(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Louis Gesbert Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Catala_utils open Shared_ast open Ast let expr ctx env e = (* The typer takes care of disambiguating: this consists in: - ensuring [EAbs.tys] doesn't contain any [TAny] - [EDStructAccess.name_opt] is always [Some] *) (* Intermediate unboxings are fine since the [check_expr] will rebox in depth *) Typing.check_expr ctx ~env (Expr.unbox e) let rule ctx env rule = let env = match rule.rule_parameter with | None -> env | Some (vars_and_types, _) -> ListLabels.fold_right vars_and_types ~init:env ~f:(fun ((v, _), t) -> Typing.Env.add_var v t) in (* Note: we could use the known rule type here to direct typing. We choose not to because it shouldn't be needed for disambiguation, and we prefer to focus on local type errors first. *) { rule with rule_just = expr ctx env rule.rule_just; rule_cons = expr ctx env rule.rule_cons; } let scope ctx env scope = let env = Typing.Env.open_scope scope.scope_uid env in let scope_defs = ScopeDef.Map.map (fun def -> let scope_def_rules = (* Note: ordering in file order might be better for error reporting ? When we gather errors, the ordering could be done afterwards, though *) RuleName.Map.map (rule ctx env) def.scope_def_rules in { def with scope_def_rules }) scope.scope_defs in let scope_assertions = AssertionName.Map.map (expr ctx env) scope.scope_assertions in { scope with scope_defs; scope_assertions } let program prg = (* Caution: this environment building code is very similar to that in scopelang/ast.ml. Any edits should probably be reflected. *) let env = Typing.Env.empty prg.program_ctx in let env = TopdefName.Map.fold (fun name ty env -> Typing.Env.add_toplevel_var name ty env) prg.program_ctx.ctx_topdefs env in let env = ScopeName.Map.fold (fun scope_name _info env -> let modul = List.fold_left (fun _ m -> ModuleName.Map.find m prg.program_modules) prg.program_root (ScopeName.path scope_name) in let scope = ScopeName.Map.find scope_name modul.module_scopes in let vars = ScopeDef.Map.fold (fun (v, kind) def vars -> match kind with | ScopeDef.Var _ -> ScopeVar.Map.add (Mark.remove v) def.scope_def_typ vars | ScopeDef.SubScopeInput _ -> vars) scope.scope_defs ScopeVar.Map.empty in (* at this stage, rule resolution and the corresponding encapsulation into default terms hasn't taken place, so input and output variables don't need different typing *) Typing.Env.add_scope scope_name ~vars ~in_vars:vars env) prg.program_ctx.ctx_scopes env in let module_topdefs = TopdefName.Map.map (fun def -> { def with topdef_expr = Option.map (fun e -> Expr.unbox (expr prg.program_ctx env (Expr.box e))) def.topdef_expr; }) prg.program_root.module_topdefs in let module_scopes = ScopeName.Map.map (scope prg.program_ctx env) prg.program_root.module_scopes in { prg with program_root = { module_topdefs; module_scopes } } let program prg = Message.with_delayed_errors (fun () -> program prg)