(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2022 Inria, contributors: Alain Delaët , Denis Merigoux Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Catala_utils open Definitions type ('a, 'b, 'm) optimizations_ctx = { var_values : ( (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr, (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr ) Var.Map.t; decl_ctx : decl_ctx; } let all_match_cases_are_id_fun cases n = EnumConstructor.Map.for_all (fun i case -> match Mark.remove case with | EAbs { binder; _ } -> ( let var, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in (* because of invariant [invariant_match], the arity is always one. *) let[@warning "-8"] [| var |] = var in match Mark.remove body with | EInj { cons = i'; name = n'; e = EVar x, _ } -> EnumConstructor.equal i i' && EnumName.equal n n' && Bindlib.eq_vars x var | EInj { cons = i'; name = n'; e = ELit LUnit, _ } -> (* since unit is the only value of type unit. We don't need to check the equality. *) EnumConstructor.equal i i' && EnumName.equal n n' | _ -> false) | _ -> (* because of invariant [invariant_match], there is always some EAbs in each cases. *) assert false) cases let all_match_cases_map_to_same_constructor cases n = EnumConstructor.Map.for_all (fun i case -> match Mark.remove case with | EAbs { binder; _ } -> ( let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in match Mark.remove body with | EInj { cons = i'; name = n'; _ } -> EnumConstructor.equal i i' && EnumName.equal n n' | _ -> false) | _ -> assert false) cases let binder_vars_used_at_most_once (binder : ( (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, ('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) base_gexpr, (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr ) Bindlib.mbinder) : bool = (* fast path: variables not used at all *) (not (Array.exists Fun.id (Bindlib.mbinder_occurs binder))) || let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in let rec vars_count (e : (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr) : int array = match e with | EVar v, _ -> Array.map (fun i -> if Bindlib.eq_vars v (Array.get vars i) then 1 else 0) (Array.make (Array.length vars) 0) | e -> Expr.shallow_fold (fun e' acc -> Array.map2 (fun x y -> x + y) (vars_count e') acc) e (Array.make (Array.length vars) 0) in not (Array.exists (fun c -> c > 1) (vars_count body)) let rec optimize_expr : type a b. (a, b, 'm) optimizations_ctx -> ((a, b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr -> ((a, b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) boxed_gexpr = fun ctx e -> (* We proceed bottom-up, first apply on the subterms *) let e = Expr.map ~f:(optimize_expr ctx) e in let mark = Mark.get e in (* Then reduce the parent node *) let reduce (e : ((a, b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr) = (* Todo: improve the handling of eapp(log,elit) cases here, it obfuscates the matches and the log calls are not preserved, which would be a good property *) match Mark.remove e with | EApp { f = ( EOp { op = Not; _ }, _ | ( EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(EOp { op = Not; _ }, _)]; }, _ ) ) as op; args = [e1]; } -> ( (* reduction of logical not *) match e1 with | ELit (LBool false), _ -> ELit (LBool true) | ELit (LBool true), _ -> ELit (LBool false) | e1 -> EApp { f = op; args = [e1] }) | EApp { f = ( EOp { op = Or; _ }, _ | ( EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(EOp { op = Or; _ }, _)]; }, _ ) ) as op; args = [e1; e2]; } -> ( (* reduction of logical or *) match e1, e2 with | (ELit (LBool false), _), new_e | new_e, (ELit (LBool false), _) -> Mark.remove new_e | (ELit (LBool true), _), _ | _, (ELit (LBool true), _) -> ELit (LBool true) | _ -> EApp { f = op; args = [e1; e2] }) | EApp { f = ( EOp { op = And; _ }, _ | ( EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(EOp { op = And; _ }, _)]; }, _ ) ) as op; args = [e1; e2]; } -> ( (* reduction of logical and *) match e1, e2 with | (ELit (LBool true), _), new_e | new_e, (ELit (LBool true), _) -> Mark.remove new_e | (ELit (LBool false), _), _ | _, (ELit (LBool false), _) -> ELit (LBool false) | _ -> EApp { f = op; args = [e1; e2] }) | EMatch { e = EInj { e = e'; cons; name = n' }, _; cases; name = n } (* iota-reduction *) when EnumName.equal n n' -> ( (* match E x with | E y -> e1 = e1[y |-> x]*) match Mark.remove @@ EnumConstructor.Map.find cons cases with (* holds because of invariant_match_inversion *) | EAbs { binder; _ } -> Mark.remove (Bindlib.msubst binder ([e'] |> List.map fst |> Array.of_list)) | _ -> assert false) | EMatch { e = e'; cases; name = n } when all_match_cases_are_id_fun cases n -> (* iota-reduction when the match is equivalent to an identity function *) Mark.remove e' | EMatch { e = EMatch { e = arg; cases = cases1; name = n1 }, _; cases = cases2; name = n2; } when false (* TODO: this case is buggy because of the box/unbox manipulation, it should be fixed before removing this [false] value*) && n1 = n2 && all_match_cases_map_to_same_constructor cases1 n1 -> (* iota-reduction when the matched expression is itself a match of the same enum mapping all constructors to themselves *) let cases = EnumConstructor.Map.merge (fun _i o1 o2 -> match o1, o2 with | Some b1, Some e2 -> ( match Mark.remove b1, Mark.remove e2 with | EAbs { binder = b1; _ }, EAbs { binder = b2; tys } -> ( let v1, e1 = Bindlib.unmbind b1 in let[@warning "-8"] [| v1 |] = v1 in match Mark.remove e1 with | EInj { e = e1; _ } -> Some (Expr.unbox (Expr.make_abs [| v1 |] (Expr.box (Bindlib.msubst b2 ([e1] |> List.map fst |> Array.of_list))) tys (Expr.pos e2))) | _ -> assert false) | _ -> assert false) | _ -> assert false) cases1 cases2 in EMatch { e = arg; cases; name = n1 } | EApp { f = EAbs { binder; _ }, _; args } when binder_vars_used_at_most_once binder -> (* beta reduction when variables not used. *) Mark.remove (Bindlib.msubst binder (List.map fst args |> Array.of_list)) | EStructAccess { name; field; e = EStruct { name = name1; fields }, _ } when name = name1 -> Mark.remove (StructField.Map.find field fields) | EDefault { excepts; just; cons } -> ( (* TODO: mechanically prove each of these optimizations correct *) let excepts = List.filter (fun except -> Mark.remove except <> EEmptyError) excepts (* we can discard the exceptions that are always empty error *) in let value_except_count = List.fold_left (fun nb except -> if Expr.is_value except then nb + 1 else nb) 0 excepts in if value_except_count > 1 then (* at this point we know a conflict error will be triggered so we just feed the expression to the interpreter that will print the beautiful right error message *) let _ = Interpreter.evaluate_expr ctx.decl_ctx e in assert false else match excepts, just with | [except], _ when Expr.is_value except -> (* if there is only one exception and it is a non-empty value it is always chosen *) Mark.remove except | ( [], ( ( ELit (LBool true) | EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(ELit (LBool true), _)]; } ), _ ) ) -> Mark.remove cons | ( [], ( ( ELit (LBool false) | EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(ELit (LBool false), _)]; } ), _ ) ) -> EEmptyError | excepts, just -> EDefault { excepts; just; cons }) | EIfThenElse { cond = ( ELit (LBool true), _ | ( EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(ELit (LBool true), _)]; }, _ ) ); etrue; _; } -> Mark.remove etrue | EIfThenElse { cond = ( ( ELit (LBool false) | EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(ELit (LBool false), _)]; } ), _ ); efalse; _; } -> Mark.remove efalse | EIfThenElse { cond; etrue = ( ( ELit (LBool btrue) | EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(ELit (LBool btrue), _)]; } ), _ ); efalse = ( ( ELit (LBool bfalse) | EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [(ELit (LBool bfalse), _)]; } ), _ ); } -> if btrue && not bfalse then Mark.remove cond else if (not btrue) && bfalse then EApp { f = EOp { op = Not; tys = [TLit TBool, Expr.mark_pos mark] }, mark; args = [cond]; } (* note: this last call eliminates the condition & might skip log calls as well *) else (* btrue = bfalse *) ELit (LBool btrue) | EApp { f = EOp { op = Op.Fold; _ }, _; args = [_f; init; (EArray [], _)] } -> (*reduces a fold with an empty list *) Mark.remove init | EApp { f = EOp { op = Op.Fold; _ }, _; args = [f; init; (EArray [e'], _)] } -> (* reduces a fold with one element *) EApp { f; args = [init; e'] } | ECatch { body; exn; handler } -> ( (* peephole exception catching reductions *) match Mark.remove body, Mark.remove handler with | ERaise exn', ERaise exn'' when exn' = exn && exn = exn'' -> ERaise exn | ERaise exn', _ when exn' = exn -> Mark.remove handler | _, ERaise exn' when exn' = exn -> Mark.remove body | _ -> ECatch { body; exn; handler }) | e -> e in Expr.Box.app1 e reduce mark let optimize_expr : 'm. decl_ctx -> (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr -> (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) boxed_gexpr = fun (decl_ctx : decl_ctx) (e : (('a, 'b) dcalc_lcalc, 'm) gexpr) -> optimize_expr { var_values = Var.Map.empty; decl_ctx } e let optimize_program (p : 'm program) : 'm program = Bindlib.unbox (Program.map_exprs ~f:(optimize_expr p.decl_ctx) ~varf:(fun v -> v) p) let test_iota_reduction_1 () = let x = Var.make "x" in let enumT = EnumName.fresh ("t", Pos.no_pos) in let consA = EnumConstructor.fresh ("A", Pos.no_pos) in let consB = EnumConstructor.fresh ("B", Pos.no_pos) in let consC = EnumConstructor.fresh ("C", Pos.no_pos) in let consD = EnumConstructor.fresh ("D", Pos.no_pos) in let nomark = Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos } in let injA = Expr.einj (Expr.evar x nomark) consA enumT nomark in let injC = Expr.einj (Expr.evar x nomark) consC enumT nomark in let injD = Expr.einj (Expr.evar x nomark) consD enumT nomark in let cases : ('a, 't) boxed_gexpr EnumConstructor.Map.t = EnumConstructor.Map.of_list [ consA, Expr.eabs (Expr.bind [| x |] injC) [TAny, Pos.no_pos] nomark; consB, Expr.eabs (Expr.bind [| x |] injD) [TAny, Pos.no_pos] nomark; ] in let matchA = Expr.ematch injA enumT cases nomark in Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "before=match (A x)\n\ \ with\n\ \ | A → (λ (x: any) → C x)\n\ \ | B → (λ (x: any) → D x)\n\ after=C\n\ x" (Format.asprintf "before=%a\nafter=%a" Expr.format (Expr.unbox matchA) Expr.format (Expr.unbox (optimize_expr Program.empty_ctx (Expr.unbox matchA)))) let cases_of_list l : ('a, 't) boxed_gexpr EnumConstructor.Map.t = EnumConstructor.Map.of_list @@ ListLabels.map l ~f:(fun (cons, f) -> let var = Var.make "x" in ( cons, Expr.eabs (Expr.bind [| var |] (f var)) [TAny, Pos.no_pos] (Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }) )) let test_iota_reduction_2 () = let enumT = EnumName.fresh ("t", Pos.no_pos) in let consA = EnumConstructor.fresh ("A", Pos.no_pos) in let consB = EnumConstructor.fresh ("B", Pos.no_pos) in let consC = EnumConstructor.fresh ("C", Pos.no_pos) in let consD = EnumConstructor.fresh ("D", Pos.no_pos) in let nomark = Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos } in let num n = Expr.elit (LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int n)) nomark in let injAe e = Expr.einj e consA enumT nomark in let injBe e = Expr.einj e consB enumT nomark in let injCe e = Expr.einj e consC enumT nomark in let injDe e = Expr.einj e consD enumT nomark in (* let injA x = injAe (Expr.evar x nomark) in *) let injB x = injBe (Expr.evar x nomark) in let injC x = injCe (Expr.evar x nomark) in let injD x = injDe (Expr.evar x nomark) in let matchA = Expr.ematch (Expr.ematch (num 1) enumT (cases_of_list [ (consB, fun x -> injBe (injB x)); (consA, fun _x -> injAe (num 20)); ]) nomark) enumT (cases_of_list [consA, injC; consB, injD]) nomark in Alcotest.(check string) "same string " "before=match\n\ \ (match 1\n\ \ with\n\ \ | A → (λ (x: any) → A 20)\n\ \ | B → (λ (x: any) → B B x))\n\ \ with\n\ \ | A → (λ (x: any) → C x)\n\ \ | B → (λ (x: any) → D x)\n\ after=match 1\n\ \ with\n\ \ | A → (λ (x: any) → C 20)\n\ \ | B → (λ (x: any) → D B x)\n" (Format.asprintf "before=@[%a@]@.after=%a@." Expr.format (Expr.unbox matchA) Expr.format (Expr.unbox (optimize_expr Program.empty_ctx (Expr.unbox matchA))))