name: CI on: push: branches: [master] tags: ['*.*.*'] workflow_dispatch: pull_request_target: # It is important to use `pull_request_target` and not `pull_request` here: it # means the version of this file from master is used rather than the one from # the PR. This allows writing to the docker caches, etc. from PRs ; but mind # that if you attempt modification in a PR, of course. # don't use the default fetch source, as with 'pull_request_target' that will # test the target branch only! env: GIT_FETCH_REF: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }} # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel jobs: build: name: Build Catala and generate image runs-on: self-hosted permissions: packages: write outputs: image:${{ steps.image.outputs.digest }} version: ${{ steps.describe.outputs.version }} steps: - name: Checkout # This is *only* needed to extract the git version... # Approaches like proudust/gh-describe@v1 don't work uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 # Need full commit history for 'git describe' ref: ${{ env.GIT_FETCH_REF }} - name: Get git-describe version id: describe run: echo "version=$(git describe --tags)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Get an image tag that Docker accepts id: branch run: sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/-/g; s/^/tag=/' <<<"${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 - name: Login to GHCR uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: registry: username: ${{ }} password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Make build context image uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 with: # The default context would fetch the default source (ie master on # 'pull_request_target' to master >:( ) ; we have already have fetched # anyway so use the current dir context: . target: dev-build-context # Caching using GH cache doesn't work, use registry caching directly # instead cache-from: | type=registry, type=registry,${{ steps.branch.outputs.tag }} cache-to: | type=registry,${{ steps.branch.outputs.tag }},mode=max - name: Build and push id: image uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 with: context: . push: true tags:${{ steps.describe.outputs.version }} build-args: "CATALA_VERSION=${{ steps.describe.outputs.version }}" labels: org.opencontainers.image.source=${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }} cache-from: | type=registry, type=registry,${{ steps.branch.outputs.tag }} cache-to: | type=registry,${{ steps.branch.outputs.tag }},mode=max tests: name: Run integrated tests needs: build runs-on: self-hosted container: image: ${{ }} options: --user ocaml steps: - name: Check promoted files run: | cd /home/ocaml/catala && opam exec -- make check-promoted git diff --exit-code - name: Run tests if: ${{ always() }} run: cd /home/ocaml/catala && opam exec -- make tests examples: name: Build examples and generate artifacts needs: build runs-on: self-hosted container: image: ${{ }} options: --user ocaml env: DUNE_PROFILE: release steps: - name: Fix home # Workaround Github actions issue, see # run: sudo sh -c "echo HOME=/home/ocaml >> ${GITHUB_ENV}" - name: Install LaTeX deps # This is done late because caching would not benefit compared to # installation through apk (1,5G upload is slow) run: sudo apk add texlive-xetex texmf-dist-latexextra texmf-dist-pictures font-dejavu groff - name: Build Catala extra docs run: | cd ~/catala opam --cli=2.1 exec -- make syntax opam --cli=2.1 exec -- make doc - name: Checkout examples repo # Github fetch action is expected to work for containers, but doesn't # (permission issues) run: | git clone --depth 1 ~/catala-examples -b "${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" || git clone --depth 1 ~/catala-examples - name: Build examples run: | cd ~/catala-examples opam --cli=2.1 exec -- make build pass_all_tests install - name: Checkout french-law repo run: | git clone --depth 1 ~/french-law -b "${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}" || git clone --depth 1 ~/french-law - name: Build french-law run: | cd ~/french-law opam --cli=2.1 exec -- make dependencies opam --cli=2.1 exec -- make all - name: Gather all artifacts run: | cd mkdir -p artifacts mv catala/_build/default/_doc/_html artifacts/api-doc mv catala/doc/syntax/syntax.pdf artifacts/ mv catala/_build/default/*.html artifacts/ mv ~/.opam/catala/doc/catala-examples/tuto*/*.html artifacts/ tar czf "artifacts/french_law_ocaml.tar.gz" french-law/ocaml tar czf "artifacts/french_law_js.tar.gz" french-law/js tar czf "artifacts/french_law_python.tar.gz" french-law/python - name: Upload artifacts continue-on-error: true # Uploading artifacts works but then return failure with: # EACCES: permission denied, open '/__w/_temp/_runner_file_commands/set_output_xxx' # a chmod doesn't work around it so we resort to just ignoring the error... uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: Catala examples path: /home/ocaml/artifacts/* binaries: name: Build static binaries runs-on: self-hosted if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request_target' }} steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 # Need full commit history for 'git describe' ref: ${{ env.GIT_FETCH_REF }} - name: Get git-describe version id: describe run: echo "version=$(git describe --tags)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Build release binaries run: | mkdir -p artifacts export CATALA_VERSION="${{ steps.describe.outputs.version }}" ./ -C artifacts - name: Upload artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: Catala binaries path: artifacts/* pages: name: Publish static content to github-pages needs: [ examples, binaries, tests ] # Doesn't really depend on tests, but we don't want to publish if they fail if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request_target' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} # Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages permissions: contents: read pages: write id-token: write # Allow one concurrent deployment concurrency: group: "pages" cancel-in-progress: true environment: name: github-pages url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Setup Pages uses: actions/configure-pages@v3 - name: Download artifacts uses: actions/download-artifact@v4 with: merge-multiple: true path: artifacts/ - uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest with: packages: tree version: 1.0 - name: Generate HTML index run: | cd artifacts tree -H . -L 1 --noreport --dirsfirst -T 'Catala latest development artifacts' --charset utf-8 -o index.html - name: Upload artifact uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1 with: path: 'artifacts/' - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages id: deployment uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1