First case of difficult translation proven

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-02-15 14:18:55 +01:00
parent 9ffb0c134e
commit d7cfbb2eba

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@ -228,6 +228,22 @@ let rec take_l_steps (tau: L.ty) (e: typed_l_exp tau) (fuel: nat)
L.preservation e tau;
take_l_steps tau e' (fuel - 1)
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec take_l_steps_transitive (tau: L.ty) (e1 e2: typed_l_exp tau) (n1 n2: nat)
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n1 == Some e2))
(ensures (take_l_steps tau e1 (n1 + n2) == take_l_steps tau e2 n2))
(decreases n1)
if n1 = 0 then () else begin
match L.step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e1' ->
L.preservation e1 tau;
take_l_steps_transitive tau e1' e2 (n1 - 1) n2
let not_l_value (tau: L.ty) = e:L.exp{not (L.is_value e) /\ L.typing L.empty e tau}
let l_value (tau: L.ty) = e:L.exp{L.is_value e /\ L.typing L.empty e tau}
@ -498,55 +514,126 @@ let exceptions_head_lift
Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl just cons);
exceptions_head_lift' tau tl just cons
#push-options "--fuel 3 --ifuel 0"
let exceptions_init_lift'
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_context (L.TOption tau) tau
fun (init: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau)) ->
typ_process_exceptions_f L.empty tau;
(process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.TOption tau)
(L.EList tl) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs (L.Named 0) tau (L.EVar 0))
let exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(init: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
: Lemma (
step_lift_commute_non_value (L.TOption tau) tau (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons) init)
L.progress init (L.TOption tau);
if L.is_value init then () else begin
L.preservation init (L.TOption tau);
assert_norm(L.step (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons init) == Some
(exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons (Some?.v (L.step init))))
let exceptions_init_lift
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_agnostic_lift (L.TOption tau) tau
Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl just cons);
exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons
(**** Other helpers *)
#push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 50"
let steps_default_translation_head_error
let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) /\ L.is_value_list tl})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(n_hd: nat)
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Pure nat
(requires (True))
(ensures (fun extra_steps ->
(final_hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau hd n_hd == Some final_hd))
(ensures (
build_default_translation_typing ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd)::tl) just cons tau L.empty;
take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd)::tl)
just cons tau) (n_hd + extra_steps) ==
Some (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))))
just cons tau) (n_hd + 4) ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons final_hd)))
build_default_translation_typing ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd)::tl) just cons tau L.empty;
let e' = 2 in
let a' = 3 in
let e'' = 4 in
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps (L.TOption tau)
(L.EApp (L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) L.ENone (L.TOption tau))
(L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)) 3 == Some
(L.EAbs (L.Named e') (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption L.ENone tau
(L.EVar e')
(L.EAbs (L.Named a') tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar e') tau
(L.EAbs (L.Named e'') tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ESome hd) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
let init_stepped = L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.Named e') (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption L.ENone tau (L.EVar e') (L.EAbs (L.Named a') tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar e') tau L.ENone (L.EAbs (L.Named e'') tau
(L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
) by begin
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome hd) L.ENone) (L.TOption tau)
let init = L.EApp
(L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) L.ENone (L.TOption tau))
(L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps (L.TOption tau) init 3 == Some init_stepped) by begin
compute ()
//assert(take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd)::tl)
// just cons tau) 4 == Some (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl just cons hd)) by begin
// compute ();
// smt ()
let default_translation: typed_l_exp tau =
build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd)::tl) just cons tau
let default_translation_stepped = L.EMatchOption
(process_exceptions_f tau)
init (L.TOption tau)
(L.EList tl) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs (L.Named 0) tau (L.EVar 0))
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 1 == Some default_translation_stepped);
assert(default_translation_stepped == exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons
(L.EApp (L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) L.ENone (L.TOption tau))
(L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)));
lift_multiple_l_steps (L.TOption tau) tau init init_stepped 3
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation_stepped 3 ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons hd));
take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation default_translation_stepped 1 3;
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 4 ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons hd));
lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau hd final_hd n_hd (exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons hd) n_hd ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons final_hd));
take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation
(exceptions_head_lift tau tl just cons hd) 4 n_hd
(**** Main theorems *)
@ -597,6 +684,9 @@ let translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
n == Some le'
let Some de' = D.step_exceptions_left_to_right de dexceptions djust dcons dtau in
let le' = translate_exp de' in
D.preservation de dtau;
match dexceptions with
| [] -> 0
| dhd::dtl ->
@ -611,33 +701,49 @@ let translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
| Some (D.EDefault dtl' djust' dcons' dtau') ->
assume(djust = djust' /\ dcons = dcons' /\ dtau = dtau');
(*let ltl' = translate_exp_list tl' in
let n_tl = translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step e tl just cons tau in
(build_default_translation ltl ljust lcons ltau)
(build_default_translation ltl' ljust lcons ltau) n_tl);
(build_default_translation (lhd::ltl) ljust lcons ltau)
(build_default_translation (lhd::ltl') ljust lcons ltau) n_tl);
(Some?.v (D.step_exceptions_left_to_right e exceptions just cons tau)))
(translate_exp just)
(translate_exp cons)
(translate_ty tau)));
end else begin
match D.step dhd with
| Some (D.ELit D.LConflictError) ->
D.preservation dhd dtau;
translation_preserves_empty_typ dhd dtau;
let n_hd = rec_lemma dhd dtau in
translation_preserves_empty_typ dhd dtau;
assert(take_l_steps ltau lhd n_hd == Some (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)));
translation_preserves_empty_typ djust D.TBool;
translation_preserves_empty_typ dcons dtau;
let l_err : typed_l_exp ltau = L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError) in
assert(take_l_steps ltau lhd n_hd == Some l_err);
assume(L.is_value_list ltl);
assume(L.typing_list L.empty ltl (L.TArrow L.TUnit ltau));
lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head ltau ltl ljust lcons n_hd lhd l_err;
((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit lhd)::ltl) ljust lcons ltau L.empty;
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit lhd)::ltl)
ljust lcons ltau) (n_hd + 4) == Some (exceptions_head_lift ltau ltl ljust lcons l_err));
let n_err = 5 in
assume(take_l_steps ltau (exceptions_head_lift ltau ltl ljust lcons l_err) n_err ==
Some l_err);
assert(le' == l_err);
take_l_steps_transitive ltau
(build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit lhd)::ltl) ljust lcons ltau)
(exceptions_head_lift ltau ltl ljust lcons l_err)
(n_hd + 4)
let lexceptions = translate_exp_list dexceptions in
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation lexceptions ljust lcons ltau)
(n_hd + 4 + n_err) == Some le');
n_hd + 4 + n_err
| Some dhd' ->
let lhd' = translate_exp dhd' in
D.preservation dhd dtau;
translation_preserves_empty_typ dhd dtau;
translation_preserves_empty_typ dhd' dtau;
let lhd' : typed_l_exp ltau = translate_exp dhd' in
let n_hd = rec_lemma dhd dtau in
translation_preserves_empty_typ djust D.TBool;
translation_preserves_empty_typ dcons dtau;
assert(take_l_steps ltau lhd n_hd == Some lhd');
assume(L.is_value_list ltl);
assume(L.typing_list L.empty ltl (L.TArrow L.TUnit ltau));
lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head ltau ltl ljust lcons n_hd lhd lhd';