(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2021 Inria, contributor: Denis Merigoux Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) open Utils module A = Ast module L = Lcalc.Ast module D = Dcalc.Ast type ctxt = { func_dict : A.TopLevelName.t L.VarMap.t; decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx; var_dict : A.LocalName.t L.VarMap.t; inside_definition_of : A.LocalName.t option; } (* Expressions can spill out side effect, hence this function also returns a list of statements to be prepended before the expression is evaluated *) let rec translate_expr (ctxt : ctxt) (expr : L.expr Pos.marked) : A.block * A.expr Pos.marked = match Pos.unmark expr with | L.EVar v -> let local_var = try A.EVar (L.VarMap.find (Pos.unmark v) ctxt.var_dict) with Not_found -> A.EFunc (L.VarMap.find (Pos.unmark v) ctxt.func_dict) in ([], (local_var, Pos.get_position v)) | L.ETuple (args, Some s_name) -> let args_stmts, new_args = List.fold_left (fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg -> let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in (arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)) ([], []) args in let new_args = List.rev new_args in let args_stmts = List.rev args_stmts in (args_stmts, (A.EStruct (new_args, s_name), Pos.get_position expr)) | L.ETuple (_, None) -> failwith "Non-struct tuples cannot be compiled to scalc" | L.ETupleAccess (e1, num_field, Some s_name, _) -> let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in let field_name = fst (List.nth (D.StructMap.find s_name ctxt.decl_ctx.ctx_structs) num_field) in (e1_stmts, (A.EStructFieldAccess (new_e1, field_name, s_name), Pos.get_position expr)) | L.ETupleAccess (_, _, None, _) -> failwith "Non-struct tuples cannot be compiled to scalc" | L.EInj (e1, num_cons, e_name, _) -> let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in let cons_name = fst (List.nth (D.EnumMap.find e_name ctxt.decl_ctx.ctx_enums) num_cons) in (e1_stmts, (A.EInj (new_e1, cons_name, e_name), Pos.get_position expr)) | L.EApp (f, args) -> let f_stmts, new_f = translate_expr ctxt f in let args_stmts, new_args = List.fold_left (fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg -> let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in (arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)) ([], []) args in let new_args = List.rev new_args in let args_stmts = List.rev args_stmts in (f_stmts @ args_stmts, (A.EApp (new_f, new_args), Pos.get_position expr)) | L.EArray args -> let args_stmts, new_args = List.fold_left (fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg -> let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in (arg_stmts @ args_stmts, new_arg :: new_args)) ([], []) args in let new_args = List.rev new_args in let args_stmts = List.rev args_stmts in (args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, Pos.get_position expr)) | L.EOp op -> ([], (A.EOp op, Pos.get_position expr)) | L.ELit l -> ([], (A.ELit l, Pos.get_position expr)) | _ -> let tmp_var = A.LocalName.fresh ("local_var", Pos.get_position expr) in let ctxt = { ctxt with inside_definition_of = Some tmp_var } in let tmp_stmts = translate_statements ctxt expr in ( ( A.SLocalDecl ((tmp_var, Pos.get_position expr), (D.TAny, Pos.get_position expr)), Pos.get_position expr ) :: tmp_stmts, (A.EVar tmp_var, Pos.get_position expr) ) and translate_statements (ctxt : ctxt) (block_expr : L.expr Pos.marked) : A.block = match Pos.unmark block_expr with | L.EApp ((L.EAbs ((binder, _), [ (D.TLit D.TUnit, _) ]), _), [ (L.EAssert e, _) ]) -> (* Assertions are always encapsulated in a unit-typed let binding *) let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in let e_stmts, new_e = translate_expr ctxt e in e_stmts @ (A.SAssert (Pos.unmark new_e), Pos.get_position block_expr) :: translate_statements ctxt body | L.EApp ((L.EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), taus), eabs_pos), args) -> (* This defines multiple local variables at the time *) let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> (x, tau)) (Array.to_list vars) taus in let ctxt = { ctxt with var_dict = List.fold_left (fun var_dict (x, _) -> L.VarMap.add x (A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of x, binder_pos)) var_dict) ctxt.var_dict vars_tau; } in let local_decls = List.map (fun (x, tau) -> (A.SLocalDecl ((L.VarMap.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau), eabs_pos)) vars_tau in let vars_args = List.map2 (fun (x, tau) arg -> ((L.VarMap.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau, arg)) vars_tau args in let def_blocks = List.map (fun (x, _tau, arg) -> let ctxt = { ctxt with inside_definition_of = Some (Pos.unmark x) } in let arg_stmts, new_arg = translate_expr ctxt arg in arg_stmts @ [ (A.SLocalDef (x, new_arg), binder_pos) ]) vars_args in let rest_of_block = translate_statements ctxt body in local_decls @ List.flatten def_blocks @ rest_of_block | L.EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), taus) -> let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> (x, tau)) (Array.to_list vars) taus in let closure_name = match ctxt.inside_definition_of with | None -> A.LocalName.fresh ("closure", Pos.get_position block_expr) | Some x -> x in let ctxt = { ctxt with var_dict = List.fold_left (fun var_dict (x, _) -> L.VarMap.add x (A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of x, binder_pos)) var_dict) ctxt.var_dict vars_tau; inside_definition_of = None; } in let new_body = translate_statements ctxt body in [ ( A.SInnerFuncDef ( (closure_name, binder_pos), { func_params = List.map (fun (var, tau) -> ((L.VarMap.find var ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau)) vars_tau; func_body = new_body; } ), binder_pos ); ] | L.EMatch (e1, args, e_name) -> let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in let new_args = List.fold_left (fun new_args arg -> match Pos.unmark arg with | L.EAbs ((binder, pos_binder), _) -> let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in assert (Array.length vars = 1); let var = vars.(0) in let scalc_var = A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of var, pos_binder) in let ctxt = { ctxt with var_dict = L.VarMap.add var scalc_var ctxt.var_dict } in let new_arg = translate_statements ctxt body in (new_arg, scalc_var) :: new_args | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)) [] args in let new_args = List.rev new_args in e1_stmts @ [ (A.SSwitch (new_e1, e_name, new_args), Pos.get_position block_expr) ] | L.EIfThenElse (cond, e_true, e_false) -> let cond_stmts, s_cond = translate_expr ctxt cond in let s_e_true = translate_statements ctxt e_true in let s_e_false = translate_statements ctxt e_false in cond_stmts @ [ (A.SIfThenElse (s_cond, s_e_true, s_e_false), Pos.get_position block_expr) ] | L.ECatch (e_try, except, e_catch) -> let s_e_try = translate_statements ctxt e_try in let s_e_catch = translate_statements ctxt e_catch in [ (A.STryExcept (s_e_try, except, s_e_catch), Pos.get_position block_expr) ] | L.ERaise except -> [ (A.SRaise except, Pos.get_position block_expr) ] | _ -> let e_stmts, new_e = translate_expr ctxt block_expr in e_stmts @ [ ( (match ctxt.inside_definition_of with | None -> A.SReturn (Pos.unmark new_e) | Some x -> A.SLocalDef (Pos.same_pos_as x new_e, new_e)), Pos.get_position block_expr ); ] let translate_scope (decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx) (func_dict : A.TopLevelName.t L.VarMap.t) (scope_expr : L.expr Pos.marked) : (A.LocalName.t Pos.marked * D.typ Pos.marked) list * A.block = match Pos.unmark scope_expr with | L.EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), typs) -> let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in let var_dict = Array.fold_left (fun var_dict var -> L.VarMap.add var (A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of var, binder_pos)) var_dict) L.VarMap.empty vars in let param_list = List.map2 (fun var typ -> ((L.VarMap.find var var_dict, binder_pos), typ)) (Array.to_list vars) typs in let new_body = translate_statements { decl_ctx; func_dict; var_dict; inside_definition_of = None } body in (param_list, new_body) | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) let translate_program (p : L.program) : A.program = { decl_ctx = p.L.decl_ctx; scopes = (let _, new_scopes = List.fold_left (fun (func_dict, new_scopes) (scope_name, scope_expr) -> let new_scope_params, new_scope_body = translate_scope p.decl_ctx func_dict scope_expr in let func_id = A.TopLevelName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of scope_name, Pos.no_pos) in let func_dict = L.VarMap.add scope_name func_id func_dict in ( func_dict, (func_id, { A.func_params = new_scope_params; A.func_body = new_scope_body }) :: new_scopes )) ( L.VarMap.singleton L.handle_default (A.TopLevelName.fresh ("handle_default", Pos.no_pos)), [] ) p.L.scopes in List.rev new_scopes); }