docs(clerk): add documentation about clerk and the Ninja_utils module

This commit is contained in:
Emile Rolley 2022-02-24 13:45:16 +01:00
parent 3c7f2dbaea
commit da6ed6b044
6 changed files with 69 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ options available. To get the development version of the help, run `make help_cl
after `make build`. The `clerk` binary corresponds to the Catala build system,
responsible for testing among other things.
To get more information about Clerk, see [the dedicated readme](
## Documentation
### Syntax cheat sheet

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@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
The build system for Catala built on top of [ninja](
## Build
* to build: `dune build`
* to run: `dune exec ./clerk.exe`
## Usage
See the manpage -- accessible with `clerk --help`.
Use `clerk --help` if you have installed it to get more information about the command line
options available. To get the development version of the help, run `make help_clerk`
after `make build`. The `clerk` binary corresponds to the Catala build system,
responsible for testing among other things.
## Under the hood

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@ -565,6 +565,12 @@ let collect_in_file (ctx : ninja_building_context) (tested_file : string) (ninja
all_failed_names = tested_file :: ctx.all_failed_names;
(** {1 Return code values} *)
let return_ok = 0
let return_err = 1
let driver (files_or_folders : string list) (command : string) (catala_exe : string option)
(catala_opts : string option) (debug : bool) (scope : string option) (reset_test_outputs : bool)
: int =
@ -597,7 +603,7 @@ let driver (files_or_folders : string list) (command : string) (catala_exe : str
|> Printf.sprintf "No test case found for %s"
|> Cli.warning_print)
if 0 = List.compare_lengths ctx.all_failed_names files_or_folders then 0
if 0 = List.compare_lengths ctx.all_failed_names files_or_folders then return_ok
let out = open_out "" in
Cli.debug_print "writing";
@ -613,7 +619,7 @@ let driver (files_or_folders : string list) (command : string) (catala_exe : str
(fun ret f -> ret + run_file f catala_exe catala_opts scope)
0 files_or_folders
if 0 <> res then 1 else 0
if 0 <> res then return_err else return_ok
| None ->
Cli.error_print "Please provide a scope to run with the -s option";

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@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
(name ninja_utils)
(public_name ninja_utils)
(modules ninja_utils)
(libraries re))

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
the License. *)
module Expr = struct
type t = Seq of t list | Lit of string | Var of string
type t = Lit of string | Var of string | Seq of t list
let rec to_string = function
| Lit s -> s
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module Build = struct
let empty = make ~outputs:[ Expr.Lit "empty" ] ~rule:"phony"
let unpath path = Re.Pcre.(substitute ~rex:(regexp "/") ~subst:(fun _ -> "-")) path
let unpath ?(sep = "-") path = Re.Pcre.(substitute ~rex:(regexp "/") ~subst:(fun _ -> sep)) path
let to_string build =
Printf.sprintf "build %s: %s" (Expr.list_to_string build.outputs) build.rule

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@ -12,19 +12,41 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** This library contains the implementations of utility functions used to generate {{:}Ninja} build files in OCaml with almost no dependencies -- it only
depends on {{:}Re}. It's currently developed
to be used by {{: {}Clerk}, the {{:}Catala} build system. Therefore, the library {b supports only very basic
features} required by Clerk. *)
(** {2 What is Ninja?} *)
(** {{:} Ninja} is a low-level build system. It's designed to have its input
files ({i}) generated by a higher-level build system, and to run builds as fast as
possible by supporting native cross-platform (Windows and Unix) parallel builds.
See the {{:} manual} for more details. *)
(** {1 Ninja expressions} *)
(** Helper module to build ninja expressions. *)
module Expr : sig
(** Represents a ninja expression. Which could be either a literal, a variable references ($_) or
a sequence of sub-expressions. *)
(** Represents a ninja expression. Which could be either a literal, a {{:}variable references} ($_) or
a sequence of sub-expressions.
{b Note:} for now, there are no visible differences between an [Expr.Seq]
and a list of {!type: Expr.t}, indeed, in both cases, one space is added
between each expression -- resp. sub-expression. The difference only comes from the semantic:
an [Expr.Seq] is {b a unique} Ninja expression. *)
type t =
(* Sequence of sub-expressions. *)
| Seq of t list
(* Literal string. *)
| Lit of string
(* Variable reference. *)
(* Literal string. *)
| Var of string
(* Variable reference. *)
| Seq of t list
(* Sequence of sub-expressions. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** [to_string exp] returns the string representation of an ninja expression [exp]. *)
@ -36,21 +58,22 @@ end
(** {1 Ninja rules} *)
(** Helper module to build ninja rules. *)
(** Helper module to build {{:}ninja rules}. *)
module Rule : sig
(* NOTE: is name is really needed despite the use of Map? *)
type t = {
(* Name of the rule: `rule <name>`. *)
name : string;
(* Command of the rule: ` command = <command>. *)
command : Expr.t;
(* Description of the rule: ` description = <description>. *)
description : Expr.t option;
(** Represents the minimal ninja rule representation for clerk. *)
(** Represents the minimal ninja rule representation for Clerk:
rule <name>
command = <command>
[description = <description>]
]} *)
val make : string -> command:Expr.t -> description:Expr.t -> t
(** [make name ~command ~description] returns the corresponding ninja rule [Rule.t]. *)
(** [make name ~command ~description] returns the corresponding ninja {!type: Rule.t}. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** [to_string rule] returns the string representation of the [rule]. *)
@ -58,33 +81,40 @@ end
(** {1 Ninja builds} *)
(** Helper module to build ninja build statements. *)
(** Helper module to build ninja {{:}build statements}. *)
module Build : sig
type t = {
outputs : Expr.t list;
(* NOTE: what's the difference between [Expr.t list] and [Expr.Seq]? => [Expr.Seq] is a unique
expression with possible variable references => no space in its string representation. *)
rule : string;
inputs : Expr.t list option;
vars : (string * Expr.t) list;
(** @note Currently, nothing nothing forces to build valid {!: Expr.t} for the variables. *)
(** Represents the minimal ninja build statement representation for Clerk:
build <outputs>: <rule> [<inputs>]
val make : outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> t
(** [make ~outputs ~rule] returns the corresponding ninja {!type: Build.t} with no {!field: inputs}
or {!field: vars}. *)
val make_with_vars : outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> vars:(string * Expr.t) list -> t
(** [make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~vars] returns the corresponding ninja {!type: Build.t} with no {!field: inputs}. *)
val make_with_inputs : outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> inputs:Expr.t list -> t
(** [make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~inputs] returns the corresponding ninja {!type: Build.t} with no {!field: vars}. *)
val make_with_vars_and_inputs :
outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> inputs:Expr.t list -> vars:(string * Expr.t) list -> t
(** [make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~inputs ~vars] returns the corresponding ninja {!type: Build.t}. *)
val empty : t
(** [empty] is the minimal ninja build. *)
(** [empty] is the minimal ninja {!type: Build.t} with ["empty"] as {!field: outputs} and ["phony"] as {!field: rule}. *)
val unpath : string -> string
(** [unpath path] replaces all '/' occurences with '-' in [path] to avoid ninja writing the
corresponding file. *)
val unpath : ?sep:string -> string -> string
(** [unpath ~sep path] replaces all [/] occurences with [sep] in [path] to avoid ninja writing the
corresponding file and use it as sub command. By default, [sep] is set to ["-"]. *)
val to_string : t -> string
@ -98,7 +128,7 @@ module BuildMap : Map.S with type key = String.t
(** {1 Ninja} *)
type ninja = { rules : Rule.t RuleMap.t; builds : Build.t BuildMap.t }
(** Represents the minimal ninja architectures (list of rule and build statements) needed for clerk. *)
(** Represents the minimal ninja architecture (list of rule and build statements) needed for clerk. *)
val empty : ninja
(** [empty] returns the empty empty ninja structure. *)