Added thunk to ease proof of substitution correctness

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-02-20 22:38:10 +01:00
parent 2efdd71866
commit e926adf6f0
2 changed files with 40 additions and 122 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ type exp =
| EVar : v: var -> exp
| EApp : fn: exp -> arg: exp -> tau_arg: ty -> exp
| EAbs : vty: ty -> body: exp -> exp
| EThunk : body:exp -> exp
| ELit : l: lit -> exp
| EIf : test: exp -> btrue: exp -> bfalse: exp -> exp
| ESome : s:exp -> exp
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ let e_err = ELit (LError EmptyError)
val is_value: exp -> Tot bool
let rec is_value e =
match e with
| EAbs _ _ | ELit _ | ENone -> true
| EAbs _ _ | EThunk _ | ELit _ | ENone -> true
| ESome (ELit (LError _)) -> false
| ESome e' -> is_value e'
| EList l -> is_value_list l
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ let rec subst (s: var_to_exp) (e: exp) : Pure exp
match e with
| EVar x -> s x
| EAbs t e1 -> EAbs t (subst (subst_abs s) e1)
| EThunk e1 -> EThunk (subst s e1)
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg -> EApp (subst s e1) (subst s e2) tau_arg
| ELit l -> ELit l
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> EIf (subst s e1) (subst s e2) (subst s e3)
@ -136,6 +138,7 @@ let rec step_app (e: exp) (e1: exp{e1 << e}) (e2: exp{e2 << e}) (tau_arg: ty{tau
| _ -> begin
match e1 with
| EAbs t e' -> Some (subst (var_to_exp_beta e2) e') (* D-Beta *)
| EThunk e' -> Some e'
| _ -> None
@ -305,6 +308,10 @@ let rec typing (g: env) (e: exp) (tau: ty) : Tot bool (decreases (e)) =
| TArrow tau_in tau_out -> t = tau_in &&
typing (extend g t) e1 tau_out
| _ -> false)
| EThunk e1 ->
(match tau with
| TArrow TUnit tau_out -> typing g e1 tau_out
| _ -> false)
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg -> typing g e1 (TArrow tau_arg tau) && typing g e2 tau_arg
| ELit LTrue -> tau = TBool
| ELit LFalse -> tau = TBool
@ -362,10 +369,12 @@ let typing_conserved_by_list_reduction (g: env) (subs: list exp) (tau: ty)
(**** Progress theorem *)
let rec size_for_progress (e: exp) : Tot pos = match e with
let rec size_for_progress (e: exp) : Tot pos =
match e with
| EVar _ -> 1
| EApp fn arg _ -> size_for_progress fn + size_for_progress arg + 1
| EAbs _ body -> size_for_progress body + 1
| EThunk body -> size_for_progress body + 1
| ELit _ -> 1
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> size_for_progress e1 + size_for_progress e2 + size_for_progress e3 + 1
| ESome s -> size_for_progress s + 1
@ -497,7 +506,6 @@ let rec progress (e: exp) (tau: ty)
| _ -> ()
and progress_list
(e: exp)
(l: list exp{size_for_progress_list l < size_for_progress e /\ l << e}) (tau: ty)
@ -528,6 +536,7 @@ let rec substitution_extensionnal
match e with
| EVar _ -> ()
| ELit _ -> ()
| EThunk e1 -> substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 e1
| EAbs t e1 ->
assert (subst s1 (EAbs t e1) == EAbs t (subst (subst_abs s1) e1))
by (T.norm [zeta; iota; delta_only [`%subst]]);
@ -591,6 +600,12 @@ let rec substitution_preserves_typing
| EApp e1 e2 t_arg ->
substitution_preserves_typing g1 e1 (TArrow t_arg t) s g2 s_lemma;
substitution_preserves_typing g1 e2 t_arg s g2 s_lemma
| EThunk e1 -> begin
match t with
| TArrow TUnit t_out ->
substitution_preserves_typing g1 e1 t_out s g2 s_lemma
| _ -> ()
| EAbs t_arg e1 -> begin
match t with
| TArrow t_arg' t_out ->
@ -736,22 +751,24 @@ and preservation_list
let identity_var_to_exp : var_to_exp = fun x -> EVar x
let rec subst_by_identity_is_identity (e: exp) : Lemma (subst identity_var_to_exp e == e) =
match e with
match e with
| EVar _ -> ()
| ELit _ -> ()
| EApp e1 e2 _ ->
| EApp e1 e2 _ ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity e1;
subst_by_identity_is_identity e2
| EThunk e1 ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity e1
| EAbs t e1 ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity e1
| ENone -> ()
| ESome e1 ->
| ESome e1 ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity e1
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity e1;
subst_by_identity_is_identity e2;
subst_by_identity_is_identity e3
| EList l ->
| EList l ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity_list l
| ECatchEmptyError to_try catch_with ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity to_try;
@ -766,7 +783,7 @@ let rec subst_by_identity_is_identity (e: exp) : Lemma (subst identity_var_to_ex
subst_by_identity_is_identity some
and subst_by_identity_is_identity_list (l: list exp) : Lemma (subst_list identity_var_to_exp l == l)
match l with
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl ->
subst_by_identity_is_identity hd;
@ -779,7 +796,7 @@ let typing_empty_can_be_extended (e: exp) (tau: ty) (tau': ty)
(ensures (typing (extend empty tau') e tau))
subst_by_identity_is_identity e;
let s_lemma : subst_typing identity_var_to_exp empty (extend empty tau') = fun x -> () in
let s_lemma : subst_typing identity_var_to_exp empty (extend empty tau') = fun x -> () in
substitution_preserves_typing empty e tau identity_var_to_exp (extend empty tau') s_lemma
let is_error (e: exp) : bool = match e with ELit (LError _) -> true | _ -> false

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let rec translate_exp (e: D.exp) : Tot L.exp = match e with
and translate_exp_list (l: list D.exp) : Tot (list L.exp) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> (L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment (translate_exp hd)))::(translate_exp_list tl)
| hd::tl -> (L.EThunk (translate_exp hd))::(translate_exp_list tl)
let translate_env (g: D.env) : Tot L.env =
FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom L.var
@ -201,9 +201,7 @@ and translation_preserves_typ_exceptions
let thunked_tau' = L.TArrow L.TUnit tau' in
assert(L.typing_list g' tl' thunked_tau');
assert(L.typing g' hd' tau');
assert(L.typing g' hd' tau');
L.substitution_preserves_typing g' hd' tau' L.increment (L.extend g' L.TUnit) (fun x -> ());
assert(L.typing g' (L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment hd')) thunked_tau')
assert(L.typing g' (L.EThunk hd') thunked_tau')
let translation_preserves_empty_typ (e: D.exp) (tau: D.ty) : Lemma
@ -281,6 +279,7 @@ let rec l_values_dont_step (e: L.exp) : Lemma
match e with
| L.EAbs _ _ -> ()
| L.EThunk _ -> ()
| L.ELit _ -> ()
| L.ENone -> ()
| L.EList [] -> ()
@ -334,98 +333,6 @@ let process_exceptions_untouched_by_subst (s: L.var_to_exp) (tau: L.ty) : Lemma
let translate_var_to_exp (s: D.var_to_exp) : Tot L.var_to_exp = fun x -> translate_exp (s x)
let double_increment : L.var_to_exp = fun y -> L.EVar (y + 2)
let subst_abs_increment (x: L.var) =
if x = 0 then L.EVar 0 else L.EVar (x + 1)
let dual_substitution_commutation_weakened
(s : L.var_to_exp{s 0 == L.EVar 0})
(e: L.exp)
: Lemma (L.subst subst_abs_increment (L.subst s e) ==
L.subst (L.subst_abs s) (L.subst subst_abs_increment e))
admit() // TODO
let substitution_commutation_bonanza
(s: L.var_to_exp)
(e: L.exp)
: Lemma (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) (L.subst (L.subst_abs s) e) ==
L.subst (L.subst_abs (L.subst_abs s)) (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) e))
let aux (x: L.var) : Lemma ((L.subst_abs L.increment) x == subst_abs_increment x) = () in
Classical.forall_intro aux;
dual_substitution_commutation_weakened (L.subst_abs s) e
#push-options "--fuel 3 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 40"
let rec substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking
(s: L.var_to_exp)
(e: L.exp)
: Lemma (
(L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment (L.subst s e))) ==
(L.subst s (L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment e)))
match e with
| L.EVar _ -> ()
| L.EAbs t body ->
// Top to down
assert(L.subst s e == L.EAbs t (L.subst (L.subst_abs s) body));
assert(L.subst L.increment (L.subst s e) ==
L.EAbs t (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) (L.subst (L.subst_abs s) body)));
assert(L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment (L.subst s e)) ==
L.EAbs L.TUnit
(L.EAbs t (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) (L.subst (L.subst_abs s) body))));
// Down to top
assert(L.subst L.increment e == L.EAbs t (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) body));
assert(L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment e) ==
L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.EAbs t (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) body)));
assert(L.subst s (L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment e)) ==
L.EAbs L.TUnit
(L.subst (L.subst_abs s) (L.EAbs t (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) body))));
assert(L.subst s (L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment e)) ==
L.EAbs L.TUnit
(L.EAbs t
(L.subst (L.subst_abs (L.subst_abs s)) (L.subst (L.subst_abs L.increment) body))));
substitution_commutation_bonanza s body
| L.EApp e1 e2 _ ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e1;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e2
| L.ELit _ -> ()
| L.EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e1;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e2;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e3
| L.ESome e1 -> substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e1
| L.ENone -> ()
| L.EMatchOption e1 _ e2 e3 ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e1;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e2;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e3
| L.ECatchEmptyError e1 e2 ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e1;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e2
| L.EFoldLeft e1 e2 _ e3 _ ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e1;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e2;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s e3
| L.EList l ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking_list s l
and substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking_list
(s: L.var_to_exp)
(l: list L.exp)
: Lemma (
(L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment (L.subst s (L.EList l)))) ==
(L.subst s (L.EAbs L.TUnit (L.subst L.increment (L.EList l))))
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl ->
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s hd;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking_list s tl
#push-options "--fuel 3 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 50"
let rec substitution_correctness (s: D.var_to_exp) (e: D.exp)
: Lemma (ensures (
@ -462,8 +369,7 @@ and substitution_correctness_list (s: D.var_to_exp) (l: list D.exp)
| hd::tl ->
let s' = translate_var_to_exp s in
substitution_correctness_list s tl;
substitution_correctness s hd;
substitution_correctness_for_exception_thunking s' (translate_exp hd)
substitution_correctness s hd
and translate_var_to_exp_abs_commute (s: D.var_to_exp)
: Lemma
(ensures (
@ -789,10 +695,6 @@ let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
: Lemma (take_l_steps (L.TOption tau) (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) 3 ==
Some (process_exceptions_applied_stepped tau acc hd))
let e = 1 in
let e' = 2 in
let a' = 3 in
let e'' = 4 in
let e1 : L.exp =
(L.EAbs (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (
@ -805,11 +707,11 @@ let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EVar e) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EVar 0) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
(L.EAbs L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
let e2 =
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
@ -821,12 +723,12 @@ let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EAbs L.TUnit hd) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EThunk hd) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
assume(L.step (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) == Some e1);
assume(L.step e1 == Some e2);
assert(L.step e1 == Some e2);
@ -843,16 +745,14 @@ let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau hd n_hd == Some final_hd /\ L.is_value acc))
(ensures (
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau L.TUnit;
((L.EAbs L.TUnit hd)::tl) acc just cons tau L.empty;
((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau L.empty;
take_l_steps tau
(build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.TUnit hd)::tl) acc just cons tau)
(build_default_translation ((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau)
(n_hd + 4) ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd)))
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau L.TUnit;
build_default_translation_typing ((L.EAbs L.TUnit hd)::tl) acc just cons tau L.empty;
build_default_translation_typing ((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau L.empty;
let e' = 2 in
let a' = 3 in
let e'' = 4 in
@ -866,10 +766,10 @@ let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
let init = L.EApp
(L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (L.TOption tau))
(L.EAbs L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
let open FStar.Tactics in
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps (L.TOption tau) init 3 == Some init_stepped) by begin
compute ()
@ -1016,6 +916,7 @@ let rec translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
let ltau = translate_ty dtau in
translation_preserves_empty_typ de' dtau;
build_default_translation_typing lcurrent L.ENone ljust lcons ltau L.empty;
take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation lcurrent L.ENone ljust lcons ltau)
n1 == Some target_e /\
take_l_steps ltau le' n2 == Some target_e