(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributors: Denis Merigoux , Emile Rolley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Catala_utils val main : unit -> unit (** Main program entry point, including command-line parsing and return code *) (** Compiler passes Each pass takes only its cli options, then calls upon its dependent passes (forwarding their options as needed) *) module Passes : sig val surface : Global.options -> Surface.Ast.program val desugared : Global.options -> includes:Global.raw_file list -> Desugared.Ast.program * Desugared.Name_resolution.context val scopelang : Global.options -> includes:Global.raw_file list -> Shared_ast.untyped Scopelang.Ast.program val dcalc : Global.options -> includes:Global.raw_file list -> optimize:bool -> check_invariants:bool -> typed:'m Shared_ast.mark -> 'm Dcalc.Ast.program * Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list val lcalc : Global.options -> includes:Global.raw_file list -> optimize:bool -> check_invariants:bool -> typed:'m Shared_ast.mark -> closure_conversion:bool -> monomorphize_types:bool -> renaming:Shared_ast.Renaming.t option -> Shared_ast.typed Lcalc.Ast.program * Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list * Shared_ast.Renaming.context option val scalc : Global.options -> includes:Global.raw_file list -> optimize:bool -> check_invariants:bool -> closure_conversion:bool -> keep_special_ops:bool -> dead_value_assignment:bool -> no_struct_literals:bool -> monomorphize_types:bool -> renaming:Shared_ast.Renaming.t option -> Scalc.Ast.program * Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list * Shared_ast.Renaming.context end module Commands : sig (** Helper functions used by top-level commands *) val get_output : ?ext:string -> Global.options -> Global.raw_file option -> string option * ((out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a) (** bounded open of the expected output file *) val get_output_format : ?ext:string -> Global.options -> Global.raw_file option -> string option * ((Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a) val get_scope_uid : Shared_ast.decl_ctx -> string -> Shared_ast.ScopeName.t val get_variable_uid : Desugared.Name_resolution.context -> Shared_ast.ScopeName.t -> string -> Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t val commands : unit Cmdliner.Cmd.t list (** The list of built-in catala subcommands, as expected by [Cmdliner.Cmd.group] *) end (** Various helpers *) val modname_of_file : string -> string (** API available to plugins for their own registration *) module Plugin : sig val register : string -> ?man:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list -> ?doc:string -> (Global.options -> unit) Cmdliner.Term.t -> unit end