Typecheck operator args bottom-up after monomorphisation

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-06-24 11:56:25 +02:00
parent c0ad0e8820
commit d073103578

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@ -895,15 +895,17 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down :
let args =
Operator.kind_dispatch (Mark.set pos_e op)
~polymorphic:(fun op ->
(* Type the operator first, then right-to-left: polymorphic operators
are required to allow the resolution of all type variables this
way *)
if not env.flags.assume_op_types then
unify ctx e (polymorphic_op_type op) t_func
else unify ctx e (polymorphic_op_return_type ctx e op t_args) tau;
(typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env)
(List.rev t_args) (List.rev args))
if env.flags.assume_op_types then (
unify ctx e (polymorphic_op_return_type ctx e op t_args) tau;
List.rev_map (typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx env) (List.rev args))
else (
(* Type the operator first, then right-to-left: polymorphic
operators are required to allow the resolution of all type
variables this way *)
unify ctx e (polymorphic_op_type op) t_func;
(typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env)
(List.rev t_args) (List.rev args)))
~overloaded:(fun op ->
(* Typing the arguments first is required to resolve the operator *)
let args' = List.map2 (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env) t_args args in