module Catala.Translation.Helpers open Catala.LambdaCalculus module T = FStar.Tactics (*** Default translation *) let process_exceptions_f (tau: ty) : Tot exp = EAbs (TOption tau) (EAbs (TArrow TUnit tau) ( EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption (EVar 2) tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau (EVar 3) (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) )) )) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome (EApp (EVar 0) (ELit LUnit) TUnit)) ENone) (TOption tau) )) let typ_process_exceptions_f (g: env) (tau: ty) : Lemma (typing g (process_exceptions_f tau) (TArrow (TOption tau) (TArrow (TArrow TUnit tau) (TOption tau)))) = assert_norm(typing g (process_exceptions_f tau) (TArrow (TOption tau) (TArrow (TArrow TUnit tau) (TOption tau)))) let build_default_translation (exceptions: list exp) (acc: exp) (just: exp) (cons: exp) (tau: ty) = EMatchOption (EFoldLeft (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (TOption tau) (EList exceptions) (TArrow TUnit tau)) tau (EIf just cons (ELit (LError EmptyError))) (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) #push-options "--fuel 1 --ifuel 0" let build_default_translation_typing (exceptions: list exp) (acc: exp) (just: exp) (cons: exp) (tau: ty) (g: env) : Lemma (requires ( typing_list g exceptions (TArrow TUnit tau) /\ typing g acc (TOption tau) /\ typing g just TBool /\ typing g cons tau)) (ensures (typing g (build_default_translation exceptions acc just cons tau) tau)) = typ_process_exceptions_f g tau; assert_norm(typing g (build_default_translation exceptions acc just cons tau) tau) #pop-options #push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 0" let process_exceptions_untouched_by_subst (s: var_to_exp) (tau: ty) : Lemma (subst s (process_exceptions_f tau) == process_exceptions_f tau) = () #pop-options (*** Step lifting framework *) let typed_l_exp (tau: ty) = e:exp{typing empty e tau} let rec take_l_steps (tau: ty) (e: typed_l_exp tau) (fuel: nat) : Tot (option (typed_l_exp tau)) (decreases fuel) = if fuel = 0 then Some e else match step e with | None -> None | Some e' -> preservation e tau; take_l_steps tau e' (fuel - 1) #push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1" let rec take_l_steps_transitive (tau: ty) (e1 e2: typed_l_exp tau) (n1 n2: nat) : Lemma (requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n1 == Some e2)) (ensures (take_l_steps tau e1 (n1 + n2) == take_l_steps tau e2 n2)) (decreases n1) = if n1 = 0 then () else begin match step e1 with | None -> () | Some e1' -> preservation e1 tau; take_l_steps_transitive tau e1' e2 (n1 - 1) n2 end #pop-options let not_l_value (tau: ty) = e:exp{not (is_value e) /\ typing empty e tau} let l_value (tau: ty) = e:exp{is_value e /\ typing empty e tau} let stepping_context (tau tau': ty) = typed_l_exp tau -> not_l_value tau' let step_lift_commute_non_value (tau tau': ty) (f: stepping_context tau tau') (e: typed_l_exp tau) : prop = progress e tau; if is_value e then true else begin preservation e tau; step (f e) == Some (f (Some?.v (step e))) end let is_stepping_agnostic_lift (tau tau': ty) (f:stepping_context tau tau') : prop = forall (e: typed_l_exp tau). step_lift_commute_non_value tau tau' f e let stepping_agnostic_lift (tau tau': ty) : Type = f:(stepping_context tau tau'){is_stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau' f} let rec l_values_dont_step (e: exp) : Lemma (requires (is_value e)) (ensures (step e = None)) (decreases %[e; 1]) = match e with | EAbs _ _ -> () | EThunk _ -> () | ELit _ -> () | ENone -> () | EList [] -> () | EList l -> l_values_dont_step_list e l | _ -> () and l_values_dont_step_list (e: exp) (l: list exp{l << e /\ Cons? l}) : Lemma (requires (is_value_list l)) (ensures (step_list e l = Bad)) (decreases %[e; 0; l]) = match l with | [hd] -> l_values_dont_step hd | hd::tl -> l_values_dont_step hd; l_values_dont_step_list e tl #push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 2 --ifuel 1" let rec lift_multiple_l_steps (tau tau': ty) (e1: typed_l_exp tau) (e2: typed_l_exp tau) (n: nat) (f : stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau') : Lemma (requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n == Some e2)) (ensures (take_l_steps tau' (f e1) n == Some (f e2))) (decreases n) = match step e1 with | None -> () | Some e1' -> progress e1 tau; preservation e1 tau; if is_value e1 then l_values_dont_step e1 else if n = 0 then () else lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau' e1' e2 (n-1) f #pop-options (*** Lifts *) let if_cond_lift' (tau: ty) (e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau) : stepping_context TBool tau = fun e1 -> EIf e1 e2 e3 let if_cond_lift_is_stepping_agnostic (tau: ty) (e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau) (e: typed_l_exp TBool) : Lemma (requires (True)) (ensures (step_lift_commute_non_value TBool tau (if_cond_lift' tau e2 e3) e)) = progress e TBool; if is_value e then () else preservation e TBool let if_cond_lift (tau: ty) (e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau) : stepping_agnostic_lift TBool tau = Classical.forall_intro (if_cond_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau e2 e3); if_cond_lift' tau e2 e3 let app_f_lift' (tau_arg tau: ty) (e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg) : stepping_context (TArrow tau_arg tau) tau = fun e1 -> EApp e1 e2 tau_arg let app_f_lift_is_stepping_agnostic (tau_arg tau: ty) (e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg) (e: typed_l_exp (TArrow tau_arg tau)) : Lemma (requires (True)) (ensures ( step_lift_commute_non_value (TArrow tau_arg tau) tau (app_f_lift' tau_arg tau e2) e)) = progress e (TArrow tau_arg tau); if is_value e then () else preservation e (TArrow tau_arg tau) let app_f_lift (tau_arg tau: ty) (e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg) : stepping_agnostic_lift (TArrow tau_arg tau) tau = Classical.forall_intro (app_f_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau_arg tau e2); app_f_lift' tau_arg tau e2 let app_arg_lift' (tau_arg tau: ty) (e1: l_value (TArrow tau_arg tau)) : stepping_context tau_arg tau = fun e2 -> EApp e1 e2 tau_arg let app_arg_lift_is_stepping_agnostic (tau_arg tau: ty) (e1: l_value (TArrow tau_arg tau){match e1 with ELit (LError _) -> False | _ -> True}) (e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg) : Lemma (requires (True)) (ensures ( step_lift_commute_non_value tau_arg tau (app_arg_lift' tau_arg tau e1) e2)) = progress e2 tau_arg; if is_value e2 then () else preservation e2 tau_arg let app_arg_lift (tau_arg tau: ty) (e1: l_value (TArrow tau_arg tau){match e1 with ELit (LError _) -> False | _ -> True}) : stepping_agnostic_lift tau_arg tau = Classical.forall_intro (app_arg_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau_arg tau e1); app_arg_lift' tau_arg tau e1 #push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 30" let exceptions_head_lift' (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) : stepping_context tau tau = fun (hd: typed_l_exp tau) -> typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau; typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau)); typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau); EMatchOption (EFoldLeft (process_exceptions_f tau) (EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) )) )) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau) ) (TOption tau) (EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau)) tau (EIf just cons (ELit (LError EmptyError))) (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) #pop-options let exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) (hd: typed_l_exp tau) : Lemma (step_lift_commute_non_value tau tau (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons) hd) = progress hd tau; if is_value hd then () else begin preservation hd tau; assert_norm(step (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons hd) == Some (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons (Some?.v (step hd)))) end let exceptions_head_lift (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) : stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau = Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl acc just cons); exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons #push-options "--fuel 3 --ifuel 0" let exceptions_init_lift' (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) : stepping_context (TOption tau) tau = fun (init: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) -> typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau; EMatchOption (EFoldLeft (process_exceptions_f tau) init (TOption tau) (EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau)) tau (EIf just cons (ELit (LError EmptyError))) (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) #pop-options let exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) (init: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) : Lemma ( step_lift_commute_non_value (TOption tau) tau (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons) init) = progress init (TOption tau); if is_value init then () else begin preservation init (TOption tau); assert_norm(step (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons init) == Some (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons (Some?.v (step init)))) end let exceptions_init_lift (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) : stepping_agnostic_lift (TOption tau) tau = Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl just cons); exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons #push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 50" let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau) /\ is_value_list tl}) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) (n_hd: nat) (hd: typed_l_exp tau) (final_hd: typed_l_exp tau) : Lemma (requires (take_l_steps tau hd n_hd == Some final_hd /\ is_value acc)) (ensures ( build_default_translation_typing ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau empty; take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau) (n_hd + 4) == Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd))) = build_default_translation_typing ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau empty; typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau)); typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau); let init_stepped : typed_l_exp (TOption tau) = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)) ) )))) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau) in let init = EApp (EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (TOption tau)) (EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau) in let open FStar.Tactics in assert(take_l_steps (TOption tau) init 3 == Some init_stepped) by begin compute (); tadmit () end; let default_translation: typed_l_exp tau = build_default_translation ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau in let default_translation_stepped = EMatchOption (EFoldLeft (process_exceptions_f tau) init (TOption tau) (EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau)) tau (EIf just cons (ELit (LError EmptyError))) (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) in assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 1 == Some default_translation_stepped); admit(); assert(default_translation_stepped == exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons (EApp (EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) ENone (TOption tau)) (EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau))); lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init init_stepped 3 (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons); assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation_stepped 3 == Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd)); take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation default_translation_stepped 1 3; assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 4 == Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd)); lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau hd final_hd n_hd (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons); assert(take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n_hd == Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd)); take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) 4 n_hd #pop-options (*** Various lambda calculus steps *) let process_exceptions_applied (tau: ty) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) (hd: typed_l_exp tau) : Tot (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) = typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau; typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau (extend empty TUnit); EApp (EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (TOption tau)) (EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau) #push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2" let process_exceptions_applied_stepped (tau: ty) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) (hd: typed_l_exp tau) : Tot (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) = typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau)); typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau); EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)) ) )))) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau) #pop-options #push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 50" let process_exceptions_applied_stepping (tau: ty) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau){is_value acc /\ not (is_error acc)}) (hd: typed_l_exp tau) : Lemma (take_l_steps (TOption tau) (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) 3 == Some (process_exceptions_applied_stepped tau acc hd)) = let e1 : exp = EApp (EAbs (TArrow TUnit tau) ( EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) )) )) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome (EApp (EVar 0) (ELit LUnit) TUnit)) ENone) (TOption tau) ) ) (EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau) in let e2 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) )) )) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome (EApp (EThunk hd) (ELit LUnit) TUnit)) ENone) (TOption tau) in assume(forall (s: var_to_exp). {:pattern (subst s acc) } subst s acc == acc); assume(forall (s: var_to_exp). {:pattern (subst s (EThunk hd)) } subst s (EThunk hd) == (EThunk hd)); assert_norm(step (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) == Some e1); assume(step e1 == Some e2); let e3 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) ( EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau ( EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) )) )) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau) in assert_norm(step e2 == Some e3); // Mostly proven? admit() #pop-options #push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 40" let exceptions_head_lift_steps_to_error (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau){is_value acc}) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) : Lemma (take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (ELit (LError ConflictError))) 5 == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError))) = let e = exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (ELit (LError ConflictError)) in let e_plus_3 : typed_l_exp tau = exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons (ELit (LError ConflictError)) in let open FStar.Tactics in assert(take_l_steps tau e 3 == Some e_plus_3) by begin compute (); smt () end; let e_plus_4 : typed_l_exp tau = EMatchOption (ELit (LError ConflictError)) tau (EIf just cons (ELit (LError EmptyError))) (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) in assert(step e_plus_3 == Some e_plus_4) by begin compute (); smt () end; preservation e_plus_3 tau; assert(Some e_plus_4 == take_l_steps tau e_plus_3 1); assert(step e_plus_4 == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError))); assert(take_l_steps tau e_plus_4 1 == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError))); take_l_steps_transitive tau e e_plus_3 3 1; take_l_steps_transitive tau e e_plus_4 4 1 #pop-options let step_exceptions_head_value (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau))) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) (hd: (typed_l_exp tau)) : Pure (typed_l_exp (TOption tau) & nat) (requires (True)) (ensures (fun (new_acc, n) -> is_value new_acc /\ take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n == Some (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons new_acc) )) = admit() let step_exceptions_head_value_same_acc_result (tau: ty) (tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (tl': list exp{is_value_list tl' /\ typing_list empty tl' (TArrow TUnit tau)}) (acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau))) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) (hd: (typed_l_exp tau)) : Lemma ( let new_acc, _ = step_exceptions_head_value tau tl acc just cons hd in let new_acc', _ = step_exceptions_head_value tau tl' acc just cons hd in new_acc == new_acc' ) = admit() let step_exceptions_empty_conflict_error (tau: ty) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) : Pure nat (requires (True)) (ensures (fun n -> build_default_translation_typing [] (ELit (LError ConflictError)) just cons tau empty; take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation [] (ELit (LError ConflictError)) just cons tau) n == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError)))) = build_default_translation_typing [] (ELit (LError ConflictError)) just cons tau empty; assert_norm(take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation [] (ELit (LError ConflictError)) just cons tau) 2 == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError))); 2 #push-options "--fuel 4 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 40" let step_exceptions_empty_some_acc (tau: ty) (just: (typed_l_exp TBool)) (cons: (typed_l_exp tau)) (acc: (typed_l_exp tau)) : Pure nat (requires (is_value acc)) (ensures (fun n -> build_default_translation_typing [] (ESome acc) just cons tau empty; take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation [] (ESome acc) just cons tau) n == Some acc)) = let one_step : typed_l_exp tau = EMatchOption (ESome acc) tau (EIf just cons (ELit (LError (EmptyError)))) (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) in build_default_translation_typing [] (ESome acc) just cons tau empty; assert(take_l_steps tau (build_default_translation [] (ESome acc) just cons tau) 1 == Some one_step); let two_step : typed_l_exp tau = EApp (EAbs tau (EVar 0)) acc tau in assert(take_l_steps tau one_step 1 == Some two_step); assert(take_l_steps tau two_step 1 == Some acc); take_l_steps_transitive tau (build_default_translation [] (ESome acc) just cons tau) one_step 1 1; take_l_steps_transitive tau (build_default_translation [] (ESome acc) just cons tau) two_step 2 1; 3 #pop-options