Wip support for modules

(first working dynload test with compilation done by manual calls to ocaml)

A few pieces of the puzzle:

* Loading of interfaces only from Catala files
* Registration of toplevel values in modules compiled to OCaml, to allow access
  using dynlink
* Shady conversion from OCaml runtime values to/from Catala expressions, to
  allow interop (ffi) of compiled modules and the interpreter
This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2023-04-19 18:26:50 +02:00
parent 2f2614c508
commit e224e87f71
31 changed files with 843 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm Scopelang.Ast.expr) :
| EOp { op = Add_dat_dur _; tys } ->
Expr.eop (Add_dat_dur ctx.date_rounding) tys m
| EOp { op; tys } -> Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m
| (EVar _ | EAbs _ | ELit _ | EStruct _ | EStructAccess _ | ETuple _
| (EVar _ | EAbs _ | ELit _ | EExternal _ | EStruct _ | EStructAccess _ | ETuple _
| ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EEmptyError | EErrorOnEmpty _ | EArray _
| EIfThenElse _ ) as e ->
Expr.map ~f:(translate_expr ctx) (e, m)

View File

@ -360,8 +360,9 @@ let rec translate_expr
| None ->
"for a local, scope-wide or global variable" (x, pos))))
| Ident (_path, _x) ->
Message.raise_spanned_error pos "Qualified paths are not supported yet"
| Surface.Ast.Ident (path, x) ->
let path = List.map Mark.remove path in
Expr.eexternal (path, Mark.remove x) emark
| Dotted (e, ((path, x), _ppos)) -> (
match path, Mark.remove e with
| [], Ident ([], (y, _))
@ -1044,8 +1045,8 @@ let process_def
ExceptionToRule (name, pos))
| ExceptionToLabel label_str -> (
let label_id = Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove label_str)
let label_id =
Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove label_str) scope_def_ctxt.label_idmap
ExceptionToLabel (label_id, Mark.get label_str)
with Not_found ->
@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ let translate_program
let translate_type t = Name_resolution.process_type ctxt t in
Ast.program_ctx =
@ -1426,6 +1428,19 @@ let translate_program
| _ -> acc)
ctxt.Name_resolution.typedefs ScopeName.Map.empty;
ctx_struct_fields = ctxt.Name_resolution.field_idmap;
ctx_modules =
(fun map (path, def) ->
match def with
| ( Surface.Ast.Topdef
{topdef_name; topdef_type; _},
_pos ) ->
Qident.Map.add (path, Mark.remove topdef_name) (translate_type topdef_type) map
| (ScopeDecl _ | StructDecl _ | EnumDecl _), _ (* as e *) ->
(* assert false (\* TODO *\) *)
| ScopeUse _, _ -> assert false)
Qident.Map.empty prgm.Surface.Ast.program_interfaces;
Ast.program_topdefs = TopdefName.Map.empty;

View File

@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ val get_scope : context -> Ident.t Mark.pos -> ScopeName.t
val process_type : context -> Surface.Ast.typ -> typ
(** Convert a surface base type to an AST type *)
(* Note: should probably be moved to a different module *)
(** {1 API} *)

View File

@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ let get_variable_uid
second_part )))
let modname_of_file f = (* Fixme: make this more robust *)
String.capitalize_ascii Filename.(basename (remove_extension f))
(** Entry function for the executable. Returns a negative number in case of
error. Usage: [driver source_file options]*)
let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
@ -189,6 +192,24 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
Surface.Parser_driver.parse_top_level_file source_file language
let prgm = Surface.Fill_positions.fill_pos_with_legislative_info prgm in
let prgm =
(* FIXME: WIP placeholder *)
match Sys.getenv_opt "CATALA_INTF" with
| None | Some "" -> prgm
| Some str ->
let files = String.split_on_char ',' str in
(fun prgm f ->
let lang =
Option.value ~default:Cli.En
@@ Option.bind
(List.assoc_opt (Filename.extension f) extensions)
(fun l -> List.assoc_opt l Cli.languages)
let modname = modname_of_file f in
Surface.Parser_driver.add_interface (FileName f) lang [modname] prgm)
prgm files
let get_output ?ext =
File.get_out_channel ~source_file ~output_file:options.output_file ?ext
@ -490,7 +511,14 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
Message.emit_debug "Compiling program into OCaml...";
Message.emit_debug "Writing to %s..."
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
Lcalc.To_ocaml.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering
let modname =
match source_file with
(* FIXME: WIP placeholder *)
| FileName n ->
Some (modname_of_file n)
| _ -> None
Lcalc.To_ocaml.format_program fmt ?modname prgm type_ordering
| `Plugin (Plugin.Dcalc _) -> assert false
| `Plugin (Plugin.Lcalc p) ->
let output_file, _ =

View File

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ let rec hoist_context_free_closures :
let m = Mark.get e in
match Mark.remove e with
| EStruct _ | EStructAccess _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EArray _
| ELit _ | EAssert _ | EOp _ | EIfThenElse _ | ERaise _ | ECatch _ | EVar _ ->
| ELit _ | EAssert _ | EOp _ | EIfThenElse _ | ERaise _ | ECatch _ | EVar _
| EExternal _ ->
Expr.map_gather ~acc:[] ~join:( @ ) ~f:(hoist_context_free_closures ctx) e
| EMatch { e; cases; name } ->
let collected_closures, new_e = (hoist_context_free_closures ctx) e in
@ -98,7 +99,8 @@ let rec transform_closures_expr :
let m = Mark.get e in
match Mark.remove e with
| EStruct _ | EStructAccess _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EArray _
| ELit _ | EAssert _ | EOp _ | EIfThenElse _ | ERaise _ | ECatch _ ->
| ELit _ | EExternal _ | EAssert _ | EOp _ | EIfThenElse _ | ERaise _
| ECatch _ ->
Expr.map_gather ~acc:Var.Set.empty ~join:Var.Set.union
~f:(transform_closures_expr ctx)

View File

@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ and translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.expr) : 'm A.expr boxed =
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
translate_default ctx excepts just cons (Mark.get e)
| EOp { op; tys } -> Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m
| ( ELit _ | EApp _ | EArray _ | EVar _ | EAbs _ | EIfThenElse _ | ETuple _
| ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EAssert _ | EStruct _ | EStructAccess _
| EMatch _ ) as e ->
| ( ELit _ | EApp _ | EArray _ | EVar _ | EExternal _ | EAbs _ | EIfThenElse _
| ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EAssert _ | EStruct _
| EStructAccess _ | EMatch _ ) as e ->
Expr.map ~f:(translate_expr ctx) (Mark.add m e)
| _ -> .

View File

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ let rec trans (ctx : typed ctx) (e : typed D.expr) : (lcalc, typed) boxed_gexpr
if (Var.Map.find x ctx.ctx_vars).info_pure then
Ast.OptionMonad.return (Expr.evar (trans_var ctx x) m) ~mark
else Expr.evar (trans_var ctx x) m
| EExternal eref -> Expr.eexternal eref mark
| EApp { f = EVar v, _; args = [(ELit LUnit, _)] } ->
(* Invariant: as users cannot write thunks, it can only come from prior
compilation passes. Hence we can safely remove those. *)

View File

@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ let avoid_keywords (s : string) : string =
| "while" | "with" | "Stdlib" | "Runtime" | "Oper" ->
s ^ "_user"
| _ -> s
(* Fixme: this could cause clashes if the user program contains both e.g. [new]
and [new_user] *)
let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : StructName.t) : unit =
Format.asprintf "%a" StructName.format_t v
@ -230,6 +232,7 @@ let rec format_expr (ctx : decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (e : 'm expr) :
match Mark.remove e with
| EVar v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_var v
| EExternal qid -> Qident.format fmt qid
| ETuple es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(%a)@]"
@ -520,14 +523,15 @@ let rec format_scope_body_expr
let format_code_items
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(code_items : 'm Ast.expr code_item_list) : unit =
(code_items : 'm Ast.expr code_item_list) : 'm Ast.expr Var.t String.Map.t =
~f:(fun () item var ->
~f:(fun bnd item var ->
match item with
| Topdef (_, typ, e) ->
| Topdef (name, typ, e) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@\n@\n@[<hov 2>let %a : %a =@\n%a@]" format_var var
format_typ typ (format_expr ctx) e
| ScopeDef (_, body) ->
format_typ typ (format_expr ctx) e;
String.Map.add (Mark.remove (TopdefName.get_info name)) var bnd
| ScopeDef (name, body) ->
let scope_input_var, scope_body_expr =
Bindlib.unbind body.scope_body_expr
@ -536,22 +540,52 @@ let format_code_items
(`Sname body.scope_body_input_struct) format_to_module_name
(`Sname body.scope_body_output_struct)
(format_scope_body_expr ctx)
~init:() code_items
String.Map.add (Mark.remove (ScopeName.get_info name)) var bnd)
~init:String.Map.empty code_items
let format_module_registration
(bnd : 'm Ast.expr Var.t String.Map.t)
modname =
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 2;
Format.pp_print_string fmt "let () =";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
Format.fprintf fmt "Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.register_module %S" modname;
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 2;
Format.pp_print_string fmt "[ ";
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_char fmt ';'; Format.pp_print_cut fmt ())
(fun fmt (id, var) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%S,@ Obj.repr %a@]" id format_var var)
fmt (String.Map.to_seq bnd);
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
Format.pp_print_char fmt ' ';
Format.pp_print_string fmt "]";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
Format.pp_print_string fmt "\"todo-module-hash\"";
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
let header =
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
[@@@ocaml.warning "-4-26-27-32-41-42"]
let format_program
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(p : 'm Ast.program)
(type_ordering : Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt
"(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)@\n\
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime@\n\
[@@@@@@ocaml.warning \"-4-26-27-32-41-42\"]@\n\
(format_ctx type_ordering) p.decl_ctx
(format_code_items p.decl_ctx)
Format.pp_print_string fmt header;
format_ctx type_ordering fmt p.decl_ctx;
let bnd = format_code_items p.decl_ctx fmt p.code_items in
Format.pp_print_newline fmt ();
Option.iter (format_module_registration fmt bnd) modname

View File

@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ val format_var : Format.formatter -> 'm Var.t -> unit
val format_program :
Format.formatter ->
?modname:string ->
'm Ast.program ->
Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list ->
(** Usage [format_program fmt p type_dependencies_ordering] *)
(** Usage [format_program fmt p type_dependencies_ordering]. If [modname] is
set, registers the module for dynamic loading *)

View File

@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ let rec lazy_eval :
| (ELit (LBool false), _), _ ->
error e "Assert failure (%a)" Expr.format e
| _ -> error e "Invalid assertion condition %a" Expr.format e)
| EExternal _, _ -> assert false (* todo *)
| _ -> .
let interpret_program (prg : ('dcalc, 'm) gexpr program) (scope : ScopeName.t) :

View File

@ -46,6 +46,17 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Desugared.Ast.expr) :
untyped Ast.expr boxed =
let m = Mark.get e in
match Mark.remove e with
| EVar v -> Expr.evar (Var.Map.find v ctx.var_mapping) m
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let new_vars = Array.map (fun var -> Var.make (Bindlib.name_of var)) vars in
let ctx =
(fun ctx var new_var ->
{ ctx with var_mapping = Var.Map.add var new_var ctx.var_mapping })
ctx (Array.to_list vars) (Array.to_list new_vars)
Expr.eabs (Expr.bind new_vars (translate_expr ctx body)) tys m
| ELocation (SubScopeVar (s_name, ss_name, s_var)) ->
(* When referring to a subscope variable in an expression, we are referring
to the output, hence we take the last state. *)
@ -70,9 +81,6 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Desugared.Ast.expr) :
| States states -> Mark.copy s_var (List.assoc state states)))
| ELocation (ToplevelVar v) -> Expr.elocation (ToplevelVar v) m
| EVar v -> Expr.evar (Var.Map.find v ctx.var_mapping) m
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
Expr.estruct name (StructField.Map.map (translate_expr ctx) fields) m
| EDStructAccess { name_opt = None; _ } ->
(* Note: this could only happen if disambiguation was disabled. If we want
to support it, we should still allow this case when the field has only
@ -93,14 +101,6 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Desugared.Ast.expr) :
field StructName.format_t name
Expr.estructaccess e' field name m
| ETuple es -> Expr.etuple (List.map (translate_expr ctx) es) m
| ETupleAccess { e; index; size } ->
Expr.etupleaccess (translate_expr ctx e) index size m
| EInj { e; cons; name } -> Expr.einj (translate_expr ctx e) cons name m
| EMatch { e; name; cases } ->
Expr.ematch (translate_expr ctx e) name
(EnumConstructor.Map.map (translate_expr ctx) cases)
| EScopeCall { scope; args } ->
Expr.escopecall scope
@ -117,20 +117,6 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Desugared.Ast.expr) :
ScopeVar.Map.add v' (translate_expr ctx e) args')
args ScopeVar.Map.empty)
| ELit
((LBool _ | LInt _ | LRat _ | LMoney _ | LUnit | LDate _ | LDuration _) as
l) ->
Expr.elit l m
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let new_vars = Array.map (fun var -> Var.make (Bindlib.name_of var)) vars in
let ctx =
(fun ctx var new_var ->
{ ctx with var_mapping = Var.Map.add var new_var ctx.var_mapping })
ctx (Array.to_list vars) (Array.to_list new_vars)
Expr.eabs (Expr.bind new_vars (translate_expr ctx body)) tys m
| EApp { f = EOp { op; tys }, m1; args } ->
let args = List.map (translate_expr ctx) args in
Operator.kind_dispatch op
@ -144,19 +130,10 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Desugared.Ast.expr) :
| op, `Reversed ->
Expr.eapp (Expr.eop op (List.rev tys) m1) (List.rev args) m)
| EOp _ -> assert false (* Only allowed within [EApp] *)
| EApp { f; args } ->
Expr.eapp (translate_expr ctx f) (List.map (translate_expr ctx) args) m
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
(List.map (translate_expr ctx) excepts)
(translate_expr ctx just) (translate_expr ctx cons) m
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } ->
Expr.eifthenelse (translate_expr ctx cond) (translate_expr ctx etrue)
(translate_expr ctx efalse)
| EArray args -> Expr.earray (List.map (translate_expr ctx) args) m
| EEmptyError -> Expr.eemptyerror m
| EErrorOnEmpty e1 -> Expr.eerroronempty (translate_expr ctx e1) m
| ( EStruct _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EMatch _ | ELit _
| EApp _ | EDefault _ | EIfThenElse _ | EArray _ | EEmptyError
| EErrorOnEmpty _ | EExternal _ ) as e ->
Expr.map ~f:(translate_expr ctx) (e, m)
(** {1 Rule tree construction} *)

View File

@ -56,8 +56,13 @@ module StateName = Uid.Gen ()
(** These types allow to select the features present in any given expression
type *)
type yes = private Yes
type no = |
type yes = Yes
type no =
| No
(** Phantom types used in the definitions below. We don't make them
abstract, because the typer needs to know that their intersection is
empty. *)
type desugared =
< monomorphic : yes
@ -71,7 +76,8 @@ type desugared =
; explicitScopes : yes
; assertions : no
; defaultTerms : yes
; exceptions : no >
; exceptions : no
; custom : no >
type scopelang =
< monomorphic : yes
@ -85,7 +91,8 @@ type scopelang =
; explicitScopes : yes
; assertions : no
; defaultTerms : yes
; exceptions : no >
; exceptions : no
; custom : no >
type dcalc =
< monomorphic : yes
@ -99,7 +106,8 @@ type dcalc =
; explicitScopes : no
; assertions : yes
; defaultTerms : yes
; exceptions : no >
; exceptions : no
; custom : no >
type lcalc =
< monomorphic : yes
@ -113,7 +121,8 @@ type lcalc =
; explicitScopes : no
; assertions : yes
; defaultTerms : no
; exceptions : yes >
; exceptions : yes
; custom : no >
type 'a any = < .. > as 'a
(** ['a any] is 'a, but adds the constraint that it should be restricted to
@ -131,7 +140,8 @@ type ('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc =
; explicitScopes : no
; assertions : yes
; defaultTerms : 'a
; exceptions : 'b >
; exceptions : 'b
; custom : no >
(** This type regroups Dcalc and Lcalc ASTs. *)
(** {2 Types} *)
@ -379,6 +389,7 @@ and ('a, 'b, 'm) base_gexpr =
-> ('a, (< .. > as 'b), 'm) base_gexpr
| EArray : ('a, 'm) gexpr list -> ('a, < .. >, 'm) base_gexpr
| EVar : ('a, 'm) naked_gexpr Bindlib.var -> ('a, _, 'm) base_gexpr
| EExternal : Qident.t -> ('a, < .. >, 't) base_gexpr
| EAbs : {
binder : (('a, 'a, 'm) base_gexpr, ('a, 'm) gexpr) Bindlib.mbinder;
tys : typ list;
@ -456,6 +467,16 @@ and ('a, 'b, 'm) base_gexpr =
handler : ('a, 'm) gexpr;
-> ('a, < exceptions : yes ; .. >, 'm) base_gexpr
(* Only used during evaluation *)
| ECustom : {
obj : Obj.t;
targs : typ list;
tret : typ;
-> ('a, < custom : yes ; .. >, 't) base_gexpr
(** A function of the given type, as a runtime OCaml object. The specified
types for arguments and result must be the Catala types corresponding
to the runtime types of the function. *)
(** Useful for errors and printing, for example *)
type any_expr = AnyExpr : ('a, _) gexpr -> any_expr
@ -552,6 +573,7 @@ type decl_ctx = {
ctx_struct_fields : StructField.t StructName.Map.t Ident.Map.t;
(** needed for disambiguation (desugared -> scope) *)
ctx_scopes : scope_out_struct ScopeName.Map.t;
ctx_modules : typ Qident.Map.t;
type 'e program = { decl_ctx : decl_ctx; code_items : 'e code_item_list }

View File

@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ let subst binder vars =
Bindlib.msubst binder (Array.of_list (List.map Mark.remove vars))
let evar v mark = Mark.add mark (Bindlib.box_var v)
let eexternal eref mark = Mark.add mark (Bindlib.box (EExternal eref))
let etuple args = Box.appn args @@ fun args -> ETuple args
let etupleaccess e index size =
@ -140,6 +141,9 @@ let eraise e1 = Box.app0 @@ ERaise e1
let ecatch body exn handler =
Box.app2 body handler @@ fun body handler -> ECatch { body; exn; handler }
let ecustom obj targs tret mark =
Mark.add mark (Bindlib.box (ECustom { obj; targs; tret }))
let elocation loc = Box.app0 @@ ELocation loc
let estruct name (fields : ('a, 't) boxed_gexpr StructField.Map.t) mark =
@ -268,6 +272,7 @@ let map
| EOp { op; tys } -> eop op tys m
| EArray args -> earray (List.map f args) m
| EVar v -> evar (Var.translate v) m
| EExternal eref -> eexternal eref m
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let body = f body in
@ -298,6 +303,7 @@ let map
| EScopeCall { scope; args } ->
let fields = ScopeVar.Map.map f args in
escopecall scope fields m
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } -> ecustom obj targs tret m
let rec map_top_down ~f e = map ~f:(map_top_down ~f) (f e)
let map_marks ~f e = map_top_down ~f:(Mark.map_mark f) e
@ -310,7 +316,9 @@ let shallow_fold
(acc : 'acc) : 'acc =
let lfold x acc = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> f x acc) acc x in
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit _ | EOp _ | EVar _ | ERaise _ | ELocation _ | EEmptyError -> acc
| ELit _ | EOp _ | EVar _ | EExternal _ | ERaise _ | ELocation _ | EEmptyError
| EApp { f = e; args } -> acc |> f e |> lfold args
| EArray args -> acc |> lfold args
| EAbs { binder; tys = _ } ->
@ -330,6 +338,7 @@ let shallow_fold
| EMatch { e; cases; _ } ->
acc |> f e |> EnumConstructor.Map.fold (fun _ -> f) cases
| EScopeCall { args; _ } -> acc |> ScopeVar.Map.fold (fun _ -> f) args
| ECustom _ -> acc
(* Like [map], but also allows to gather a result bottom-up. *)
let map_gather
@ -360,6 +369,7 @@ let map_gather
let acc, args = lfoldmap args in
acc, earray args m
| EVar v -> acc, evar (Var.translate v) m
| EExternal eref -> acc, eexternal eref m
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let acc, body = f body in
@ -433,6 +443,7 @@ let map_gather
args (acc, ScopeVar.Map.empty)
acc, escopecall scope args m
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } -> acc, ecustom obj targs tret m
(* - *)
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ and equal : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr -> bool =
fun e1 e2 ->
match Mark.remove e1, Mark.remove e2 with
| EVar v1, EVar v2 -> Bindlib.eq_vars v1 v2
| EExternal eref1, EExternal eref2 -> Qident.equal eref1 eref2
| ETuple es1, ETuple es2 -> equal_list es1 es2
| ( ETupleAccess { e = e1; index = id1; size = s1 },
ETupleAccess { e = e2; index = id2; size = s2 } ) ->
@ -588,10 +600,14 @@ and equal : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr -> bool =
| ( EScopeCall { scope = s1; args = fields1 },
EScopeCall { scope = s2; args = fields2 } ) ->
ScopeName.equal s1 s2 && ScopeVar.Map.equal equal fields1 fields2
| ( ( EVar _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EArray _ | ELit _ | EAbs _ | EApp _
| EAssert _ | EOp _ | EDefault _ | EIfThenElse _ | EEmptyError
| EErrorOnEmpty _ | ERaise _ | ECatch _ | ELocation _ | EStruct _
| EDStructAccess _ | EStructAccess _ | EInj _ | EMatch _ | EScopeCall _ ),
| ( ECustom { obj = obj1; targs = targs1; tret = tret1 },
ECustom { obj = obj2; targs = targs2; tret = tret2 } ) ->
Type.equal_list targs1 targs2 && Type.equal tret1 tret2 && obj1 == obj2
| ( ( EVar _ | EExternal _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EArray _ | ELit _
| EAbs _ | EApp _ | EAssert _ | EOp _ | EDefault _ | EIfThenElse _
| EEmptyError | EErrorOnEmpty _ | ERaise _ | ECatch _ | ELocation _
| EStruct _ | EDStructAccess _ | EStructAccess _ | EInj _ | EMatch _
| EScopeCall _ | ECustom _ ),
_ ) ->
@ -614,6 +630,8 @@ let rec compare : type a. (a, _) gexpr -> (a, _) gexpr -> int =
List.compare compare a1 a2
| EVar v1, EVar v2 ->
Bindlib.compare_vars v1 v2
| EExternal eref1, EExternal eref2 ->
Qident.compare eref1 eref2
| EAbs {binder=binder1; tys=typs1},
EAbs {binder=binder2; tys=typs2} ->
List.compare Type.compare typs1 typs2 @@< fun () ->
@ -678,11 +696,15 @@ let rec compare : type a. (a, _) gexpr -> (a, _) gexpr -> int =
compare_except ex1 ex2 @@< fun () ->
compare etry1 etry2 @@< fun () ->
compare ewith1 ewith2
| ECustom _, _ | _, ECustom _ ->
(* fixme: ideally this would be forbidden by typing *)
invalid_arg "Custom block comparison"
| ELit _, _ -> -1 | _, ELit _ -> 1
| EApp _, _ -> -1 | _, EApp _ -> 1
| EOp _, _ -> -1 | _, EOp _ -> 1
| EArray _, _ -> -1 | _, EArray _ -> 1
| EVar _, _ -> -1 | _, EVar _ -> 1
| EExternal _, _ -> -1 | _, EExternal _ -> 1
| EAbs _, _ -> -1 | _, EAbs _ -> 1
| EIfThenElse _, _ -> -1 | _, EIfThenElse _ -> 1
| ELocation _, _ -> -1 | _, ELocation _ -> 1
@ -735,7 +757,7 @@ let format ppf e = Print.expr ~debug:false () ppf e
let rec size : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> int =
fun e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EVar _ | ELit _ | EOp _ | EEmptyError -> 1
| EVar _ | EExternal _ | ELit _ | EOp _ | EEmptyError | ECustom _ -> 1
| ETuple args -> List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> acc + size arg) 1 args
| EArray args -> List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> acc + size arg) 1 args
| ETupleAccess { e; _ } -> size e + 1

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ val rebox : ('a any, 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) boxed_gexpr
(** Rebuild the whole term, re-binding all variables and exposing free variables *)
val evar : ('a, 'm) gexpr Var.t -> 'm mark -> ('a, 'm) boxed_gexpr
val eexternal : Qident.t -> 'm mark -> ('a any, 'm) boxed_gexpr
val bind :
('a, 'm) gexpr Var.t array ->
@ -142,6 +143,13 @@ val escopecall :
'm mark ->
((< explicitScopes : yes ; .. > as 'a), 'm) boxed_gexpr
val ecustom :
Obj.t ->
Type.t list ->
Type.t ->
'm mark ->
(< custom : Definitions.yes ; .. >, 'm) boxed_gexpr
val fun_id : 'm mark -> ('a any, 'm) boxed_gexpr
(** {2 Manipulation of marks} *)

View File

@ -23,6 +23,21 @@ open Definitions
open Op
module Runtime = Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
type features =
< monomorphic : yes
; polymorphic : yes
; overloaded : no
; resolved : yes
; syntacticNames : no
; resolvedNames : yes
; scopeVarStates : no
; scopeVarSimpl : no
; explicitScopes : no
; assertions : yes >
type ('d, 'e, 'c) astk =
< features ; defaultTerms : 'd ; exceptions : 'e ; custom : 'c >
(** {1 Helpers} *)
let is_empty_error : type a. (a, 'm) gexpr -> bool =
@ -375,10 +390,226 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
_ ) ->
err ()
(* /S\ dark magic here. This relies both on internals of [Lcalc.to_ocaml] *and*
of the OCaml runtime *)
let rec runtime_to_val :
(decl_ctx -> ('a, 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) gexpr) ->
decl_ctx ->
'm mark ->
typ ->
Obj.t ->
(((_, _, yes) astk as 'a), 'm) gexpr =
fun eval_expr ctx m ty o ->
let m = Expr.map_ty (fun _ -> ty) m in
match Mark.remove ty with
| TLit TBool -> ELit (LBool (Obj.obj o)), m
| TLit TUnit -> ELit LUnit, m
| TLit TInt -> ELit (LInt (Obj.obj o)), m
| TLit TRat -> ELit (LRat (Obj.obj o)), m
| TLit TMoney -> ELit (LMoney (Obj.obj o)), m
| TLit TDate -> ELit (LDate (Obj.obj o)), m
| TLit TDuration -> ELit (LDuration (Obj.obj o)), m
| TTuple ts ->
( ETuple
(runtime_to_val eval_expr ctx m)
(Array.to_list (Obj.obj o))),
m )
| TStruct name ->
StructName.Map.find name ctx.ctx_structs
|> StructField.Map.to_seq
|> Seq.map2
(fun o (fld, ty) -> fld, runtime_to_val eval_expr ctx m ty o)
(Array.to_seq (Obj.obj o))
|> StructField.Map.of_seq
|> fun fields -> EStruct { name; fields }, m
| TEnum name ->
(* we only use non-constant constructors of arity 1, which allows us to
always use the tag directly (ordered as declared in the constr map), and
the field 0 *)
let cons, ty =
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings (EnumName.Map.find name ctx.ctx_enums))
(Obj.tag o - Obj.first_non_constant_constructor_tag)
let e = runtime_to_val eval_expr ctx m ty (Obj.field o 0) in
EInj { name; cons; e }, m
| TOption _ty -> assert false
| TArray ty ->
( EArray
(runtime_to_val eval_expr ctx m ty)
(Array.to_list (Obj.obj o))),
m )
| TArrow (targs, tret) -> ECustom { obj = o; targs; tret }, m
| TAny -> assert false
and val_to_runtime :
(decl_ctx -> ('a, 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) gexpr) ->
decl_ctx ->
typ ->
('b, 'm) gexpr ->
Obj.t =
fun eval_expr ctx ty v ->
match Mark.remove ty, Mark.remove v with
| TLit TBool, ELit (LBool b) -> Obj.repr b
| TLit TUnit, ELit LUnit -> Obj.repr ()
| TLit TInt, ELit (LInt i) -> Obj.repr i
| TLit TRat, ELit (LRat r) -> Obj.repr r
| TLit TMoney, ELit (LMoney m) -> Obj.repr m
| TLit TDate, ELit (LDate t) -> Obj.repr t
| TLit TDuration, ELit (LDuration d) -> Obj.repr d
| TTuple ts, ETuple es ->
List.map2 (val_to_runtime eval_expr ctx) ts es |> Array.of_list |> Obj.repr
| TStruct name1, EStruct { name; fields } ->
assert (StructName.equal name name1);
let fld_tys = StructName.Map.find name ctx.ctx_structs in
(fun (_, ty) (_, v) -> val_to_runtime eval_expr ctx ty v)
(StructField.Map.to_seq fld_tys)
(StructField.Map.to_seq fields)
|> Array.of_seq
|> Obj.repr
| TEnum name1, EInj { name; cons; e } ->
assert (EnumName.equal name name1);
let rec find_tag n = function
| [] -> assert false
| (c, ty) :: _ when EnumConstructor.equal c cons -> n, ty
| _ :: r -> find_tag (n + 1) r
let tag, ty =
find_tag Obj.first_non_constant_constructor_tag
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings (EnumName.Map.find name ctx.ctx_enums))
let o = Obj.with_tag tag (Obj.repr (Some ())) in
Obj.set_field o 0 (val_to_runtime eval_expr ctx ty e);
| TOption _ty, _ -> assert false
| TArray ty, EArray es ->
Array.of_list (List.map (val_to_runtime eval_expr ctx ty) es) |> Obj.repr
| TArrow (targs, tret), _ ->
let m = Mark.get v in
(* we want stg like [fun args -> val_to_runtime (eval_expr ctx (EApp (v,
args)))] but in curried form *)
let rec curry acc = function
| [] ->
let args = List.rev acc in
val_to_runtime eval_expr ctx tret
(eval_expr ctx (EApp { f = v; args }, m))
| targ :: targs ->
Obj.repr (fun x ->
curry (runtime_to_val eval_expr ctx m targ x :: acc) targs)
curry [] targs
| _ -> assert false
(* let f e = (e : (< .. > as 'a, 't) gexpr :> (< custom : _; 'a; .. >, 't) gexpr )
* let f (type a) ((e: (< custom: a; .. >, 't) naked_gexpr), t) =
* if false then ECustom { obj = Obj.repr (); targs = []; tret = (TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos) }, t
* else e, t *)
(* let rec add_custom: (< .. >
* type a b . (a, b, 't) base_gexpr * 't -> (< custom: yes; .. >, 't) gexpr
* = function
* | ECustom _, _ as e -> Expr.box e
* | (ELit _
* | EApp _
* | EOp _
* | EArray _
* | EVar _
* | EExternal _
* | EAbs _
* | EIfThenElse _
* | ETuple _
* | ETupleAccess _
* | EInj _
* | EAssert _
* | EDefault _
* | EEmptyError
* | EErrorOnEmpty _
* | ECatch _
* | ERaise _
* | ELocation _
* | EStruct _
* | EDStructAccess _
* | EStructAccess _
* | EMatch _
* | EScopeCall _), _
* as e
* -> Expr.map ~f:add_custom e
* ;;
* fun e ->
* if false then
* Expr.box
* (ECustom { obj = Obj.repr (); targs = []; tret = (TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos) },
* Marked.get_mark e)
* else *)
(* type ('a, 'b) has_custom = < custom: 'a; .. > as 'b
* let f (type b) (e: ((_, b) has_custom, 't) naked_gexpr) : ((yes, b) has_custom, 't) naked_gexpr = match e with
* | EEmptyError when false ->
* ECustom { obj = Obj.repr (); targs = []; tret = (TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos) }
* | ECustom _ as e -> e
* | EOp _ as e -> e
* | ELocation _ as e -> e
* | ELit _ as e -> e
* | EApp _ as e -> e
* | EArray _ as e -> e
* | EVar _ as e -> e
* | EExternal _ as e -> e
* | EAbs _ as e -> e
* | EIfThenElse _ as e -> e
* | ETuple _ as e -> e
* | ETupleAccess _ as e -> e
* | EInj _ as e -> e
* | EAssert _ as e -> e
* | EDefault _ as e -> e
* | EEmptyError as e -> e
* | EErrorOnEmpty _ as e -> e
* | ECatch _ as e -> e
* | ERaise _ as e -> e
* | EStruct _ as e -> e
* | EDStructAccess _ as e -> e
* | EStructAccess _ as e -> e
* | EMatch _ as e -> e
* | EScopeCall _ as e -> e *)
(* let rec add_custom:
* type c d e.
* (< features; defaultTerms: d; exceptions: e; custom : c >, 't) gexpr ->
* (< features; defaultTerms: d; exceptions: e; custom : yes >, 't) gexpr boxed
* = function
* (\* Obj.magic (Expr.box e) *\)
* (\* | EEmptyError, m when false ->
* * Expr.box (ECustom { obj = Obj.repr (); targs = []; tret = (TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos) }, m) *\)
* | (EDefault _ | EEmptyError | EErrorOnEmpty _), _ as e ->
* Expr.map ~f:add_custom
* (e : (< features; defaultTerms: yes; exceptions: e; custom : c >, 't) gexpr)
* | (ECatch _ | ERaise _), _ as e -> Expr.map ~f:add_custom e
* | ECustom _, _ -> assert false
* | (EOp _
* | ELocation _
* | ELit _
* | EApp _
* | EArray _
* | EVar _
* | EExternal _
* | EAbs _
* | EIfThenElse _
* | ETuple _
* | ETupleAccess _
* | EInj _
* | EAssert _
* | EStruct _
* | EStructAccess _
* | EMatch _), _ as e -> Expr.map ~f:add_custom e *)
let rec evaluate_expr :
type a b.
decl_ctx -> ((a, b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr -> ((a, b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr
type d e.
decl_ctx -> ((d, e, yes) astk, 't) gexpr -> ((d, e, yes) astk, 't) gexpr =
fun ctx e ->
let m = Mark.get e in
let pos = Expr.mark_pos m in
@ -387,6 +618,14 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
Message.raise_spanned_error pos
"free variable found at evaluation (should not happen if term was \
| EExternal qid -> (
match Qident.Map.find_opt qid ctx.ctx_modules with
| None ->
Message.raise_spanned_error pos "Reference to %a could not be resolved"
Qident.format qid
| Some ty ->
let o = Runtime.lookup_value qid in
runtime_to_val evaluate_expr ctx m ty o)
| EApp { f = e1; args } -> (
let e1 = evaluate_expr ctx e1 in
let args = List.map (evaluate_expr ctx) args in
@ -403,11 +642,23 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length args)
| EOp { op; _ } -> evaluate_operator (evaluate_expr ctx) op m args
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } ->
(* Applies the arguments one by one to the curried form *)
(fun fobj targ arg ->
(Obj.obj fobj : Obj.t -> Obj.t)
(val_to_runtime evaluate_expr ctx targ arg))
obj targs args
|> Obj.obj
|> fun o -> runtime_to_val evaluate_expr ctx m tret o
| _ ->
Message.raise_spanned_error pos
"function has not been reduced to a lambda at evaluation (should not \
happen if the term was well-typed")
| (EAbs _ | ELit _ | EOp _) as e -> Mark.add m e (* these are values *)
| EAbs { binder; tys } -> Expr.unbox (Expr.eabs (Bindlib.box binder) tys m)
| ELit _ as e -> Mark.add m e
| EOp { op; tys } -> Expr.unbox (Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m)
(* | EAbs _ as e -> Marked.mark m e (* these are values *) *)
| EStruct { fields = es; name } ->
let fields, es = List.split (StructField.Map.bindings es) in
let es = List.map (evaluate_expr ctx) es in
@ -514,6 +765,7 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e')
"Expected a boolean literal for the result of this assertion \
(should not happen if the term was well-typed)")
| ECustom _ -> e
| EEmptyError -> Mark.copy e EEmptyError
| EErrorOnEmpty e' -> (
match evaluate_expr ctx e' with
@ -552,6 +804,142 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
evaluate_expr ctx handler)
| _ -> .
(* type ('kind,'a,'b,'c,'d,'e,'f,'g,'h,'i,'k,'l,'m) astrec = {
* monomorphic : 'a
* ; polymorphic : 'b
* ; overloaded : 'c
* ; resolved : 'd
* ; syntacticNames : 'e
* ; resolvedNames : 'f
* ; scopeVarStates : 'g
* ; scopeVarSimpl : 'h
* ; explicitScopes : 'i
* ; assertions : 'j
* ; defaultTerms : 'k
* ; exceptions : 'l
* ; custom : 'm
* }
* constraint 'kind = <
* monomorphic : 'a
* ; polymorphic : 'b
* ; overloaded : 'c
* ; resolved : 'd
* ; syntacticNames : 'e
* ; resolvedNames : 'f
* ; scopeVarStates : 'g
* ; scopeVarSimpl : 'h
* ; explicitScopes : 'i
* ; assertions : 'j
* ; defaultTerms : 'k
* ; exceptions : 'l
* ; custom : 'm >
* type ('kind,'a,'b,'c,'d,'e,'f,'g,'h,'i,'k,'l,'m) astrec2 =
* Astrec:
* { monomorphic : 'a
* ; polymorphic : 'b
* ; overloaded : 'c
* ; resolved : 'd
* ; syntacticNames : 'e
* ; resolvedNames : 'f
* ; scopeVarStates : 'g
* ; scopeVarSimpl : 'h
* ; explicitScopes : 'i
* ; assertions : 'j
* ; defaultTerms : 'k
* ; exceptions : 'l
* ; custom : 'm }
* ->
* (< monomorphic : 'a
* ; polymorphic : 'b
* ; overloaded : 'c
* ; resolved : 'd
* ; syntacticNames : 'e
* ; resolvedNames : 'f
* ; scopeVarStates : 'g
* ; scopeVarSimpl : 'h
* ; explicitScopes : 'i
* ; assertions : 'j
* ; defaultTerms : 'k
* ; exceptions : 'l
* ; custom : 'm >,
* 'a,'b,'c,'d,'e,'f,'g,'h,'i,'k,'l,'m) astrec2
* let customise
* (type x a b c d e f g h i j k l m)
* (ty: ('kind,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k,l,m) astrec2)
* (e: (x, 't) gexpr)
* : ('kind, 't) gexpr =
* match ty, e with
* | Astrec { custom = Yes; _ }, (ECustom _, _ as e) -> (e: ('kind, 't) gexpr)
* | Astrec { custom = No; _ }, (ECustom _, _) -> invalid_arg "Bad AST cast"
* | EOp {op;tys}, m -> Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m
* | EDefault _, _ as e -> Expr.map ~f e
* | EEmptyError, _ as e -> Expr.map ~f e
* | EErrorOnEmpty _, _ as e -> Expr.map ~f e
* | ECatch _, _ as e -> Expr.map ~f e
* | ERaise _, _ as e -> Expr.map ~f e
* | (EAssert _
* | ELit _
* | EApp _
* | EArray _
* | EVar _
* | EExternal _
* | EAbs _
* | EIfThenElse _
* | ETuple _
* | ETupleAccess _
* | EInj _
* | EStruct _
* | EStructAccess _
* | EMatch _), _ as e -> Expr.map ~f e
* | _ -> . *)
(* Typing shenanigan to add custom terms to the AST type. This is an identity
and could be optimised into [Obj.magic]. *)
let addcustom e =
let rec f :
type c d e.
((d, e, c) astk, 't) gexpr -> ((d, e, yes) astk, 't) gexpr boxed =
| (ECustom _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| EOp { op; tys }, m -> Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m
| (EDefault _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (EEmptyError, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (EErrorOnEmpty _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (ECatch _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (ERaise _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| ( ( EAssert _ | ELit _ | EApp _ | EArray _ | EVar _ | EExternal _ | EAbs _
| EIfThenElse _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EStruct _
| EStructAccess _ | EMatch _ ),
_ ) as e ->
Expr.map ~f e
| _ -> .
Expr.unbox (f e)
let delcustom e =
let rec f :
type c d e.
((d, e, c) astk, 't) gexpr -> ((d, e, no) astk, 't) gexpr boxed = function
| ECustom _, _ -> invalid_arg "Custom term remaining in evaluated term"
| EOp { op; tys }, m -> Expr.eop (Operator.translate op) tys m
| (EDefault _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (EEmptyError, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (EErrorOnEmpty _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (ECatch _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| (ERaise _, _) as e -> Expr.map ~f e
| ( ( EAssert _ | ELit _ | EApp _ | EArray _ | EVar _ | EExternal _ | EAbs _
| EIfThenElse _ | ETuple _ | ETupleAccess _ | EInj _ | EStruct _
| EStructAccess _ | EMatch _ ),
_ ) as e ->
Expr.map ~f e
| _ -> .
Expr.unbox (f e)
let evaluate_expr ctx e = delcustom (evaluate_expr ctx (addcustom e))
let interpret_program_lcalc p s : (Uid.MarkedString.info * ('a, 'm) gexpr) list
let e = Expr.unbox @@ Program.to_expr p s in
@ -601,11 +989,24 @@ let interpret_program_lcalc p s : (Uid.MarkedString.info * ('a, 'm) gexpr) list
"The interpreter can only interpret terms starting with functions having \
thunked arguments"
let dynload_modules () =
(* FIXME: WIP placeholder ; also, each file should be loaded only once *)
match Sys.getenv_opt "CATALA_INTF" with
| None | Some "" -> ()
| Some str ->
let files = String.split_on_char ',' str in
(fun f ->
let mlf = Filename.remove_extension f ^ ".cmxs" in
Dynlink.loadfile mlf)
(** {1 API} *)
let interpret_program_dcalc p s : (Uid.MarkedString.info * ('a, 'm) gexpr) list
let ctx = p.decl_ctx in
let e = Expr.unbox (Program.to_expr p s) in
dynload_modules ();
match evaluate_expr p.decl_ctx e with
| (EAbs { tys = [((TStruct s_in, _) as _targs)]; _ }, mark_e) as e -> begin
(* At this point, the interpreter seeks to execute the scope but does not

View File

@ -20,8 +20,21 @@
open Catala_utils
open Definitions
type features =
< monomorphic : yes
; polymorphic : yes
; overloaded : no
; resolved : yes
; syntacticNames : no
; resolvedNames : yes
; scopeVarStates : no
; scopeVarSimpl : no
; explicitScopes : no
; assertions : yes >
(** The interpreter only works on dcalc and lcalc, which share these features *)
val evaluate_operator :
((((_, _) dcalc_lcalc as 'a), 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) gexpr) ->
(((< features ; .. > as 'a), 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) gexpr) ->
'a operator ->
'm mark ->
('a, 'm) gexpr list ->
@ -32,9 +45,7 @@ val evaluate_operator :
operator. *)
val evaluate_expr :
decl_ctx ->
(('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr ->
(('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr
decl_ctx -> (((_, _) dcalc_lcalc as 'a), 'm) gexpr -> ('a, 'm) gexpr
(** Evaluates an expression according to the semantics of the default calculus. *)
val interpret_program_dcalc :

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ let rec optimize_expr :
when name = name1 ->
Mark.remove (StructField.Map.find field fields)
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } -> (
(* TODO: mechanically prove each of these optimizations correct :) *)
(* TODO: mechanically prove each of these optimizations correct *)
let excepts =
List.filter (fun except -> Mark.remove except <> EEmptyError) excepts
(* we can discard the exceptions that are always empty error *)
@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ let rec optimize_expr :
(* at this point we know a conflict error will be triggered so we just
feed the expression to the interpreter that will print the beautiful
right error message *)
Mark.remove (Interpreter.evaluate_expr ctx.decl_ctx e)
let _ = Interpreter.evaluate_expr ctx.decl_ctx e in
assert false
match excepts, just with
| [except], _ when Expr.is_value except ->
@ -302,7 +303,12 @@ let rec optimize_expr :
Expr.Box.app1 e reduce mark
let optimize_expr (decl_ctx : decl_ctx) (e : (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr) =
let optimize_expr :
decl_ctx ->
(('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr ->
(('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) boxed_gexpr =
fun (decl_ctx : decl_ctx) (e : (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr) ->
optimize_expr { var_values = Var.Map.empty; decl_ctx } e
let optimize_program (p : 'm program) : 'm program =
@ -339,15 +345,7 @@ let test_iota_reduction_1 () =
(Format.asprintf "before=%a\nafter=%a" Expr.format (Expr.unbox matchA)
ctx_enums = EnumName.Map.empty;
ctx_structs = StructName.Map.empty;
ctx_struct_fields = Ident.Map.empty;
ctx_scopes = ScopeName.Map.empty;
(Expr.unbox matchA))))
(Expr.unbox (optimize_expr Program.empty_ctx (Expr.unbox matchA))))
let cases_of_list l : ('a, 't) boxed_gexpr EnumConstructor.Map.t =
@ -409,12 +407,4 @@ let test_iota_reduction_2 () =
\ | B (λ (x: any) D B x)\n"
(Format.asprintf "before=@[%a@]@.after=%a@." Expr.format (Expr.unbox matchA)
ctx_enums = EnumName.Map.empty;
ctx_structs = StructName.Map.empty;
ctx_struct_fields = Ident.Map.empty;
ctx_scopes = ScopeName.Map.empty;
(Expr.unbox matchA))))
(Expr.unbox (optimize_expr Program.empty_ctx (Expr.unbox matchA))))

View File

@ -379,6 +379,7 @@ module Precedence = struct
| EOp _ -> Contained
| EArray _ -> Contained
| EVar _ -> Contained
| EExternal _ -> Contained
| EAbs _ -> Abs
| EIfThenElse _ -> Contained
| EStruct _ -> Contained
@ -395,6 +396,7 @@ module Precedence = struct
| EErrorOnEmpty _ -> App
| ERaise _ -> App
| ECatch _ -> App
| ECustom _ -> Contained
let needs_parens ~context ?(rhs = false) e =
match expr context, expr e with
@ -461,6 +463,7 @@ let rec expr_aux :
let rhs ex = paren ~rhs:true ex in
match Mark.remove e with
| EVar v -> var fmt v
| EExternal eref -> Qident.format fmt eref
| ETuple es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]" punctuation "("
@ -665,6 +668,7 @@ let rec expr_aux :
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
punctuation fmt "}";
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
| ECustom _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<obj>"
let rec colors =
let open Ocolor_types in

View File

@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ let fold_left_exprs ~f ~init { code_items; decl_ctx = _ } =
let fold_right_exprs ~f ~init { code_items; decl_ctx = _ } =
Scope.fold_right ~f:(fun e _ acc -> f e acc) ~init code_items
let empty_ctx =
ctx_enums = EnumName.Map.empty;
ctx_structs = StructName.Map.empty;
ctx_struct_fields = Ident.Map.empty;
ctx_scopes = ScopeName.Map.empty;
ctx_modules = Qident.Map.empty;
let get_scope_body { code_items; _ } scope =
Scope.fold_left ~init:None

View File

@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
open Definitions
(** {2 Program declaration context helpers} *)
val empty_ctx : decl_ctx
(** {2 Transformations} *)
val map_exprs :

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2023 Inria, contributor:
Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@inria.fr>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** This module defines module names and path accesses, used to refer to
separate compilation units *)
open Catala_utils
type modname = string
type ident = string
type path = modname list
type t = path * ident
let compare_path = List.compare String.compare
let equal_path = List.equal String.equal
let compare (p1, i1) (p2, i2) =
match compare_path p1 p2 with 0 -> String.compare i1 i2 | n -> n
let equal (p1, i1) (p2, i2) = equal_path p1 p2 && String.equal i1 i2
module Ord = struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
module Set = Set.Make (Ord)
module Map = Map.Make (Ord)
let format_modname ppf m = Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>%s@}" m
let format_path ppf p =
let pp_sep ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "@{<cyan>.@}" in
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep format_modname ppf p;
pp_sep ppf ()
let format ppf (p, i) =
format_path ppf p;
Format.pp_print_string ppf i

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2023 Inria, contributor:
Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@inria.fr>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** This module defines module names and path accesses, used to refer to
separate compilation units. *)
type modname = string
(** Expected to be a uident *)
type ident = string
(** Expected to be a lident *)
type path = modname list
type t = path * ident
val compare_path : path -> path -> int
val equal_path : path -> path -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val format : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
include Definitions
module Var = Var
module Qident = Qident
module Type = Type
module Operator = Operator
module Expr = Expr

View File

@ -610,6 +610,16 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down :
"Variable %s not found in the current context" (Bindlib.name_of v)
Expr.evar (Var.translate v) (mark_with_tau_and_unify tau')
| A.EExternal eref ->
let ty =
try Qident.Map.find eref ctx.ctx_modules
with Not_found ->
Message.raise_spanned_error pos_e
"Could not resolve the reference to %a.@ Make sure the corresponding \
module was properly loaded?"
Qident.format eref
Expr.eexternal eref (mark_with_tau_and_unify (ast_to_typ ty))
| A.ELit lit -> Expr.elit lit (ty_mark (lit_type lit))
| A.ETuple es ->
let tys = List.map (fun _ -> unionfind (TAny (Any.fresh ()))) es in
@ -787,6 +797,11 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down :
List.map (typecheck_expr_top_down ~leave_unresolved ctx env cell_type) es
Expr.earray es' mark
| A.ECustom { obj; targs; tret } ->
let mark =
mark_with_tau_and_unify (ast_to_typ (A.TArrow (targs, tret), Expr.pos e))
Expr.ecustom obj targs tret mark
let wrap ctx f e =
try f e

View File

@ -869,6 +869,8 @@ type law_structure =
type program = {
program_interfaces :
((Shared_ast.Qident.path[@opaque]) * code_item Mark.pos) list;
program_items : law_structure list;
program_source_files : (string[@opaque]) list;

View File

@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ let rec parse_source_file
(match input with Some input -> close_in input | None -> ());
let program = expand_includes source_file_name commands language in
program_interfaces = [];
program_items = program.Ast.program_items;
program_source_files = source_file_name :: program.Ast.program_source_files;
@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ and expand_includes
let sub_source = Filename.concat source_dir (Mark.remove sub_source) in
let includ_program = parse_source_file (FileName sub_source) language in
program_interfaces = [];
Ast.program_source_files =
acc.Ast.program_source_files @ includ_program.program_source_files;
Ast.program_items =
@ -316,22 +318,58 @@ and expand_includes
| Ast.LawHeading (heading, commands') ->
let {
Ast.program_interfaces = _;
Ast.program_items = commands';
Ast.program_source_files = new_sources;
} =
expand_includes source_file commands' language
Ast.program_interfaces = [];
Ast.program_source_files = acc.Ast.program_source_files @ new_sources;
Ast.program_items =
acc.Ast.program_items @ [Ast.LawHeading (heading, commands')];
| i -> { acc with Ast.program_items = acc.Ast.program_items @ [i] })
{ Ast.program_source_files = []; Ast.program_items = [] }
Ast.program_interfaces = [];
Ast.program_source_files = [];
Ast.program_items = [];
(** {1 API} *)
let ext_id = "__external__"
let add_interface source_file language path program =
let rec filter acc = function
| Ast.LawInclude _ -> acc
| Ast.LawHeading (_, str) -> List.fold_left filter acc str
| Ast.LawText _ -> acc
| Ast.CodeBlock (code, _, true) ->
(fun acc -> function
| Ast.ScopeUse _, _ -> acc
| ((Ast.ScopeDecl _ | StructDecl _ | EnumDecl _), _) as e ->
(path, e) :: acc
| Ast.Topdef def, m ->
( path,
( Ast.Topdef
{ def with topdef_expr = Ast.Ident ([], (ext_id, m)), m },
m ) )
:: acc)
acc code
| Ast.CodeBlock (_, _, false) ->
(* Non-metadata blocks are ignored *)
let program_interfaces =
List.fold_left filter program.Ast.program_interfaces
(parse_source_file source_file language).Ast.program_items
{ program with Ast.program_interfaces }
let parse_top_level_file
(source_file : Pos.input_file)
(language : Cli.backend_lang) : Ast.program =

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@ -19,4 +19,13 @@
open Catala_utils
val add_interface :
Pos.input_file ->
Cli.backend_lang ->
Shared_ast.Qident.path ->
Ast.program ->
(** Reads only declarations in metadata in the supplied input file, and add them
to the given program *)
val parse_top_level_file : Pos.input_file -> Cli.backend_lang -> Ast.program

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@ -656,6 +656,7 @@ and translate_expr (ctx : context) (vc : typed expr) : context * Expr.expr =
of a match. It actually corresponds to applying an accessor to an enum,
the corresponding Z3 expression was previously stored in the context *)
ctx, e)
| EExternal _ -> failwith "[Z3 encoding] EExternal unsupported"
| EStruct _ -> failwith "[Z3 encoding] EStruct unsupported"
| EStructAccess { e; field; name } ->
let ctx, z3_struct = find_or_create_struct ctx name in

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@ -737,3 +737,23 @@ module Oper = struct
include Oper
type hash = string
let modules_table : (string, hash) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
let values_table : (string list * string, Obj.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
let register_module modname values hash =
Hashtbl.add modules_table modname hash;
List.iter (fun (id, v) -> Hashtbl.add values_table ([modname], id) v) values
let check_module m h = String.equal (Hashtbl.find modules_table m) h
let lookup_value qid =
try Hashtbl.find values_table qid
with Not_found ->
("Could not resolve reference to "
^ String.concat "." (fst qid)
^ "."
^ snd qid)

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@ -385,3 +385,21 @@ module Oper : sig
include module type of Oper
(** Modules API *)
type hash = string
val register_module : string -> (string * Obj.t) list -> hash -> unit
(** Registers a module by the given name defining the given bindings. Required
for evaluation to be able to access the given values. The last argument is
expected to be a hash of the source file and the Catala version, and will in
time be used to ensure that the module and the interface are in sync *)
val check_module : string -> hash -> bool
(** Returns [true] if it has been registered with the correct hash, [false] if
there is a hash mismatch.
@raise Not_found if the module does not exist at all *)
val lookup_value : string list * string -> Obj.t

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@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ scope ScopeB:
$ catala OCaml -O
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
[@@@ocaml.warning "-4-26-27-32-41-42"]
module ScopeA = struct
type t = {a: bool}
@ -58,4 +60,9 @@ let scope_b (scope_b_in: ScopeBIn.t) : ScopeB.t =
start_line=8; start_column=10; end_line=8; end_column=11;
law_headings=["Article"]})) in
{ScopeB.a = a_}
let () =
Runtime_ocaml.Runtime.register_module "191_fix_record_name_confusion"
[ "ScopeA", Obj.repr scope_a;
"ScopeB", Obj.repr scope_b ]