(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Inria, contributor: Louis Gesbert Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Definitions (** {1 Variables and their collections} *) (** This module provides types and helpers for Bindlib variables on the [gexpr] type *) type 'e t = ('a, 't) naked_gexpr Bindlib.var constraint 'e = ('a, 't) gexpr type 'e vars = ('a, 't) naked_gexpr Bindlib.mvar constraint 'e = ('a, 't) gexpr val make : string -> 'e t val compare : 'e t -> 'e t -> int val equal : 'e t -> 'e t -> bool val hash : 'e t -> int val translate : 'e1 t -> 'e2 t (** Needed when converting from one AST type to another. See the note of caution on [Bindlib.copy_var]. *) type 'e var = 'e t (** Alias to allow referring to the type in the submodules *) (** Wrapper over [Set.S] but with a type variable for the AST type parameters. Extend as needed *) module Set : sig type 'e t val empty : 'e t val singleton : 'e var -> 'e t val add : 'e var -> 'e t -> 'e t val remove : 'e var -> 'e t -> 'e t val union : 'e t -> 'e t -> 'e t val mem : 'e var -> 'e t -> bool val of_list : 'e var list -> 'e t val elements : 'e t -> 'e var list val diff : 'e t -> 'e t -> 'e t val iter : ('e var -> unit) -> 'e t -> unit end (** Wrapper over [Map.S] but with a type variable for the AST type parameters. Extend as needed *) module Map : sig type ('e, 'x) t type k0 exception Not_found of k0 val empty : ('e, 'x) t val singleton : 'e var -> 'x -> ('e, 'x) t val add : 'e var -> 'x -> ('e, 'x) t -> ('e, 'x) t val update : 'e var -> ('x option -> 'x option) -> ('e, 'x) t -> ('e, 'x) t val find : 'e var -> ('e, 'x) t -> 'x val find_opt : 'e var -> ('e, 'x) t -> 'x option val bindings : ('e, 'x) t -> ('e var * 'x) list val mem : 'e var -> ('e, 'x) t -> bool val union : ('e var -> 'x -> 'x -> 'x option) -> ('e, 'x) t -> ('e, 'x) t -> ('e, 'x) t val fold : ('e var -> 'x -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> ('e, 'x) t -> 'acc -> 'acc val keys : ('e, 'x) t -> 'e var list val values : ('e, 'x) t -> 'x list end