(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Emile Rolley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *) type t = string (** Utility functions used for file manipulation. *) val with_out_channel : t -> (out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a (** Runs the given function with the provided file opened, ensuring it is properly closed afterwards. May raise just as [open_out]. *) val with_in_channel : t -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a (** Runs the given function with the provided file opened, ensuring it is properly closed afterwards. May raise just as [open_in]. *) (** {2 Formatter wrappers} *) val with_formatter_of_out_channel : out_channel -> (Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a (** [with_formatter_of_out_channel oc f] creates an flushes the formatter used in [f] from the given out_channel [oc]. *) val with_formatter_of_file : t -> (Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a (** [with_formatter_of_file filename f] manages the formatter created from the file [filename] used in [f] -- i.e. closes the corresponding out_channel and flushes the formatter. *) val with_formatter_of_opt_file : t option -> (Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a (** [with_formatter_of_opt_file filename_opt f] manages the formatter created from the file [filename_opt] if there is some (see {!with_formatter_of_file}), otherwise, uses the [Format.std_formatter]. *) val get_out_channel : source_file:t Global.input_src -> output_file:t option -> ?ext:string -> unit -> t option * ((out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a) (** [get_output ~source_file ~output_file ?ext ()] returns the inferred filename and its corresponding [with_out_channel] function. If the [output_file] is equal to [Some "-"] returns a wrapper around [stdout]. *) val get_formatter_of_out_channel : source_file:t Global.input_src -> output_file:t option -> ?ext:string -> unit -> t option * ((Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a) (** [get_output_format ~source_file ~output_file ?ext ()] returns the inferred filename and its corresponding [with_formatter_of_out_channel] function. If the [output_file] is equal to [Some "-"] returns a wrapper around [stdout]. *) val temp_file : string -> string -> t (** Like [Filename.temp_file], but registers the file for deletion at program exit unless Cli.debug_flag is set. *) val with_temp_file : string -> string -> ?contents:string -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a (** Creates a temp file (with prefix and suffix like [temp_file], optionally with the given contents, for the lifetime of the supplied function, then remove it unconditionally *) val contents : t -> string (** Reads the contents of a file as a string *) val process_out : ?check_exit:(int -> unit) -> string -> string list -> string (** [process_out cmd args] executes the given command with the specified arguments, and returns the stdout of the process as a string. [check_exit] is called on the return code of the sub-process, the default is to fail on anything but 0. *) val check_directory : t -> t option (** Checks if the given directory exists and returns it normalised (as per [Unix.realpath]). *) val ensure_dir : t -> unit (** Creates the directory (and parents recursively) if it doesn't exist already. Errors out if the file exists but is not a directory *) val check_file : t -> t option (** Returns its argument if it exists and is a plain file, [None] otherwise. Does not do resolution like [check_directory]. *) val check_exec : t -> t (** Resolves a command: - if [t] is a plain name, resolve in PATH - if [t] is relative, returns its absolute path - fails with an error explaining that [t] was not found *) val ( / ) : t -> t -> t (** [Filename.concat]: Sugar to allow writing [File.("some" / "relative" / "path")]. As an exception, if the lhs is [.], returns the rhs unchanged. *) val dirname : t -> t (** [Filename.dirname], re-exported for convenience *) val parent : t -> t (** Similar to [dirname], except it strips the last **non-"." or ".."** element in the supplied file name, if it exists *) val clean_path : t -> t (** Rewrites a path by removing intermediate relative lookups ("." and ".."). E.g. [../foo/./bar/../baz/] becomes [../foo/baz]. No disk lookup is made by this function. *) val reverse_path : ?from_dir:t -> to_dir:t -> t -> t (** If [to_dir] is a path to a given directory and [f] a path to a file as seen from absolute path [from_dir], [reverse_path ~from_dir ~to_dir f] is a path leading to [f] from [to_dir]. The results attempts to be relative to [to_dir]. *) val ( /../ ) : t -> t -> t (** Sugar for [parent a / b] *) val ( -.- ) : t -> string -> t (** Extension replacement: chops the given filename extension, and replaces it with the given one (which shouldn't contain a dot). No dot is appended if the provided extension is empty. *) val path_to_list : t -> string list (** Empty elements or current-directory (".") are skipped in the resulting list *) val equal : t -> t -> bool (** Case-insensitive string comparison (no file resolution whatsoever) *) val compare : t -> t -> int (** Case-insensitive string comparison (no file resolution whatsoever) *) val format : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (** Formats a filename in a consistent style, with double-quotes and color (when the output supports) *) module Set : Set.S with type elt = t module Map : Map.S with type key = t val scan_tree : (t -> 'a option) -> t -> (t * t list * 'a list) Seq.t (** Recursively scans a directory for files. Directories or files matching ".*" or "_*" are ignored. Unreadable files or subdirectories are ignored with a debug message. If [t] is a plain file, scan just that non-recursively. The matching results are returned grouped by directory, case-insensitively ordered by filename, as a list of non-empty subdirs and a list of extracted items. *) module Tree : sig (** A lazy tree structure mirroring the filesystem ; uses the comparison from File, so paths are case-insensitive. *) type path = t (** Alias for [File.t] *) type item = F (** Plain file *) | D of t (** Directory with subtree *) and t = (path * item) Map.t Lazy.t (** Contents of a directory, lazily loaded. The map keys are the basenames of the files and subdirectories, while the values contain the original path (with correct capitalisation) *) val empty : t val build : path -> t (** Lazily builds a [Tree.path] from the files read at [path]. The names in the maps are qualified (i.e. they all start with ["path/"]) *) val subtree : t -> path -> t (** Looks up a path within a lazy tree *) val lookup : t -> path -> path option (** Checks if there is a matching plain file (case-insensitively) ; and returns its path with the correct case if so *) val union : t -> t -> t (** Merges two trees. In case of conflict, lhs entry wins *) end