2022-09-08 15:16:39 +02:00

113 lines
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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2022 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module type Comparable = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module Make (X : Comparable) = struct
type item = X.t
type diff = Deleted of item list | Added of item list | Equal of item list
type t = diff list
module ResultTable = Map.Make (struct
type t = int * int
let compare (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = if x1 = y1 then x2 - y2 else x1 - y1
(* TODO: optimize this ! *)
let rec longest_common_subsequence
(results : item list ResultTable.t)
(x1 : item array)
(x2 : item array)
(i1 : int)
(i2 : int) : item list * item list ResultTable.t =
if ResultTable.mem (i1, i2) results then
ResultTable.find (i1, i2) results, results
else if i1 = 0 || i2 = 0 then [], ResultTable.add (0, 0) [] results
else if x1.(i1 - 1) x2.(i2 - 1) = 0 then
let res, new_results =
longest_common_subsequence results x1 x2 (i1 - 1) (i2 - 1)
let res = res @ [x1.(i1 - 1)] in
res, ResultTable.add (i1, i2) res new_results
let res1, new_results1 =
longest_common_subsequence results x1 x2 (i1 - 1) i2
let res2, new_results2 =
longest_common_subsequence new_results1 x1 x2 i1 (i2 - 1)
let res = if List.length res1 > List.length res2 then res1 else res2 in
res, ResultTable.add (i1, i2) res new_results2
let rec get_diff_aux
(x1 : item array)
(x2 : item array)
(i1 : int)
(i2 : int)
(lcs : item list) : diff list =
if i1 >= Array.length x1 && i2 >= Array.length x2 then [Equal []]
else if i1 >= Array.length x1 then
[Added (Array.to_list (Array.sub x2 i2 (Array.length x2 - i2)))]
else if i2 >= Array.length x2 then
[Deleted (Array.to_list (Array.sub x1 i1 (Array.length x1 - i1)))]
match lcs with
| [] ->
Deleted (Array.to_list (Array.sub x1 i1 (Array.length x1 - i1)));
Added (Array.to_list (Array.sub x2 i2 (Array.length x2 - i2)));
| hd :: lcs_rest ->
if x1.(i1) hd = 0 && x2.(i2) hd = 0 then
Equal [hd] :: get_diff_aux x1 x2 (i1 + 1) (i2 + 1) lcs_rest
else if x1.(i1) hd = 0 then
Added [x2.(i2)] :: get_diff_aux x1 x2 i1 (i2 + 1) lcs
else if x2.(i2) hd = 0 then
Deleted [x1.(i1)] :: get_diff_aux x1 x2 (i1 + 1) i2 lcs
let after = get_diff_aux x1 x2 (i1 + 1) (i2 + 1) lcs in
Deleted [x1.(i1)] :: Added [x2.(i2)] :: after
let compress_t (x : t) : t =
(fun (acc : t) (diff : diff) ->
match acc, diff with
| [], _ -> [diff]
| Added x1 :: rest_acc, Added x2 -> Added (x1 @ x2) :: rest_acc
| Deleted x1 :: rest_acc, Deleted x2 -> Deleted (x1 @ x2) :: rest_acc
| Equal x1 :: rest_acc, Equal x2 -> Equal (x1 @ x2) :: rest_acc
| Added x1 :: Deleted x2 :: rest_acc, Deleted x3 ->
Deleted (x2 @ x3) :: Added x1 :: rest_acc
| Deleted x1 :: Added x2 :: rest_acc, Added x3 ->
Added (x2 @ x3) :: Deleted x1 :: rest_acc
| _ -> diff :: acc)
[] x)
let get_diff (x1 : item array) (x2 : item array) : t =
let lcs, _ =
longest_common_subsequence ResultTable.empty x1 x2 (Array.length x1)
(Array.length x2)
let out = get_diff_aux x1 x2 0 0 lcs in
compress_t out