```catala # Copyright © Aïda Ibrahim and Hugo Gimbert -- LaBRI/CNRS/Université de Bordeaux/Université de Nantes ``` ```catala-metadata declaration enumeration BenefitingOrganisation : -- Charitable -- NonProfit --ObjectOfPublicOrCharitableCharacter --NonCharitable --ProfitOrg --PrivatePurspose declaration structure ArtUnion: data grossProceeds content money data typeOrg content BenefitingOrganisation data proceedsToBenefitingOrg content money data totalValueOfThePrizes content money data maxAmountMoneyAsSeparatePrize content money data holdsAuthority content boolean declaration scope GamingAuthorized: input artUnion content ArtUnion internal minimumProceeds content boolean internal benefitingOrg content boolean internal valueOfPrizes content boolean internal separatePrizeMaxValue content boolean internal authority content boolean output authorized condition ``` Art union gaming activities The awarding of prizes by lot by an art union (an art union gaming activity) is a permitted gaming activity for the purposes of section 10 of the Act if the following requirements are complied with— (a) not less than 30% of the gross proceeds of the gaming activity are paid to the benefiting organisation, ```catala scope GamingAuthorized: definition minimumProceeds equals (artUnion.proceedsToBenefitingOrg >=$ artUnion.grossProceeds *$ 30 %) definition benefitingOrg equals artUnion.typeOrg with pattern BenefitingOrganisation.Charitable or artUnion.typeOrg with pattern BenefitingOrganisation.NonProfit or artUnion.typeOrg with pattern BenefitingOrganisation.ObjectOfPublicOrCharitableCharacter ``` (b) the total value of all the prizes exceeds $30,000, ```catala scope GamingAuthorized: definition valueOfPrizes equals (artUnion.totalValueOfThePrizes >=$ $30,000) ``` (c) the maximum amount of money payable as a separate prize does not exceed $30,000, ```catala scope GamingAuthorized: definition separatePrizeMaxValue equals (artUnion.maxAmountMoneyAsSeparatePrize <=$ $30,000) ``` (d) the person conducting the activity holds an authority to do so that is in force and the activity is conducted in accordance with the authority ```catala scope GamingAuthorized: definition authority equals artUnion.holdsAuthority scope GamingAuthorized: rule authorized under condition minimumProceeds and benefitingOrg and valueOfPrizes and separatePrizeMaxValue and authority consequence fulfilled ```