
59 lines
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# STAGE 1: setup an opam switch with all dependencies installed
# (only depends on the opam files)
FROM ocamlpro/ocaml:4.14-2024-01-14 AS dev-build-context
# Image from
RUN mkdir catala
WORKDIR catala
# Get only the opam files at this stage to allow caching
ADD --chown=ocaml:ocaml *.opam ./
# trigger the selection of catala dev tools in opam
ENV OPAMVAR_cataladevmode=1
ENV OPAMVAR_catalaz3mode=1
# Get a switch with all the dependencies installed
# DON'T run 'opam update' here. Instead use a newer parent Docker image
# (update the 'FROM' line above)
RUN opam --cli=2.1 switch create catala ocaml-system && \
opam --cli=2.1 install . --with-test --with-doc --depext-only && \
opam --cli=2.1 install . --with-test --with-doc --deps-only && \
opam clean
# Note: just `opam switch create . --deps-only --with-test --with-doc && opam clean`
# should be enough once opam 2.2 is released (see opam#5185)
# This is temporary, to avoid pulling in a dependency to Str, until it's merged
# and release into dates_calc
RUN opam --cli=2.1 pin dates_calc.0.0.5 git+
# STAGE 2: get the whole repo and build
FROM dev-build-context
# Prepare extra local dependencies (doing this first allows caching)
ADD --chown=ocaml:ocaml runtimes/python/pyproject.toml runtimes/python/pyproject.toml
ADD --chown=ocaml:ocaml Makefile .
ADD --chown=ocaml:ocaml syntax_highlighting syntax_highlighting
RUN opam exec -- make dependencies-python pygments
# Get the full repo
ADD --chown=ocaml:ocaml . .
# OCaml backtraces may be useful on failure
# Make sure warnings are treated as errors (variable used in Makefile, profile
# defined in ./dune)
# Check the build
RUN opam exec -- make build js_build
# Install to prefix
RUN opam exec -- make install && opam clean