(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Nicolas Chataing Denis Merigoux Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) (** Builds a context that allows for mapping each name to a precise uid, taking lexical scopes into account *) open Catala_utils open Shared_ast (** {1 Name resolution context} *) type unique_rulename = Ambiguous of Pos.t list | Unique of RuleName.t Mark.pos type scope_def_context = { default_exception_rulename : unique_rulename option; label_idmap : LabelName.t Ident.Map.t; } type scope_var_or_subscope = | ScopeVar of ScopeVar.t | SubScope of SubScopeName.t * ScopeName.t type scope_context = { var_idmap : scope_var_or_subscope Ident.Map.t; (** All variables, including scope variables and subscopes *) scope_defs_contexts : scope_def_context Ast.ScopeDef.Map.t; (** What is the default rule to refer to for unnamed exceptions, if any *) sub_scopes : ScopeName.Set.t; (** Other scopes referred to by this scope. Used for dependency analysis *) } (** Inside a scope, we distinguish between the variables and the subscopes. *) type struct_context = typ StructField.Map.t (** Types of the fields of a struct *) type enum_context = typ EnumConstructor.Map.t (** Types of the payloads of the cases of an enum *) type var_sig = { var_sig_typ : typ; var_sig_is_condition : bool; var_sig_parameters : (Uid.MarkedString.info * Shared_ast.typ) list Mark.pos option; var_sig_io : Surface.Ast.scope_decl_context_io; var_sig_states_idmap : StateName.t Ident.Map.t; var_sig_states_list : StateName.t list; } (** Capitalised type names share a namespace on the user side, but may correspond to only one of the following *) type typedef = | TStruct of StructName.t | TEnum of EnumName.t | TScope of ScopeName.t * scope_out_struct (** Implicitly defined output struct *) type context = { local_var_idmap : Ast.expr Var.t Ident.Map.t; (** Inside a definition, local variables can be introduced by functions arguments or pattern matching *) typedefs : typedef Ident.Map.t; (** Gathers the names of the scopes, structs and enums *) field_idmap : StructField.t StructName.Map.t Ident.Map.t; (** The names of the struct fields. Names of fields can be shared between different structs *) constructor_idmap : EnumConstructor.t EnumName.Map.t Ident.Map.t; (** The names of the enum constructors. Constructor names can be shared between different enums *) scopes : scope_context ScopeName.Map.t; (** For each scope, its context *) topdefs : TopdefName.t Ident.Map.t; (** Global definitions *) structs : struct_context StructName.Map.t; (** For each struct, its context *) enums : enum_context EnumName.Map.t; (** For each enum, its context *) var_typs : var_sig ScopeVar.Map.t; (** The signatures of each scope variable declared *) } (** Main context used throughout {!module: Surface.Desugaring} *) (** {1 Helpers} *) (** Temporary function raising an error message saying that a feature is not supported yet *) let raise_unsupported_feature (msg : string) (pos : Pos.t) = Message.raise_spanned_error pos "Unsupported feature: %s" msg (** Function to call whenever an identifier used somewhere has not been declared in the program previously *) let raise_unknown_identifier (msg : string) (ident : Ident.t Mark.pos) = Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get ident) "@{\"%s\"@}: unknown identifier %s" (Mark.remove ident) msg (** Gets the type associated to an uid *) let get_var_typ (ctxt : context) (uid : ScopeVar.t) : typ = (ScopeVar.Map.find uid ctxt.var_typs).var_sig_typ let is_var_cond (ctxt : context) (uid : ScopeVar.t) : bool = (ScopeVar.Map.find uid ctxt.var_typs).var_sig_is_condition let get_var_io (ctxt : context) (uid : ScopeVar.t) : Surface.Ast.scope_decl_context_io = (ScopeVar.Map.find uid ctxt.var_typs).var_sig_io (** Get the variable uid inside the scope given in argument *) let get_var_uid (scope_uid : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) ((x, pos) : Ident.t Mark.pos) : ScopeVar.t = let scope = ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in match Ident.Map.find_opt x scope.var_idmap with | Some (ScopeVar uid) -> uid | _ -> raise_unknown_identifier (Format.asprintf "for a variable of scope %a" ScopeName.format_t scope_uid) (x, pos) (** Get the subscope uid inside the scope given in argument *) let get_subscope_uid (scope_uid : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) ((y, pos) : Ident.t Mark.pos) : SubScopeName.t = let scope = ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in match Ident.Map.find_opt y scope.var_idmap with | Some (SubScope (sub_uid, _sub_id)) -> sub_uid | _ -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a subscope of this scope" (y, pos) (** [is_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y] returns true if [y] belongs to the subscopes of [scope_uid]. *) let is_subscope_uid (scope_uid : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) (y : Ident.t) : bool = let scope = ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in match Ident.Map.find_opt y scope.var_idmap with | Some (SubScope _) -> true | _ -> false (** Checks if the var_uid belongs to the scope scope_uid *) let belongs_to (ctxt : context) (uid : ScopeVar.t) (scope_uid : ScopeName.t) : bool = let scope = ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in Ident.Map.exists (fun _ -> function | ScopeVar var_uid -> ScopeVar.equal uid var_uid | _ -> false) scope.var_idmap (** Retrieves the type of a scope definition from the context *) let get_def_typ (ctxt : context) (def : Ast.ScopeDef.t) : typ = match def with | Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (_, x, _) (* we don't need to look at the subscope prefix because [x] is already the uid referring back to the original subscope *) | Ast.ScopeDef.Var (x, _) -> get_var_typ ctxt x (** Retrieves the type of a scope definition from the context *) let get_params (ctxt : context) (def : Ast.ScopeDef.t) : (Uid.MarkedString.info * typ) list Mark.pos option = match def with | Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (_, x, _) (* we don't need to look at the subscope prefix because [x] is already the uid referring back to the original subscope *) | Ast.ScopeDef.Var (x, _) -> (ScopeVar.Map.find x ctxt.var_typs).var_sig_parameters let is_def_cond (ctxt : context) (def : Ast.ScopeDef.t) : bool = match def with | Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (_, x, _) (* we don't need to look at the subscope prefix because [x] is already the uid referring back to the original subscope *) | Ast.ScopeDef.Var (x, _) -> is_var_cond ctxt x let get_enum ctxt id = match Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove id) ctxt.typedefs with | TEnum id -> id | TStruct sid -> Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get id; Some "Structure defined at", Mark.get (StructName.get_info sid); ] "Expecting an enum, but found a structure" | TScope (sid, _) -> Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get id; Some "Scope defined at", Mark.get (ScopeName.get_info sid); ] "Expecting an enum, but found a scope" | exception Not_found -> Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get id) "No enum named %s found" (Mark.remove id) let get_struct ctxt id = match Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove id) ctxt.typedefs with | TStruct id | TScope (_, { out_struct_name = id; _ }) -> id | TEnum eid -> Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get id; Some "Enum defined at", Mark.get (EnumName.get_info eid); ] "Expecting an struct, but found an enum" | exception Not_found -> Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get id) "No struct named %s found" (Mark.remove id) let get_scope ctxt id = match Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove id) ctxt.typedefs with | TScope (id, _) -> id | TEnum eid -> Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get id; Some "Enum defined at", Mark.get (EnumName.get_info eid); ] "Expecting an scope, but found an enum" | TStruct sid -> Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get id; Some "Structure defined at", Mark.get (StructName.get_info sid); ] "Expecting an scope, but found a structure" | exception Not_found -> Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get id) "No scope named %s found" (Mark.remove id) (** {1 Declarations pass} *) (** Process a subscope declaration *) let process_subscope_decl (scope : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) (decl : Surface.Ast.scope_decl_context_scope) : context = let name, name_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_name in let subscope, s_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_sub_scope in let scope_ctxt = ScopeName.Map.find scope ctxt.scopes in match Ident.Map.find_opt subscope scope_ctxt.var_idmap with | Some use -> let info = match use with | ScopeVar v -> ScopeVar.get_info v | SubScope (ssc, _) -> SubScopeName.get_info ssc in Message.raise_multispanned_error [Some "first use", Mark.get info; Some "second use", s_pos] "Subscope name @{\"%s\"@} already used" subscope | None -> let sub_scope_uid = SubScopeName.fresh (name, name_pos) in let original_subscope_uid = get_scope ctxt decl.scope_decl_context_scope_sub_scope in let scope_ctxt = { scope_ctxt with var_idmap = Ident.Map.add name (SubScope (sub_scope_uid, original_subscope_uid)) scope_ctxt.var_idmap; sub_scopes = ScopeName.Set.add original_subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes; } in { ctxt with scopes = ScopeName.Map.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes } let is_type_cond ((typ, _) : Surface.Ast.typ) = match typ with | Surface.Ast.Base Surface.Ast.Condition | Surface.Ast.Func { arg_typ = _; return_typ = Surface.Ast.Condition, _ } -> true | _ -> false (** Process a basic type (all types except function types) *) let rec process_base_typ (ctxt : context) ((typ, typ_pos) : Surface.Ast.base_typ Mark.pos) : typ = match typ with | Surface.Ast.Condition -> TLit TBool, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Data (Surface.Ast.Collection t) -> ( TArray (process_base_typ ctxt (Surface.Ast.Data (Mark.remove t), Mark.get t)), typ_pos ) | Surface.Ast.Data (Surface.Ast.Primitive prim) -> ( match prim with | Surface.Ast.Integer -> TLit TInt, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Decimal -> TLit TRat, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Money -> TLit TMoney, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Duration -> TLit TDuration, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Date -> TLit TDate, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Boolean -> TLit TBool, typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Text -> raise_unsupported_feature "text type" typ_pos | Surface.Ast.Named ([], (ident, _pos)) -> ( match Ident.Map.find_opt ident ctxt.typedefs with | Some (TStruct s_uid) -> TStruct s_uid, typ_pos | Some (TEnum e_uid) -> TEnum e_uid, typ_pos | Some (TScope (_, scope_str)) -> TStruct scope_str.out_struct_name, typ_pos | None -> Message.raise_spanned_error typ_pos "Unknown type @{\"%s\"@}, not a struct or enum previously \ declared" ident) | Surface.Ast.Named (_path, (_ident, _pos)) -> Message.raise_spanned_error typ_pos "Qualified paths are not supported yet") (** Process a type (function or not) *) let process_type (ctxt : context) ((naked_typ, typ_pos) : Surface.Ast.typ) : typ = match naked_typ with | Surface.Ast.Base base_typ -> process_base_typ ctxt (base_typ, typ_pos) | Surface.Ast.Func { arg_typ; return_typ } -> let targs = List.map (fun (_, t) -> process_base_typ ctxt t) arg_typ in TArrow (targs, process_base_typ ctxt return_typ), typ_pos (** Process data declaration *) let process_data_decl (scope : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) (decl : Surface.Ast.scope_decl_context_data) : context = (* First check the type of the context data *) let data_typ = process_type ctxt decl.scope_decl_context_item_typ in let is_cond = is_type_cond decl.scope_decl_context_item_typ in let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_context_item_name in let scope_ctxt = ScopeName.Map.find scope ctxt.scopes in match Ident.Map.find_opt name scope_ctxt.var_idmap with | Some use -> let info = match use with | ScopeVar v -> ScopeVar.get_info v | SubScope (ssc, _) -> SubScopeName.get_info ssc in Message.raise_multispanned_error [Some "First use:", Mark.get info; Some "Second use:", pos] "Variable name @{\"%s\"@} already used" name | None -> let uid = ScopeVar.fresh (name, pos) in let scope_ctxt = { scope_ctxt with var_idmap = Ident.Map.add name (ScopeVar uid) scope_ctxt.var_idmap; } in let states_idmap, states_list = List.fold_right (fun state_id ((states_idmap : StateName.t Ident.Map.t), states_list) -> let state_id_name = Mark.remove state_id in if Ident.Map.mem state_id_name states_idmap then Message.raise_multispanned_error_full [ ( Some (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "First instance of state @{\"%s\"@}:" state_id_name), Mark.get state_id ); ( Some (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "Second instance of state @{\"%s\"@}:" state_id_name), Mark.get (Ident.Map.find state_id_name states_idmap |> StateName.get_info) ); ] "There are two states with the same name for the same variable: \ this is ambiguous. Please change the name of either states."; let state_uid = StateName.fresh state_id in ( Ident.Map.add state_id_name state_uid states_idmap, state_uid :: states_list )) decl.scope_decl_context_item_states (Ident.Map.empty, []) in let var_sig_parameters = Option.map (Mark.map (List.map (fun (lbl, typ) -> lbl, process_type ctxt typ))) decl.scope_decl_context_item_parameters in { ctxt with scopes = ScopeName.Map.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes; var_typs = ScopeVar.Map.add uid { var_sig_typ = data_typ; var_sig_is_condition = is_cond; var_sig_parameters; var_sig_io = decl.scope_decl_context_item_attribute; var_sig_states_idmap = states_idmap; var_sig_states_list = states_list; } ctxt.var_typs; } (** Adds a binding to the context *) let add_def_local_var (ctxt : context) (name : Ident.t) : context * Ast.expr Var.t = let local_var_uid = Var.make name in let ctxt = { ctxt with local_var_idmap = Ident.Map.add name local_var_uid ctxt.local_var_idmap; } in ctxt, local_var_uid (** Process a struct declaration *) let process_struct_decl (ctxt : context) (sdecl : Surface.Ast.struct_decl) : context = let s_uid = get_struct ctxt sdecl.struct_decl_name in if sdecl.struct_decl_fields = [] then Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get sdecl.struct_decl_name) "The struct %s does not have any fields; give it some for Catala to be \ able to accept it." (Mark.remove sdecl.struct_decl_name); List.fold_left (fun ctxt (fdecl, _) -> let f_uid = StructField.fresh fdecl.Surface.Ast.struct_decl_field_name in let ctxt = { ctxt with field_idmap = Ident.Map.update (Mark.remove fdecl.Surface.Ast.struct_decl_field_name) (fun uids -> match uids with | None -> Some (StructName.Map.singleton s_uid f_uid) | Some uids -> Some (StructName.Map.add s_uid f_uid uids)) ctxt.field_idmap; } in { ctxt with structs = StructName.Map.update s_uid (fun fields -> match fields with | None -> Some (StructField.Map.singleton f_uid (process_type ctxt fdecl.Surface.Ast.struct_decl_field_typ)) | Some fields -> Some (StructField.Map.add f_uid (process_type ctxt fdecl.Surface.Ast.struct_decl_field_typ) fields)) ctxt.structs; }) ctxt sdecl.struct_decl_fields (** Process an enum declaration *) let process_enum_decl (ctxt : context) (edecl : Surface.Ast.enum_decl) : context = let e_uid = get_enum ctxt edecl.enum_decl_name in if List.length edecl.enum_decl_cases = 0 then Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get edecl.enum_decl_name) "The enum %s does not have any cases; give it some for Catala to be able \ to accept it." (Mark.remove edecl.enum_decl_name); List.fold_left (fun ctxt (cdecl, cdecl_pos) -> let c_uid = EnumConstructor.fresh cdecl.Surface.Ast.enum_decl_case_name in let ctxt = { ctxt with constructor_idmap = Ident.Map.update (Mark.remove cdecl.Surface.Ast.enum_decl_case_name) (fun uids -> match uids with | None -> Some (EnumName.Map.singleton e_uid c_uid) | Some uids -> Some (EnumName.Map.add e_uid c_uid uids)) ctxt.constructor_idmap; } in { ctxt with enums = EnumName.Map.update e_uid (fun cases -> let typ = match cdecl.Surface.Ast.enum_decl_case_typ with | None -> TLit TUnit, cdecl_pos | Some typ -> process_type ctxt typ in match cases with | None -> Some (EnumConstructor.Map.singleton c_uid typ) | Some fields -> Some (EnumConstructor.Map.add c_uid typ fields)) ctxt.enums; }) ctxt edecl.enum_decl_cases (** Process an item declaration *) let process_item_decl (scope : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) (decl : Surface.Ast.scope_decl_context_item) : context = match decl with | Surface.Ast.ContextData data_decl -> process_data_decl scope ctxt data_decl | Surface.Ast.ContextScope sub_decl -> process_subscope_decl scope ctxt sub_decl (** Process a scope declaration *) let process_scope_decl (ctxt : context) (decl : Surface.Ast.scope_decl) : context = let scope_uid = get_scope ctxt decl.scope_decl_name in let ctxt = List.fold_left (fun ctxt item -> process_item_decl scope_uid ctxt (Mark.remove item)) ctxt decl.scope_decl_context in (* Add an implicit struct def for the scope output type *) let output_fields = List.fold_right (fun item acc -> match Mark.remove item with | Surface.Ast.ContextData ({ scope_decl_context_item_attribute = { scope_decl_context_io_output = true, _; _ }; _; } as data) -> Mark.add (Mark.get item) { Surface.Ast.struct_decl_field_name = data.scope_decl_context_item_name; Surface.Ast.struct_decl_field_typ = data.scope_decl_context_item_typ; } :: acc | _ -> acc) decl.scope_decl_context [] in if output_fields = [] then (* we allow scopes without output variables, and still define their (empty) output struct for convenience *) { ctxt with structs = StructName.Map.add (get_struct ctxt decl.scope_decl_name) StructField.Map.empty ctxt.structs; } else let ctxt = process_struct_decl ctxt { struct_decl_name = decl.scope_decl_name; struct_decl_fields = output_fields; } in let out_struct_fields = let sco = ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in let str = get_struct ctxt decl.scope_decl_name in Ident.Map.fold (fun id var svmap -> match var with | SubScope _ -> svmap | ScopeVar v -> ( try let field = StructName.Map.find str (Ident.Map.find id ctxt.field_idmap) in ScopeVar.Map.add v field svmap with Not_found -> svmap)) sco.var_idmap ScopeVar.Map.empty in let typedefs = Ident.Map.update (Mark.remove decl.scope_decl_name) (function | Some (TScope (scope, { out_struct_name; _ })) -> Some (TScope (scope, { out_struct_name; out_struct_fields })) | _ -> assert false) ctxt.typedefs in { ctxt with typedefs } let typedef_info = function | TStruct t -> StructName.get_info t | TEnum t -> EnumName.get_info t | TScope (s, _) -> ScopeName.get_info s (** Process the names of all declaration items *) let process_name_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) : context = let raise_already_defined_error (use : Uid.MarkedString.info) name pos msg = Message.raise_multispanned_error_full [ ( Some (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "First definition:"), Mark.get use ); Some (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "Second definition:"), pos; ] "%s name @{\"%s\"@} already defined" msg name in match Mark.remove item with | ScopeDecl decl -> let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_name in (* Checks if the name is already used *) Option.iter (fun use -> raise_already_defined_error (typedef_info use) name pos "scope") (Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.typedefs); let scope_uid = ScopeName.fresh (name, pos) in let out_struct_uid = StructName.fresh (name, pos) in { ctxt with typedefs = Ident.Map.add name (TScope ( scope_uid, { out_struct_name = out_struct_uid; out_struct_fields = ScopeVar.Map.empty; } )) ctxt.typedefs; scopes = ScopeName.Map.add scope_uid { var_idmap = Ident.Map.empty; scope_defs_contexts = Ast.ScopeDef.Map.empty; sub_scopes = ScopeName.Set.empty; } ctxt.scopes; } | StructDecl sdecl -> let name, pos = sdecl.struct_decl_name in Option.iter (fun use -> raise_already_defined_error (typedef_info use) name pos "struct") (Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.typedefs); let s_uid = StructName.fresh sdecl.struct_decl_name in { ctxt with typedefs = Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove sdecl.struct_decl_name) (TStruct s_uid) ctxt.typedefs; } | EnumDecl edecl -> let name, pos = edecl.enum_decl_name in Option.iter (fun use -> raise_already_defined_error (typedef_info use) name pos "enum") (Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.typedefs); let e_uid = EnumName.fresh edecl.enum_decl_name in { ctxt with typedefs = Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove edecl.enum_decl_name) (TEnum e_uid) ctxt.typedefs; } | ScopeUse _ -> ctxt | Topdef def -> let name, pos = def.topdef_name in Option.iter (fun use -> raise_already_defined_error (TopdefName.get_info use) name pos "toplevel definition") (Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.topdefs); let uid = TopdefName.fresh def.topdef_name in { ctxt with topdefs = Ident.Map.add name uid ctxt.topdefs } (** Process a code item that is a declaration *) let process_decl_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) : context = match Mark.remove item with | ScopeDecl decl -> process_scope_decl ctxt decl | StructDecl sdecl -> process_struct_decl ctxt sdecl | EnumDecl edecl -> process_enum_decl ctxt edecl | ScopeUse _ -> ctxt | Topdef _ -> ctxt (** Process a code block *) let process_code_block (ctxt : context) (block : Surface.Ast.code_block) (process_item : context -> Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos -> context) : context = List.fold_left (fun ctxt decl -> process_item ctxt decl) ctxt block (** Process a law structure, only considering the code blocks *) let rec process_law_structure (ctxt : context) (s : Surface.Ast.law_structure) (process_item : context -> Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos -> context) : context = match s with | Surface.Ast.LawHeading (_, children) -> List.fold_left (fun ctxt child -> process_law_structure ctxt child process_item) ctxt children | Surface.Ast.CodeBlock (block, _, _) -> process_code_block ctxt block process_item | Surface.Ast.LawInclude _ | Surface.Ast.LawText _ -> ctxt (** {1 Scope uses pass} *) let get_def_key (name : Surface.Ast.scope_var) (state : Surface.Ast.lident Mark.pos option) (scope_uid : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) (pos : Pos.t) : Ast.ScopeDef.t = let scope_ctxt = ScopeName.Map.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in match name with | [x] -> let x_uid = get_var_uid scope_uid ctxt x in let var_sig = ScopeVar.Map.find x_uid ctxt.var_typs in Ast.ScopeDef.Var ( x_uid, match state with | Some state -> ( try Some (Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove state) var_sig.var_sig_states_idmap) with Not_found -> Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get state; Some "Variable declaration:", Mark.get (ScopeVar.get_info x_uid); ] "This identifier is not a state declared for variable %a." ScopeVar.format_t x_uid) | None -> if not (Ident.Map.is_empty var_sig.var_sig_states_idmap) then Message.raise_multispanned_error [ None, Mark.get x; Some "Variable declaration:", Mark.get (ScopeVar.get_info x_uid); ] "This definition does not indicate which state has to be \ considered for variable %a." ScopeVar.format_t x_uid else None ) | [y; x] -> let (subscope_uid, subscope_real_uid) : SubScopeName.t * ScopeName.t = match Ident.Map.find_opt (Mark.remove y) scope_ctxt.var_idmap with | Some (SubScope (v, u)) -> v, u | Some _ -> Message.raise_spanned_error pos "Invalid access to input variable, %a is not a subscope" Print.lit_style (Mark.remove y) | None -> Message.raise_spanned_error pos "No definition found for subscope %a" Print.lit_style (Mark.remove y) in let x_uid = get_var_uid subscope_real_uid ctxt x in Ast.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (subscope_uid, x_uid, pos) | _ -> Message.raise_spanned_error pos "This line is defining a quantity that is neither a scope variable nor a \ subscope variable. In particular, it is not possible to define struct \ fields individually in Catala." let update_def_key_ctx (d : Surface.Ast.definition) (def_key_ctx : scope_def_context) : scope_def_context = (* First, we update the def key context with information about the definition's label*) let def_key_ctx = match d.Surface.Ast.definition_label with | None -> def_key_ctx | Some label -> let new_label_idmap = Ident.Map.update (Mark.remove label) (fun existing_label -> match existing_label with | Some existing_label -> Some existing_label | None -> Some (LabelName.fresh label)) def_key_ctx.label_idmap in { def_key_ctx with label_idmap = new_label_idmap } in (* And second, we update the map of default rulenames for unlabeled exceptions *) match d.Surface.Ast.definition_exception_to with (* If this definition is an exception, it cannot be a default definition *) | UnlabeledException | ExceptionToLabel _ -> def_key_ctx (* If it is not an exception, we need to distinguish between several cases *) | NotAnException -> ( match def_key_ctx.default_exception_rulename with (* There was already a default definition for this key. If we need it, it is ambiguous *) | Some old -> { def_key_ctx with default_exception_rulename = Some (Ambiguous ([Mark.get d.definition_name] @ match old with Ambiguous old -> old | Unique (_, pos) -> [pos])); } (* No definition has been set yet for this key *) | None -> ( match d.Surface.Ast.definition_label with (* This default definition has a label. This is not allowed for unlabeled exceptions *) | Some _ -> { def_key_ctx with default_exception_rulename = Some (Ambiguous [Mark.get d.definition_name]); } (* This is a possible default definition for this key. We create and store a fresh rulename *) | None -> { def_key_ctx with default_exception_rulename = Some (Unique (d.definition_id, Mark.get d.definition_name)); })) let empty_def_key_ctx = { (* Here, this is the first time we encounter a definition for this definition key *) default_exception_rulename = None; label_idmap = Ident.Map.empty; } let process_definition (ctxt : context) (s_name : ScopeName.t) (d : Surface.Ast.definition) : context = (* We update the definition context inside the big context *) { ctxt with scopes = ScopeName.Map.update s_name (fun (s_ctxt : scope_context option) -> let def_key = get_def_key (Mark.remove d.definition_name) d.definition_state s_name ctxt (Mark.get d.definition_name) in match s_ctxt with | None -> assert false (* should not happen *) | Some s_ctxt -> Some { s_ctxt with scope_defs_contexts = Ast.ScopeDef.Map.update def_key (fun def_key_ctx -> Some (update_def_key_ctx d (Option.value ~default:empty_def_key_ctx def_key_ctx))) s_ctxt.scope_defs_contexts; }) ctxt.scopes; } let process_scope_use_item (s_name : ScopeName.t) (ctxt : context) (sitem : Surface.Ast.scope_use_item Mark.pos) : context = match Mark.remove sitem with | Rule r -> process_definition ctxt s_name (Surface.Ast.rule_to_def r) | Definition d -> process_definition ctxt s_name d | _ -> ctxt let process_scope_use (ctxt : context) (suse : Surface.Ast.scope_use) : context = let s_name = match Ident.Map.find_opt (Mark.remove suse.Surface.Ast.scope_use_name) ctxt.typedefs with | Some (TScope (sn, _)) -> sn | _ -> Message.raise_spanned_error (Mark.get suse.Surface.Ast.scope_use_name) "@{\"%s\"@}: this scope has not been declared anywhere, is it \ a typo?" (Mark.remove suse.Surface.Ast.scope_use_name) in List.fold_left (process_scope_use_item s_name) ctxt suse.Surface.Ast.scope_use_items let process_use_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) : context = match Mark.remove item with | ScopeDecl _ | StructDecl _ | EnumDecl _ | Topdef _ -> ctxt | ScopeUse suse -> process_scope_use ctxt suse (** {1 API} *) (** Derive the context from metadata, in one pass over the declarations *) let form_context (prgm : Surface.Ast.program) : context = let empty_ctxt = { local_var_idmap = Ident.Map.empty; typedefs = Ident.Map.empty; scopes = ScopeName.Map.empty; topdefs = Ident.Map.empty; var_typs = ScopeVar.Map.empty; structs = StructName.Map.empty; field_idmap = Ident.Map.empty; enums = EnumName.Map.empty; constructor_idmap = Ident.Map.empty; } in let ctxt = List.fold_left (fun ctxt item -> process_law_structure ctxt item process_name_item) empty_ctxt prgm.program_items in let ctxt = List.fold_left (fun ctxt item -> process_law_structure ctxt item process_decl_item) ctxt prgm.program_items in let ctxt = List.fold_left (fun ctxt item -> process_law_structure ctxt item process_use_item) ctxt prgm.program_items in ctxt