2022-02-02 18:10:27 +01:00

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open Utils
module D = Dcalc.Ast
module A = Ast
The main idea around this pass is to compile Dcalc to Lcalc without using [raise EmptyError] nor [try _ with EmptyError -> _]. To do so, we use the same technique as in rust or erlang to handle this kind of exceptions. Each [raise EmptyError] will be translated as [None] and each [try e1 with EmtpyError -> e2] as [match e1 with | None -> e2 | Some x -> x].
When doing this naively, this requires to add matches and Some constructor everywhere. We apply here an other technique where we generate what we call `cuts`. Cuts are expression whom could minimally [raise EmptyError]. For instance [let x = <e1, e2, ..., en| e_just :- e_cons> * 3 in x + 1], the sub-expression [<e1, e2, ..., en| e_just :- e_cons>] can produce an empty error. So we make a cut with a new variable [y] linked to the Dcalc expression [<e1, e2, ..., en| e_just :- e_cons>], and we return as the translated expression [let x = y * 3 in x + 1].
The compilation of expressions is found in the functions [translate_and_cut ctx e] and [translate_expr ctx e]. Every option-generating expresion when calling [translate_and_cut] will be cutted and later handled by the [translate_expr] function. Every other cases is found in the translate_and_cut function.
(** cuts *)
type cuts = D.expr Pos.marked A.VarMap.t
information about the Dcalc variable : what is the corresponding LCalc variable; an expression build correctly using Bindlib, and a boolean indicating whenever the variable should be matched (false) or not (true). *)
type info = {
expr: A.expr Pos.marked;
var: A.expr Bindlib.var;
is_pure: bool
(** information context about variables in the current scope *)
type ctx = info D.VarMap.t
let find ?(info="none") n ctx =
D.VarMap.find n ctx
with Not_found -> Errors.raise_spanned_error (Format.sprintf "Internal Error: Variable %s_%d was not found in the current environment. Additional informations : %s." (Bindlib.name_of n) (Bindlib.uid_of n) info) Pos.no_pos
let add_var pos var is_pure ctx =
let new_var = A.Var.make (Bindlib.name_of var, pos) in
let expr = A.make_var (new_var, pos) in
D.VarMap.add var { expr; var = new_var; is_pure } ctx
let translate_lit (l : D.lit) (pos: Pos.t): A.lit =
match l with
| D.LBool l -> (A.LBool l)
| D.LInt i -> (A.LInt i)
| D.LRat r -> (A.LRat r)
| D.LMoney m -> (A.LMoney m)
| D.LUnit -> A.LUnit
| D.LDate d -> (A.LDate d)
| D.LDuration d -> (A.LDuration d)
| D.LEmptyError -> Errors.raise_spanned_error "Internal Error: An empty error was found in a place that shouldn't be possible." pos
(** [c = disjoint_union_maps cs]
Compute the disjoint union of multiple maps. Raises an internal error if there is two identicals keys in differnts parts. *)
let disjoint_union_maps (pos: Pos.t) (cs: 'a A.VarMap.t list): 'a A.VarMap.t =
let disjoint_union = A.VarMap.union (fun _ _ _ -> Errors.raise_spanned_error "Internal Error: Two supposed to be disjoints maps have one shared key." pos) in
List.fold_left disjoint_union A.VarMap.empty cs
(** [e' = translate_and_cut ctx e ]
Translate the Dcalc expression e into an expression in Lcalc, given we translate each cuts correctly. It ensures the equivalence between the execution of e and the execution of e' are equivalent in an environement where each variable v, where (v, e_v) is in cuts, has the non-empty value in e_v. *)
let rec translate_and_cut (ctx: ctx) (e: D.expr Pos.marked)
: A.expr Pos.marked * cuts =
let pos = Pos.get_position e in
match Pos.unmark e with
(* empty-producing/using terms. We cut those. (D.EVar in some cases, EApp(D.EVar _, [ELit LUnit]), EDefault _, ELit LEmptyDefault) I'm unsure about assert. *)
| D.EVar v ->
(* todo: for now, we requires there is unpure variables. This can change if the said variable are always present in the tree as thunked. *)
let v, pos_v = v in
if not (find ~info:"search for a variable" v ctx).is_pure then
let v' = A.Var.make ((Bindlib.name_of v), pos_v) in
(A.make_var (v', pos), A.VarMap.singleton v' e)
(find ~info:"should never happend" v ctx).expr, A.VarMap.empty
| D.EApp ((D.EVar (v, pos_v), p), [ (D.ELit D.LUnit, _) ]) ->
if not (find ~info:"search for a variable" v ctx).is_pure then
let v' = A.Var.make ((Bindlib.name_of v), pos_v) in
(A.make_var (v', pos), A.VarMap.singleton v' (D.EVar (v, pos_v), p))
Errors.raise_spanned_error "Internal error: an pure variable was found in an unpure environment." pos
| D.EDefault (_exceptions, _just, _cons) ->
let v' = A.Var.make ("default_term", pos) in
(A.make_var (v', pos), A.VarMap.singleton v' e)
| D.ELit D.LEmptyError ->
let v' = A.Var.make ("empty_litteral", pos) in
(A.make_var (v', pos), A.VarMap.singleton v' e)
| D.EAssert _ ->
(* as discuted, if the value in an assertion is empty, an error should the raised. This beavior is different from the ICFP paper. *)
let v' = A.Var.make ("assertion_value", pos) in
(A.make_var (v', pos), A.VarMap.singleton v' e)
(* This one is a very special case. It transform an unpure expression environement to a pure expression. *)
| ErrorOnEmpty arg ->
(* [
match arg with
| None -> raise NoValueProvided
| Some v -> {{ v }}
] *)
let silent_var = A.Var.make ("_", pos) in
let x = A.Var.make ("non_empty_argument", pos) in
let arg' = translate_expr ctx arg in
(A.make_matchopt_dumb arg'
(A.make_abs [| silent_var |] ( (A.ERaise A.NoValueProvided, pos)) pos [D.TAny, pos] pos)
(A.make_abs [| x |] ((A.make_var (x, pos))) pos [D.TAny, pos] pos), A.VarMap.empty)
(* pure terms *)
| D.ELit l ->
( (A.ELit (translate_lit l pos), pos), A.VarMap.empty)
| D.EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
let e1', c1 = translate_and_cut ctx e1 in
let e2', c2 = translate_and_cut ctx e2 in
let e3', c3 = translate_and_cut ctx e3 in
let e' = Bindlib.box_apply3 (
fun e1' e2' e3' -> (A.EIfThenElse(e1', e2', e3'), pos)) e1' e2' e3'
(*(* equivalent code : *)
let e' =
let+ e1' = e1' and+ e2' = e2' and+ e3' = e3' in
(A.EIfThenElse (e1', e2', e3'), pos)
(e', disjoint_union_maps pos [c1; c2; c3])
| EAbs ((binder, pos_binder), ts) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let ctx, lc_vars = ArrayLabels.fold_right vars ~init:(ctx, [])
~f:(fun var (ctx, lc_vars) ->
(* we suppose the invariant that when applying a function, its arguments cannot be of the type "option".
The code should behave correctly in the without this assumption if we put here an is_pure=false, but the types are more compilcated. (unimplemented for now) *)
let ctx = add_var pos var true ctx in
let lc_var = (find var ctx).var in
( ctx, lc_var :: lc_vars))
let lc_vars = Array.of_list lc_vars in
(* here we take the guess that if we cannot build the closure because one of the variable is empty, then we cannot build the function. *)
let new_body, cuts = translate_and_cut ctx body in
let new_binder = Bindlib.bind_mvar lc_vars new_body in
(fun new_binder -> A.EAbs ((new_binder, pos_binder), ts), pos)
new_binder, cuts)
| EApp (e1, args) ->
(* general case is simple *)
let e1', c1 = translate_and_cut ctx e1 in
let args', c_args = args
|> (translate_and_cut ctx)
|> List.split
let cuts = disjoint_union_maps pos (c1::c_args) in
let e' = Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e1' args' -> A.EApp (e1', args'), pos)
e1' (Bindlib.box_list args')
(e', cuts)
| ETuple (args, s) ->
let args', c_args = args
|> (translate_and_cut ctx)
|> List.split
let cuts = disjoint_union_maps pos c_args in
(Bindlib.box_apply (fun args' -> A.ETuple (args', s), pos) (Bindlib.box_list args'), cuts)
| ETupleAccess (e1, i, s, ts) ->
let e1', cuts = translate_and_cut ctx e1 in
let e1' = Bindlib.box_apply
(fun e1' -> A.ETupleAccess (e1', i, s, ts), pos)
(e1', cuts)
| EInj (e1, i, en, ts) ->
let e1', cuts = translate_and_cut ctx e1 in
let e1' = Bindlib.box_apply
(fun e1' -> A.EInj (e1', i, en, ts), pos)
(e1', cuts)
| EMatch (e1, cases, en) ->
let e1', c1 = translate_and_cut ctx e1 in
let cases', c_cases = cases
|> (translate_and_cut ctx)
|> List.split
let cuts = disjoint_union_maps pos (c1::c_cases) in
let e' = Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e1' cases' -> A.EMatch (e1', cases', en), pos)
e1' (Bindlib.box_list cases')
(e', cuts)
| EArray es ->
let es', cuts = es
|> (translate_and_cut ctx)
|> List.split
(Bindlib.box_apply (fun es' -> (A.EArray es', pos)) (Bindlib.box_list es'), disjoint_union_maps pos cuts)
| EOp op -> ( (A.EOp op, pos), A.VarMap.empty)
and translate_expr ?(append_esome=true) (ctx: ctx) (e: D.expr Pos.marked)
: (A.expr Pos.marked =
let e', cs = translate_and_cut ctx e in
let cs = A.VarMap.bindings cs in
let _pos = Pos.get_position e in
(* build the cuts *)
ListLabels.fold_left cs
~init:(if append_esome then A.make_some e' else e')
~f:(fun acc (v, (c, pos_c)) ->
let c': A.expr Pos.marked = match c with
(* Here we have to handle only the cases appearing in cuts, as defined the [translate_and_cut] function. *)
| D.EVar v -> (find ~info:"should never happend" (Pos.unmark v) ctx).expr
| D.EDefault (excep, just, cons) ->
let excep' = (translate_expr ctx) excep in
let just' = translate_expr ctx just in
let cons' = translate_expr ctx cons in
(* calls handle_option. *)
(A.make_var (A.handle_default_opt, pos_c))
[(Bindlib.box_apply (fun excep' -> (A.EArray excep', pos_c)) (Bindlib.box_list excep'));
| D.ELit D.LEmptyError ->
A.make_none pos_c
| D.EAssert arg ->
let arg' = translate_expr ctx arg in
(* [
match arg with
| None -> raise NoValueProvided
| Some v -> assert {{ v }}
] *)
let silent_var = A.Var.make ("_", pos_c) in
let x = A.Var.make ("assertion_argument", pos_c) in
A.make_matchopt_dumb arg'
(A.make_abs [| silent_var |] ( (A.ERaise A.NoValueProvided, pos_c)) pos_c [D.TAny, pos_c] pos_c)
(A.make_abs [| x |] (Bindlib.box_apply (fun arg -> A.EAssert arg, pos_c) (A.make_var (x, pos_c))) pos_c [D.TAny, pos_c] pos_c)
| _ -> Errors.raise_spanned_error "Internal Error: An term was found in a position where it should not be" pos_c
(* [
match {{ c' }} with
| None -> None
| Some {{ v }} -> {{ acc }}
] *)
A.make_matchopt pos_c v (D.TAny, pos_c) c' (A.make_none pos_c) acc
let translate_scope_let (ctx: ctx) (s: D.scope_let): ctx * A.expr Pos.marked =
match s with
| {
D.scope_let_var = (var, pos);
D.scope_let_typ = _typ;
D.scope_let_expr = expr;
D.scope_let_kind = DestructuringInputStruct (** [let x = input.field]*)
} ->
(add_var pos var false ctx, translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx (Bindlib.unbox expr))
| {
D.scope_let_var = (var, pos);
D.scope_let_typ = _typ;
D.scope_let_expr = expr;
D.scope_let_kind = ScopeVarDefinition (** [let x = error_on_empty e]*)
} -> (add_var pos var true ctx, translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx (Bindlib.unbox expr))
| {
D.scope_let_var = (var, pos);
D.scope_let_typ = _typ;
D.scope_let_expr = expr;
D.scope_let_kind = SubScopeVarDefinition (** [let s.x = fun _ -> e] *)
} -> (add_var pos var true ctx, translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx (Bindlib.unbox expr))
| {
D.scope_let_var = (var, pos);
D.scope_let_typ = _typ;
D.scope_let_expr = expr;
D.scope_let_kind = CallingSubScope (** [let result = s ({ x = s.x; y = s.x; ...}) ]*)
} -> (add_var pos var true ctx, translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx (Bindlib.unbox expr))
| {
D.scope_let_var = (var, pos);
D.scope_let_typ = _typ;
D.scope_let_expr = expr;
D.scope_let_kind = DestructuringSubScopeResults (** [let s.x = result.x ]**)
} -> (add_var pos var true ctx, translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx (Bindlib.unbox expr))
| {
D.scope_let_var = (var, pos);
D.scope_let_typ = _typ;
D.scope_let_expr = expr;
D.scope_let_kind = Assertion (** [let _ = assert e]*)
} -> (add_var pos var true ctx, translate_expr ctx (Bindlib.unbox expr))
let translate_scope_body
(_scope_pos: Pos.t)
(_decl_ctx: D.decl_ctx)
(ctx: ctx)
(body: D.scope_body): A.expr Pos.marked =
match body with
} ->
(* first we add to the input the ctx *)
let ctx1 = add_var Pos.no_pos arg true ctx in
let _ = lets
|> (fun {
D.scope_let_kind = kind;
D.scope_let_var = (var, _); _} : string ->
D.show_scope_let_kind kind ^ ", " ^ (Bindlib.name_of var) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int (Bindlib.uid_of var))
|> String.concat "; "
|> Printf.printf "[ %s ]"
(* then, we compute the lets bindings and modification to the ctx *)
(* todo: once we update to ocaml 4.11, use fold_left_map instead of fold_left + List.rev *)
let ctx2, acc =
ListLabels.fold_left lets
~init:(ctx1, [])
~f:(fun (ctx, acc) (s : D.scope_let) ->
let ctx, e = translate_scope_let ctx s in
(ctx, (s.scope_let_var, D.TAny, e) :: acc))
let acc = acc in
(* we now have the context for the final transformation: the result *)
(* todo: alaid, result is boxed and hence incompatible with translate_expr... *)
let result = translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx2 (Bindlib.unbox result) in
(* finally, we can recombine everything using nested let ... = ... in *)
let body =
ListLabels.fold_left acc ~init:result
~f:(fun (body : (A.expr * Pos.t) ((v, pos), tau, e) ->
A.make_let_in (find ~info:"body-building" v ctx2).var (tau, pos) e body)
(* we finnally rebuild the binder *)
(Array.of_list [ (find ~info:"final abs" arg ctx1).var ])
body Pos.no_pos [ (D.TAny, Pos.no_pos) ] Pos.no_pos
let translate_program (prgm: D.program) : A.program =
(* modify *)
let decl_ctx =
D.ctx_enums = prgm.decl_ctx.ctx_enums |> D.EnumMap.add A.option_enum A.option_enum_config;
D.ctx_structs = prgm.decl_ctx.ctx_structs;
let scopes = prgm.scopes
|> ListLabels.fold_left ~init:([], D.VarMap.empty)
~f:(fun ((acc, ctx) : _ * info D.VarMap.t) (scope_name, n, scope_body) ->
let new_ctx = add_var Pos.no_pos n true ctx in
let new_n = find ~info:"variable that was just created" n new_ctx in
let scope_pos = Pos.get_position (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_name) in
let new_acc = (new_n, Bindlib.unbox (translate_scope_body scope_pos decl_ctx ctx scope_body)) :: acc in
(new_acc, new_ctx)
|> fst
|> List.rev
|> (fun (info, e) -> (info.var, e))
{scopes; decl_ctx}