Make the typer use (and check) already existing annotations, if any

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2022-09-27 18:23:10 +02:00
parent 76d1c1cc93
commit ff76d0498f
2 changed files with 36 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -334,16 +334,25 @@ let box_ty e = Bindlib.unbox (Bindlib.box_apply ty e)
(** Infers the most permissive type from an expression *)
let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up :
type a.
type a m.
A.decl_ctx ->
(a, 'm A.mark) A.gexpr Env.t ->
(a, 'm A.mark) A.gexpr ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr Env.t ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr ->
(a, mark) A.gexpr =
fun ctx env e ->
(* Cli.debug_format "Looking for type of %a" (Expr.format ~debug:true ctx)
e; *)
let pos_e = Expr.pos e in
let mark e uf = Marked.mark { uf; pos = pos_e } e in
let mark e1 uf =
let () =
(* If the expression already has a type annotation, validate it before
rewrite *)
match Marked.get_mark e with
| A.Untyped _ | A.Typed { A.ty = A.TAny, _; _ } -> ()
| A.Typed { A.ty; _ } -> unify ctx e uf (ast_to_typ ty)
Marked.mark { uf; pos = pos_e } e1
let unionfind_make ?(pos = e) t = UnionFind.make (add_pos pos t) in
let mark_with_uf e1 ?pos ty = mark e1 (unionfind_make ?pos ty) in
match Marked.unmark e with
@ -554,16 +563,23 @@ let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up :
(** Checks whether the expression can be typed with the provided type *)
and typecheck_expr_top_down :
type a.
type a m.
A.decl_ctx ->
(a, 'm A.mark) A.gexpr Env.t ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr Env.t ->
unionfind_typ ->
(a, 'm A.mark) A.gexpr ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr ->
(a, mark) A.gexpr =
fun ctx env tau e ->
(* Cli.debug_format "Propagating type %a for naked_expr %a" (format_typ ctx)
tau (Expr.format ctx) e; *)
let pos_e = Expr.pos e in
let () =
(* If there already is a type annotation on the given expr, ensure it
matches *)
match Marked.get_mark e with
| A.Untyped _ | A.Typed { A.ty = A.TAny, _; _ } -> ()
| A.Typed { A.ty; _ } -> unify ctx e tau (ast_to_typ ty)
let mark e = Marked.mark { uf = tau; pos = pos_e } e in
let unify_and_mark tau' f_e =
unify ctx e tau' tau;

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@ -35,8 +35,18 @@ val expr :
(('a, 'm mark) gexpr as 'e) ->
('a, typed mark) gexpr box
(** Infers and marks the types for the given expression. If [typ] is provided,
it is assumed to be the outer type and used for inference top-down. *)
it is assumed to be the outer type and used for inference top-down.
val program : ('a, untyped mark) gexpr program -> ('a, typed mark) gexpr program
If the input expression already has type annotations, the full inference is
still done, but with unification with the existing annotations at every
step. This can be used for double-checking after AST transformations and
filling the gaps ([TAny]) if any. Use [Expr.untype] first if this is not
what you want. *)
val program : ('a, 'm mark) gexpr program -> ('a, typed mark) gexpr program
(** Typing on whole programs (as defined in Shared_ast.program, i.e. for the
later dcalc/lcalc stages *)
later dcalc/lcalc stages.
Any existing type annotations are checked for unification. Use
[Program.untype] to remove them beforehand if this is not the desired
behaviour. *)