Improve error reporting and remove language

This commit is contained in:
vbot 2024-08-06 18:08:21 +02:00
parent 4b0967d3c5
commit f7f76e26ae
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 68 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ open Catala_utils
open Otoml
type modul = {
language : Global.backend_lang;
module_uses : (string * string option) list;
includes : string list;
@ -38,9 +37,9 @@ let default =
modules = String.Map.empty;
let parse_module_uses modul =
let parse_module_uses ~fname ~name modul =
match find_opt modul (get_array get_value) ["module_uses"] with
| None -> []
| None | (exception _) -> [] (* [opt] is a lie. *)
| Some module_uses ->
@ -50,57 +49,87 @@ let parse_module_uses modul =
module_name, Some module_alias
| _ ->
"Invalid module use: expected a module name as string or an array \
of two strings (module name and its alias)")
"While parsing %a: in module @{<italic>%s@}, invalid value for \
@{<red>module_uses@}. Expected a module name as string or an \
array of two strings (module name and its alias)."
File.format fname name)
let parse_name_and_language modul =
let name = Helpers.find_string_exn modul ["name"] in
let lang =
let lang_opt =
Helpers.find_string_opt modul ["language"]
|> String.uncapitalize_ascii
let check_module_sanity ~fname modul =
match modul with
| TomlTable kvs ->
let format_module_name ppf =
match Helpers.find_string_opt modul ["name"] with
| None | (exception _) -> () (* [opt] is a lie. *)
| Some name -> Format.fprintf ppf "in module @{<italic>%s@}, " name
match lang_opt with
| None -> Message.error "Missing " "language" " field in configuration"
| Some lang -> lang
match List.assoc_opt lang Cli.languages with
| None ->
"Unexpected language '%s' for module @{<bold>%s@}, valid entries are: \
lang name
pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ",@ ") pp_print_string)
( fst Cli.languages)
| Some x -> name, x
| "name", TomlString _ -> ()
| "name", _ ->
Message.delayed_error ()
"While parsing %a: invalid value for key @{<red>name@}.@\n\
Expected a direct string." File.format fname
| "module_uses", TomlArray _ -> (* checked in [parse_module_uses] *) ()
| "module_uses", _ ->
Message.delayed_error ()
"While parsing %a: %tinvalid value for key @{<red>module_uses@}.@\n\
It must be an array." File.format fname format_module_name
| "includes", TomlArray srcs ->
let only_strings =
List.for_all (function TomlString _ -> true | _ -> false) srcs
if not only_strings then
Message.delayed_error ()
"While parsing %a: %tinvalid value for key @{<red>includes@}.@\n\
It must only contain direct strings." File.format fname
| "includes", _ ->
Message.delayed_error ()
"While parsing %a: %tinvalid content for key @{<red>includes@}.@\n\
Expected an array of strings." File.format fname format_module_name
| k, _ ->
Message.delayed_error ()
"While parsing %a: %tunexpected key @{<red>%S@}.@\n\
Allowed keys are: 'name', 'module_uses' and 'includes'."
File.format fname format_module_name k)
| _ ->
Message.delayed_error ()
"While parsing %a: invalid module definition, expected a table."
File.format fname
let find_and_parse_modules_exn toml =
let find_and_parse_modules_exn ~fname toml =
let modules = find toml (get_array get_value) ["module"] in
let parse_module modul =
let name, language = parse_name_and_language modul in
let module_uses = parse_module_uses modul in
let () = check_module_sanity ~fname modul in
let name = Helpers.find_string_exn modul ["name"] in
let module_uses = parse_module_uses ~fname ~name modul in
let includes =
Helpers.find_strings_opt modul ["includes"] |> Option.value ~default:[]
Helpers.find_strings_opt modul ["includes"] |> Option.value ~default:[]
with _ ->
(* opt is a lie, the error will be triggered later on by the sanity
check. *)
name, { language; module_uses; includes }
name, { module_uses; includes }
in parse_module modules |> String.Map.of_list
@@ fun () -> parse_module modules |> String.Map.of_list
let toml_to_config toml =
let toml_to_config ~fname toml =
catala_opts = Helpers.find_strings_exn toml ["build"; "catala_opts"];
build_dir = Helpers.find_string_exn toml ["build"; "build_dir"];
include_dirs = Helpers.find_strings_exn toml ["project"; "include_dirs"];
modules = find_and_parse_modules_exn toml;
modules = find_and_parse_modules_exn ~fname toml;
let module_to_toml name { language; module_uses; includes } =
let module_to_toml name { module_uses; includes } =
"name", string name;
"language", string (Cli.language_code language);
( "module_uses",
@ -190,7 +219,7 @@ let read f =
~pos:(Pos.from_info f li col li (col + 1))
"Error in Clerk configuration:@ %a" Format.pp_print_text msg
toml_to_config (join f default_toml toml)
toml_to_config ~fname:f (join f default_toml toml)
let write f t =
let toml = config_to_toml t in

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@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
open Catala_utils
type modul = {
language : Global.backend_lang;
module_uses : (string * string option) list;
includes : string list;

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@ -1128,6 +1128,9 @@ let main () =
if Catala_utils.Global.options.debug then
Printexc.print_raw_backtrace stderr bt;
exit Cmd.Exit.some_error
| Message.CompilerErrors contents ->
List.iter (fun c -> Message.Content.emit c Error) contents;
exit Cmd.Exit.some_error
| Sys_error msg ->
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in