Louis Gesbert 403156b36e Computation and checking of module hashes
This includes a few separate changes:

- pass visibility information of declarations (depending on wether the
  declaration was in a ```catala-metadata block or not)

- add reasonable hash computation functions to discriminate the interfaces. In
  * Uids have a `hash` function that depends on their string, but not on their
    actual uid (which is not stable between runs of the compiler) ; the existing
    `hash` function and its uses have been renamed to `id`.
  * The `Hash` module provides the tools to properly combine hashes, etc. While
    we rely on `Hashtbl.hash` for the atoms, we take care not to use it on any
    recursive structure (it relies on a bounded traversal).

- insert the hashes in the artefacts, and properly check and report those (for

**Remains to do**:

- Record and check the hashes in the other backends

- Provide a way to get stable inline-test outputs in the presence of module

- Provide a way to write external modules that don't break at every Catala
2024-05-28 11:43:50 +02:00

109 lines
3.2 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2024 Inria, contributor:
Louis Gesbert <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
type t = int
let mix (h1 : t) (h2 : t) : t = Hashtbl.hash (h1, h2)
let raw = Hashtbl.hash
module Op = struct
let ( % ) = mix
let ( ! ) = raw
open Op
let option f = function None -> !`None | Some x -> !`Some % f x
let list hf l = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc % hf x) !`ListEmpty l
let map fold_fun kh vh map =
fold_fun (fun k v acc -> acc lxor (kh k % vh v)) map !`HashMapDelim
module Flags : sig
type nonrec t = private t
val pass :
(t -> 'a) ->
avoid_exceptions:bool ->
closure_conversion:bool ->
monomorphize_types:bool ->
val of_t : int -> t
end = struct
type nonrec t = t
let pass k ~avoid_exceptions ~closure_conversion ~monomorphize_types =
(* Should not affect the call convention or actual interfaces: include,
optimize, check_invariants, typed *)
!(avoid_exceptions : bool)
% !(closure_conversion : bool)
% !(monomorphize_types : bool)
% (* The following may not affect the call convention, but we want it set in
an homogeneous way *)
!(Global.options.trace : bool)
% !(Global.options.max_prec_digits : int)
|> k
let of_t t = t
type full = { catala_version : t; flags_hash : Flags.t; contents : t }
let finalise t =
Flags.pass (fun flags_hash ->
{ catala_version = !(Version.v : string); flags_hash; contents = t })
let to_string full =
Printf.sprintf "CM0|%08x|%08x|%08x" full.catala_version
(full.flags_hash :> int)
(* Putting color inside the hash makes them much easier to differentiate at a
glance *)
let format ppf full =
let open Ocolor_types in
let pcolor col f x =
Format.pp_open_stag ppf Ocolor_format.(Ocolor_style_tag (Fg (C24 col)));
f x;
Format.pp_close_stag ppf ()
let tag = pcolor { r24 = 172; g24 = 172; b24 = 172 } in
let auto i =
r24 = 128 + (i mod 128);
g24 = 128 + ((i lsr 10) mod 128);
b24 = 128 + ((i lsr 20) mod 128);
let phash h =
let col = auto h in
pcolor col (Format.fprintf ppf "%08x") h
tag (Format.pp_print_string ppf) "CM0|";
phash full.catala_version;
tag (Format.pp_print_string ppf) "|";
phash (full.flags_hash :> int);
tag (Format.pp_print_string ppf) "|";
phash full.contents
let of_string s =
Scanf.sscanf s "CM0|%08x|%08x|%08x"
(fun catala_version flags_hash contents ->
{ catala_version; flags_hash = Flags.of_t flags_hash; contents })
with Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> failwith "Hash.of_string"