# Catala examples This directory contains examples of Catala programs. It is highly recommended to locate your own Catala programs in this directory, since programs in this directory will receive first-class support during the alpha and beta stage of the Catala programming language development. [Browse examples online »](https://catala-lang.org/en/examples) ## List of examples - `allocations_familiales/`: computation of the French family benefits, based on the _Code de la sécurité sociale_. This case study is the biggest and most ambitious for Catala so far. - `code_general_impots/`: computation of the French income tax, based on the _Code général des impôts_. Currently, there are only stubs of program. - `tutorial/`: Catala language tutorial for developers of tech-savvy lawyers. The tutorial is written like a piece of legislation that gets annotated by Catala snippets. - `us_tax_code/`: contains the Catala formalization of several sections of the US Tax Code. ## Building and running examples Building and running examples is done via Makefiles. Each example directory contains its own Makefile, which includes `Makefile.common.mk`. This common Makefiles defines a list of targets that call the Catala compiler with the right options. Each of these targets can be called from the root of the repository with: make -C examples/ The `` can be replaced with the following (we assume an example file `examples/foo/foo.catala_en`) list. - `foo.run`: interprets the Catala program contained in `foo.catala_en`. Note that you have to pass in the scope that you want to interpret via the `SCOPE` Makefile variable (`SCOPE=FooScope make -C examples/foo foo.run`). - `foo.tex`: builds the LaTeX literate programming output from the Catala program - `foo.pdf`: compiles `foo.tex` using `latexmk` - `foo.html`: builds the HTML literate programming output from the Catala program - `foo.spell.ok`: runs aspell on the file, given the `whitelist.` files. When invoking any of these targets, additional options to the Catala compiler can be passed using the `CATALA_OPTS` Makefile variable. Important : Before trying to generates LaTex or PDF files: 1. don't forget to run `make pygments`, 2. and you need to have the font [Marianne](https://gouvfr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DB/pages/223019527/Typographie+-+Typography) installed in your machine. > Note: the OCaml, Javascript and Python artifacts that are generated here and > used in ../french_law are generated using `dune` rules instead. See the > examples in `aides_logement/dune` and `allocations_familiales/dune`. This > allows the compilation of `french_law` to be streamlined from the compilation > of the Catala compiler itself, and without polluting the source tree. ## Testing examples Unit testing is important, and we encourage Catala developers to write lots of tests for their programs. Again, the Makefile system provides a way to collect tests into a regression test suite. In order to enjoy the benefits of this system, you have to create a `tests/` directory in your examples directory, for instance `examples/foo/tests`. Then, create a test file `foo_tests.catala_en` inside that directory. Inside `foo_tests.catala_en`, declare one ore more test scopes. Then, you can provide the expected output for the interpretation of these scopes or the compilation of the whole program using the standard expected by `clerk test`: enter `make help_clerk` from the root of the Catala repository to know more. Once your tests are written, then will automatically be added to the regression suite executed using make -C examples tests You can isolate a part of the regression suite by invoking: make -C examples foo/tests/foo_tests.catala_en ## Adding an example This section describes what to do to setup a working directory for a new Catala example, as well as the development cycle. Let us suppose that you want to create a new example named `foo`. First, follow the instructions of [the installation readme](../INSTALL.md) to get the compiler up and working up to `make build`. You can also set up the syntax highlighting for your editor. Then, create the directory `examples/foo`. In there, create a master source file `foo.catala_en` (or `foo.catala_fr`, etc. depending on your language) that will be the root of your Catala program. You can then start programming in `foo.catala_en`, or split up your example into multiple files. In the later case, `foo.catala_en` must only contain something like this: ```markdown # Master file > Include: bar.catala_en ``` where `examples/bar.catala_en` is another source file containing code for your example. Make sure you start by including some content in the source files, like ``` Hello, world! ``` To build and run the example, create a `Makefile` in `foo/` with the following contents: ```Makefile CATALA_LANG=en # or fr/pl if your source code is in French/Polish SRC=foo.catala_en include ../Makefile.common.mk ``` The `include` creates automatically all the targets you will need for your example. For instance, after making sure the compiler is built, you can launch ``` make -C examples/foo foo.tex ``` from the repository root to create the LaTeX weaving output of your source program. `Hello, world!` should appear in `examples/foo/foo.tex`. Finally, please add a rule for your example in the repository root `Makefile` in the section "Examples-related rules", following the pattern for other examples. This will ensure that your example is built every time the compiler is modified; if a change in the compiler breaks your example, the authors will be notified and find a solution.