Louis Gesbert 2e5050481d Register all existing tests through the new engine
I removed the '.out' extension for now to preserve the test output file names and avoid a million file renames.

This makes the patch easier to read, and we can do the rename easily in another patch afterwards, without mixing with semantic changes.

(beautiful script àlarrache:
for f in */*/output/*; do
  echo $f | awk -F. '{
    f=$1"."$2; if ($4 == "") { mode=$3; id=$3 } else { scope="-s "$3; mode=$4; id=$3"."$4}
    printf "\n```catala-test {id=\"%s\"}\ncatala %s %s\n```\n",id,mode,scope;
  }' >> $(dirname $f)/../${target_base}.*; done
2022-07-08 17:06:20 +02:00

24 lines
323 B

## Article
declaration enumeration E:
-- Case1
-- Case2
declaration enumeration F:
-- Case3
-- Case4
declaration scope A:
context x content E
context y content boolean
scope A:
definition x equals Case1
definition y equals x with pattern Case3
```catala-test {id="A.Interpret"}
catala Interpret -s A