(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributors: Denis Merigoux , Emile Rolley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) module Cli = Utils.Cli module Errors = Utils.Errors module Pos = Utils.Pos (** Associates a {!type: Cli.backend_lang} with its string represtation. *) let languages = [ ("en", Cli.En); ("fr", Cli.Fr); ("pl", Cli.Pl) ] (** Associates a file extension with its corresponding {!type: Cli.frontend_lang} string representation. *) let extensions = [ (".catala_fr", "fr"); (".catala_en", "en"); (".catala_pl", "pl") ] (** Entry function for the executable. Returns a negative number in case of error. Usage: [driver source_file debug dcalc unstyled wrap_weaved_output backend language max_prec_digits trace optimize scope_to_execute output_file]*) let driver (source_file : Pos.input_file) (debug : bool) (unstyled : bool) (wrap_weaved_output : bool) (backend : string) (language : string option) (max_prec_digits : int option) (trace : bool) (optimize : bool) (ex_scope : string option) (output_file : string option) : int = try Cli.debug_flag := debug; Cli.style_flag := not unstyled; Cli.trace_flag := trace; Cli.optimize_flag := optimize; Cli.debug_print "Reading files..."; let filename = ref "" in (match source_file with FileName f -> filename := f | Contents c -> Cli.contents := c); (match max_prec_digits with None -> () | Some i -> Cli.max_prec_digits := i); let l = match language with | Some l -> l | None -> ( (* Try to infer the language from the intput file extension. *) let ext = Filename.extension !filename in if ext = "" then Errors.raise_error (Printf.sprintf "No file extension found for the file '%s'. (Try to add one or to specify the -l \ flag)" !filename); try List.assoc ext extensions with Not_found -> ext) in let language = try List.assoc l languages with Not_found -> Errors.raise_error (Printf.sprintf "The selected language (%s) is not supported by Catala" l) in Cli.locale_lang := language; let backend = let backend = String.lowercase_ascii backend in if backend = "makefile" then Cli.Makefile else if backend = "latex" then Cli.Latex else if backend = "html" then Cli.Html else if backend = "interpret" then Cli.Run else if backend = "ocaml" then Cli.OCaml else if backend = "dcalc" then Cli.Dcalc else if backend = "scopelang" then Cli.Scopelang else if backend = "python" then Cli.Python else Errors.raise_error (Printf.sprintf "The selected backend (%s) is not supported by Catala" backend) in let prgm = Surface.Parser_driver.parse_top_level_file source_file language in let prgm = Surface.Fill_positions.fill_pos_with_legislative_info prgm in match backend with | Cli.Makefile -> let backend_extensions_list = [ ".tex" ] in let source_file = match source_file with | FileName f -> f | Contents _ -> Errors.raise_error "The Makefile backend does not work if the input is not a file" in let output_file = match output_file with | Some f -> f | None -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ ".d" in Cli.debug_print (Format.asprintf "Writing list of dependencies to %s..." output_file); let oc = open_out output_file in Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\\\n%s\n%s:" (String.concat "\\\n" (output_file :: List.map (fun ext -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ ext) backend_extensions_list)) (String.concat "\\\n" prgm.program_source_files) (String.concat "\\\n" prgm.program_source_files); 0 | Cli.Latex | Cli.Html -> let source_file = match source_file with | FileName f -> f | Contents _ -> Errors.raise_error "The literate programming backends do not work if the input is not a file" in Cli.debug_print (Printf.sprintf "Weaving literate program into %s" (match backend with | Cli.Latex -> "LaTeX" | Cli.Html -> "HTML" | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *))); let output_file = match output_file with | Some f -> f | None -> ( Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ match backend with Cli.Latex -> ".tex" | Cli.Html -> ".html" | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)) in let oc = open_out output_file in let weave_output = match backend with | Cli.Latex -> Literate.Latex.ast_to_latex language | Cli.Html -> Literate.Html.ast_to_html language | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) in Cli.debug_print (Printf.sprintf "Writing to %s" output_file); let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in if wrap_weaved_output then match backend with | Cli.Latex -> Literate.Latex.wrap_latex prgm.Surface.Ast.program_source_files language fmt (fun fmt -> weave_output fmt prgm) | Cli.Html -> Literate.Html.wrap_html prgm.Surface.Ast.program_source_files language fmt (fun fmt -> weave_output fmt prgm) | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) else weave_output fmt prgm; close_out oc; 0 | _ -> ( Cli.debug_print "Name resolution..."; let ctxt = Surface.Name_resolution.form_context prgm in let scope_uid = match (ex_scope, backend) with | None, Cli.Run -> Errors.raise_error "No scope was provided for execution." | None, _ -> snd (try Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.choose ctxt.scope_idmap with Not_found -> Errors.raise_error (Printf.sprintf "There isn't any scope inside the program.")) | Some name, _ -> ( match Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.scope_idmap with | None -> Errors.raise_error (Printf.sprintf "There is no scope \"%s\" inside the program." name) | Some uid -> uid) in Cli.debug_print "Desugaring..."; let prgm = Surface.Desugaring.desugar_program ctxt prgm in Cli.debug_print "Collecting rules..."; let prgm = Desugared.Desugared_to_scope.translate_program prgm in if backend = Cli.Scopelang then begin let fmt, at_end = match output_file with | Some f -> let oc = open_out f in (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc, fun _ -> close_out oc) | None -> (Format.std_formatter, fun _ -> ()) in if Option.is_some ex_scope then Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n" Scopelang.Print.format_scope (scope_uid, Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope_uid prgm.program_scopes) else Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n" Scopelang.Print.format_program prgm; at_end (); exit 0 end; Cli.debug_print "Translating to default calculus..."; let prgm, prgm_expr, type_ordering = Scopelang.Scope_to_dcalc.translate_program prgm scope_uid in let prgm = if optimize then begin Cli.debug_print "Optimizing default calculus..."; Dcalc.Optimizations.optimize_program prgm end else prgm in if backend = Cli.Dcalc then begin let fmt, at_end = match output_file with | Some f -> let oc = open_out f in (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc, fun _ -> close_out oc) | None -> (Format.std_formatter, fun _ -> ()) in if Option.is_some ex_scope then Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n" (Dcalc.Print.format_expr prgm.decl_ctx) (let _, _, e = List.find (fun (name, _, _) -> name = scope_uid) prgm.scopes in e) else Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n" (Dcalc.Print.format_expr prgm.decl_ctx) prgm_expr; at_end (); exit 0 end; Cli.debug_print "Typechecking..."; let _typ = Dcalc.Typing.infer_type prgm.decl_ctx prgm_expr in (* Cli.debug_print (Format.asprintf "Typechecking results :@\n%a" Dcalc.Print.format_typ typ); *) match backend with | Cli.Run -> Cli.debug_print "Starting interpretation..."; let results = Dcalc.Interpreter.interpret_program prgm.decl_ctx prgm_expr in let out_regex = Re.Pcre.regexp "\\_out$" in let results = List.map (fun ((v1, v1_pos), e1) -> let v1 = Re.Pcre.substitute ~rex:out_regex ~subst:(fun _ -> "") v1 in ((v1, v1_pos), e1)) results in let results = List.sort (fun ((v1, _), _) ((v2, _), _) -> String.compare v1 v2) results in Cli.debug_print "End of interpretation"; Cli.result_print (Format.asprintf "Computation successful!%s" (if List.length results > 0 then " Results:" else "")); List.iter (fun ((var, _), result) -> Cli.result_print (Format.asprintf "@[%s@ =@ %a@]" var (Dcalc.Print.format_expr prgm.decl_ctx) result)) results; 0 | Cli.OCaml | Cli.Python -> Cli.debug_print "Compiling program into lambda calculus..."; let prgm = Lcalc.Compile_with_exceptions.translate_program prgm in let prgm = if optimize then begin Cli.debug_print "Optimizing lambda calculus..."; Lcalc.Optimizations.optimize_program prgm end else prgm in let source_file = match source_file with | FileName f -> f | Contents _ -> Errors.raise_error "This backend does not work if the input is not a file" in let output_file (extension : string) : string = match output_file with | Some f -> f | None -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ extension in (match backend with | Cli.OCaml -> let output_file = output_file ".ml" in Cli.debug_print (Printf.sprintf "Writing to %s..." output_file); let oc = open_out output_file in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in Cli.debug_print "Compiling program into OCaml..."; Lcalc.To_ocaml.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering; close_out oc | Cli.Python -> let prgm = Scalc.Compile_from_lambda.translate_program prgm in let output_file = output_file ".py" in Cli.debug_print "Compiling program into Python..."; Cli.debug_print (Printf.sprintf "Writing to %s..." output_file); let oc = open_out output_file in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in Scalc.To_python.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering; close_out oc | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)); 0 | _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)) with Errors.StructuredError (msg, pos) -> Cli.error_print (Errors.print_structured_error msg pos); -1 let main () = let return_code = Cmdliner.Term.eval (Cli.catala_t (fun f -> driver (FileName f)), Cli.info) in match return_code with | `Ok 0 -> Cmdliner.Term.exit (`Ok 0) | _ -> Cmdliner.Term.exit (`Error `Term)