adelaett 67e36dcf42
Adding Typing Invariant for TDefault
Added a new type safety invariant to ensure that the type `TDefault` can only appear in certain positions,

* On the left-hand side of an arrow with arity 1, as the type of a scope (for scope calls).
* At the root of the type tree (outside a default).
* On the right-hand side of the arrow at the root of the type (occurs for rentrant variables).

This is crucial to maintain the safety of the type system, as demonstrated in the formal development.

The invariant was checked on all tests cases and on family and housing benefits.

Adjusted inversion invariant about app to handle external objects as well.
2023-12-07 11:27:14 +01:00

203 lines
6.8 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Alain Delaët <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Shared_ast
open Ast
open Catala_utils
type invariant_status = Fail | Pass | Ignore
type invariant_expr = decl_ctx -> typed expr -> invariant_status
let check_invariant (inv : string * invariant_expr) (p : typed program) : bool =
(* TODO: add a Program.fold_left_map_exprs to get rid of the mutable
reference *)
let result = ref true in
let name, inv = inv in
let total = ref 0 in
let ok = ref 0 in
let p' =
Program.map_exprs p ~f:(fun e ->
(* let currente = e in *)
let rec f e =
let r =
match inv p.decl_ctx e with
| Ignore -> true
| Fail ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e) "%s failed\n\n%a" name
(Print.expr ()) e
| Pass ->
incr ok;
incr total;
Expr.map_gather e ~acc:r ~join:( && ) ~f
let res, e' = f e in
result := res && !result;
assert (Bindlib.free_vars p' = Bindlib.empty_ctxt);
Message.emit_result "Invariant %s\n checked. result: [%d/%d]" name !ok
(* Structural invariant: no default can have as type A -> B *)
let invariant_default_no_arrow () : string * invariant_expr =
fun _ctx e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EDefault _ -> begin
match Mark.remove (Expr.ty e) with TArrow _ -> Fail | _ -> Pass
| _ -> Ignore )
(* Structural invariant: no partial evaluation *)
let invariant_no_partial_evaluation () : string * invariant_expr =
fun _ctx e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Op.Log _; _ }, _; _ } ->
(* logs are differents. *) Pass
| EApp _ -> begin
match Mark.remove (Expr.ty e) with TArrow _ -> Fail | _ -> Pass
| _ -> Ignore )
(* Structural invariant: no function can return an function *)
let invariant_no_return_a_function () : string * invariant_expr =
fun _ctx e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EAbs _ -> begin
match Mark.remove (Expr.ty e) with
| TArrow (_, (TArrow _, _)) -> Fail
| _ -> Pass
| _ -> Ignore )
let invariant_app_inversion () : string * invariant_expr =
fun _ctx e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EApp { f = EOp _, _; _ } -> Pass
| EApp { f = EAbs { binder; _ }, _; args } ->
if Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder = 1 && List.length args = 1 then Pass
else Fail
| EApp { f = EVar _, _; _ } -> Pass
| EApp { f = EApp { f = EOp { op = Op.Log _; _ }, _; args = _ }, _; _ } ->
| EApp { f = EStructAccess _, _; _ } -> Pass
| EApp { f = EExternal _, _; _ } -> Pass
| EApp _ -> Fail
| _ -> Ignore )
(** the arity of constructors when matching is always one. *)
let invariant_match_inversion () : string * invariant_expr =
fun _ctx e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| EMatch { cases; _ } ->
(fun _ case ->
match Mark.remove case with
| EAbs { binder; _ } -> Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder = 1
| _ -> false)
then Pass
else Fail
| _ -> Ignore )
(* The purpose of these functions is to determine whether the type `TDefault`
can only appear in certain positions, such as:
* On the left-hand side of an arrow with arity 1, as the type of a scope (for
scope calls).
* At the root of the type tree (outside a default).
* On the right-hand side of the arrow at the root of the type (occurs for
rentrant variables).
This is crucial to maintain the safety of the type system, as demonstrated in
the formal development. *)
let rec check_typ_no_default ctx ty =
match Mark.remove ty with
| TLit _ -> true
| TTuple ts -> List.for_all (check_typ_no_default ctx) ts
| TStruct n ->
let s = StructName.Map.find n ctx.ctx_structs in
StructField.Map.for_all (fun _k ty -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty) s
| TEnum n ->
let s = EnumName.Map.find n ctx.ctx_enums in
EnumConstructor.Map.for_all (fun _k ty -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty) s
| TOption ty -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty
| TArrow (args, res) ->
List.for_all (check_typ_no_default ctx) args && check_typ_no_default ctx res
| TArray ty -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty
| TDefault _t -> false
| TAny -> true
| TClosureEnv ->
assert false (* we should not check this one. It is at least an warning *)
let rec check_type ctx ty =
match Mark.remove ty with
| TStruct n ->
let s = StructName.Map.find n ctx.ctx_structs in
StructField.Map.for_all (fun _k ty -> check_type ctx ty) s
| TArrow (args, res) ->
(match args with
| [(TStruct n, _)] ->
(fun _k info -> StructName.equal info.in_struct_name n)
let s = StructName.Map.find n ctx.ctx_structs in
StructField.Map.for_all (fun _k ty -> check_type ctx ty) s
| _ -> false)
&& check_typ_no_default ctx res;
(List.for_all (check_typ_no_default ctx) args
match Mark.remove res with
| TDefault ty -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty
| _ -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty);
| TDefault arg -> check_typ_no_default ctx arg
| _ -> check_typ_no_default ctx ty
let invariant_typing_defaults () : string * invariant_expr =
fun ctx e ->
if check_type ctx (Expr.ty e) then Pass
else (
Message.emit_warning "typing error %a@." (Print.typ ctx) (Expr.ty e);
Fail) )
let check_all_invariants prgm =
List.fold_left ( && ) true
check_invariant (invariant_default_no_arrow ()) prgm;
check_invariant (invariant_no_partial_evaluation ()) prgm;
check_invariant (invariant_no_return_a_function ()) prgm;
check_invariant (invariant_app_inversion ()) prgm;
check_invariant (invariant_match_inversion ()) prgm;
check_invariant (invariant_typing_defaults ()) prgm;