Support for basic clerk.toml configuration files (#639)

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-07-01 15:40:06 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit cdb31ffd57
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
8 changed files with 255 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala build system, a specification language for
tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2024 Inria,
contributors: Louis Gesbert <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
open Otoml
type t = {
catala_opts : string list;
build_dir : File.t;
include_dirs : File.t list;
let default = { catala_opts = []; build_dir = "_build"; include_dirs = [] }
let toml_to_config toml =
catala_opts = Helpers.find_strings_exn toml ["build"; "catala_opts"];
build_dir = Helpers.find_string_exn toml ["build"; "build_dir"];
include_dirs = Helpers.find_strings_exn toml ["project"; "include_dirs"];
let config_to_toml t =
( "build",
"catala_opts", array ( string t.catala_opts);
"build_dir", string t.build_dir;
] );
"project", table ["include_dirs", array ( string t.include_dirs)];
let default_toml = config_to_toml default
(* joins default and supplied conf, ensuring types match. The filename is for
error reporting *)
let rec join ?(rpath = []) fname t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| TomlString _, TomlString _
| TomlInteger _, TomlInteger _
| TomlFloat _, TomlFloat _
| TomlBoolean _, TomlBoolean _
| TomlOffsetDateTime _, TomlOffsetDateTime _
| TomlLocalDateTime _, TomlLocalDateTime _
| TomlLocalDate _, TomlLocalDate _
| TomlLocalTime _, TomlLocalTime _
| TomlArray _, TomlArray _
| TomlTableArray _, TomlTableArray _ ->
| TomlTable tt1, TomlTable tt2 | TomlInlineTable tt1, TomlInlineTable tt2 ->
let m1 = String.Map.of_list tt1 in
let m2 = String.Map.of_list tt2 in
(fun key t1 t2 ->
match t1, t2 with
| None, Some _ ->
"While parsing %a: invalid key @{<red>%S@} at @{<bold>%s@}"
File.format fname key
(if rpath = [] then "file root"
else String.concat "." (List.rev rpath))
| Some t1, Some t2 -> Some (join ~rpath:(key :: rpath) fname t1 t2)
| Some t1, None -> Some t1
| None, None -> assert false)
m1 m2
|> String.Map.bindings)
| _ ->
"While parsing %a: Wrong type for config value @{<bold>%s@}, was \
expecting @{<bold>%s@}"
File.format fname
(String.concat "." (List.rev rpath))
(match t1 with
| TomlString _ -> "a string"
| TomlInteger _ -> "an integer"
| TomlFloat _ -> "a float"
| TomlBoolean _ -> "a boolean"
| TomlOffsetDateTime _ -> "an offsetdatetime"
| TomlLocalDateTime _ -> "a localdatetime"
| TomlLocalDate _ -> "a localdate"
| TomlLocalTime _ -> "a localtime"
| TomlArray _ | TomlTableArray _ -> "an array"
| TomlTable _ | TomlInlineTable _ -> "a table")
let read f =
let toml =
try Parser.from_file f
with Parse_error (Some (li, col), msg) ->
~pos:(Pos.from_info f li col li (col + 1))
"Error in Clerk configuration:@ %a" Format.pp_print_text msg
toml_to_config (join f default_toml toml)
let write f t =
let toml = config_to_toml t in
File.with_out_channel f @@ fun oc -> Printer.to_channel oc toml

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala build system, a specification language for
tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2024 Inria,
contributors: Louis Gesbert <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
type t = {
catala_opts : string list;
build_dir : File.t;
include_dirs : File.t list;
val default : t
val read : File.t -> t
val write : File.t -> t -> unit

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala build system, a specification language for
tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria,
contributors: Denis Merigoux <>, Emile Rolley
<>, Louis Gesbert <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module Cli = struct
val debug : bool Term.t
val term :
(chdir:File.t option ->
(config_file:File.t option ->
catala_exe:File.t option ->
catala_opts:string list ->
build_dir:File.t option ->
@ -112,12 +112,14 @@ module Cli = struct
'a) ->
'a Term.t
end = struct
let chdir =
let config_file =
& opt (some string) None
& info ["C"] ~docv:"DIR"
~doc:"Change to the given directory before processing")
& opt (some file) None
& info ["config"] ~docv:"FILE"
"Clerk configuration file to use, instead of looking up \
\"clerk.toml\" in parent directories.")
let color =
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ module Cli = struct
@ -157,9 +159,9 @@ module Cli = struct
f ~chdir ~catala_exe ~catala_opts ~build_dir ~include_dirs ~color
~debug ~ninja_output)
$ chdir
f ~config_file ~catala_exe ~catala_opts ~build_dir ~include_dirs
~color ~debug ~ninja_output)
$ config_file
$ catala_exe
$ catala_opts
$ build_dir
@ -303,36 +305,18 @@ end
(** Some functions that poll the surrounding systems (think [./configure]) *)
module Poll = struct
let project_root_absrel : (File.t option * File.t) Lazy.t =
(let open File in
let home = try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> "" in
let rec lookup dir rel =
Sys.file_exists (dir / "catala.opam")
|| Sys.file_exists (dir / ".git")
|| Sys.file_exists (dir / "clerk.toml")
then Some dir, rel
else if dir = home then None, Filename.current_dir_name
let parent = Filename.dirname dir in
if parent = dir then None, Filename.current_dir_name
else lookup parent (rel / Filename.parent_dir_name)
lookup (Sys.getcwd ()) Filename.current_dir_name)
let project_root = lazy (fst (Lazy.force project_root_absrel))
let project_root_relative = lazy (snd (Lazy.force project_root_absrel))
(** This module is sensitive to the CWD at first use. Therefore it's expected
that [chdir] has been run beforehand to the project root. *)
let root = lazy (Sys.getcwd ())
(** Scans for a parent directory being the root of the Catala source repo *)
let catala_project_root : File.t option Lazy.t =
(match Lazy.force project_root with
| Some root
when Sys.file_exists File.(root / "catala.opam")
&& Sys.file_exists File.(root / "dune-project") ->
Some root
| _ -> None)
@@ fun root ->
if File.(exists (root / "catala.opam") && exists (root / "dune-project"))
then Some root
else None
let exec_dir : File.t = Catala_utils.Cli.exec_dir
let clerk_exe : File.t Lazy.t = lazy (Unix.realpath Sys.executable_name)
@ -342,14 +326,14 @@ module Poll = struct
(let f = File.(exec_dir / "catala") in
if Sys.file_exists f then Unix.realpath f
match Lazy.force project_root with
| Some root when Sys.file_exists File.(root / "catala.opam") ->
match catala_project_root with
| (lazy (Some root)) ->
File.(root / "_build" / "default" / "compiler" / "catala.exe")
| _ -> File.check_exec "catala")
let build_dir : ?dir:File.t -> unit -> File.t =
fun ?(dir = "_build") () ->
let build_dir : dir:File.t -> unit -> File.t =
fun ~dir () ->
let d = File.clean_path dir in
File.ensure_dir d;
@ -437,14 +421,6 @@ module Poll = struct
lazy (snd (Lazy.force ocaml_include_and_lib_flags))
(* Adjusts paths specified from the command-line relative to the user cwd to be
instead relative to the project root *)
let fix_path =
let from_dir = Sys.getcwd () in
fun d ->
let to_dir = Lazy.force Poll.project_root_relative in
Catala_utils.File.reverse_path ~from_dir ~to_dir d
(**{1 Building rules}*)
(** Ninja variable names *)
@ -796,8 +772,10 @@ let gen_ninja_file catala_exe catala_flags build_dir include_dirs test_flags dir
(** {1 Driver} *)
(* Last argument is a continuation taking as arguments [build_dir], the
[fix_path] function, and the ninja file name *)
let ninja_init
@ -805,14 +783,58 @@ let ninja_init
~ninja_output :
extra:def Seq.t -> test_flags:string list -> (File.t -> File.t -> 'a) -> 'a
extra:def Seq.t ->
test_flags:string list ->
(File.t -> (File.t -> File.t) -> File.t -> 'a) ->
'a =
let _options = Catala_utils.Global.enforce_options ~debug ~color () in
let chdir =
match chdir with None -> Lazy.force Poll.project_root | some -> some
let default_config_file = "clerk.toml" in
let set_root_dir dir =
Message.debug "Entering directory %a" File.format dir;
Sys.chdir dir
Option.iter Sys.chdir chdir;
let build_dir = Poll.build_dir ?dir:build_dir () in
(* fix_path adjusts paths specified from the command-line relative to the user
cwd to be instead relative to the project root *)
let fix_path, config =
let from_dir = Sys.getcwd () in
match config_file with
| None -> (
File.(find_in_parents (fun dir -> exists (dir / default_config_file)))
| Some (root, rel) ->
set_root_dir root;
( Catala_utils.File.reverse_path ~from_dir ~to_dir:rel, default_config_file )
| None -> (
find_in_parents (function dir ->
exists (dir / "catala.opam") || exists (dir / ".git")))
| Some (root, rel) ->
set_root_dir root;
( Catala_utils.File.reverse_path ~from_dir ~to_dir:rel,
Clerk_config.default )
| None ->, Clerk_config.default))
| Some f ->
let root = Filename.dirname f in
let config = f in
set_root_dir root;
( (fun d ->
let r = Catala_utils.File.reverse_path ~from_dir ~to_dir:root d in
Message.debug "%a => %a" File.format d File.format r;
config )
let build_dir =
let dir =
match build_dir with None -> config.build_dir | Some dir -> dir
Poll.build_dir ~dir ()
let catala_opts = config.catala_opts @ catala_opts in
let include_dirs = config.include_dirs @ include_dirs in
let with_ninja_output k =
match ninja_output with
| Some f -> k f
@ -840,7 +862,7 @@ let ninja_init
Nj.format nin_ppf ninja_contents);
k build_dir nin_file
k build_dir fix_path nin_file
let cleaned_up_env () =
let passthrough_vars =
@ -882,7 +904,7 @@ open Cmdliner
let build_cmd =
let run ninja_init (targets : string list) (ninja_flags : string list) =
ninja_init ~extra:Seq.empty ~test_flags:[]
@@ fun _build_dir nin_file ->
@@ fun _build_dir fix_path nin_file ->
let targets =
(fun f ->
@ -923,7 +945,7 @@ let test_cmd =
set_report_verbosity verbosity;
Clerk_report.set_display_flags ~diff_command ();
ninja_init ~extra:Seq.empty ~test_flags
@@ fun build_dir nin_file ->
@@ fun build_dir fix_path nin_file ->
let targets =
let fs = if files_or_folders = [] then ["."] else files_or_folders in File.(fun f -> (build_dir / fix_path f) ^ "@test") fs
@ -1008,7 +1030,7 @@ let run_cmd =
( (fun file -> file ^ "@interpret") files_or_folders)))
ninja_init ~extra ~test_flags:[]
@@ fun _build_dir nin_file ->
@@ fun _build_dir _fix_path nin_file ->
let ninja_cmd = ninja_cmdline ninja_flags nin_file [] in
Message.debug "executing '%s'..." (String.concat " " ninja_cmd);
raise (Catala_utils.Cli.Exit_with (run_ninja ~clean_up_env:false ninja_cmd))

View File

@ -132,7 +132,11 @@ let diff_command =
match c with
| ' ' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}%s" l r
| '>' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}@{<red>%s@}" l r
| '>' ->
if String.for_all (( = ) ' ') l then
Format.fprintf ppf
"%*s@{<red>-@}@{<blue>│@}@{<red>%s@}" (mid - 1) "" r
else Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}@{<red>%s@}" l r
| '<' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}@{<red>-@}" l
| '|' ->
let w = longuest_common_prefix_length (" " ^ l) r in

View File

@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
(modules clerk_scan clerk_report clerk_runtest clerk_driver))
(modules clerk_scan clerk_report clerk_runtest clerk_config clerk_driver))
(target custom_linking.sexp)

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ depends: [
"conf-pandoc" {cataladevmode}
"z3" {catalaz3mode}
"otoml" {>= "1.0"}
depopts: ["z3"]
conflicts: [

View File

@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ let clean_path p =
if p = "" then "." else p
let exists = Sys.file_exists
let rec ensure_dir dir =
match Sys.is_directory dir with
| true -> ()
@ -104,6 +106,20 @@ let reverse_path ?(from_dir = Sys.getcwd ()) ~to_dir f =
String.concat Filename.dir_sep
(aux (path_to_list f) rbase (path_to_list to_dir))
let find_in_parents predicate =
let home = try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> "" in
let rec lookup dir rel =
if predicate dir then Some dir, rel
else if dir = home then None, Filename.current_dir_name
let parent = Filename.dirname dir in
if parent = dir then None, Filename.current_dir_name
else lookup parent (rel / Filename.parent_dir_name)
match lookup (Sys.getcwd ()) Filename.current_dir_name with
| Some dir, rel -> Some (dir, rel)
| None, _ -> None
let with_out_channel filename f =
ensure_dir (Filename.dirname filename);
let oc = open_out filename in

View File

@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ val ensure_dir : t -> unit
(** Creates the directory (and parents recursively) if it doesn't exist already.
Errors out if the file exists but is not a directory *)
val exists : t -> bool
(** Alias for Sys.file_exists*)
val check_file : t -> t option
(** Returns its argument if it exists and is a plain file, [None] otherwise.
Does not do resolution like [check_directory]. *)
@ -122,6 +125,12 @@ val reverse_path : ?from_dir:t -> to_dir:t -> t -> t
leading to [f] from [to_dir]. The results attempts to be relative to
[to_dir]. *)
val find_in_parents : (t -> bool) -> (t * t) option
(** Checks for the first directory matching the given predicate from the current
directory upwards. Recursion stops at home. Returns a pair [dir, rel_path],
where [dir] is the ancestor directory matching the predicate, and [rel_path]
is a path pointing to it from the current dir. *)
val ( /../ ) : t -> t -> t
(** Sugar for [parent a / b] *)