Explain output: some styling and colors

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-10-14 16:57:56 +02:00
parent e751bbf210
commit d45a7ff7b5

View File

@ -1283,6 +1283,53 @@ let expr_to_dot_label0 lang ctx env ppf e =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s"
(htmlencode (Format.asprintf "%a" (expr_to_dot_label0 lang ctx env) e))
module Style = struct
type color = Graph.Graphviz.color
type t = {
fill: color;
border: color;
stroke: int; (* in px *)
text: color;
let input = {
fill = 0x252526;
border = 0xBC3FBC;
stroke = 2;
text = 0xFFFFFF;
let middle = {
fill = 0x252526;
border = 0x0097FB;
stroke = 2;
text = 0xFFFFFF;
let constant = {
fill = 0x252526;
border = 0x40C8AE;
stroke = 2;
text = 0xFFFFFF;
let condition = {
fill = 0x252526;
border = 0xff7700;
stroke = 2;
text = 0xFFFFFF;
let output = {
fill = 0x252526;
border = 0xFFFFFF;
stroke = 2;
text = 0xFFFFFF;
let width pixels =
let dpi = 96. in
let pt_per_inch = 72.28 in
float_of_int pixels /. dpi *. pt_per_inch
let rec expr_to_dot_label lang ctx env ppf e =
let print_expr ppf = function
| (EVar _, _) as e ->
@ -1317,8 +1364,11 @@ let rec expr_to_dot_label lang ctx env ppf e =
| EStruct { name; fields }, _ ->
let pr ppf =
Format.fprintf ppf
"<table border=\"0\" cellborder=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td \
"<table border=\"%f\" cellborder=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#%06x\" color=\"#%06x\"><tr><td \
(float_of_int Style.output.stroke)
StructName.format name
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.pp_print_string ppf " | ")
@ -1365,7 +1415,12 @@ let to_dot lang ppf ctx env base_vars g ~base_src_url ~line_format =
(* ; * Format.pp_print_flush ppf (); * Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions
ppf out_funs *)
let graph_attributes _ = [ (* `Rankdir `LeftToRight *) ]
let graph_attributes _ = [
`BgcolorWithTransparency (Int32.of_int 0x00);
(* `Ratio (`Float 0.8); *)
(* `Concentrate true; *)
(* `Size (8.3, 11.7); (\* A4 in inches..... *\) *)
(* `Rankdir `LeftToRight *) ]
let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
let vertex_label v =
@ -1417,43 +1472,69 @@ let to_dot lang ppf ctx env base_vars g ~base_src_url ~line_format =
(match G.V.label v with
| EVar var, _ ->
if Var.Set.mem var base_vars then
[`Style `Filled; `Fillcolor 0xffaa55; `Shape `Box]
[`Style `Filled;
`Fillcolor Style.input.fill;
`Shape `Box;
`Penwidth Style.(width input.stroke);
`Color Style.input.border;
`Fontcolor Style.input.text]
else if
List.exists (fun e -> not (G.E.label e).condition) (G.succ_e g v)
(* non-constants *)
[`Style `Filled; `Fillcolor 0xffee99; `Shape `Box]
[`Style `Filled;
`Fillcolor Style.middle.fill;
`Shape `Box;
`Penwidth Style.(width middle.stroke);
`Color Style.middle.border;
`Fontcolor Style.middle.text]
else (* Constants *)
[`Style `Filled; `Fillcolor 0x99bbff; `Shape `Note]
[`Style `Filled;
`Fillcolor Style.constant.fill;
`Shape `Box;
`Penwidth Style.(width middle.stroke);
`Color Style.constant.border;
`Fontcolor Style.constant.text]
| EAppOp { op = Op.Eq, _; args = [(EVar _, _); (EAppOp _, _)]; _ }, _ ->
[`Style `Filled; `Fillcolor 0xffee99; `Shape `Box]
| EStruct _, _ | EArray _, _ -> [`Shape `Plaintext]
[`Style `Filled;
`Fillcolor Style.middle.fill;
`Shape `Box;
`Penwidth Style.(width middle.stroke);
`Color Style.middle.border;
`Fontcolor Style.middle.text]
| EStruct _, _ | EArray _, _ ->
[`Style `Solid;
(* `Fillcolor Style.output.fill; *)
`Shape `Plaintext;
`Penwidth Style.(width output.stroke);
`Color Style.output.border;
`Fontcolor Style.output.text]
(* | EAppOp { op = op, _; _ }, _ -> (
* match op_kind op with
* | `Sum | `Product | _ -> [`Shape `Box; `Fillcolor 0xff0000] (\* | _ -> [] *\)) *)
| _ -> [`Shape `Box; `Penwidth 2.; `Style `Dashed; `Color 0xff7700])
* | `Sum | `Product | _ -> [`Shape `Box; `Fillcolor 0xff0000] (* | _ -> [] *)) *)
| _ ->
[`Style `Dashed; `Style `Filled;
`Fillcolor Style.condition.fill;
`Shape `Box;
`Penwidth Style.(width condition.stroke);
`Color Style.condition.border;
`Fontcolor Style.condition.text])
let get_subgraph v =
match G.V.label v with
| EVar var, _ -> (
if Var.Set.mem var base_vars then
Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.sg_name = "cluster_inputs";
sg_attributes = [];
sg_parent = None;
match List.map G.V.label (G.succ g v) with
(* | [] | [ELit _, _] ->
* Some
* {
* Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.sg_name = "constants";
* sg_attributes = [`Shape `Box];
* sg_parent = None;
* } *)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let is_input =
match G.V.label v with
| EVar var, _ -> Var.Set.mem var base_vars
| _ -> false
if is_input then
Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.sg_name = "inputs";
sg_attributes = [`Style `Filled; `FillcolorWithTransparency (Int32.of_int 0x0)];
sg_parent = None;
let default_edge_attributes _ = []
@ -1462,8 +1543,8 @@ let to_dot lang ppf ctx env base_vars g ~base_src_url ~line_format =
| { condition = true; _ } ->
[`Style `Dashed; `Penwidth 2.; `Color 0xff7700; `Arrowhead `Odot]
| { side = Some (Lhs s | Rhs s); _ } ->
[ (* `Label s; `Color 0xbb7700 *) ]
| { side = None; _ } -> [ (* `Minlen 0; `Weight 10 *) ]
[`Color 0x606060 (* `Label s; `Color 0xbb7700 *) ]
| { side = None; _ } -> [`Color 0x606060 (* `Minlen 0; `Weight 10 *) ]
end) in
GPr.fprint_graph ppf (reverse_graph g)