import re error_state_regex = re.compile("\#\# Ends in an error in state\: (\d+)\.") report_regex= re.compile("To get a better error messsage, file an issue at https\:\/\/\/CatalaLang\/catala\/issues with this parser error token\: \$") new_file_content = "" with open('parser.messages') as messages: error_state_number = 0 for cnt, line in enumerate(messages): line = line.strip() new_line = line if error_state_regex.match(line): error_state_number = continue if report_regex.match(line): new_line = "To get a better error messsage, file an issue at with this parser error token: ERROR#{}".format(error_state_number) new_file_content += new_line +"\n" writing_file = open("parser.messages", "w") writing_file.write(new_file_content) writing_file.close()