(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributors: Emile Rolley . Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Catala_utils open Shared_ast open Lcalc.To_ocaml module D = Dcalc.Ast (** Contains all format functions used to format a Lcalc Catala program representation to a JSON schema describing the corresponding web form. *) module To_json = struct let to_camel_case (s : string) : string = String.split_on_char '_' s |> (function | hd :: tl -> hd :: List.map String.capitalize_ascii tl | l -> l) |> String.concat "" let format_struct_field_name_camel_case (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : StructField.t) : unit = let s = Format.asprintf "%a" StructField.format v |> String.to_ascii |> String.to_snake_case |> to_camel_case in Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s let fmt_tlit fmt (tlit : typ_lit) = match tlit with | TInt | TRat -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"number\",@\n\"default\": 0" | TMoney -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"number\",@\n\"minimum\": 0,@\n\"default\": 0" | TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"boolean\",@\n\"default\": false" | TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"string\",@\n\"format\": \"date\"" | TDuration -> failwith "TODO: tlit duration" | TUnit -> (* NOTE(@EmileRolley): we previously used the "null" type for unit, but it is not working properly so we simply decided to remove it. *) () let rec fmt_type fmt (typ : typ) = match Mark.remove typ with | TLit tlit -> fmt_tlit fmt tlit | TStruct sname -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/%a\"" format_struct_name sname | TEnum ename -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/%a\"" format_enum_name ename | TArray t -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"array\",@\n\ \"default\": [],@\n\ @[\"items\": {@\n\ %a@]@\n\ }" fmt_type t | _ -> () let fmt_struct_properties (ctx : decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (sname : StructName.t) = let fields = StructName.Map.find sname ctx.ctx_structs in Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@\n") (fun fmt (field_name, field_type) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[\"%a\": {@\n%a@]@\n}" format_struct_field_name_camel_case field_name fmt_type field_type) fmt (StructField.Map.bindings fields) let fmt_definitions (ctx : decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) ((_scope_name, scope_body) : ScopeName.t * 'e scope_body) = let get_name t = match Mark.remove t with | TStruct sname -> Format.asprintf "%a" format_struct_name sname | TEnum ename -> Format.asprintf "%a" format_enum_name ename | _ -> failwith "unreachable: only structs and enums are collected." in let rec collect_required_type_defs_from_scope_input (input_struct : StructName.t) : typ list = let rec collect (acc : typ list) (t : typ) : typ list = match Mark.remove t with | TStruct s -> (* Scope's input is a struct. *) (t :: acc) @ collect_required_type_defs_from_scope_input s | TEnum e -> List.fold_left collect (t :: acc) (EnumConstructor.Map.values (EnumName.Map.find e ctx.ctx_enums)) | TArray t -> collect acc t | _ -> acc in StructName.Map.find input_struct ctx.ctx_structs |> StructField.Map.values |> List.fold_left (fun acc field_typ -> collect acc field_typ) [] |> List.sort_uniq (fun t t' -> String.compare (get_name t) (get_name t')) in let fmt_enum_properties fmt ename = let enum_def = EnumName.Map.find ename ctx.ctx_enums in Format.fprintf fmt "@[\"kind\": {@\n\ \"type\": \"string\",@\n\ @[\"anyOf\": [@\n\ %a@]@\n\ ]@]@\n\ }@\n\ },@\n\ @[\"allOf\": [@\n\ %a@]@\n\ ]@]@\n\ }" (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@\n") (fun fmt enum_cons -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[{@\n\"type\": \"string\",@\n\"enum\": [\"%a\"]@]@\n}" format_enum_cons_name enum_cons)) (EnumConstructor.Map.keys enum_def) (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@\n") (fun fmt (enum_cons, payload_type) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[{@\n\ @[\"if\": {@\n\ @[\"properties\": {@\n\ @[\"kind\": {@\n\ \"const\": \"%a\"@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ },@\n\ @[\"then\": {@\n\ @[\"properties\": {@\n\ @[\"payload\": {@\n\ %a@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ }" format_enum_cons_name enum_cons fmt_type payload_type)) (EnumConstructor.Map.bindings enum_def) in Format.fprintf fmt "@\n%a" (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@\n") (fun fmt typ -> match Mark.remove typ with | TStruct sname -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[\"%a\": {@\n\ \"type\": \"object\",@\n\ @[\"properties\": {@\n\ %a@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ }" format_struct_name sname (fmt_struct_properties ctx) sname | TEnum ename -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[\"%a\": {@\n\ \"type\": \"object\",@\n\ @[\"properties\": {@\n\ %a@]@]@\n" format_enum_name ename fmt_enum_properties ename | _ -> ())) (collect_required_type_defs_from_scope_input scope_body.scope_body_input_struct) let format_program (fmt : Format.formatter) (scope : ScopeName.t) (prgm : 'm Lcalc.Ast.program) = let scope_body = Program.get_scope_body prgm scope in Format.fprintf fmt "{@[@\n\ \"type\": \"object\",@\n\ \"@[definitions\": {%a@]@\n\ },@\n\ \"@[properties\": {@\n\ %a@]@\n\ }@]@\n\ }" (fmt_definitions prgm.decl_ctx) (scope, scope_body) (fmt_struct_properties prgm.decl_ctx) scope_body.scope_body_input_struct end let run includes output optimize check_invariants closure_conversion monomorphize_types ex_scope options = let prg, _, _ = Driver.Passes.lcalc options ~includes ~optimize ~check_invariants ~closure_conversion ~typed:Expr.typed ~monomorphize_types ~renaming:(Some Lcalc.To_ocaml.renaming) in let output_file, with_output = Driver.Commands.get_output_format options ~ext:"_schema.json" output in with_output @@ fun fmt -> let scope_uid = Driver.Commands.get_scope_uid prg.decl_ctx ex_scope in Message.debug "Writing JSON schema corresponding to the scope '%a' to the file %s..." ScopeName.format scope_uid (Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file); To_json.format_program fmt scope_uid prg let term = let open Cmdliner.Term in const run $ Cli.Flags.include_dirs $ Cli.Flags.output $ Cli.Flags.optimize $ Cli.Flags.check_invariants $ Cli.Flags.closure_conversion $ Cli.Flags.monomorphize_types $ Cli.Flags.ex_scope let () = Driver.Plugin.register "json_schema" term ~doc: "Catala plugin for generating {{:https://json-schema.org} JSON schemas} \ used to build forms for the Catala website."