Louis Gesbert 71bb67163c Remove explicitely typed operators in tests and examples
Command used: `sed -i 's/\([-+*/><=]=\?\)[.$@^€$]/\1/g' **/*/*.catala_*`

The overload test, of course, is kept unchanged and ensures that explicit
operators still work.
2022-12-13 12:00:04 +01:00

64 lines
2.5 KiB

declaration enumeration OrganisationType :
-- Charitable
-- NonCharitable
declaration structure CharityHousie :
data typeOrg content OrganisationType
data grossProceeds content money
data totalValueOfThePrizes content money
data totalValueOfExpenses content money
data maxTicketsPerParticipant content integer
data proceedsToBenefitingOrganisation content money
declaration scope GamingAuthorized:
input charityHousie content CharityHousie
output authorized condition
#context benefitingOrg content Charitable
internal benefitingOrg content boolean
internal minimumProceeds content boolean
internal expenses content boolean
internal prizesTotal content boolean
internal maxTickets content boolean
(a) the gaming activity is conducted by or on behalf of a charitable organisation,
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition benefitingOrg equals (charityHousie.typeOrg with pattern OrganisationType.Charitable)
#definition benefitingOrg equals Charitable
#benefitingOrg = (charityHousie.typeOrg = Charitable)
(b) not less than 12.5% of the gross proceeds of the gaming activity are paid to the benefiting org
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition minimumProceeds equals charityHousie.proceedsToBenefitingOrganisation >= charityHousie.grossProceeds * 12.5 %
(c)the total value of the expenses of conducting the gaming activity (excluding
the cost of prizes) does not exceed 12.5% of the gross proceeds of the gaming activity
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition expenses equals (charityHousie.totalValueOfExpenses - charityHousie.totalValueOfThePrizes)<= charityHousie.grossProceeds * 12.5 %
(d) the total value of all of the prizes for 1 session of the gaming activity does not
exceed $10,000 and does not exceed 75% of the gross proceeds from the gaming activity
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition prizesTotal equals (charityHousie.totalValueOfThePrizes <= $10,000)
and (charityHousie.totalValueOfThePrizes <= charityHousie.grossProceeds* 75 %)
#definition prizesTotal equals (charityHousie.totalValuePrizePerSession <= 10.000)
#and (charityHousie.totalValuePrizePerSession <= (charityHousie.grossProceeds* 75%))
(e)no more than 48 tickets are permitted to be sold to the same participant
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition maxTickets equals charityHousie.maxTicketsPerParticipant <= 48
scope GamingAuthorized:
rule authorized
under condition benefitingOrg and minimumProceeds and expenses and prizesTotal and maxTickets
consequence fulfilled