This leverages the embedded lexer already used for HTML output, and uses the
LaTeX pygments backend to colorise code directly, without the need for `minted`.
A lot has been going on, with more than 530 patches and 70 PRs merged since
0.7.0 last summer. In summary:
- Quite a lot of syntax improvements and changes. Checkout the latest
[cheat-sheet]( for an overview
- Allow local `let ... equals ... in ...` definitions
- Better error messages and positions throughout
- Added the ability to directly call a scope and retrieve its outputs, like a
- Added disambiguation, allowing to access structure fields without specifying
the structure type each time
- Added automated resolution of operators, allowing e.g. to write just `+` in
place of all the type-specific operators `+.`, `+$`, `+@`, `+^`, etc.
- More consistent priority for operators. It is no longer allowed to write `a
and b or c` without parenthesis.
- Added and changed some operators (`date + duration` now allowed either way,
`int / int` now returns a decimal, added `duration / duration`)
- Added the ability to have variables and functions defined at
top-level (outside of any scope). See annex A of the tutorial for details.
- Added support for functions with multiple arguments
- Some big refactors in the compiler, allowing much better code sharing between
the different passes, and making it much easier to extend. Also added the
possibility to run the type-checker earlier, etc.
- Countless bug-fixes
- Improvements to our proof backend with Z3
- A tool to automatically synchronise with the upstream French law from
This adds a few positions to the parser, and tweaks some others, vastly
improving the reporting of some errors (inconsistent functions definitions, but
also exceptions cycles, etc.)
- the plugins are compiled as libraries rather than with `executable`, so that
dune is able to install them
- they get installed to `lib/catala/plugins/<plugin-name>/<plugin-name>.cmxs`
- the lookup for plugins is now recursive to cope with the plugin subdirectories
in the point above
This uses the same disambiguation mechanism put in place for
structures, calling the typer on individual rules on the desugared AST
to propagate types, in order to resolve ambiguous operators like `+`
to their strongly typed counterparts (`+!`, `+.`, `+$`, `+@`, `+$`) in
the translation to scopelang.
The patch includes some normalisation of the definition of all the
operators, and classifies them based on their typing policy instead of
their arity. It also adds a little more flexibility:
- a couple new operators, like `-` on date and duration
- optional type annotation on some aggregation constructions
The `Shared_ast` lib is also lightly restructured, with the `Expr`
module split into `Type`, `Operator` and `Expr`.