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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Nicolas Chataing <nicolas.chataing@ens.fr>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Abstract syntax tree of the desugared representation *)
open Catala_utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Names, Maps and Keys} *)
(** Inside a scope, a definition can refer either to a scope def, or a subscope
def *)
module ScopeDef = struct
module Base = struct
type kind =
| Var of StateName.t option
| SubScopeInput of {
name : ScopeName.t;
var_within_origin_scope : ScopeVar.t;
type t = ScopeVar.t Mark.pos * kind
let equal_kind k1 k2 =
match k1, k2 with
| Var s1, Var s2 -> Option.equal StateName.equal s1 s2
| ( SubScopeInput { var_within_origin_scope = v1; _ },
SubScopeInput { var_within_origin_scope = v2; _ } ) ->
ScopeVar.equal v1 v2
| (Var _ | SubScopeInput _), _ -> false
let equal (v1, k1) (v2, k2) =
ScopeVar.equal (Mark.remove v1) (Mark.remove v2) && equal_kind k1 k2
let compare_kind k1 k2 =
match k1, k2 with
| Var st1, Var st2 -> Option.compare StateName.compare st1 st2
| ( SubScopeInput { var_within_origin_scope = v1; _ },
SubScopeInput { var_within_origin_scope = v2; _ } ) ->
ScopeVar.compare v1 v2
| Var _, SubScopeInput _ -> -1
| SubScopeInput _, Var _ -> 1
let compare (v1, k1) (v2, k2) =
match Mark.compare ScopeVar.compare v1 v2 with
| 0 -> compare_kind k1 k2
| n -> n
let get_position (v, _) = Mark.get v
let format_kind ppf = function
| Var None -> ()
| Var (Some st) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@%a" StateName.format st
| SubScopeInput { var_within_origin_scope = v; _ } ->
Format.fprintf ppf ".%a" ScopeVar.format v
let format ppf (v, k) =
ScopeVar.format ppf (Mark.remove v);
format_kind ppf k
open Hash.Op
let hash_kind ~strip = function
| Var v -> !`Var % Hash.option StateName.hash v
| SubScopeInput { name; var_within_origin_scope } ->
% ScopeName.hash ~strip name
% ScopeVar.hash var_within_origin_scope
let hash ~strip (v, k) =
Hash.Op.(ScopeVar.hash (Mark.remove v) % hash_kind ~strip k)
include Base
module Map = Map.Make (Base)
module Set = Set.Make (Base)
module AssertionName =
let style = Ocolor_types.(Fg (C4 hi_blue))
(** {1 AST} *)
type location = desugared glocation
module LocationSet : Set.S with type elt = location Mark.pos = Set.Make (struct
type t = location Mark.pos
let compare = Expr.compare_location
type expr = (desugared, untyped) gexpr
module ExprMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = expr
let compare = Expr.compare
let format = Expr.format
type io = { io_output : bool Mark.pos; io_input : Runtime.io_input Mark.pos }
type exception_situation =
| BaseCase
| ExceptionToLabel of LabelName.t Mark.pos
| ExceptionToRule of RuleName.t Mark.pos
type label_situation = ExplicitlyLabeled of LabelName.t Mark.pos | Unlabeled
type rule = {
rule_id : RuleName.t;
rule_just : expr boxed;
rule_cons : expr boxed;
rule_parameter : (expr Var.t Mark.pos * typ) list Mark.pos option;
rule_exception : exception_situation;
rule_label : label_situation;
module Rule = struct
type t = rule
(** Structural equality (otherwise, you should just compare the [rule_id]
fields) *)
let compare r1 r2 =
match r1.rule_parameter, r2.rule_parameter with
| None, None -> (
let j1, j1m = r1.rule_just in
let j2, j2m = r2.rule_just in
(fun j1 j2 -> Expr.compare (j1, j1m) (j2, j2m))
j1 j2)
| 0 ->
let c1, c1m = r1.rule_cons in
let c2, c2m = r2.rule_cons in
(fun c1 c2 -> Expr.compare (c1, c1m) (c2, c2m))
c1 c2)
| n -> n)
| Some (l1, _), Some (l2, _) ->
ListLabels.compare l1 l2 ~cmp:(fun ((v1, _), t1) ((v2, _), t2) ->
match Type.compare t1 t2 with
| 0 -> (
let open Bindlib in
let b1 = bind_var v1 (Expr.Box.lift r1.rule_just) in
let b2 = bind_var v2 (Expr.Box.lift r2.rule_just) in
(fun b1 b2 ->
let _, j1, j2 = unbind2 b1 b2 in
Expr.compare j1 j2)
b1 b2)
| 0 ->
let b1 = bind_var v1 (Expr.Box.lift r1.rule_cons) in
let b2 = bind_var v2 (Expr.Box.lift r2.rule_cons) in
(fun b1 b2 ->
let _, c1, c2 = unbind2 b1 b2 in
Expr.compare c1 c2)
b1 b2)
| n -> n)
| n -> n)
| None, Some _ -> -1
| Some _, None -> 1
let empty_rule
(pos : Pos.t)
(parameters : (Uid.MarkedString.info * typ) list Mark.pos option) : rule =
rule_just = Expr.box (ELit (LBool false), Untyped { pos });
rule_cons = Expr.box (EEmpty, Untyped { pos });
rule_parameter =
(Mark.map (List.map (fun (lbl, typ) -> Mark.map Var.make lbl, typ)))
rule_exception = BaseCase;
rule_id = RuleName.fresh ("empty", pos);
rule_label = Unlabeled;
let always_false_rule
(pos : Pos.t)
(parameters : (Uid.MarkedString.info * typ) list Mark.pos option) : rule =
rule_just = Expr.box (ELit (LBool true), Untyped { pos });
rule_cons = Expr.box (ELit (LBool false), Untyped { pos });
rule_parameter =
(Mark.map (List.map (fun (lbl, typ) -> Mark.map Var.make lbl, typ)))
rule_exception = BaseCase;
rule_id = RuleName.fresh ("always_false", pos);
rule_label = Unlabeled;
type assertion = expr boxed
type variation_typ = Increasing | Decreasing
type reference_typ = Decree | Law
type catala_option = DateRounding of variation_typ
type meta_assertion =
| FixedBy of reference_typ Mark.pos
| VariesWith of unit * variation_typ Mark.pos option
type scope_def = {
scope_def_rules : rule RuleName.Map.t;
scope_def_typ : typ;
scope_def_parameters : (Uid.MarkedString.info * typ) list Mark.pos option;
scope_def_is_condition : bool;
scope_def_io : io;
type var_or_states = WholeVar | States of StateName.t list
(* If fields are added, make sure to consider including them in the hash
computations below *)
type scope = {
scope_vars : var_or_states ScopeVar.Map.t;
scope_sub_scopes : ScopeName.t ScopeVar.Map.t;
scope_uid : ScopeName.t;
scope_defs : scope_def ScopeDef.Map.t;
scope_assertions : assertion AssertionName.Map.t;
scope_options : catala_option Mark.pos list;
scope_meta_assertions : meta_assertion list;
scope_visibility : visibility;
type topdef = {
topdef_expr : expr option;
topdef_type : typ;
topdef_visibility : visibility;
type modul = {
module_scopes : scope ScopeName.Map.t;
module_topdefs : topdef TopdefName.Map.t;
type program = {
program_module_name : (ModuleName.t * module_intf_id) option;
program_ctx : decl_ctx;
program_modules : modul ModuleName.Map.t;
program_root : modul;
program_lang : Global.backend_lang;
module Hash = struct
open Hash.Op
let var_or_state = function
| WholeVar -> !`WholeVar
| States s -> !`States % Hash.list StateName.hash s
let io x =
!(Mark.remove x.io_input : Runtime.io_input)
% !(Mark.remove x.io_output : bool)
let scope_decl ~strip d =
(* scope_def_rules is ignored (not part of the interface) *)
Type.hash ~strip d.scope_def_typ
% Hash.option
(fun (lst, _) ->
(fun acc (name, ty) ->
acc % Uid.MarkedString.hash name % Type.hash ~strip ty)
!`SDparams lst)
% !(d.scope_def_is_condition : bool)
% io d.scope_def_io
let scope ~strip s =
Hash.map ScopeVar.Map.fold ScopeVar.hash var_or_state s.scope_vars
% Hash.map ScopeVar.Map.fold ScopeVar.hash (ScopeName.hash ~strip)
% ScopeName.hash ~strip s.scope_uid
% Hash.map ScopeDef.Map.fold (ScopeDef.hash ~strip) (scope_decl ~strip)
(* assertions, options, etc. are not expected to be part of interfaces *)
let modul ?(strip = []) m =
Hash.map ScopeName.Map.fold (ScopeName.hash ~strip) (scope ~strip)
(fun _ s -> s.scope_visibility = Public)
% Hash.map TopdefName.Map.fold (TopdefName.hash ~strip)
(fun td -> Type.hash ~strip td.topdef_type)
(fun _ td -> td.topdef_visibility = Public)
let module_binding modname m =
ModuleName.hash modname % modul ~strip:[modname] m
let rec locations_used e : LocationSet.t =
match e with
| ELocation l, m -> LocationSet.singleton (l, Expr.mark_pos m)
| e ->
(fun e -> LocationSet.union (locations_used e))
e LocationSet.empty
let free_variables (def : rule RuleName.Map.t) : Pos.t ScopeDef.Map.t =
let add_locs (acc : Pos.t ScopeDef.Map.t) (locs : LocationSet.t) :
Pos.t ScopeDef.Map.t =
(fun (loc, loc_pos) acc ->
let usage =
match loc with
| DesugaredScopeVar { name; state } -> Some (name, ScopeDef.Var state)
| ToplevelVar _ -> None
match usage with
| Some u -> ScopeDef.Map.add u loc_pos acc
| None -> acc)
locs acc
(fun _ rule acc ->
let locs =
(locations_used (Expr.unbox rule.rule_just))
(locations_used (Expr.unbox rule.rule_cons))
add_locs acc locs)
def ScopeDef.Map.empty
let fold_exprs ~(f : 'a -> expr -> 'a) ~(init : 'a) (p : program) : 'a =
let acc =
(fun _ scope acc ->
let acc =
(fun _ scope_def acc ->
(fun _ rule acc ->
(f acc (Expr.unbox rule.rule_just))
(Expr.unbox rule.rule_cons))
scope_def.scope_def_rules acc)
scope.scope_defs acc
let acc =
(fun _ assertion acc -> f acc (Expr.unbox assertion))
scope.scope_assertions acc
p.program_root.module_scopes init
(fun _ tdef acc -> Option.fold ~none:acc ~some:(f acc) tdef.topdef_expr)
p.program_root.module_topdefs acc