# Syntax highlighting The Catala language also comes with syntax highlighting to ease program development. The syntax highlighting is done, among other techniques, with the [Iro](https://eeyo.io/iro/) compiler that allows writing the syntax only once, and then export it to formats understood by various IDE. **DISCLAIMER:** The maintenance of the various syntax highlighting plugins is *BEST-EFFORT*. Indeed many of the plugins were developed by the community and their creators did not commit to long-term maintenance. ## Atom To get Catala syntax highlighting in Atom, simply enter from the root of the repository, depending on the language you want to use : make atom_fr or make atom_en You can now reload Atom and check that you have syntax highlighting on any `.catala` file. ## VSCode To get Catala syntax highlighting in VSCode, simply enter from the root of the repository, depending on the language you want to use : make vscode_fr or make vscode_en You can now reload VSCode and check that you have syntax highlighting on any `.catala` file. ## Pygments Pygments is a Python-based versatile lexer for various programming languages. To use a version of Pygments augmented with the Catala plugin, simply enter from the root of the repository make pygments This will setup a Python virtual environment ("venv"), and install the syntax highlighting plugins that allow Pygments to handle Catala files. Those are defined in `syntax_highlighting/XX/pygments/`. Pygments is used for instance by the `minted` LaTeX package. To make sure it is available, you need to "activate" the python venv each time using: . _python_venv/bin/activate ## GNU gedit Copy the file [catala.lang](./gnu_gedit/catala.lang) to the directory below (create if it does not exist) and then restart GEdit. ``` ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs ```