- [x] shared_ast

This commit is contained in:
adelaett 2023-01-12 15:12:11 +01:00
parent d79b8463a6
commit f2bebe613b
4 changed files with 84 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ let fold_marks
| [] -> invalid_arg "Dcalc.Ast.fold_mark"
| Untyped _ :: _ as ms ->
Untyped { pos = pos_f (List.map (function Untyped { pos } -> pos) ms) }
| Typed _ :: _ ->
| Typed _ :: _ as ms ->
pos = pos_f (List.map (function Typed { pos; _ } -> pos) ms);
@ -713,34 +713,28 @@ let make_abs xs e taus pos =
let mark =
(fun _ -> pos)
(fun ety ->
(fun tx acc -> Marked.mark pos (TArrow (tx, acc)))
taus ety)
(fun ety -> Marked.mark pos (TArrow (taus, ety)))
(Marked.get_mark e)
eabs (bind xs e) taus mark
let make_app e u pos =
let make_app e args pos =
let mark =
(fun _ -> pos)
| [] -> assert false
| fty :: argtys ->
(fun tf tx ->
match Marked.unmark tf with
| TArrow (tx', tr) ->
assert (Type.unifiable tx.ty tx');
(* wrong arg type *)
| TAny -> tf
| _ -> assert false)
fty.ty argtys)
(List.map Marked.get_mark (e :: u))
| fty :: argtys -> (
match Marked.unmark fty.ty with
| TArrow (tx', tr) ->
assert (
argtys |> List.map (fun x -> x.ty) |> Type.unifiable_list tx');
| TAny -> fty.ty
| _ -> assert false))
(List.map Marked.get_mark (e :: args))
eapp e u mark
eapp e args mark
let empty_thunked_term mark =
let silent = Var.make "_" in

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@ -404,18 +404,19 @@ let translate :
| Eq_dur_dur -> Eq_dur_dur
let monomorphic_type (op, pos) =
let ( @- ) a b = TArrow ((TLit a, pos), b), pos in
let ( @-> ) a b = TArrow ((TLit a, pos), (TLit b, pos)), pos in
let ( @-> ) a b =
TArrow (List.map (fun tau -> TLit tau, pos) a, (TLit b, pos)), pos
match op with
| Not -> TBool @-> TBool
| GetDay -> TDate @-> TInt
| GetMonth -> TDate @-> TInt
| GetYear -> TDate @-> TInt
| FirstDayOfMonth -> TDate @-> TDate
| LastDayOfMonth -> TDate @-> TDate
| And -> TBool @- TBool @-> TBool
| Or -> TBool @- TBool @-> TBool
| Xor -> TBool @- TBool @-> TBool
| Not -> [TBool] @-> TBool
| GetDay -> [TDate] @-> TInt
| GetMonth -> [TDate] @-> TInt
| GetYear -> [TDate] @-> TInt
| FirstDayOfMonth -> [TDate] @-> TDate
| LastDayOfMonth -> [TDate] @-> TDate
| And -> [TBool; TBool] @-> TBool
| Or -> [TBool; TBool] @-> TBool
| Xor -> [TBool; TBool] @-> TBool
(** Rules for overloads definitions:
@ -431,62 +432,63 @@ let monomorphic_type (op, pos) =
['a], ['b] and ['c], there should be a unique solution for the third. *)
let resolved_type (op, pos) =
let ( @- ) a b = TArrow ((TLit a, pos), b), pos in
let ( @-> ) a b = TArrow ((TLit a, pos), (TLit b, pos)), pos in
let ( @-> ) a b =
TArrow (List.map (fun tau -> TLit tau, pos) a, (TLit b, pos)), pos
match op with
| Minus_int -> TInt @-> TInt
| Minus_rat -> TRat @-> TRat
| Minus_mon -> TMoney @-> TMoney
| Minus_dur -> TDuration @-> TDuration
| ToRat_int -> TInt @-> TRat
| ToRat_mon -> TMoney @-> TRat
| ToMoney_rat -> TRat @-> TMoney
| Round_rat -> TRat @-> TRat
| Round_mon -> TMoney @-> TMoney
| Add_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TInt
| Add_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TRat
| Add_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TMoney
| Add_dat_dur -> TDate @- TDuration @-> TDate
| Add_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TDuration
| Sub_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TInt
| Sub_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TRat
| Sub_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TMoney
| Sub_dat_dat -> TDate @- TDate @-> TDuration
| Sub_dat_dur -> TDate @- TDuration @-> TDuration
| Sub_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TDuration
| Mult_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TInt
| Mult_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TRat
| Mult_mon_rat -> TMoney @- TRat @-> TMoney
| Mult_dur_int -> TDuration @- TInt @-> TDuration
| Div_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TRat
| Div_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TRat
| Div_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TRat
| Div_mon_rat -> TMoney @- TRat @-> TMoney
| Lt_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TBool
| Lt_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TBool
| Lt_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TBool
| Lt_dat_dat -> TDate @- TDate @-> TBool
| Lt_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TBool
| Lte_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TBool
| Lte_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TBool
| Lte_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TBool
| Lte_dat_dat -> TDate @- TDate @-> TBool
| Lte_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TBool
| Gt_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TBool
| Gt_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TBool
| Gt_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TBool
| Gt_dat_dat -> TDate @- TDate @-> TBool
| Gt_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TBool
| Gte_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TBool
| Gte_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TBool
| Gte_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TBool
| Gte_dat_dat -> TDate @- TDate @-> TBool
| Gte_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TBool
| Eq_int_int -> TInt @- TInt @-> TBool
| Eq_rat_rat -> TRat @- TRat @-> TBool
| Eq_mon_mon -> TMoney @- TMoney @-> TBool
| Eq_dat_dat -> TDate @- TDate @-> TBool
| Eq_dur_dur -> TDuration @- TDuration @-> TBool
| Minus_int -> [TInt] @-> TInt
| Minus_rat -> [TRat] @-> TRat
| Minus_mon -> [TMoney] @-> TMoney
| Minus_dur -> [TDuration] @-> TDuration
| ToRat_int -> [TInt] @-> TRat
| ToRat_mon -> [TMoney] @-> TRat
| ToMoney_rat -> [TRat] @-> TMoney
| Round_rat -> [TRat] @-> TRat
| Round_mon -> [TMoney] @-> TMoney
| Add_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TInt
| Add_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TRat
| Add_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TMoney
| Add_dat_dur -> [TDate; TDuration] @-> TDate
| Add_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TDuration
| Sub_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TInt
| Sub_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TRat
| Sub_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TMoney
| Sub_dat_dat -> [TDate; TDate] @-> TDuration
| Sub_dat_dur -> [TDate; TDuration] @-> TDuration
| Sub_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TDuration
| Mult_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TInt
| Mult_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TRat
| Mult_mon_rat -> [TMoney; TRat] @-> TMoney
| Mult_dur_int -> [TDuration; TInt] @-> TDuration
| Div_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TRat
| Div_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TRat
| Div_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TRat
| Div_mon_rat -> [TMoney; TRat] @-> TMoney
| Lt_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TBool
| Lt_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TBool
| Lt_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TBool
| Lt_dat_dat -> [TDate; TDate] @-> TBool
| Lt_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TBool
| Lte_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TBool
| Lte_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TBool
| Lte_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TBool
| Lte_dat_dat -> [TDate; TDate] @-> TBool
| Lte_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TBool
| Gt_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TBool
| Gt_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TBool
| Gt_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TBool
| Gt_dat_dat -> [TDate; TDate] @-> TBool
| Gt_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TBool
| Gte_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TBool
| Gte_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TBool
| Gte_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TBool
| Gte_dat_dat -> [TDate; TDate] @-> TBool
| Gte_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TBool
| Eq_int_int -> [TInt; TInt] @-> TBool
| Eq_rat_rat -> [TRat; TRat] @-> TBool
| Eq_mon_mon -> [TMoney; TMoney] @-> TBool
| Eq_dat_dat -> [TDate; TDate] @-> TBool
| Eq_dur_dur -> [TDuration; TDuration] @-> TBool
let resolve_overload_aux (op : ('a, overloaded) t) (operands : typ_lit list) :
('b, resolved) t * [ `Straight | `Reversed ] =

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@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ let build_typ_from_sig
(pos : Pos.t) : typ =
let input_typ = Marked.mark pos (TStruct scope_input_struct_name) in
let result_typ = Marked.mark pos (TStruct scope_return_struct_name) in
Marked.mark pos (TArrow (input_typ, result_typ))
Marked.mark pos (TArrow ([input_typ], result_typ))
type 'e scope_name_or_var = ScopeName of ScopeName.t | ScopeVar of 'e Var.t

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@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ type t = Definitions.typ
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val equal_list : t list -> t list -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val unifiable : t -> t -> bool
val unifiable_list : t list -> t list -> bool
(** Similar to [equal], but allows TAny holes *)
val arrow_return : t -> t