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This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2023-12-11 13:56:13 +01:00
parent 1d4119c3a3
commit f072694e50
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -32,79 +32,85 @@ type 'm ctxt = {
(* Expressions can spill out side effect, hence this function also returns a
list of statements to be prepended before the expression is evaluated *)
let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * A.expr =
match Mark.remove expr with
| EVar v ->
let local_var =
try A.EVar (Var.Map.find v ctxt.var_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ -> (
try A.EFunc (Var.Map.find v ctxt.func_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos expr)
"Var not found in lambda→scalc: %a@\nknown: @[<hov>%a@]@\n"
Print.var_debug v
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf v ->
Print.var_debug ppf v))
(Var.Map.keys ctxt.var_dict))
[], (local_var, Expr.pos expr)
| EStruct { fields; name } ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun _ arg (args_stmts, new_args) ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
fields ([], [])
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
let args_stmts = List.rev args_stmts in
args_stmts, (A.EStruct (new_args, name), Expr.pos expr)
| ETuple args ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
args_stmts, (A.ETuple new_args, Expr.pos expr)
| EStructAccess { e = e1; field; name } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.EStructFieldAccess (new_e1, field, name), Expr.pos expr)
| ETupleAccess { e = e1; index; _ } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.ETupleAccess (new_e1, index), Expr.pos expr)
| EInj { e = e1; cons; name } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.EInj (new_e1, cons, name), Expr.pos expr)
| EApp
{ f = EOp { op = Op.HandleDefaultOpt; tys = _ }, _binder_mark; args = _ }
when ctxt.keep_special_ops ->
assert false
| EApp { f; args } ->
let f_stmts, new_f = translate_expr ctxt f in
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
f_stmts @ args_stmts, (A.EApp (new_f, new_args), Expr.pos expr)
| EArray args ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, Expr.pos expr)
| EOp { op; _ } -> [], (A.EOp (Operator.translate op), Expr.pos expr)
| ELit l -> [], (A.ELit l, Expr.pos expr)
| _ ->
match Mark.remove expr with
| EVar v ->
let local_var =
try A.EVar (Var.Map.find v ctxt.var_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ -> (
try A.EFunc (Var.Map.find v ctxt.func_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos expr)
"Var not found in lambda→scalc: %a@\nknown: @[<hov>%a@]@\n"
Print.var_debug v
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf v ->
Print.var_debug ppf v))
(Var.Map.keys ctxt.var_dict))
[], (local_var, Expr.pos expr)
| EStruct { fields; name } ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun _ arg (args_stmts, new_args) ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
fields ([], [])
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
let args_stmts = List.rev args_stmts in
args_stmts, (A.EStruct (new_args, name), Expr.pos expr)
| ETuple args ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
args_stmts, (A.ETuple new_args, Expr.pos expr)
| EStructAccess { e = e1; field; name } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.EStructFieldAccess (new_e1, field, name), Expr.pos expr)
| ETupleAccess { e = e1; index; _ } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.ETupleAccess (new_e1, index), Expr.pos expr)
| EInj { e = e1; cons; name } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.EInj (new_e1, cons, name), Expr.pos expr)
| EApp
f = EOp { op = Op.HandleDefaultOpt; tys = _ }, _binder_mark;
args = [_exceptions; _just; _cons];
when ctxt.keep_special_ops ->
(* This should be translated as a statement *)
raise Not_found
| EApp { f; args } ->
let f_stmts, new_f = translate_expr ctxt f in
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
f_stmts @ args_stmts, (A.EApp (new_f, new_args), Expr.pos expr)
| EArray args ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, Expr.pos expr)
| EOp { op; _ } -> [], (A.EOp (Operator.translate op), Expr.pos expr)
| ELit l -> [], (A.ELit l, Expr.pos expr)
| _ -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
let tmp_var =
( (*This piece of logic is used to make the code more readable. TODO:
@ -137,6 +143,31 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block =
(* Assertions are always encapsulated in a unit-typed let binding *)
let e_stmts, new_e = translate_expr ctxt e in
e_stmts @ [A.SAssert (Mark.remove new_e), Expr.pos block_expr]
| EApp
f = EOp { op = Op.HandleDefaultOpt; tys = _ }, _binder_mark;
args = [exceptions; just; cons];
when ctxt.keep_special_ops ->
let exceptions =
match Mark.remove exceptions with
| EArray exceptions -> exceptions
| _ -> failwith "should not happen"
(fun ex ->
Message.emit_debug "exception: %a" (Print.expr ~debug:true ()) ex)
Message.emit_debug "just: %a" (Print.expr ~debug:true ()) just;
Message.emit_debug "cons: %a" (Print.expr ~debug:true ()) cons;
let exceptions_stmts, new_exceptions =
(fun (exceptions_stmts, new_exceptions) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in
arg_stmts @ exceptions_stmts, new_arg :: new_exceptions)
([], []) exceptions
assert false
| EApp { f = EAbs { binder; tys }, binder_mark; args } ->
(* This defines multiple local variables at the time *)
let binder_pos = Expr.mark_pos binder_mark in