(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributors: Denis Merigoux , Emile Rolley , Louis Gesbert Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Catala_utils open Shared_ast (** Associates a file extension with its corresponding {!type: Global.backend_lang} string representation. *) let extensions = [".catala_fr", "fr"; ".catala_en", "en"; ".catala_pl", "pl"] let modname_of_file f = (* Fixme: make this more robust *) String.capitalize_ascii Filename.(basename (remove_extension f)) let load_module_interfaces options includes ?(more_includes = []) ?(allow_notmodules = false) program = (* Recurse into program modules, looking up files in [using] and loading them *) if program.Surface.Ast.program_used_modules <> [] then Message.debug "Loading module interfaces..."; let includes = List.map options.Global.path_rewrite includes @ more_includes |> List.map File.Tree.build |> List.fold_left File.Tree.union File.Tree.empty in let err_req_pos chain = List.map (fun mpos -> "Module required from", mpos) chain in let find_module req_chain (mname, mpos) = let required_from_file = Pos.get_file mpos in let includes = File.Tree.union includes (File.Tree.build (File.dirname required_from_file)) in match List.filter_map (fun (ext, _) -> File.Tree.lookup includes (mname ^ ext)) extensions with | [] -> Message.error ~extra_pos:(err_req_pos (mpos :: req_chain)) "Required module not found: @{%s@}" mname | [f] -> f | ms -> Message.error ~extra_pos:(err_req_pos (mpos :: req_chain)) "Required module @{%s@} matches multiple files:@;<1 2>%a" mname (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space File.format) ms in let rec aux req_chain seen uses : (ModuleName.t * Surface.Ast.interface * ModuleName.t Ident.Map.t) option File.Map.t * ModuleName.t Ident.Map.t = List.fold_left (fun (seen, use_map) use -> let f = find_module req_chain use.Surface.Ast.mod_use_name in match File.Map.find_opt f seen with | Some (Some (modname, _, _)) -> ( seen, Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove use.Surface.Ast.mod_use_alias) modname use_map ) | Some None -> Message.error ~extra_pos: (err_req_pos (Mark.get use.Surface.Ast.mod_use_name :: req_chain)) "Circular module dependency" | None -> let default_module_name = if allow_notmodules then Some (modname_of_file f) else None in let intf = Surface.Parser_driver.load_interface ?default_module_name (Global.FileName f) in let modname = ModuleName.fresh intf.intf_modname.module_name in let seen = File.Map.add f None seen in let seen, sub_use_map = aux (Mark.get use.Surface.Ast.mod_use_name :: req_chain) seen intf.Surface.Ast.intf_submodules in ( File.Map.add f (Some (modname, intf, sub_use_map)) seen, Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove use.Surface.Ast.mod_use_alias) modname use_map )) (seen, Ident.Map.empty) uses in let seen = match program.Surface.Ast.program_module with | Some m -> let file = Pos.get_file (Mark.get m.module_name) in File.Map.singleton file None | None -> File.Map.empty in let file_module_map, root_uses = aux [] seen program.Surface.Ast.program_used_modules in let modules = File.Map.fold (fun _ info acc -> match info with | None -> acc | Some (mname, intf, use_map) -> ModuleName.Map.add mname (intf, use_map) acc) file_module_map ModuleName.Map.empty in root_uses, modules module Passes = struct (* Each pass takes only its cli options, then calls upon its dependent passes (forwarding their options as needed) *) let debug_pass_name s = Message.debug "@{=@} @{%s@} @{=@}" (String.uppercase_ascii s) let surface options : Surface.Ast.program = debug_pass_name "surface"; let prg = Surface.Parser_driver.parse_top_level_file options.Global.input_src in Surface.Fill_positions.fill_pos_with_legislative_info prg let desugared options ~includes : Desugared.Ast.program * Desugared.Name_resolution.context = let prg = surface options in let mod_uses, modules = load_module_interfaces options includes prg in debug_pass_name "desugared"; Message.debug "Name resolution..."; let ctx = Desugared.Name_resolution.form_context (prg, mod_uses) modules in Message.debug "Desugaring..."; let prg = Desugared.From_surface.translate_program ctx prg in Message.debug "Disambiguating..."; let prg = Desugared.Disambiguate.program prg in Message.debug "Linting..."; Desugared.Linting.lint_program prg; prg, ctx let scopelang options ~includes : untyped Scopelang.Ast.program = let prg, _ = desugared options ~includes in debug_pass_name "scopelang"; let exceptions_graphs = Scopelang.From_desugared.build_exceptions_graph prg in let prg = Scopelang.From_desugared.translate_program prg exceptions_graphs in prg let dcalc : type ty. Global.options -> includes:Global.raw_file list -> optimize:bool -> check_invariants:bool -> typed:ty mark -> ty Dcalc.Ast.program * Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list = fun options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed -> let prg = scopelang options ~includes in debug_pass_name "dcalc"; let type_ordering = Scopelang.Dependency.check_type_cycles prg.program_ctx.ctx_structs prg.program_ctx.ctx_enums in let (prg : ty Scopelang.Ast.program) = match typed with | Typed _ -> Message.debug "Typechecking..."; Scopelang.Ast.type_program prg | Untyped _ -> prg | Custom _ -> invalid_arg "Driver.Passes.dcalc" in Message.debug "Translating to default calculus..."; let prg = Dcalc.From_scopelang.translate_program prg in let prg = if optimize then begin Message.debug "Optimizing default calculus..."; Optimizations.optimize_program prg end else prg in let (prg : ty Dcalc.Ast.program) = match typed with | Typed _ -> Message.debug "Typechecking again..."; Typing.program ~internal_check:true prg | Untyped _ -> prg | Custom _ -> assert false in if check_invariants then ( Message.debug "Checking invariants..."; match typed with | Typed _ -> if Dcalc.Invariants.check_all_invariants prg then Message.result "All invariant checks passed" else raise (Message.error ~internal:true "Some Dcalc invariants are invalid") | _ -> Message.error "--check-invariants cannot be used with --no-typing"); prg, type_ordering let lcalc (type ty) options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~(typed : ty mark) ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types ~renaming : typed Lcalc.Ast.program * Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list * Renaming.context option = let prg, type_ordering = dcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed in debug_pass_name "lcalc"; let prg = match typed with | Untyped _ -> Lcalc.From_dcalc.translate_program prg | Typed _ -> Lcalc.From_dcalc.translate_program prg | Custom _ -> invalid_arg "Driver.Passes.lcalc" in let prg = if optimize then begin Message.debug "Optimizing lambda calculus..."; Optimizations.optimize_program prg end else prg in let prg = if not closure_conversion then ( Message.debug "Retyping lambda calculus..."; Typing.program ~fail_on_any:false ~internal_check:true prg) else ( Message.debug "Performing closure conversion..."; let prg = Lcalc.Closure_conversion.closure_conversion prg in let prg = if optimize then ( Message.debug "Optimizing lambda calculus..."; Optimizations.optimize_program prg) else prg in Message.debug "Retyping lambda calculus..."; Typing.program ~fail_on_any:false ~internal_check:true prg) in let prg, type_ordering = if monomorphize_types then ( Message.debug "Monomorphizing types..."; let prg, type_ordering = Lcalc.Monomorphize.program prg in Message.debug "Retyping lambda calculus..."; let prg = Typing.program ~fail_on_any:false ~assume_op_types:true ~internal_check:true prg in prg, type_ordering) else prg, type_ordering in match renaming with | None -> prg, type_ordering, None | Some renaming -> let prg, ren_ctx = Renaming.apply renaming prg in let type_ordering = let open Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex in List.map (function | Struct s -> Struct (Renaming.struct_name ren_ctx s) | Enum e -> Enum (Renaming.enum_name ren_ctx e)) type_ordering in prg, type_ordering, Some ren_ctx let scalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion ~keep_special_ops ~dead_value_assignment ~no_struct_literals ~monomorphize_types ~renaming : Scalc.Ast.program * Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list * Renaming.context = let prg, type_ordering, renaming_context = lcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed:Expr.typed ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types ~renaming in let renaming_context = match renaming_context with | None -> Renaming.get_ctx { reserved = []; sanitize_varname = Fun.id; reset_context_for_closed_terms = true; skip_constant_binders = true; constant_binder_name = None; } | Some r -> r in debug_pass_name "scalc"; ( Scalc.From_lcalc.translate_program ~config: { keep_special_ops; dead_value_assignment; no_struct_literals; renaming_context; } prg, type_ordering, renaming_context ) end module Commands = struct open Cmdliner let get_scope_uid (ctx : decl_ctx) (scope : string) : ScopeName.t = if String.contains scope '.' then Message.error "Bad scope argument @{%s@}: only references to the top-level \ module are allowed" scope; try Ident.Map.find scope ctx.ctx_scope_index with Ident.Map.Not_found _ -> Message.error "There is no scope \"@{%s@}\" inside the program." scope let get_scopeopt_uid (ctx : decl_ctx) (scope_opt : string option) : ScopeName.t = match scope_opt with | Some s -> get_scope_uid ctx s | None -> ( match ScopeName.Map.cardinal ctx.ctx_scopes with | 0 -> Message.error "The program defines no scopes" | 1 -> let s, _ = ScopeName.Map.choose ctx.ctx_scopes in Message.warning "No scope was specified, using the only one defined by the program:@ \ %a" ScopeName.format s; s | _ -> Message.error "Please specify option @{--scope@} or @{-s@}.@ The \ program defines the following scopes:@ @[%a@]" (ScopeName.Map.format_keys ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space) ctx.ctx_scopes) (* TODO: this is very weird but I'm trying to maintain the current behaviour for now *) let get_random_scope_uid (ctx : decl_ctx) : ScopeName.t = match Ident.Map.choose_opt ctx.ctx_scope_index with | Some (_, name) -> name | None -> Message.error "There isn't any scope inside the program." let get_variable_uid (ctxt : Desugared.Name_resolution.context) (scope_uid : ScopeName.t) (variable : string) : Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t = (* Sometimes the variable selected is of the form [a.b] *) let first_part, second_part = match String.index_opt variable '.' with | Some i -> ( String.sub variable 0 i, Some (String.sub variable i (String.length variable - i)) ) | None -> variable, None in match Ident.Map.find_opt first_part (ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes).var_idmap with | None -> Message.error "Variable @{\"%s\"@} not found inside scope @{\"%a\"@}" variable ScopeName.format scope_uid | Some (ScopeVar v | SubScope (v, _, _)) -> let state = second_part |> Option.map @@ fun id -> let var_sig = ScopeVar.Map.find v ctxt.var_typs in match Ident.Map.find_opt id var_sig.var_sig_states_idmap with | Some state -> state | None -> Message.error "State @{\"%s\"@} is not found for variable \ @{\"%s\"@} of scope @{\"%a\"@}" id first_part ScopeName.format scope_uid in (v, Pos.no_pos), Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.Var state let get_output ?ext options output_file = let output_file = Option.map options.Global.path_rewrite output_file in File.get_out_channel ~source_file:options.Global.input_src ~output_file ?ext () let get_output_format ?ext options output_file = let output_file = Option.map options.Global.path_rewrite output_file in File.get_formatter_of_out_channel ~source_file:options.Global.input_src ~output_file ?ext () let makefile options output = let prg = Passes.surface options in let backend_extensions_list = [".tex"] in let source_file = Global.input_src_file options.Global.input_src in let output_file, with_output = get_output options ~ext:".d" output in Message.debug "Writing list of dependencies to %s..." (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); with_output @@ fun oc -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\\\n%s\n%s:" (String.concat "\\\n" (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file :: List.map (fun ext -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ ext) backend_extensions_list)) (String.concat "\\\n" prg.Surface.Ast.program_source_files) (String.concat "\\\n" prg.Surface.Ast.program_source_files) let makefile_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "makefile" ~doc: "Generates a Makefile-compatible list of the file dependencies of a \ Catala program.") Term.(const makefile $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.output) let html options output print_only_law wrap_weaved_output = let prg = Passes.surface options in Message.debug "Weaving literate program into HTML"; let output_file, with_output = get_output_format options ~ext:".html" output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> let language = Cli.file_lang (Global.input_src_file options.Global.input_src) in let weave_output = Literate.Html.ast_to_html language ~print_only_law in Message.debug "Writing to %s" (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); if wrap_weaved_output then Literate.Html.wrap_html prg.Surface.Ast.program_source_files language fmt (fun fmt -> weave_output fmt prg) else weave_output fmt prg let html_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "html" ~doc: "Weaves an HTML literate programming output of the Catala program.") Term.( const html $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.print_only_law $ Cli.Flags.wrap_weaved_output) let latex options output print_only_law wrap_weaved_output extra_files = let prg = Passes.surface options in let prg_annex = List.map (fun f -> Surface.Parser_driver.parse_top_level_file (FileName f) |> Surface.Fill_positions.fill_pos_with_legislative_info) extra_files in Message.debug "Weaving literate program into LaTeX"; let output_file, with_output = get_output_format options ~ext:".tex" output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> let language = Cli.file_lang (Global.input_src_file options.Global.input_src) in let weave_output = Literate.Latex.ast_to_latex language ~print_only_law in Message.debug "Writing to %s" (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); let weave fmt = weave_output fmt prg; List.iter (fun p -> Format.fprintf fmt "@,\\newpage@,"; weave_output fmt p) prg_annex in if wrap_weaved_output then Literate.Latex.wrap_latex (List.flatten (List.map (fun p -> p.Surface.Ast.program_source_files) (prg :: prg_annex))) language fmt weave else weave fmt let latex_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "latex" ~doc: "Weaves a LaTeX literate programming output of the Catala program.") Term.( const latex $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.print_only_law $ Cli.Flags.wrap_weaved_output $ Cli.Flags.extra_files) let exceptions options includes ex_scope ex_variable = let prg, ctxt = Passes.desugared options ~includes in Passes.debug_pass_name "scopelang"; let exceptions_graphs = Scopelang.From_desugared.build_exceptions_graph prg in let scope_uid = get_scope_uid prg.program_ctx ex_scope in let variable_uid = get_variable_uid ctxt scope_uid ex_variable in Desugared.Print.print_exceptions_graph scope_uid variable_uid (Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.Map.find variable_uid exceptions_graphs) let exceptions_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "exceptions" ~doc: "Prints the exception tree for the definitions of a particular \ variable, for debugging purposes. Use the $(b,-s) option to select \ the scope and the $(b,-v) option to select the variable. Use \ foo.bar to access state bar of variable foo or variable bar of \ subscope foo.") Term.( const exceptions $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope $ Cli.Flags.ex_variable) let scopelang options includes output ex_scope_opt = let prg = Passes.scopelang options ~includes in let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format options output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> match ex_scope_opt with | Some scope -> let scope_uid = get_scope_uid prg.program_ctx scope in Scopelang.Print.scope ~debug:options.Global.debug prg.program_ctx fmt (scope_uid, ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid prg.program_scopes); Format.pp_print_newline fmt () | None -> Scopelang.Print.program ~debug:options.Global.debug fmt prg; Format.pp_print_newline fmt () let scopelang_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "scopelang" ~doc: "Prints a debugging verbatim of the scope language intermediate \ representation of the Catala program. Use the $(b,-s) option to \ restrict the output to a particular scope.") Term.( const scopelang $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt) let typecheck options check_invariants includes = let prg = Passes.scopelang options ~includes in Message.debug "Typechecking..."; let _type_ordering = Scopelang.Dependency.check_type_cycles prg.program_ctx.ctx_structs prg.program_ctx.ctx_enums in let prg = Scopelang.Ast.type_program prg in Message.debug "Translating to default calculus..."; (* Strictly type-checking could stop here, but we also want this pass to check full name-resolution and cycle detection. These are checked during translation to dcalc so we run it here and drop the result. *) let prg = Dcalc.From_scopelang.translate_program prg in (* Additionally, we might want to check the invariants. *) if check_invariants then ( let prg = Shared_ast.Typing.program prg in Message.debug "Checking invariants..."; if Dcalc.Invariants.check_all_invariants prg then Message.result "All invariant checks passed" else raise (Message.error ~internal:true "Some Dcalc invariants are invalid")); Message.result "Typechecking successful!" let typecheck_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "typecheck" ~doc:"Parses and typechecks a Catala program, without interpreting it.") Term.( const typecheck $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs) let dcalc typed options includes output optimize ex_scope_opt check_invariants = let prg, _ = Passes.dcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed in let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format options output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> match ex_scope_opt with | Some scope -> let scope_uid = get_scope_uid prg.decl_ctx scope in Print.scope ~debug:options.Global.debug prg.decl_ctx fmt ( scope_uid, BoundList.find ~f:(function | ScopeDef (name, body) when ScopeName.equal name scope_uid -> Some body | _ -> None) prg.code_items ); Format.pp_print_newline fmt () | None -> let scope_uid = get_random_scope_uid prg.decl_ctx in (* TODO: ??? *) let prg_dcalc_expr = Expr.unbox (Program.to_expr prg scope_uid) in Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n" (Print.expr ~debug:options.Global.debug ()) prg_dcalc_expr let dcalc_cmd = let f no_typing = if no_typing then dcalc Expr.untyped else dcalc Expr.typed in Cmd.v (Cmd.info "dcalc" ~doc: "Prints a debugging verbatim of the default calculus intermediate \ representation of the Catala program. Use the $(b,-s) option to \ restrict the output to a particular scope.") Term.( const f $ Cli.Flags.no_typing $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants) let proof options includes optimize ex_scope_opt check_invariants disable_counterexamples = let prg, _ = Passes.dcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed:Expr.typed in Verification.Globals.setup ~optimize ~disable_counterexamples; let vcs = Verification.Conditions.generate_verification_conditions prg (Option.map (get_scope_uid prg.decl_ctx) ex_scope_opt) in Verification.Solver.solve_vc prg.decl_ctx vcs let proof_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "proof" ~doc: "Generates and proves verification conditions about the \ well-behaved execution of the Catala program.") Term.( const proof $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.disable_counterexamples) let print_interpretation_results options interpreter prg scope_uid = Message.debug "Starting interpretation..."; let results = interpreter prg scope_uid in Message.debug "End of interpretation"; let results = List.sort (fun ((v1, _), _) ((v2, _), _) -> String.compare v1 v2) results in let language = Cli.file_lang (Global.input_src_file options.Global.input_src) in if results = [] then Message.result "Computation successful!" else Message.results (List.map (fun ((var, _), result) ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%s@ =@ %a@]" var (if options.Global.debug then Print.expr ~debug:false () else Print.UserFacing.value language) result) results) let interpret_dcalc typed options includes optimize check_invariants ex_scope_opt = let prg, _ = Passes.dcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed in Interpreter.load_runtime_modules ~hashf:Hash.(finalise ~closure_conversion:false ~monomorphize_types:false) prg; print_interpretation_results options Interpreter.interpret_program_dcalc prg (get_scopeopt_uid prg.decl_ctx ex_scope_opt) let lcalc typed options includes output optimize check_invariants closure_conversion monomorphize_types ex_scope_opt = let prg, _, _ = Passes.lcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion ~typed ~monomorphize_types ~renaming:None in let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format options output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> match ex_scope_opt with | Some scope -> let scope_uid = get_scope_uid prg.decl_ctx scope in Print.scope ~debug:options.Global.debug prg.decl_ctx fmt (scope_uid, Program.get_scope_body prg scope_uid); Format.pp_print_newline fmt () | None -> Print.program ~debug:options.Global.debug fmt prg; Format.pp_print_newline fmt () let lcalc_cmd = let f no_typing = if no_typing then lcalc Expr.untyped else lcalc Expr.typed in Cmd.v (Cmd.info "lcalc" ~doc: "Prints a debugging verbatim of the lambda calculus intermediate \ representation of the Catala program. Use the $(b,-s) option to \ restrict the output to a particular scope.") Term.( const f $ Cli.Flags.no_typing $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.closure_conversion $ Cli.Flags.monomorphize_types $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt) let interpret_lcalc typed closure_conversion monomorphize_types options includes optimize check_invariants ex_scope_opt = let prg, _, _ = Passes.lcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types ~typed ~renaming:None in Interpreter.load_runtime_modules ~hashf:(Hash.finalise ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types) prg; print_interpretation_results options Interpreter.interpret_program_lcalc prg (get_scopeopt_uid prg.decl_ctx ex_scope_opt) let interpret_cmd = let f lcalc closure_conversion monomorphize_types no_typing = if not lcalc then if closure_conversion || monomorphize_types then Message.error "The flags @{--closure-conversion@} and \ @{--monomorphize-types@} only make sense with the \ @{--lcalc@} option" else if no_typing then interpret_dcalc Expr.untyped else interpret_dcalc Expr.typed else if no_typing then interpret_lcalc Expr.untyped closure_conversion monomorphize_types else interpret_lcalc Expr.typed closure_conversion monomorphize_types in Cmd.v (Cmd.info "interpret" ~doc: "Runs the interpreter on the Catala program, executing the scope \ specified by the $(b,-s) option assuming no additional external \ inputs.") Term.( const f $ Cli.Flags.lcalc $ Cli.Flags.closure_conversion $ Cli.Flags.monomorphize_types $ Cli.Flags.no_typing $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt) let ocaml options includes output optimize check_invariants closure_conversion ex_scope_opt = let prg, type_ordering, _ = Passes.lcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~typed:Expr.typed ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types:false ~renaming:(Some Lcalc.To_ocaml.renaming) in let output_file, with_output = get_output_format options ~ext:".ml" output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> Message.debug "Compiling program into OCaml..."; Message.debug "Writing to %s..." (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); let exec_scope = Option.map (get_scope_uid prg.decl_ctx) ex_scope_opt in let hashf = Hash.finalise ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types:false in Lcalc.To_ocaml.format_program fmt prg ?exec_scope ~hashf type_ordering let ocaml_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "ocaml" ~doc:"Generates an OCaml translation of the Catala program.") Term.( const ocaml $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.closure_conversion $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt) let scalc options includes output optimize check_invariants closure_conversion keep_special_ops dead_value_assignment no_struct_literals monomorphize_types ex_scope_opt = let prg, _, _ = Passes.scalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion ~keep_special_ops ~dead_value_assignment ~no_struct_literals ~monomorphize_types ~renaming:None in let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format options output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> match ex_scope_opt with | Some scope -> let scope_uid = get_scope_uid prg.ctx.decl_ctx scope in Scalc.Print.format_item ~debug:options.Global.debug prg.ctx.decl_ctx fmt (List.find (function | Scalc.Ast.SScope { scope_body_name; _ } -> scope_body_name = scope_uid | _ -> false) prg.code_items); Format.pp_print_newline fmt () | None -> Scalc.Print.format_program fmt prg let scalc_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "scalc" ~doc: "Prints a debugging verbatim of the statement calculus intermediate \ representation of the Catala program. Use the $(b,-s) option to \ restrict the output to a particular scope.") Term.( const scalc $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.closure_conversion $ Cli.Flags.keep_special_ops $ Cli.Flags.dead_value_assignment $ Cli.Flags.no_struct_literals $ Cli.Flags.monomorphize_types $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope_opt) let python options includes output optimize check_invariants closure_conversion = let prg, type_ordering, _ren_ctx = Passes.scalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion ~keep_special_ops:false ~dead_value_assignment:true ~no_struct_literals:false ~monomorphize_types:false ~renaming:(Some Scalc.To_python.renaming) in let output_file, with_output = get_output_format options ~ext:".py" output in Message.debug "Compiling program into Python..."; Message.debug "Writing to %s..." (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); with_output @@ fun fmt -> Scalc.To_python.format_program fmt prg type_ordering let python_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "python" ~doc:"Generates a Python translation of the Catala program.") Term.( const python $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.closure_conversion) let c options includes output optimize check_invariants = let prg, type_ordering, _ren_ctx = Passes.scalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion:true ~keep_special_ops:true ~dead_value_assignment:false ~no_struct_literals:true ~monomorphize_types:true ~renaming:(Some Scalc.To_c.renaming) in let output_file, with_output = get_output_format options ~ext:".c" output in Message.debug "Compiling program into C..."; Message.debug "Writing to %s..." (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); with_output @@ fun fmt -> Scalc.To_c.format_program fmt prg type_ordering let c_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "c" ~doc:"Generates an C translation of the Catala program.") Term.( const c $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants) let depends options includes prefix extension extra_files = let file = Global.input_src_file options.Global.input_src in let more_includes = List.map Filename.dirname (file :: extra_files) in let prg = Surface.Ast. { program_module = None; program_items = []; program_source_files = []; program_used_modules = List.map (fun f -> let name = modname_of_file f in { mod_use_name = name, Pos.no_pos; mod_use_alias = name, Pos.no_pos; }) (file :: extra_files); program_lang = Cli.file_lang file; } in let mod_uses, modules = load_module_interfaces options includes ~more_includes ~allow_notmodules:true prg in let d_ctx = Desugared.Name_resolution.form_context (prg, mod_uses) modules in let prg = Desugared.From_surface.translate_program d_ctx prg in let modules_list_topo = Program.modules_to_list prg.program_ctx.ctx_modules in Format.open_hbox (); Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf (m, _) -> let f = Pos.get_file (Mark.get (ModuleName.get_info m)) in let f = match prefix with | None -> f | Some pfx -> if not (Filename.is_relative f) then ( Message.warning "Not adding prefix to %s, which is an absolute path" f; f) else File.(pfx / f) in let f = File.clean_path f in if extension = [] then Format.pp_print_string ppf f else Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf ext -> Format.pp_print_string ppf File.(f -.- ext)) ppf extension) Format.std_formatter modules_list_topo; Format.close_box (); Format.print_newline () let depends_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "depends" ~doc: "Lists the dependencies of the given catala files, in linking \ order. This includes recursive dependencies and is useful for \ linking an application in a target language. The space-separated \ list is printed to stdout. The names are printed as expected of \ module identifiers, $(i,i.e.) capitalized.\n\ NOTE: the files specified are also included in the returned list.") Term.( const depends $ Cli.Flags.Global.options $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.prefix $ Cli.Flags.extension $ Cli.Flags.extra_files) let pygmentize_cmd = Cmd.v (Cmd.info "pygmentize" ~doc: "This special command is a wrapper around the $(b,pygmentize) \ command that enables support for colorising Catala code.") Term.( const (fun _ -> assert false (* Not really a catala command, this is handled preemptively at startup *)) $ Cli.Flags.Global.options) let commands = [ interpret_cmd; typecheck_cmd; proof_cmd; ocaml_cmd; python_cmd; c_cmd; latex_cmd; html_cmd; makefile_cmd; scopelang_cmd; dcalc_cmd; lcalc_cmd; scalc_cmd; exceptions_cmd; depends_cmd; pygmentize_cmd; ] end let raise_help cmdname cmds = let plugins = Plugin.names () in let cmds = List.filter (fun name -> not (List.mem name plugins)) cmds in Message.error "One of the following commands was expected:@;\ <1 4>@[@{%a@}@]%a@\n\ Run `@{%s --help@}' or `@{%s COMMAND --help@}' for details." (Format.pp_print_list Format.pp_print_string) (List.sort String.compare cmds) (fun ppf -> function | [] -> () | plugins -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n\ Or one of the following installed plugins:@;\ <1 4>@[@{%a@}@]" (Format.pp_print_list Format.pp_print_string) plugins) plugins cmdname cmdname let catala_t extra_commands = let open Cmdliner in let default = Term.(const raise_help $ main_name $ choice_names $ Cli.Flags.Global.flags) in Cmd.group ~default Cli.info (Commands.commands @ extra_commands) let main () = let argv = Array.copy Sys.argv in (* Our command names (first argument) are case-insensitive *) if Array.length argv >= 2 then argv.(1) <- String.lowercase_ascii argv.(1); (* Pygmentize is a specific exec subcommand that doesn't go through cmdliner *) if Array.length Sys.argv >= 2 && argv.(1) = "pygmentize" then Literate.Pygmentize.exec (); (* Peek to load plugins before the command-line is parsed proper (plugins add their own commands) *) let plugins = let plugins_dirs = match Cmdliner.Cmd.eval_peek_opts ~argv Cli.Flags.Global.flags ~version_opt:true with | Some opts, _ -> opts.Global.plugins_dirs | None, _ -> [] in Passes.debug_pass_name "init"; List.iter (fun d -> if d = "" then () else match Sys.is_directory d with | true -> Plugin.load_dir d | false -> Message.debug "Could not read plugin directory %s" d | exception Sys_error _ -> Message.debug "Could not read plugin directory %s" d) plugins_dirs; Dynlink.allow_only (List.filter (( <> ) "Driver__Plugin") (Dynlink.all_units ())); (* From here on, no plugin registration is allowed. However, the interpreter may yet use Dynlink to load external modules. - TODO: This used to allow only "Runtime_ocaml__Runtime", but forbidding external Catala modules to use the OCaml Stdlib was a bit much. We should examine how to re-add some more filtering here without being too restrictive. *) Plugin.list () in let command = catala_t plugins in let open Cmdliner in let[@inline] exit_with_error excode fcontent = let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in Message.Content.emit (fcontent ()) Error; if Global.options.debug then Printexc.print_raw_backtrace stderr bt; exit excode in match Cmd.eval_value ~catch:false ~argv command with | Ok _ -> exit Cmd.Exit.ok | Error e -> if e = `Term then Plugin.print_failures (); exit Cmd.Exit.cli_error | exception Cli.Exit_with n -> exit n | exception Message.CompilerError content -> exit_with_error Cmd.Exit.some_error @@ fun () -> content | exception Message.CompilerErrors contents -> let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in Message.Content.emit_n Error contents; if Global.options.debug then Printexc.print_raw_backtrace stderr bt; exit Cmd.Exit.some_error | exception Failure msg -> exit_with_error Cmd.Exit.some_error @@ fun () -> Message.Content.of_string msg | exception Sys_error msg -> exit_with_error Cmd.Exit.internal_error @@ fun () -> Message.Content.of_string ("System error: " ^ msg) | exception e -> exit_with_error Cmd.Exit.internal_error @@ fun () -> Message.Content.of_string ("Unexpected error: " ^ Printexc.to_string e) (* Export module PluginAPI, hide parent module Plugin *) module Plugin = struct let register name ?man ?doc term = let name = String.lowercase_ascii name in let info = Cmdliner.Cmd.info name ?man ?doc ~docs:Cli.s_plugins in Plugin.register info term end