opam-version: "2.0" version: "0.10.0" synopsis: "Compiler and library for the literate programming language for tax code specification" description: "Catala is a domain-specific language for deriving faithful-by-construction algorithms from legislative texts. See https://catala-lang.org for more information" maintainer: "contact@catala-lang.org" authors: [ "Denis Merigoux" "Nicolas Chataing" "Emile Rolley" "Louis Gesbert" "Aymeric Fromherz" "Alain Delaët-Tixeuil" "Raphaël Monat" ] license: "Apache-2.0" homepage: "https://github.com/CatalaLang/catala" bug-reports: "https://github.com/CatalaLang/catala/issues" depends: [ "ocolor" {>= "1.3.0"} "bindlib" {>= "6.0"} "cmdliner" {>= "1.1.0"} "cppo" {>= "1"} "dates_calc" {>= "0.0.6"} "dune" {>= "3.11"} "js_of_ocaml-ppx" {= "4.1.0"} "menhir" {>= "20200211"} "menhirLib" {>= "20200211"} "ocaml" {>= "4.14.0"} "ocamlfind" {!= "1.9.5"} "ocamlgraph" {>= "1.8.8"} "re" {>= "1.10"} "sedlex" {>= "3.2"} "uutf" {>= "1.0.3"} "ubase" {>= "0.05"} "unionFind" {>= "20220109"} "visitors" {>= "20200210"} "zarith" {>= "1.12"} "zarith_stubs_js" {>= "v0.14.1"} "crunch" {>= "3.0.0"} "alcotest" {>= "1.5.0"} "ninja_utils" {= "0.9.0"} "odoc" {with-doc} "ocamlformat" {cataladevmode & = "0.26.0"} "obelisk" {cataladevmode} "conf-npm" {cataladevmode} "conf-python-3-dev" {cataladevmode} "cpdf" {cataladevmode} "conf-pandoc" {cataladevmode} "z3" {catalaz3mode} "conf-ninja" "otoml" {>= "1.0"} ] depopts: ["z3"] conflicts: [ "z3" {< "4.8.11"} "base" {>= "v0.16.0"} ] build: [ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install" "@runtest" {with-test} "@doc" {with-doc} ] dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/CatalaLang/catala.git" depexts: [ ["groff"] { with-doc } ["python3-pip"] {cataladevmode & os-family = "debian"} ["py3-pip" "py3-pygments"] {cataladevmode & os-distribution = "alpine"} ["python-pygments"] {cataladevmode & os-family = "arch"} ] pin-depends: [ [ # FIXME: this is temporary, while we wait for the package to be released "dates_calc.0.0.6" "git+https://github.com/CatalaLang/dates-calc#9125d78" ] ]