Louis Gesbert e9abbf9bd8 Scalc change: switch only on variables
matches can bind, but switches cannot, so we can assume the switch argument
should always be bound to a name ; this allow the intermediate variable to be
better renamed.
2024-08-28 18:12:32 +02:00

122 lines
3.2 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2021 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
open Shared_ast
module D = Dcalc.Ast
module L = Lcalc.Ast
module FuncName =
let style = Ocolor_types.(Fg (C4 green))
module VarName =
let style = Ocolor_types.Default_fg
type operator = Shared_ast.lcalc Shared_ast.operator
type expr = naked_expr Mark.pos
and naked_expr =
| EVar of VarName.t
| EFunc of FuncName.t
| EStruct of { fields : expr StructField.Map.t; name : StructName.t }
| EStructFieldAccess of {
e1 : expr;
field : StructField.t;
name : StructName.t;
| ETuple of expr list
| ETupleAccess of { e1 : expr; index : int }
| EInj of {
e1 : expr;
cons : EnumConstructor.t;
name : EnumName.t;
expr_typ : typ;
| EArray of expr list
| ELit of lit
| EApp of { f : expr; args : expr list }
| EAppOp of { op : operator Mark.pos; args : expr list }
| EExternal of { modname : VarName.t Mark.pos; name : string Mark.pos }
type stmt =
| SInnerFuncDef of { name : VarName.t Mark.pos; func : func }
| SLocalDecl of { name : VarName.t Mark.pos; typ : typ }
| SLocalInit of { name : VarName.t Mark.pos; typ : typ; expr : expr }
| SLocalDef of { name : VarName.t Mark.pos; expr : expr; typ : typ }
| STryWEmpty of { try_block : block; with_block : block }
| SRaiseEmpty
| SFatalError of Runtime.error
| SIfThenElse of { if_expr : expr; then_block : block; else_block : block }
| SSwitch of {
switch_var : VarName.t;
switch_var_typ : typ;
enum_name : EnumName.t;
switch_cases : switch_case list;
| SReturn of naked_expr
| SAssert of naked_expr
| SSpecialOp of special_operator
and special_operator =
| OHandleDefaultOpt of {
exceptions : expr list;
just : expr;
cons : block;
return_typ : typ;
and block = stmt Mark.pos list
and switch_case = {
case_block : block;
payload_var_name : VarName.t;
payload_var_typ : typ;
and func = {
func_params : (VarName.t Mark.pos * typ) list;
func_body : block;
func_return_typ : typ;
type scope_body = {
scope_body_name : ScopeName.t;
scope_body_var : FuncName.t;
scope_body_func : func;
type code_item =
| SVar of { var : VarName.t; expr : expr; typ : typ }
| SFunc of { var : FuncName.t; func : func }
| SScope of scope_body
type ctx = { decl_ctx : decl_ctx; modules : VarName.t ModuleName.Map.t }
type program = {
ctx : ctx;
code_items : code_item list;
module_name : (ModuleName.t * module_intf_id) option;