Small ocaml/js output rehaul

Print to json directly rather than depend on yojson and a ppx.

Note: this should be tested with the website in order to validate that the Json
output is 1-to-1.
(a second step could be to simplify this output, now that it's manual)
This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-02-15 16:19:25 +01:00
parent 98ad084062
commit e0928677b1
8 changed files with 188 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -347,9 +347,7 @@ module Poll = struct
let ocaml_link_flags : string list Lazy.t =
(let link_libs =
["yojson"; "ppx_yojson_conv_lib"; "zarith"; "dates_calc"]
(let link_libs = ["zarith"; "dates_calc"] in
let link_libs_flags =
(fun lib ->

View File

@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.14.0"}
"ocamlfind" {!= "1.9.5"}
"ocamlgraph" {>= "1.8.8"}
"yojson" {>= "2.0" }
"ppx_yojson_conv" {>= "0.14.0"}
"re" {>= "1.9.0"}
"sedlex" {>= "2.4"}
"uutf" {>= "1.0.3"}

View File

@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ let format_struct_embedding
format_struct_name struct_name format_to_module_name (`Sname struct_name)
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hov 2>let embed_%a (x: %a.t) : runtime_value =@ Struct([\"%a\"],@ \
"@[<hov 2>let embed_%a (x: %a.t) : runtime_value =@ Struct(\"%a\",@ \
@[<hov 2>[%a]@])@]@\n\
format_struct_name struct_name format_to_module_name (`Sname struct_name)
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ let format_enum_embedding
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 2>@[<hov 2>let embed_%a@ @[<hov 2>(x:@ %a.t)@]@ : runtime_value \
=@]@ Enum([\"%a\"],@ @[<hov 2>match x with@ %a@])@]@\n\
=@]@ Enum(\"%a\",@ @[<hov 2>match x with@ %a@])@]@\n\
format_enum_name enum_name format_to_module_name (`Ename enum_name)
EnumName.format enum_name

View File

@ -84,52 +84,42 @@ let event_manager : event_manager Js.t =
method resetLog = Js.wrap_meth_callback R_ocaml.reset_log
method retrieveEvents =
Js.wrap_meth_callback (fun () ->
(R_ocaml.retrieve_log ()
@@ fun () ->
R_ocaml.retrieve_log ()
|> R_ocaml.EventParser.parse_raw_events
|> (fun event ->
val mutable data =
|> R_ocaml.yojson_of_event
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> Js.string
val mutable data = event |> R_ocaml.Json.event |> Js.string
|> Array.of_list
|> Js.array
method retrieveRawEvents =
Js.wrap_meth_callback (fun () ->
(fun evt ->
let evt_to_js evt =
(* FIXME: ideally this could be just a Json.parse (R_ocaml.Json.event
foo) ? *)
val mutable eventType =
(match evt with
| R_ocaml.BeginCall _ -> "Begin call"
| EndCall _ -> "End call"
| VariableDefinition _ -> "Variable definition"
| DecisionTaken _ -> "Decision taken")
|> Js.string
val mutable information =
(match evt with
| BeginCall info
| EndCall info
| VariableDefinition (info, _, _) ->
| BeginCall info | EndCall info | VariableDefinition (info, _, _) -> Js.string info
| DecisionTaken _ -> []))
| DecisionTaken _ -> [])
|> Array.of_list
|> Js.array
val mutable loggedIOJson =
match evt with
| VariableDefinition (_, io, _) ->
|> R_ocaml.yojson_of_io_log
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> Js.string
io |> R_ocaml.Json.io_log |> Js.string
| EndCall _ | BeginCall _ | DecisionTaken _ ->
"unavailable" |> Js.string
@ -138,8 +128,7 @@ let event_manager : event_manager Js.t =
| VariableDefinition (_, _, v) -> v
| EndCall _ | BeginCall _ | DecisionTaken _ ->
R_ocaml.unembeddable ())
|> R_ocaml.yojson_of_runtime_value
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> R_ocaml.Json.runtime_value
|> Js.string
val mutable sourcePosition =
@ -154,13 +143,16 @@ let event_manager : event_manager Js.t =
val mutable endColumn = pos.end_column
val mutable lawHeadings =
( Js.string pos.law_headings)) Js.string pos.law_headings
|> Array.of_list
|> Js.array
| _ -> Js.undefined
(R_ocaml.retrieve_log ()))))
@@ fun () ->
R_ocaml.retrieve_log () |> evt_to_js |> Array.of_list |> Js.array
let execute_or_throw_error f =

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(name runtime_ocaml)
(public_name catala.runtime_ocaml)
(pps ppx_yojson_conv))
(libraries dates_calc zarith zarith_stubs_js)
(modules runtime))

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson_conv.Primitives
type nonrec unit = unit
type nonrec bool = bool
@ -30,8 +28,8 @@ module Eoption = struct
type 'a t = ENone of unit | ESome of 'a
type io_input = NoInput | OnlyInput | Reentrant [@@deriving yojson_of]
type io_log = { io_input : io_input; io_output : bool } [@@deriving yojson_of]
type io_input = NoInput | OnlyInput | Reentrant
type io_log = { io_input : io_input; io_output : bool }
type source_position = {
filename : string;
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ type source_position = {
end_column : int;
law_headings : string list;
[@@deriving yojson_of]
exception EmptyError
exception AssertionFailed of source_position
@ -190,12 +187,6 @@ let duration_to_string (d : duration) : string =
let duration_to_years_months_days (d : duration) : int * int * int =
Dates_calc.Dates.period_to_ymds d
let yojson_of_money (m : money) = `Float (money_to_float m)
let yojson_of_integer (i : integer) = `Int (integer_to_int i)
let yojson_of_decimal (d : decimal) = `Float (decimal_to_float d)
let yojson_of_date (d : date) = `String (date_to_string d)
let yojson_of_duration (d : duration) = `String (duration_to_string d)
type runtime_value =
| Unit
| Bool of bool
@ -204,11 +195,10 @@ type runtime_value =
| Decimal of decimal
| Date of date
| Duration of duration
| Enum of string list * (string * runtime_value)
| Struct of string list * (string * runtime_value) list
| Enum of string * (string * runtime_value)
| Struct of string * (string * runtime_value) list
| Array of runtime_value array
| Unembeddable
[@@deriving yojson_of]
let unembeddable _ = Unembeddable
let embed_unit () = Unit
@ -220,7 +210,7 @@ let embed_date x = Date x
let embed_duration x = Duration x
let embed_array f x = Array ( f x)
type information = string list [@@deriving yojson_of]
type information = string list
type raw_event =
| BeginCall of information
@ -236,7 +226,6 @@ type event =
inputs : var_def list;
body : event list;
[@@deriving yojson_of]
and var_def = {
pos : source_position option;
@ -253,6 +242,108 @@ and fun_call = {
output : var_def;
module BufferedJson = struct
let rec list f buf = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> f buf x
| x :: r ->
f buf x;
Buffer.add_char buf ',';
list f buf r
let quote buf str =
Buffer.add_char buf '"';
| ('"' | '\\') as c ->
Buffer.add_char buf '\\';
Buffer.add_char buf c
| '\n' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\n"
| '\t' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\t"
| '\r' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\r"
| '\x00' .. '\x1F' as c -> Printf.bprintf buf "\\u%04x" (int_of_char c)
| c -> Buffer.add_char buf c)
Buffer.add_char buf '"'
(* Note: the output format is made for transition with what Yojson gave us,
but we could change it to something nicer (e.g. objects for structures) *)
let rec runtime_value buf = function
| Unit -> Buffer.add_string buf {|"Unit"|}
| Bool b -> Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_bool b)
| Money m -> Buffer.add_string buf (money_to_string m)
| Integer i -> Buffer.add_string buf (integer_to_string i)
| Decimal d ->
Buffer.add_string buf (decimal_to_string ~max_prec_digits:10 d)
| Date d -> quote buf (date_to_string d)
| Duration d -> quote buf (duration_to_string d)
| Enum (name, (constr, v)) ->
Printf.bprintf buf {|[["%s"],["%s",%a]]|} name constr runtime_value v
| Struct (name, elts) ->
Printf.bprintf buf {|["%s",[%a]]|} name
(list (fun buf (cstr, v) ->
Printf.bprintf buf {|"%s":%a|} cstr runtime_value v))
| Array elts ->
Printf.bprintf buf "[%a]" (list runtime_value) (Array.to_list elts)
| Unembeddable -> Buffer.add_string buf {|"unembeddable"|}
let information buf info = Printf.bprintf buf "[%a]" (list quote) info
let source_position buf pos =
Printf.bprintf buf {|{"filename":%a|} quote pos.filename;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"start_line":%d|} pos.start_line;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"start_column":%d|} pos.start_column;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"end_line":%d|} pos.end_line;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"end_column":%d|} pos.end_column;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"law_headings":[%a]}|} (list quote) pos.law_headings
let io_input buf = function
| NoInput -> quote buf "NoInput"
| OnlyInput -> quote buf "OnlyInput"
| Reentrant -> quote buf "Reentrant"
let io_log buf iol =
Printf.bprintf buf {|{"io_input":%a|} io_input iol.io_input;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"io_output":%b}|} iol.io_output
let rec event buf = function
| VarComputation vd ->
Printf.bprintf buf {|"VarComputation",%a]|} var_def vd
| FunCall fc -> Printf.bprintf buf {|"FunCall",%a]|} fun_call fc
| SubScopeCall { name; inputs; body } ->
Printf.bprintf buf {|{"name":%a,"inputs":[%a],"body":[%a]}|} information
name (list var_def) inputs (list event) body
and var_def buf def =
Option.iter (Printf.bprintf buf {|{"pos":%a|} source_position) def.pos;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"name":%a|} information;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"io":%a|} io_log;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"value":%a|} runtime_value def.value;
(Printf.bprintf buf {|,"fun_calls":[%a]}|} (list fun_call))
and fun_call buf fc =
Printf.bprintf buf {|{"fun_name":%a|} information fc.fun_name;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"fun_inputs":[%a]|} (list var_def) fc.fun_inputs;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"body":[%a]|} (list event) fc.body;
Printf.bprintf buf {|,"output":%a}|} var_def fc.output
module Json = struct
let str f x =
let buf = Buffer.create 800 in
f buf x;
Buffer.contents buf
open BufferedJson
let runtime_value = str runtime_value
let io_log = str io_log
let event = str event
let log_ref : raw_event list ref = ref []
let reset_log () = log_ref := []
let retrieve_log () = List.rev !log_ref
@ -313,8 +404,7 @@ let rec pp_events ?(is_first_call = true) ppf events =
| Duration x -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (duration_to_string x)
| Enum (_, (name, _)) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" name
| Struct (name, attrs) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%s = {@ %a@;<1 -2>}@]"
(String.concat "." name)
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%s = {@ %a@;<1 -2>}@]" name
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@,")
(fun fmt (name, value) ->
@ -414,7 +504,7 @@ module EventParser = struct
| VariableDefinition (name, io, value) ->
Printf.sprintf "VariableDefinition([ %s ], %s, %s)"
(String.concat ", " name) (io_log_to_string io)
(yojson_of_runtime_value value |> Yojson.Safe.to_string)
(Json.runtime_value value)
| DecisionTaken pos ->
Printf.sprintf "DecisionTaken(%s:%d.%d-%d.%d)" pos.filename pos.start_line
pos.start_column pos.end_line pos.end_column

View File

@ -57,13 +57,11 @@ type io_input =
| Reentrant
(** For variables defined in the scope that can also be redefined by the
caller as they appear in the input. *)
[@@deriving yojson_of]
type io_log = {
io_input : io_input;
io_output : bool; (** [true] if the variable is an output *)
[@@deriving yojson_of]
(** {1 Exceptions} *)
@ -85,11 +83,10 @@ type runtime_value =
| Decimal of decimal
| Date of date
| Duration of duration
| Enum of string list * (string * runtime_value)
| Struct of string list * (string * runtime_value) list
| Enum of string * (string * runtime_value)
| Struct of string * (string * runtime_value) list
| Array of runtime_value Array.t
| Unembeddable
[@@deriving yojson_of]
val unembeddable : 'a -> runtime_value
val embed_unit : unit -> runtime_value
@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ val embed_array : ('a -> runtime_value) -> 'a Array.t -> runtime_value
(** {2 Data structures} *)
type information = string list [@@deriving yojson_of]
type information = string list
(** Represents information about a name in the code -- i.e. variable name,
subscope name, etc...
@ -188,7 +185,6 @@ type event =
inputs : var_def list;
body : event list;
[@@deriving yojson_of]
and var_def = {
pos : source_position option;
@ -230,6 +226,16 @@ val log_decision_taken : source_position -> bool -> bool
(** {3 Pretty printers} *)
(** {4 Conversions to JSON} *)
module Json : sig
(* val io_input: io_input -> string *)
val io_log : io_log -> string
val runtime_value : runtime_value -> string
(* val information: information -> string *)
val event : event -> string
val pp_events : ?is_first_call:bool -> Format.formatter -> event list -> unit
(** [pp_events ~is_first_call ppf events] pretty prints in [ppf] the string
representation of [events].