2021-06-21 11:39:06 +02:00

205 lines
8.1 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Denis Merigoux
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
type t = { code_pos : Lexing.position * Lexing.position; law_pos : string list }
let from_lpos (p : Lexing.position * Lexing.position) : t = { code_pos = p; law_pos = [] }
let from_info (file : string) (sline : int) (scol : int) (eline : int) (ecol : int) : t =
let spos =
{ Lexing.pos_fname = file; Lexing.pos_lnum = sline; Lexing.pos_cnum = scol; Lexing.pos_bol = 1 }
let epos =
{ Lexing.pos_fname = file; Lexing.pos_lnum = eline; Lexing.pos_cnum = ecol; Lexing.pos_bol = 1 }
{ code_pos = (spos, epos); law_pos = [] }
let overwrite_law_info (pos : t) (law_pos : string list) : t = { pos with law_pos }
let get_law_info (pos : t) : string list = pos.law_pos
let get_start_line (pos : t) : int =
let s, _ = pos.code_pos in
let get_start_column (pos : t) : int =
let s, _ = pos.code_pos in
s.Lexing.pos_cnum - s.Lexing.pos_bol + 1
let get_end_line (pos : t) : int =
let _, e = pos.code_pos in
let get_end_column (pos : t) : int =
let _, e = pos.code_pos in
e.Lexing.pos_cnum - e.Lexing.pos_bol + 1
let get_file (pos : t) : string = (fst pos.code_pos).Lexing.pos_fname
type input_file = FileName of string | Contents of string
let to_string (pos : t) : string =
let s, e = pos.code_pos in
Printf.sprintf "in file %s, from %d:%d to %d:%d" s.Lexing.pos_fname s.Lexing.pos_lnum
(s.Lexing.pos_cnum - s.Lexing.pos_bol + 1)
(e.Lexing.pos_cnum - e.Lexing.pos_bol + 1)
let to_string_short (pos : t) : string =
let s, e = pos.code_pos in
Printf.sprintf "%s;%d:%d--%d:%d" s.Lexing.pos_fname s.Lexing.pos_lnum
(s.Lexing.pos_cnum - s.Lexing.pos_bol + 1)
(e.Lexing.pos_cnum - e.Lexing.pos_bol + 1)
let indent_number (s : string) : int =
let rec aux (i : int) = if s.[i] = ' ' then aux (i + 1) else i in
aux 0
with Invalid_argument _ -> String.length s
let retrieve_loc_text (pos : t) : string =
let filename = get_file pos in
let blue_style = [ ANSITerminal.Bold; ] in
if filename = "" then "No position information"
let sline = get_start_line pos in
let eline = get_end_line pos in
let oc, input_line_opt =
if filename = "stdin" then
let line_index = ref 0 in
let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' !Cli.contents in
let input_line_opt () : string option =
match List.nth_opt lines !line_index with
| Some l ->
line_index := !line_index + 1;
Some l
| None -> None
(None, input_line_opt)
let oc = open_in filename in
let input_line_opt () : string option =
try Some (input_line oc) with End_of_file -> None
(Some oc, input_line_opt)
let print_matched_line (line : string) (line_no : int) : string =
let line_indent = indent_number line in
let error_indicator_style = [; ANSITerminal.Bold ] in
if line_no >= sline && line_no <= eline then
if line_no = sline && line_no = eline then
Cli.print_with_style error_indicator_style "%*s"
(get_end_column pos - 1)
(String.make (max (get_end_column pos - get_start_column pos) 0) '^')
else if line_no = sline && line_no <> eline then
Cli.print_with_style error_indicator_style "%*s"
(String.length line - 1)
(String.make (max (String.length line - get_start_column pos) 0) '^')
else if line_no <> sline && line_no <> eline then
Cli.print_with_style error_indicator_style "%*s%s" line_indent ""
(String.make (max (String.length line - line_indent) 0) '^')
else if line_no <> sline && line_no = eline then
Cli.print_with_style error_indicator_style "%*s%*s" line_indent ""
(get_end_column pos - 1 - line_indent)
(String.make (max (get_end_column pos - line_indent) 0) '^')
else assert false (* should not happen *)
else ""
let include_extra_count = 0 in
let rec get_lines (n : int) : string list =
match input_line_opt () with
| Some line ->
if n < sline - include_extra_count then get_lines (n + 1)
else if n >= sline - include_extra_count && n <= eline + include_extra_count then
print_matched_line line n :: get_lines (n + 1)
else []
| None -> []
let pos_lines = get_lines 1 in
let spaces = int_of_float (log10 (float_of_int eline)) + 1 in
let legal_pos_lines =
(fun s -> Re.Pcre.substitute ~rex:(Re.Pcre.regexp "\n\\s*") ~subst:(fun _ -> " ") s)
(match oc with None -> () | Some oc -> close_in oc);
Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*s--> %s\n%s\n%s" spaces "" filename
(Printf.sprintf "\n%s" (String.concat "\n" pos_lines))
(fun i ->
let cur_line = sline - include_extra_count + i - 1 in
cur_line >= sline
&& cur_line <= sline + (2 * (eline - sline))
&& cur_line mod 2 = sline mod 2
then Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*d | " spaces (sline + ((cur_line - sline) / 2))
else if cur_line >= sline - include_extra_count && cur_line < sline then
Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*d | " spaces cur_line
else if
cur_line <= sline + (2 * (eline - sline)) + 1 + include_extra_count
&& cur_line > sline + (2 * (eline - sline)) + 1
then Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*d | " spaces (cur_line - (eline - sline + 1))
else Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*s | " spaces ""))
(Printf.sprintf "%s"
(String.concat "\n"
( (fun l -> Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%s" l) legal_pos_lines)))
(fun i ->
if i = 0 then Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*s + " (spaces + (2 * i)) ""
else Cli.print_with_style blue_style "%*s+-+ " (spaces + (2 * i) - 1) ""))
with Sys_error _ -> "Location:" ^ to_string pos
type 'a marked = 'a * t
let no_pos : t =
let zero_pos =
{ Lexing.pos_fname = ""; Lexing.pos_lnum = 0; Lexing.pos_cnum = 0; Lexing.pos_bol = 0 }
{ code_pos = (zero_pos, zero_pos); law_pos = [] }
let unmark ((x, _) : 'a marked) : 'a = x
let get_position ((_, x) : 'a marked) : t = x
let map_under_mark (f : 'a -> 'b) ((x, y) : 'a marked) : 'b marked = (f x, y)
let same_pos_as (x : 'a) ((_, y) : 'b marked) : 'a marked = (x, y)
let unmark_option (x : 'a marked option) : 'a option =
match x with Some x -> Some (unmark x) | None -> None
class ['self] marked_map =
object (_self : 'self)
'self = < visit_marked : 'a. ('env -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'env -> 'a marked -> 'a marked ; .. >
method visit_marked : 'a. ('env -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'env -> 'a marked -> 'a marked =
fun f env x -> same_pos_as (f env (unmark x)) x
class ['self] marked_iter =
object (_self : 'self)
constraint 'self = < visit_marked : 'a. ('env -> 'a -> unit) -> 'env -> 'a marked -> unit ; .. >
method visit_marked : 'a. ('env -> 'a -> unit) -> 'env -> 'a marked -> unit =
fun f env x -> f env (unmark x)