Denis Merigoux 2c45ca1599 More doc
2023-06-18 16:08:16 +02:00

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{0 Lambda calculus}
This representation is the fifth in the compilation chain
(see {{: index.html#architecture} Architecture}). Its main difference
with the previous {{: dcalc.html} default calculus} is the absence of the
default term, which has been eliminated through diverse compilation schemes.
The module describing the abstract syntax tree is:
{!modules: Lcalc.Ast}
This intermediate representation corresponds to the lambda calculus
presented in the {{:} Catala formalization}.
{1 Compilation from default calculus }
{!module: Lcalc.Compile_with_exceptions} compiles the default term of the
default calculus using catchable exceptions. This compilation scheme has been
certified. Another compilation scheme that uses an option monad instead is
available at {!module:Lcalc.Compile_without_exceptions}.
Related modules:
{!modules: Lcalc.Compile_with_exceptions Lcalc.Compile_without_exceptions}
{1 Closure conversion }
To target languages that don't have support for closures, we need to convert
the closures to first-class functions in function-pointer-passing style
{!modules: Lcalc.Closure_conversion }
{1 Backends}
The OCaml backend of the lambda calculus is merely a syntactic formatting,
since the core of the OCaml value language is effectively a lambda calculus.
Related modules:
{!modules: Lcalc.To_ocaml}