last:(map_last_item ~varf) scopes
let fold_exprs ~f ~init scopes =
let f acc def _ =
@ -116,7 +122,7 @@ let unfold (ctx : decl_ctx) (s : 'e code_item_list) (main_scope : ScopeName.t) :
| None, ScopeDef (name, body) when ScopeName.equal name main_scope ->
Some (Expr.make_var v (get_body_mark body))
| r, _ -> r)
~bottom:(fun () -> function Some v -> v | None -> raise Not_found)
~bottom:(fun _vlist -> function Some v -> v | None -> raise Not_found)
~up:(fun var item next ->
let e, typ =
match item with
@ -137,6 +143,64 @@ let free_vars_item = function
let free_vars scopes =
BoundList.fold_right scopes
~init:(fun () -> Var.Set.empty)
~init:(fun _vlist -> Var.Set.empty)
~f:(fun item v acc ->
Var.Set.union (Var.Set.remove v acc) (free_vars_item item))
(** Maps carrying around a naming context, enriched at each [unbind] *)
let rec boundlist_map_ctx ~f ~fname ~last ~ctx = function
| Last l -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun l -> Last l) (last ctx l)
| Cons (item, next_bind) ->
let item = f ctx item in
let var, next, ctx = Expr.Renaming.unbind_in ctx ~fname next_bind in
let next = boundlist_map_ctx ~f ~fname ~last ~ctx next in
let next_bind = Bindlib.bind_var var next in
(fun item next_bind -> Cons (item, next_bind))
item next_bind
let rename_vars_in_lets ctx scope_body_expr =
boundlist_map_ctx scope_body_expr ~ctx ~fname:String.to_snake_case
~last:(fun ctx e -> Expr.Box.lift (Expr.Renaming.expr ctx e))
~f:(fun ctx scope_let ->
(fun scope_let_expr ->
scope_let with
scope_let_typ = Expr.Renaming.typ ctx scope_let.scope_let_typ;
(Expr.Box.lift (Expr.Renaming.expr ctx scope_let.scope_let_expr)))
let rename_ids ctx (scopes : 'e code_item_list) =
let f ctx = function
| ScopeDef (name, body) ->
let name = Expr.Renaming.scope_name ctx name in
let scope_input_var, scope_lets, ctx =
Expr.Renaming.unbind_in ctx ~fname:String.to_snake_case
let scope_lets = rename_vars_in_lets ctx scope_lets in
let scope_body_expr = Bindlib.bind_var scope_input_var scope_lets in
(fun scope_body_expr ->
let body =
scope_body_input_struct =
Expr.Renaming.struct_name ctx body.scope_body_input_struct;
scope_body_output_struct =
Expr.Renaming.struct_name ctx body.scope_body_output_struct;
ScopeDef (name, body))
| Topdef (name, ty, expr) ->
(fun e -> Topdef (name, Expr.Renaming.typ ctx ty, e))
(Expr.Box.lift (Expr.Renaming.expr ctx expr))
@@ boundlist_map_ctx ~ctx ~f ~fname:String.to_snake_case
~last:(fun _ctx ->

View File

@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ val map_exprs :
(** This is the main map visitor for all the expressions inside all the scopes
of the program. *)
val map_last_item :
varf:(('a, 'm) naked_gexpr Bindlib.var -> 'e2 Bindlib.var) ->
('a, 'm) naked_gexpr list ->
'e2 list
(** Helper function to handle the [code_item_list] terminator when manually
mapping on [code_item_list] *)
val fold_exprs :
f:('acc -> 'expr -> typ -> 'acc) -> init:'acc -> 'expr code_item_list -> 'acc
@ -69,6 +77,11 @@ val input_type : typ -> Runtime.io_input Mark.pos -> typ
this doesn't take thunking into account (thunking is added during the
scopelang->dcalc translation) *)
val rename_ids :
Expr.Renaming.context ->
((_ any, 'm) gexpr as 'e) code_item_list ->
'e code_item_list
(** {2 Analysis and tests} *)
val free_vars_body_expr : 'e scope_body_expr -> 'e Var.Set.t

View File

@ -93,6 +93,21 @@ let rec compare ty1 ty2 =
| TClosureEnv, _ -> -1
| _, TClosureEnv -> 1
let map f ty =
| TLit l -> TLit l
| TTuple tl -> TTuple ( f tl)
| TStruct n -> TStruct n
| TEnum n -> TEnum n
| TOption ty -> TOption (f ty)
| TArrow (tl, ty) -> TArrow ( f tl, f ty)
| TArray ty -> TArray (f ty)
| TDefault ty -> TDefault (f ty)
| TAny -> TAny
| TClosureEnv -> TClosureEnv)
let rec hash ~strip ty =
let open Hash.Op in
match Mark.remove ty with

View File

@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ val equal : t -> t -> bool
val equal_list : t list -> t list -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val map : (t -> t) -> t -> t
(** Shallow mapping on types *)
val hash : strip:Uid.Path.t -> t -> Hash.t
(** The [strip] argument strips the given leading path components in included
identifiers before hashing *)

View File

@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ let scope_body ctx env body =
let scopes ctx env =
BoundList.fold_map ~init:env
~last:(fun ctx () -> ctx, ())
~last:(fun ctx el -> ctx, Scope.map_last_item ~varf:Var.translate el)
~f:(fun env var item ->
match item with
| A.ScopeDef (name, body) ->

View File

@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ let generate_verification_conditions_code_items
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(code_items : 'm expr code_item_list)
(s : ScopeName.t option) : verification_condition list =
let conditions, () =
let conditions, _ =
~f:(fun vcs item _ ->
match item with

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
@ -20,13 +19,13 @@ module Str1 = struct
type t = {fld1: Enum1.t; fld2: integer}
module S_in = struct
module SIn = struct
type t = unit
let s (s_in: S_in.t) : S.t =
let sr_: money =
let s (s_in: SIn.t) : S.t =
let sr1: money =
@ -45,19 +44,19 @@ let s (s_in: S_in.t) : S.t =
( if true then
(Eoption.ESome (money_of_cents_string "100000")) else
(Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))|]))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))|]))
| Eoption.ENone _ ->
( if false then (Eoption.ENone ()) else (Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))
| Eoption.ENone _ -> (raise
(Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.Error (NoValue, [{filename="tests/modules/good/mod_def.catala_en";
start_line=16; start_column=10;
end_line=16; end_column=12;
law_headings=["Test modules + inclusions 1"]}])))
| Eoption.ESome arg_ -> arg_ in
let e1_: Enum1.t =
| Eoption.ESome arg -> arg in
let e2: Enum1.t =
@ -75,34 +74,34 @@ let s (s_in: S_in.t) : S.t =
| Eoption.ENone _ ->
( if true then (Eoption.ESome (Enum1.Maybe ())) else
(Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))|]))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))|]))
| Eoption.ENone _ ->
( if false then (Eoption.ENone ()) else (Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))
| Eoption.ENone _ -> (raise
(Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.Error (NoValue, [{filename="tests/modules/good/mod_def.catala_en";
start_line=17; start_column=10;
end_line=17; end_column=12;
law_headings=["Test modules + inclusions 1"]}])))
| Eoption.ESome arg_ -> arg_ in
{ = sr_; S.e1 = e1_}
| Eoption.ESome arg -> arg in
{ = sr1; S.e1 = e2}
let half_ : integer -> decimal =
fun (x_: integer) ->
let half : integer -> decimal =
fun (x: integer) ->
start_line=21; start_column=14; end_line=21; end_column=15;
law_headings=["Test modules + inclusions 1"]} x_ (integer_of_string
law_headings=["Test modules + inclusions 1"]} x (integer_of_string
let maybe_ : Enum1.t -> Enum1.t =
fun (_: Enum1.t) -> Enum1.Maybe ()
let maybe : Enum1.t -> Enum1.t =
fun (x: Enum1.t) -> Enum1.Maybe ()
let () =
Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.register_module "Mod_def"
[ "S", Obj.repr s;
"half", Obj.repr half_;
"maybe", Obj.repr maybe_ ]
"half", Obj.repr half;
"maybe", Obj.repr maybe ]

View File

@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ $ catala test-scope S
$ catala ocaml
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
@ -46,20 +45,20 @@ module S = struct
type t = {a: bool}
module S_in = struct
module SIn = struct
type t = {a_in: unit -> (bool) Eoption.t}
let s (s_in: S_in.t) : S.t =
let a_: unit -> (bool) Eoption.t = s_in.S_in.a_in in
let a_: bool =
let s (s_in: SIn.t) : S.t =
let a1: unit -> (bool) Eoption.t = s_in.SIn.a_in in
let a2: bool =
start_line=7; start_column=18; end_line=7; end_column=19;
law_headings=["Article"]}|] ([|(a_ ())|]))
law_headings=["Article"]}|] ([|(a1 ())|]))
| Eoption.ENone _ ->
( if true then
@ -78,36 +77,36 @@ let s (s_in: S_in.t) : S.t =
end_line=13; end_column=6;
law_headings=["Article"]}|] ([||]))
| Eoption.ENone _ ->
| Eoption.ENone _1 ->
( if true then
(Eoption.ESome (let a_ : bool = false
(Eoption.ESome (let a2 : bool = false
(let a_ : bool = (o_or a_ true)
(let a3 : bool = (o_or a2 true)
a_))) else (Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))|]))
a3))) else (Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))|]))
| Eoption.ENone _ ->
| Eoption.ENone _1 ->
( if false then (Eoption.ENone ()) else
(Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))
| Eoption.ENone _ -> (raise
| Eoption.ENone _1 -> (raise
(Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.Error (NoValue, [{filename="tests/name_resolution/good/let_in2.catala_en";
start_line=7; start_column=18;
end_line=7; end_column=19;
| Eoption.ESome arg_ -> arg_)) else (Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x_ -> (Eoption.ESome x_))
| Eoption.ESome arg -> arg)) else (Eoption.ENone ()))
| Eoption.ESome x -> (Eoption.ESome x))
| Eoption.ENone _ -> (raise
(Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.Error (NoValue, [{filename="tests/name_resolution/good/let_in2.catala_en";
start_line=7; start_column=18;
end_line=7; end_column=19;
| Eoption.ESome arg_ -> arg_ in
{S.a = a_}
| Eoption.ESome arg -> arg in
{S.a = a2}
let () =
Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.register_module "Let_in2"

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ $ catala Typecheck --check-invariants
$ catala OCaml -O
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
@ -42,26 +41,26 @@ module ScopeA = struct
module ScopeB = struct
type t = {a: bool}
type t = {a1: bool}
module ScopeA_in = struct
module ScopeAIn = struct
type t = unit
module ScopeB_in = struct
module ScopeBIn = struct
type t = unit
let scope_a (scope_a_in: ScopeA_in.t) : ScopeA.t =
let a_: bool = true in
{ScopeA.a = a_}
let scope_a (scope_a_in: ScopeAIn.t) : ScopeA.t =
let a2: bool = true in
{ScopeA.a = a2}
let scope_b (scope_b_in: ScopeB_in.t) : ScopeB.t =
let scope_a_: ScopeA.t = {ScopeA.a = ((scope_a (())).ScopeA.a)} in
let a_: bool = scope_a_.ScopeA.a in
{ScopeB.a = a_}
let scope_b (scope_b_in: ScopeBIn.t) : ScopeB.t =
let scope_a1: ScopeA.t = {ScopeA.a = ((scope_a (())).ScopeA.a)} in
let a2: bool = scope_a1.ScopeA.a in
{ScopeB.a1 = a2}
let entry_scopes = [