2024-05-03 15:27:06 +02:00

578 lines
17 KiB

## Test basic toplevel values defs
declaration glob1 content decimal equals 44.12
declaration scope S:
output a content decimal
output b content A
declaration structure A:
data y content boolean
data z content decimal
declaration glob2 content A equals
A { --y: glob1 >= 30. --z: 123. * 17. }
scope S:
definition a equals glob1 * glob1
definition b equals glob2
$ catala Typecheck --check-invariants
│ All invariant checks passed
│ Typechecking successful!
$ catala test-scope S
│ a = 1,946.574,4
│ b = A { -- y: true -- z: 2,091.0 }
## Test toplevel function defs
declaration glob3 content decimal
depends on x content money
equals decimal of x + 10.
declaration scope S2:
output a content decimal
scope S2:
definition a equals glob3 of $44 + 100.
$ catala test-scope S2
│ a = 154.0
## Test function def with two args
declaration glob4 content decimal
depends on x content money, y content decimal
equals decimal of x * y + 10.
declaration scope S3:
output a content decimal
scope S3:
definition a equals 50. + glob4 of $44, 55.
$ catala test-scope S3
│ a = 2,480.0
## Test inline defs in toplevel defs
(can't define inline functions yet)
declaration glob5 content decimal equals
let x equals decimal of 2 * 3. in
let y equals 1000. in
x * y
declaration scope S4:
output a content decimal
scope S4:
definition a equals glob5 + 1.
$ catala test-scope S4
│ a = 6,001.0
$ catala scalc
let glob1_2 = 44.12
let glob3_3 (x_3: money) = return to_rat x_3 + 10.
let glob4_4 (x_4: money) (y_5: decimal) = return to_rat x_4 * y_5 + 10.
let glob5_aux_5 =
decl x_7 : decimal;
x_7 = to_rat 2 * 3.;
decl y_8 : decimal;
y_8 = 1000.;
return x_7 * y_8
let glob5_6 = glob5_aux_5 ()
let glob2_9 = A {"y": glob1_2 >= 30., "z": 123. * 17.}
let S2_6 (S2_in_10: S2_in) =
decl temp_a_12 : decimal;
decl temp_a_13 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_13 (__14 : unit) =
decl temp_a_15 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_15 (__16 : unit) =
return true;
decl temp_a_17 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_17 (__18 : unit) =
return glob3_3 ¤44.00 + 100.;
return handle_default [] temp_a_15 temp_a_17;
decl temp_a_19 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_19 (__20 : unit) =
return false;
decl temp_a_21 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_21 (__22 : unit) =
raise Empty;
temp_a_12 = handle_default [temp_a_13] temp_a_19 temp_a_21
with Empty:
fatal NoValue;
decl a_11 : decimal;
a_11 = temp_a_12;
return S2 {"a": a_11}
let S3_7 (S3_in_23: S3_in) =
decl temp_a_25 : decimal;
decl temp_a_26 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_26 (__27 : unit) =
decl temp_a_28 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_28 (__29 : unit) =
return true;
decl temp_a_30 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_30 (__31 : unit) =
return 50. + glob4_4 ¤44.00 55.;
return handle_default [] temp_a_28 temp_a_30;
decl temp_a_32 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_32 (__33 : unit) =
return false;
decl temp_a_34 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_34 (__35 : unit) =
raise Empty;
temp_a_25 = handle_default [temp_a_26] temp_a_32 temp_a_34
with Empty:
fatal NoValue;
decl a_24 : decimal;
a_24 = temp_a_25;
return S3 {"a": a_24}
let S4_8 (S4_in_36: S4_in) =
decl temp_a_38 : decimal;
decl temp_a_39 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_39 (__40 : unit) =
decl temp_a_41 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_41 (__42 : unit) =
return true;
decl temp_a_43 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_43 (__44 : unit) =
return glob5_6 + 1.;
return handle_default [] temp_a_41 temp_a_43;
decl temp_a_45 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_45 (__46 : unit) =
return false;
decl temp_a_47 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_47 (__48 : unit) =
raise Empty;
temp_a_38 = handle_default [temp_a_39] temp_a_45 temp_a_47
with Empty:
fatal NoValue;
decl a_37 : decimal;
a_37 = temp_a_38;
return S4 {"a": a_37}
let S_9 (S_in_49: S_in) =
decl temp_a_63 : decimal;
decl temp_a_64 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_64 (__65 : unit) =
decl temp_a_66 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_66 (__67 : unit) =
return true;
decl temp_a_68 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_68 (__69 : unit) =
return glob1_2 * glob1_2;
return handle_default [] temp_a_66 temp_a_68;
decl temp_a_70 : unit → bool;
let func temp_a_70 (__71 : unit) =
return false;
decl temp_a_72 : unit → decimal;
let func temp_a_72 (__73 : unit) =
raise Empty;
temp_a_63 = handle_default [temp_a_64] temp_a_70 temp_a_72
with Empty:
fatal NoValue;
decl a_50 : decimal;
a_50 = temp_a_63;
decl temp_b_52 : A {y: bool; z: decimal};
decl temp_b_53 : unit → A {y: bool; z: decimal};
let func temp_b_53 (__54 : unit) =
decl temp_b_55 : unit → bool;
let func temp_b_55 (__56 : unit) =
return true;
decl temp_b_57 : unit → A {y: bool; z: decimal};
let func temp_b_57 (__58 : unit) =
return glob2_9;
return handle_default [] temp_b_55 temp_b_57;
decl temp_b_59 : unit → bool;
let func temp_b_59 (__60 : unit) =
return false;
decl temp_b_61 : unit → A {y: bool; z: decimal};
let func temp_b_61 (__62 : unit) =
raise Empty;
temp_b_52 = handle_default [temp_b_53] temp_b_59 temp_b_61
with Empty:
fatal NoValue;
decl b_51 : A {y: bool; z: decimal};
b_51 = temp_b_52;
return S {"a": a_50, "b": b_51}
$ catala python
# This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit!
from catala.runtime import *
from typing import Any, List, Callable, Tuple
from enum import Enum
class A:
def __init__(self, y: bool, z: Decimal) -> None:
self.y = y
self.z = z
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, A):
return (self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "A(y={},z={})".format(self.y, self.z)
class S2:
def __init__(self, a: Decimal) -> None:
self.a = a
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S2):
return (self.a == other.a)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S2(a={})".format(self.a)
class S3:
def __init__(self, a: Decimal) -> None:
self.a = a
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S3):
return (self.a == other.a)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S3(a={})".format(self.a)
class S4:
def __init__(self, a: Decimal) -> None:
self.a = a
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S4):
return (self.a == other.a)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S4(a={})".format(self.a)
class S:
def __init__(self, a: Decimal, b: A) -> None:
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S):
return (self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S(a={},b={})".format(self.a, self.b)
class SIn:
def __init__(self, ) -> None:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, SIn):
return (True)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "SIn()".format()
class S2In:
def __init__(self, ) -> None:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S2In):
return (True)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S2In()".format()
class S3In:
def __init__(self, ) -> None:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S3In):
return (True)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S3In()".format()
class S4In:
def __init__(self, ) -> None:
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, S4In):
return (True)
return False
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "S4In()".format()
glob1 = (decimal_of_string("44.12"))
def glob3(x:Money):
return (decimal_of_money(x) + decimal_of_string("10."))
def glob4(x_1:Money, y:Decimal):
return ((decimal_of_money(x_1) * y) + decimal_of_string("10."))
def glob5_aux():
x_2 = (decimal_of_integer(integer_of_string("2")) *
y_1 = decimal_of_string("1000.")
return (x_2 * y_1)
glob5 = (glob5_aux())
glob2 = (
A(y = (glob1 >=
z = (decimal_of_string("123.") *
def s2(s2_in:S2In):
def temp_a(_:Unit):
def temp_a_1(_:Unit):
return True
def temp_a_2(_:Unit):
return (glob3(money_of_cents_string("4400")) +
return handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=53, start_column=24,
end_line=53, end_column=43,
law_headings=["Test toplevel function defs"]), [],
temp_a_1, temp_a_2)
def temp_a_3(_:Unit):
return False
def temp_a_4(_:Unit):
raise Empty
temp_a_5 = handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=50, start_column=10,
end_line=50, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test toplevel function defs"]), [temp_a],
temp_a_3, temp_a_4)
except Empty:
raise NoValue(SourcePosition(
start_line=50, start_column=10,
end_line=50, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test toplevel function defs"]))
a = temp_a_5
return S2(a = a)
def s3(s3_in:S3In):
def temp_a_6(_:Unit):
def temp_a_7(_:Unit):
return True
def temp_a_8(_:Unit):
return (decimal_of_string("50.") +
return handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=74, start_column=24,
end_line=74, end_column=47,
law_headings=["Test function def with two args"]), [],
temp_a_7, temp_a_8)
def temp_a_9(_:Unit):
return False
def temp_a_10(_:Unit):
raise Empty
temp_a_11 = handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=71, start_column=10,
end_line=71, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test function def with two args"]), [temp_a_6],
temp_a_9, temp_a_10)
except Empty:
raise NoValue(SourcePosition(
start_line=71, start_column=10,
end_line=71, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test function def with two args"]))
a_1 = temp_a_11
return S3(a = a_1)
def s4(s4_in:S4In):
def temp_a_12(_:Unit):
def temp_a_13(_:Unit):
return True
def temp_a_14(_:Unit):
return (glob5 + decimal_of_string("1."))
return handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=98, start_column=24,
end_line=98, end_column=34,
law_headings=["Test inline defs in toplevel defs"]), [],
temp_a_13, temp_a_14)
def temp_a_15(_:Unit):
return False
def temp_a_16(_:Unit):
raise Empty
temp_a_17 = handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=95, start_column=10,
end_line=95, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test inline defs in toplevel defs"]), [temp_a_12],
temp_a_15, temp_a_16)
except Empty:
raise NoValue(SourcePosition(
start_line=95, start_column=10,
end_line=95, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test inline defs in toplevel defs"]))
a_2 = temp_a_17
return S4(a = a_2)
def s(s_in:SIn):
def temp_a_18(_:Unit):
def temp_a_19(_:Unit):
return True
def temp_a_20(_:Unit):
return (glob1 * glob1)
return handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=18, start_column=24,
end_line=18, end_column=37,
law_headings=["Test basic toplevel values defs"]), [],
temp_a_19, temp_a_20)
def temp_a_21(_:Unit):
return False
def temp_a_22(_:Unit):
raise Empty
temp_a_23 = handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=7, start_column=10,
end_line=7, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test basic toplevel values defs"]), [temp_a_18],
temp_a_21, temp_a_22)
except Empty:
raise NoValue(SourcePosition(
start_line=7, start_column=10,
end_line=7, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test basic toplevel values defs"]))
a_3 = temp_a_23
def temp_b(_:Unit):
def temp_b_1(_:Unit):
return True
def temp_b_2(_:Unit):
return glob2
return handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=19, start_column=24,
end_line=19, end_column=29,
law_headings=["Test basic toplevel values defs"]), [],
temp_b_1, temp_b_2)
def temp_b_3(_:Unit):
return False
def temp_b_4(_:Unit):
raise Empty
temp_b_5 = handle_default(SourcePosition(filename="tests/name_resolution/good/toplevel_defs.catala_en",
start_line=8, start_column=10,
end_line=8, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test basic toplevel values defs"]), [temp_b],
temp_b_3, temp_b_4)
except Empty:
raise NoValue(SourcePosition(
start_line=8, start_column=10,
end_line=8, end_column=11,
law_headings=["Test basic toplevel values defs"]))
b = temp_b_5
return S(a = a_3, b = b)